HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-26 Council for Human Services January 26, 2010 2 Fairgrounds Road Minutes of the meeting of January 26, 2010. The meeting took place in the town building at 2 Fairgrounds Road Nantucket, MA 02554. Members of the Board present were: Linda Barrett, Dorothy Hertz, Rachel Rosen, Linda Williams, Susan Marques. Excused: Jackie McGrady and Maria Pena. Staff present: Maryanne Worth. Public present: Mary Wawro, Sara Jones, Terry Anne Vigil, Michael Rosen and Michael Kopko. Joint meeting of the Council for Human Services and the Interfaith Council. BOS on Human Services: BOS cannot change policy decision to get rid of Human Services. FinCom has jurisdiction to put $130,000 back into budget. Warrant article tomorrow, last BOS meeting. Maryanne will talk to Catherine Stover about warrant amendment on town meeting floor. Sara needs the process to be clearer. FinCom can make recommendations to put $130,000 back into the budget. A separate warrant article that reconstitutes the CHSjCRC does come to town meeting floor. Changes eliminate the department of Human Services; the CRC oversees the way town money is being spent. It is unclear who the new coordinator will be working for, the HSCSWG is making recommendations but HSCSWG does not consist Human Services environment. The Interfaith Council (IFC) provides direct services, food & shelter, but they are not represented on this work group. Jackie McGrady does not represent the IFC. Acting overly emotional, all concerned about Maryanne, all agreed dissolution. Michael Kopko left at 8:40. It is hard for people to accept change, need to get better at what we do. The voters have some say too, not a case of representative government. They really push fast. Terry Anne selectmen resistance collaborative for less funding available. People that will be hurt will have to look at it with open eyes; 3 BOS not alone. Present it a little better, want to be covered. We need to make a change, make things better. More verbal, have these people show up. Town doesn't have to manage it. Might make the most sense in NHSC 2000 households fall in cracks. The town should stop funding private non-profits; not being fiscally responsible. A lot of concerns j misrepresentation, something to clear up. Mary Wawro - HSCSWG established September 2009 members appointed by October recommendations by December 16th. don't' know why convened work study group; nothing needed to repair. Changed recommendation. Last year it was continuum of care. Minutes of Nov 9th 20th; Dec 12th; Jan 4th and 19th no action taken. List of unduplicated services 19th of January. January 13th BOS consider and voted on HS collaborative model. This proposal was temporarily voted on. January 13th MK on electronic data. Same author of document claims the committee came from MK not work group. Net savings of $30,000. Change to sections code, important. (Get proposed changes from Mary) January 19th - action-motion made and seconded; unanimous vote. What do we endorse? Work out detail ask collaborative. Do know comments - all great ideas CB. Defining March 17 introduction description of old coordinators duty. New, reconstituted completion of flow chart. No plan until they get plan on March 1 ih. Budget will have occurred only then yet they have voted - provisional place holder. House is built no structure, no plumbing no legal entity that collaborative. Legal capacity contract individual entities. March 17th 2 112 weeks before town meeting. Irregularities, what is being proposed is fiscally irresponsible. Contract keeps accountability. Analysis - Mary Wawro - concern creation of one person no public input who don't understand being manipulative no plan for committee or public to examine, take on this violation of 501 (c) 3. FinCom no control make recommendations, responsibility the monies of the town. Not be involved responsibility and duty for Human Services handling appropriate so much information dense conversation too many talking outside - open meeting law - not talk any 2 of us e-mail public record air on post next FinCom meeting CHS 4 pm February 2nd 2 Fairgrounds Rd. conference room. Timeline CRC February 11th warrant article - discuss tomorrow Tonight Linda j charge conceptual strategy. Dorothy working with Sara. Vote - need to say it is wrong with warrant article, what is a good strategy? Blame will not work. Voices heard. Interfaith collaborative. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 Respectfully submitted by jJf~ taAh