HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-18 IF' ...-" / .-_./- I Town. of Nantucket~ Conservatioo Commission " / (508) -'7230 10 South Beach Street N antucket,Massachusetts 02554 ,. } MEETING MINUTES FOR The meeting was called ~o order at7~OO p.m. in the Large Group Instruction Room of the Nantucket High School. Commi!J$ionerspresentwere'William Wil1et,>~auraHu.sseY,.lienry. , .... _,,;:;' ,,"". . . . . ....-.. .... '-' : ...,. ,,' . -:,'..,'......:....,...,-..- ..,....',. ,.,.:....':. ',,'_',' .':,..:..... "".,-.. I .. Was te,t"f<l, pan Kell i h~r: ,.peter; Wi I !:PH,') .~nF:lL~"'t~.t'rPyp~id9 iel! Also present were Bruce Perry,Administrator,.~."d Lm:iaWyeth, secretary. ~ EXECUflVE SESSION L. Li t igat ion 2. Approval of Minut~s t1flrch...21., .J9<?1. !!.:. ':": .. ,-_,: : .... " , ' <"J:.". ~\',.~:~ '~:;!i',-~ ". C~ENTS AND QUESTIONS FROM PRESS + AND PUBLIC PUBLIC-HEARINGS 1. Richards - 25 East Tristram Ave. (31~1) ~ .'f , , - . Present for' ---t:M.app }-iCCl'1t is ::r,,~,", RhplJriu:o \!linn ",,,,,,10:; - ~h~ hearing be continued. -'., MOTIPN':- --To-continue the hec;lri"g ai;thfi!'app-l iccs.. L . ~ reque.st . is mc1ldl'! 'and secondedl, UNAN IMOUS i 2. Bennett- 22 Lily Street - (42.4~3-91) MOTION: To continue the hearing for additional information 'and a PEP file1i'lq~b~r .is ~ade and seconded. UNANIMOUS 3. Gamble -'" 90 Pocomo Road - (15-43): MOTION: To continue the heaf"!inS for additional information and a DEP file number is made and . seconded. UNANIMOUS 4. Burke - 37 Gardn,er Road - SE48-645 - (43-85) Mr. Willet abstains from the discussion and the vote. ~~ recycled paper / ". Town.J'6'faiicffitUcket: , " >.--_~_,<::_,-.~.,;J,~:~?$~~J',:~:;\'t}:'_;:::>::~,,'_;:, ,~, -,': - ,'" '''" ';: _ :\::_ Conserv~tionl, 'Commission , 10 South BeacbStreet N antuclc:et, MassAchusetts 02554 " I Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 2 ; -'~".) Present forttle'~pplicant are. C. P. Burke, architect .Jeff Krieger and. engineeri.J~hn Shugrue. Present for the abutterrs ar:ef\ttor~eYArthur;;:;~~ade and consul tant Les Smi th. Mr. Krieger statf,!s.they have additional matE;?rial to present based on.,thtiidiscussion at the prev.iDus_meet.inQ 'and on new information.', While digging test pits andstakingt~e pr,op.erty they fouTlddisc'r'epatlcies in the survey,thePrt!viOlils apP,licanthad U$f!dif'PF this project . .. .John Shagrue ha.' '" res~rveyed the proe'r~ywhiCh has changed the actual co'nt()ur c,onditions. . Thea~!,~"'herethe house is prop~ised' isacty~)ly higher ,and the 8'!';Qn~our and the too year flood. plain is fU,rther away. from)Q~, prQPosed house and sep''t:,ic~ '~<K.t'itu'l. tha'n<previouslYin~*Ftlted. The new p lansho~s the nti!w.. ... cont9urs,thereloc:~ted.$takes,revised 100':setb>ac:k~'iand, the reyisedseptic sys!~~,m design. They believe the new plan to . . .b~,:J,h,complicmcel/lJi;tt:":LalJ ~tateand. local .wet.lands . --r'l.9y..~.+ionSi--:-'- , -~ - ~'~. Mr. Shugrue adds,JtheprE!viQus survey took into 'cc:nlSlC!t!j--n-rond ips, inthereJ'ad but fa i I ecr-to~~- err-the marstl side tdshow '~"e. landwE;?pt. back up. He believes these low ~PQts whicharE;?water"PUddlesshould not be used. The base. for the new suryey'is on the other side of the dips. Mr. Wilson asks if the previous survey is available. Mr. Perry presents the Hart-Blackwell survey indicating the spot elevations from the previous NOI. Mr. Shugrue compares those areas on the old plan which he believes to be off with those on the new plan. Dr. Dunwiddie notes that, it looks. like they missed a lot .of key points in. the earlier survey. Mr. Krieger says they, had no reason to doubt the validity of the earlier survey until they started staking the property when they found the top of the bank was 10-20' away from the contours. He believes the new information has some impact on the discussion that was,started last time regarding the elevation but contends the location of the 100 year flood plain doesn't affect the relation of th~ project to the wetlands. @ recycled paper >. ...~ . ~'.v;'~!,,17f'?r:~'.'~'~:,~;U':';-;:~,~~ffff,c~;g~Y., .. Town of N.ar\t1Joket Conservation Com.Irlission ,;,"i, " / (508) 228-7230 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 " I Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 3 Mr.~ Perry notes the first floor was r-aised up another 9" bec:ause the pipe inthesep1;ictrent:h was .rai$~dto13"3" in an.~rea wherethee)(;.stinggrade is between 9. and 10" The first floor elevation would be 3' above the e)(istinggrade. Mr. Shugrue says he attempted to be consistEmt with both wetland regulation~and the board of health regulations 'with regard to the septic plan. Notes it.has.tobeou,t of the 100 year flood plain'... Took. this to mean not only physically out btl.t' ciiso the bottom of.. the trench could not .be down below the elevation of the l()()year flood plair,. In wetland reg\jlations section.304says the propose.dprojectshall edlploy such safeguards .aswill protect bo.th ground .water and surface water po llutip''';.' created by flooding. One thing that will occur if and when the area does flood up to the eight foot elevation is that water will go in land through the soil aY'ldhe wants to prev~nt it pulling contaminants .back out of tr.___&oil~~nd backi-ntO-.the sal t marsh .ThaiT-IolI~k,.c~-. re.::..;oning for holding the bottom of the system. at elev.ation whic;h.bY:'ingsitupabout9" from the previous. plan, causing -=-ur~~tfOUseto go ~to- -be . able to "carTy' tne-:1Irinmom grade- for, the septic system and the plumbing code. Mr. Wilson says if that's the case how are you dealing with the h~ight of the foundation in the corner. Mr. Krieger says they have not finalized the' plans for the house foundation and are still looking at options. Dr. Dunwiddie asks if he is correct in understclnding this corneroT the firsst floor elevation is 5' aboveground? Says the earlier argument was that by putting the house 'in 'this location it would be going down slope. Now the first. floor elevation is going to be higher than the boathouse'. That seems to be a misleading argument for putting the house where it is over where the earlier NO! placed the house. Mr. Krieger says it was not their intent to mislead the Commission and-that the changes area result of the new information about the septic system and ground contours. It went up a little bit two weeks ago and now they have additional information which has affected the first floor elevation again. @ recycled paper l_ u . / Town of Nahtucket Conservatibn Commission 10 South .seachStreet N antucket,M~usetts02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Dr. Dunwiddi~ says it. is, his opini.on the h.ou~e is. visually less intrusive' if clust1!redbac:kwhere other:.,house$cu':..., Poesn' t believe the commission .should approve. theprCJp.cit~d." si teelevat ions just beca....sethe c1lppl icant doesn't want 'to' put>i!l a lift pump. ..,.Mt:',.Krieger saysone..thingtheY.ar-e tryingtQ.dp .... . breakup. ,the massing.. of . thestruc turesto be I e~$5 i ~tr'~liJ~e .'.. . i ,: on .thesi te. The proper tyhas 500' of frontage"Fod ?j:~t!al~~,~.re'lj' i using" 135', some of which is behind the bank,':.n.kif'~i,i)~;P~hL,"f:>:' wetlands stilI visible. from. the harbor. Note$ther,t~~~~l';r!i.es"~':h to16'in the cO,rner. Toey also advocate sep.r~tiP~f,~,'~~~' ,i;,. str~cturss in order to k.e~, the house thin ands.ti!~ ~,!p'~tj'*id~ll:' adequate cross ventilation;il'leach room. . ):,;,:':'i;:, . ;,~, -":-',:,- .' ~; ;Y'>.:j:t(\f'\~/ "'<'"\'" - ~::~-'; ;,; ;--.' \i',:"-i -~_._:J-:>'t-l ?<i;5' ~ " ........ ,...r. Shugrue says thata,thin house also has a lo.".~r;:i*,~e-i:~i . ..,;iinfi!.+ '.,<;, rJ: i..~,} , .,; > ' -; ,"<:,','__,-'., _ ,'_ _ _ _ )! ,_",:,:U<_!tUf! , . '.' eger say~ ~f)~y-"obJfi!ct~e'ller:. '. >' .,::':1" s t r. u. C'.... iture. s a!o tho e. Y. w. oU. Id .'. ..1... ,..i.,.......k.,.... e.........t,o ha. 've an unobs..... t"..,.p.'. c. '.It.:..... ~...:.,.~.., :..1 the wetland from the housl'!..Alsosays th.t thei:bo,.,~ 'add-i-tioll'. t.o being III b~f"ak."petweel' the abuttetrJ~rPro.!P.) nel'!ded for storage; is not:intended as much for dai lY;'l.J~+': Notes the existing houses on the bluff are widelyspac:ecI. ,,' " ,-,.- ,,', . , -" - ,. ~ ' .".. : ':; Attorney Reade presents DEP decisions from 1988al'ld19S6 which involve determinations that the 100 yearflooc:t ;}irm4!i!is i '1 fact the edge of the coastalbanloc. Notes they tlavett'1:' seen the new' plan but he is of the opinion it will not make too much difference even though it moves the S'contour,line;: a little. If we assume that as per PEP decision$ the 1:QO;year;' flood line is the 8' contour, then it is cleaJi'" thataltOfPl.l9h the house is. not .withinthe resource area it is with.in59' setback from the. edge of the ,resource area which is the coastal bank. . As a consequence it would . either have,~c;a b,e moved back 50' fr~m the' I ine or else would requtre waivers. .. Continues, the commission approved a house location for this parcel under circumstances, of which there wasnQregulation at that time and the current regulations have b.comeiflo.}less restrictive. He .therefore sees no basis for the co~~il5,$;.o.n ' allowing the applicant to build in this location whic:hi~as far as you can get on the site from,the original loca~ion. Furthermore, what was previously approved was a 3 bedrOOM house. He doesn't believe the commission should allow four bedrooms based simply on the fact that there is an approved ~ T i. ':: recycledpaper It , "-W;:";:"~~~Yj~Jlt~-')-<~~:::'~-':r:"-"~~~~ / Town. .... <,:If '\ Nanmcket Conserva.tiari;; Comnlission ~- ~:f~:} \: . ,_ ". ':~ .'0_,.." : ..-.<;':..;-"'" ,...,.-' .;. -~~--> (508) 2~~ . "i...{.,}-.'-" ..,;",,,,,,~h,..., 10 South Beach Street Nantucket,. Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 5 septic plan under board of health regulations though not und~rconservatiot1-commissiqn regulations. . Notes the septic plan has been' moved.andwould require a new permit process. . it".: -:; ~-" :."j' ; 'Also notes under'regulatTon 2058, #,7 regard iogerodi""9 shore line 'the distan'ce'between buildings to the bank ,is 201 . timestheaverageannualmushorelineerosi.on.; Says~e~;tJ'"ot--- ha~ea.calculatioJ1 on the. average annual. erosion.. .... ~,fthey~; contend this is not eroding shore! ine, we needevldence~: Dunwiddie asks if evidence can be provided. Mr.ShugrLte respond. very easily. ;'Mr.'kriegers.ays~He.previouT'app'lica t ion wa1ifor~~o,i';: 'f i"ebedroom house5i ../Say~the rf!strJ c t i 0 06 don" tC~~fi~~~t;ltlY' t9pplytoone,. tnreeb.~roOmhO':1Se. ... i~lsp, the si ting:.~.~+;~!hJhe .... i.tlcC)nsid~rationfort~oproposedhtlt(ase~. Does nO~}i.f:je1.,.~",~:..' 'o-ne. '1oLl!!lewouldhav~een>s'itedfo~th~'inal ImtclVi;on~ ; Notes . that'OEQE ,.8'contourdefir'les a vertical bu1ffer:and -~i~.dOT'l 't.. agree with~h~tcontentloTn. There lS-no>i- significant change in the slope andJeven i f it were;de.,.ined as. a vertical buffer there is nothi....g in state or lckal' regulations that says you have t.o be 100' away fromitht'it buffer. One additional point.is refljardingsome information that was forwarded which was describti!d as being aworl<lng policy by DEP for de!inition for co~.tal banks. They feel that this definitionofa coastal bi1tl"l< 'from the wetlands side, not from the harbor side ,woul'd fall under Figure 4 where there is a breakrightattheedgfi! of the water at the edge of the wetlands where the breafit.hi' slope occurs. If th~t is the case, this' mater ial indil<:ates the conti",uous gr,a.de alternative there may not be a break in slope;for miles~ That would indicate that th.top of the bank is below ttle100 year flood line. There is8bviously some confusion' about what this state considers a ver1:ic:al buffer interms.of any written ~uidelines~ Mr. Perry says he agrees. Did a,number of measurements on the footprint and believes it does~it#4in draf-t policy. Says there is a slope of 1 : 25 togo' between the wetland boundary and the top of the 8'2ontdur.: Says there is a break in slope closer to the wetland bound~ry at the salt marsh. @ recyded paper / '. ',d' ,_ ":'.,' _ .>,' _. ;-:' :~,:,~-:-_~;.~,.~'->~;>/~'>::~:::.'-..,\ - _ ' _.'Tt,~ Town "o;f';;~N:"an',~':~fn":.,.,,."at";, "\lOt'I} . ....-'"<'...",,,:,.:,,-:-,.,.- '-,~--' :.j - - ,_"0', ,- '_ i"" - ':.j -----,':". ..,_;. ": . ~~"',.";'__ _:."::",","J:':~ ~:~_ <_':'~~:_::;~"_ -:: :,:,,~:<<,,:;,~.'j;-,-_'4.-)~~<, '?:'/ ": _'#, ,_: '-~ Conservation' "COnlIhission: , ; 10 Sou~B~Street N antueket,Vassachusetts 02554 ~~:;:'ii" ,'- _ - ~'._ ~ if. '-; _",_ .,_~"_'_,o..:~",:~~},'..<<:.._,:__,,. _;; Meeting Minut4i$.if.or April 18, 1991 " -, ',,~ "'t::/ ::;-~'':or~\~:, 'L" 1 :.~ -~ ; :'::,,',-~:::,;':r_-.t'*.,.., ,Mr.. Reade responQs 'thisdra1ftiW,ca~", writt~l1, 'pripr and feels that notwithstanding}~hE!~ethebreak in; be the 100 year flood I in~,i$~h,Ei"i,bq~rld~r)(;of;~b,E!!" area. BaseQ on th4t they iwould:'Ij~vEL ~p:maintain ;':1: setback$ from the 8' line. ,t ,,:!~,:,:;,,:~:~~:; .",., ,:~" > Dr. Dunwiddie asks if Mr. draft polic.y. Hr. Smith says the policy not acted yet on the policy. ~, , ;,::/t,:' '_.,' __ : asks if it. ~.~e :!i;(QPJeme"t.dWOl,ll'd.. vert ical buff.e:rl,:Notes it is c1l1:so-c, i::!t:~ J,t; .. . . . ";}". ...i}:ii. :,~\:: ' .' . : Mr. Krieger !?~ys they have,oeenf'ollowing ther " i i.:, :i,' " ..: ,:. ': ': '-' - . '- _ ' :: ' '- i ~ I;. " which affect the coast4l banI< >lJ!tIb~chstate$' ~he iaC:.t . -'. ' , i , oj"~"~ :!:-:_ ':';' _' ,-~" ,.! ,'_ , . -, .: ':, " ,: -", _ i : _ ' , ' have no adverse effects on th~,~tcabilityof the.cfQ. , ," 01,' :'. __, ,'- ~:_'- " , " " I",""" Doe$ not. feel they are required ~cJr follow a dr4f'1f Mr.. Burke says thedraftpolitgK, ~ssue i,s out~~~ Mr. Smith talked with :DEP, a felN "'~elfsago.nd thEt,y!.! want it released. Note, alsoth~t ~hecas~s proVi, ..' ......,.. behalf of the abutters, ,~re n~tcomp lete cases; als~',' b,4:I~h"1' propert ies and proposed projects are somewhat d i ffere",t~ "'1d were below the 100 year flood plan. .. @ recvded paper Dr. Dunwiddie not considered a buffer. / k . Town of Nantuckef' ;. .',\; ;;", /'''. ", ~"- '..,' ," ' Conservation' COmmission " j (508)228--7230 , , I 10 SouthJl~ Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 7 i I Dr. Dunwiddie says he is not particularly swayed by the draft po li c i e$' but says he doesttliT-lk we'sha1i.\;ld.review the decisions and review the pol iciessetfor:thi'.Jl'.'them. Attorney Reade says he wi II provide.. a complete '~opy 'Of the dec i sions. - c "1-- ~'-,""-c~~"-'----__--'-~' ,', ,-<~. ..' Dr. Dunwiddie says we need toarticulate.,j,Ltst what, regulations you areci ting if we adbpt the"tOQ.I.. linfi!,as the top of the coastal bank. Mr. Smi th says Ti t Ie V wou ld req~~te:5(),', ~et:. bc1lcl<' and the local Board of Health is more stri"g:t;tpt., , t~-- ;':,TF' ..,.- "{, ,-,-".; Dr. Dunwiddienotes the septic lo,p~~to;be.E!)caC:tlY50' from the 8 'contour .:::~:} ". Mr :... Shugfu~yS-fri-':- Sm i 1.11 . i ~ a l;l\.l.Jill~Lu . toe ... B~a, d Health regulations being morestr.ic~l::l:uti{lfact'tbey. apply_.to__a..Ere_-e>.5Kstlng lot whichay~mati,=-c!l~X has a variance. ,--~--. " ~ ,,i"", _ t .-- 1 Mr. Perry says the only place you can locate' the system is 10' aWay from the property line and as far 'away from all the various coastal setbacks as you can. Mr. Perry says that for the nextmfi!eting we ,need a , decision from t-he commission regard~ngthe.coastal bank issue as ,to which one applies and how itwi.l!lieffect,the septic, house and boathouse location. Thisidei::ision ~ill. make a big difference in what the app 1 icantwi' JL1i:prppose. If they accept the 8' contours for the coastali.bank ,then. awai ver will be needed for the house 10catiqH;says he is not sure it will be possible to get entirely outsiideof 50' . Dr. Dunwiddie suggests the sizeo~'~he house might be reduced. Continues he would like time to review the new information. Mr. Krieger says they would appreciate receiving any clarification of direction in time for them to prepare for the next meeting. Also asks for any other concerns to which they might respond. @ recvcled paper I ,0;:,'. ".1.,.,._",,_ - . "!' ", _ ~/, :-_'~:;i-...,,<J." /(508) "m'O 10 South B~S~;, Nantueket.M.,,*ttS02554 M~tingMinutes for April 18, 1991 Page 8 f~' T\~,~~:' ~':. '( :~"t.,: f",,':: '; .; . :- , Dr.:iDu.nl/lfiddi~ reiterates he ha$ a concernwl~h the elEvatioo-o1!:'tht! first floor and would like a" reconsid~~atiDn~ Mr. W~siEn>>l<i ask.'; if there are any first br..ak in slopes and i f'" a'l'y'pr;ec~dent'has ,?eenes t.ab! i shed. .__.--- _..~_.'-. Dr .DUnw~d~i~ say,s, he would 1 ike to visit doesnot.~ re~~mberad'1stinct break in slope i . , L",,;- -, I , " ,~t-::;(: . , ';~:;, " ~ _; ',_ :~::~~ Mr., Perry ,says ,he;~ill schedule for field r ,April 29.. He'also";sHCfWs tbeCoinmission the 19 . restrit::t~on :~ap.t'haitr5h~ 'the del ineation ~f![: in the' area2 'Ae:': i,u:Sds!ithat irrespective of whe:; quest~~ri:>~t '!~he~,1a:st"~t~eeti,ngwa5,a coas-tal:l'ba" :there' is)iuf;flci~erit 'r:oom to/avoid the needfO;" th,a t,~~t...~\:~L.t '. if'; I'::;" i', ;:',. '" ". ,..' ~'i;' . --"'MP-HQN~~~"':To'-'ci:Jl't inu...:.f~ a );~: ',,~, _""-""~,:::.;:,';>" ".',l,.,-" _'I"~ -i_~,;_,,".,':~ .:_~--_"', _ _ :' .., ;';" ': t~e' riew . .~ n'for:RI~t io~'.r~.prev.ious , app liicabi ,,; i oforma t::ion f1"'~m., Q~P,is; made and '. ,- .' " - ': ", ' -. .," - ,,,,.,.' "'.' . ;, ~ WNAN 1 MOUS ,'4" <;1:"; '~.l,~;,1.-<, _ '_, _ ,,'.'_ ' '_ ..;.; It wa~ furthe.r not~dby Mr. Perry been tes~ed,and; it is': drinkable. The by thef::appli'can~s.," . * 5. '.-! " :'~, ,~,_,~j~:, ,,_" ~';l~;{~~);" Okonak..-' 35-37 Rhode Island Ave. -SE48-649 ~'~p.3.1-139~145) " \'" I., ~'~'" f @ recycled paper rr'., C" n-: L. l)' ',' <.<. Mr. Perry asks wha,~was used to obtain thi,...::'~pproval; asks if~her. is aseptic pian. Mr. '. Shugrue says the board of heal th has a c:::opy. I Town of Ndri.tucket Conservation' Comrllissiort (508) 228-7230 , I 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 " 1 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 9 Mr. Perry s~ys he called to. obtain a copy of the plan and they could not find one; ,r~gye~ts a copy of ~hep;!~~,n. Says they are increasing from. a '.' bolO bedroom house 'tdatnree bedroom house and wants assuranc::e'the septic plan is approved. Mr. Croz ier says he ~iTi"0'~Tft;~i~~r~ copy. Mr. Wi llet reads .the in~p~2'~i'C)n report which notes the dune line comes within2Q feet of the existing hp~seand the proposed second story is on the ~ldE! of thehou~E!ctosest to the dune. . "'.i' "::'.;,,'. Mr. Perry says he has:r~View~d~the,files~ to dete'rmine what has been ~J 10~dio,tI'lFpa,st,~eny~~r!S,o;<lrl'f'I()~t;,,~>c;a5es,we have not allowed. fi!>iP'ClP~ion;' in()n~c:ase'aSlnall,additionand mostly septic rep,)af=jemlent requests. Generally no footprint . ' h "" "I' l' ,,' " " " "'. ' L-', ~KpansJ.-G-A- as. be~.:a o~ ' . 'i .. - - Mr. Shugrue s~ys no expansions have,.belen',aIJPil~,ed:for is the reason none-nave~et1-"'granted; this NOuldbe' a first. ~ I , D,r. Dun...iddieask$'~n what grounds could we not allow. What is theelevat ion.; Mr. f>>erry say.s. there are b~rriE!r be.aches 01') ,.,ither side of Smi thPo i nt, and nC)t~s'the'dunec I imbssteeplya,1I!iayfrom t"e house; is about 16";17,'" high. 1 The, area. is a small island that -; has shiftingeoands ~roundi t. Ms. Cheryl Creighton of the Land Council says that while the addition,. is 60'fromthedune .this i!!i a sensitive area and increcileoingdfi!neoity iothe area is something the commieosion should q4estion. Commiss.ion discussfi!S dune. act ivi tyi n the past. Suggests it might be helpful to see some old photographs to help determine how active the dunes in the area 'have been. Mr.. Perry sugges1;eotheapplica,nt pr()vide a plan showing some siltation~measures around the house. Also certification that the foundation is strong enough to support the house. Also asks for assurance the intent is to renovate not demolish. @ recycled paper ptJgtiierif ~'~~i~~~Y~~:is W~~; d 2~~k:O~ i ~ ~~:~ijbl~ t~!I!'1~;irrir!~t: "ii ,. "" . , . 'I' ,'lM'r.~f:Jerry says a2~' undisturbed buffer'al1d a 15'. front ya'7~sEttback wi th 30 'tothe wetland wi llallbw a 25 ~ w'ide! ~,,'. hd,~~, wlt~ an 8' deck.. Notes a waiver from the 50' setback ""$t}be~n'requested .. f; J~ 'recycled paper ' / ,~, _~';I""~'~:'1:r"r~:Ef~f*"d'i~Y areWl . lik~;,,~ k~.~';:ithe minimum width "a.~nreGdmmen&ation from the comm ;i:" ~i';~ !jmi~ ::,j,,(} .. .... ;~fi!tls~i~':ire~Pt'thds put' a .50 ' line ,;;;cSti"lofr;~hQt.'~YOU c'an'bui ldout., ,d.i~'of' it.;,. ~a:ys' "hci -~.,..d;'.n~,~ijat:~m~~t into the wetland.lf'rdlh a neai-byF.i( p~,:.,.,.t~~:<p,:"et t~l year~. .; Each. year the l~n ,i:ls'e)(pandedS" aqct~h~,~.n,,:taClpa"es th~;,same thlngcould hclfJp.." here~ "r.I:!,j;~f~l'rg~~~i:~:dl~:lsJgg~~ts an .undisturbed ';' ~tat~buff~r froCQ,thEf Wfi!t larul,;andaminimum distance f !i:'t;hewetIand. t' :" '~'~::::~,;>:'-l\l;>-,;, it;. ::r:,( ""j:, ~- :~.,,;<.:, -, :;",;:. _:", . " _ : :':!::':,''': '. 'J _1; ": -':,"'. '-., ;S~~~!.'~,i}~lh~I1Qmmi~$iQn can ~ecide Q.n.., ,erstogive to ,,~r;',1;bi~~a,'i,'T~ 1 ,,,t~.~n h~ c::a,:, work wIth se~back" "f'~ th~ !>>hapeQ t"~j,,:t'P'l~~i!, Th~{neg,u~~iaons are SO' WIth a"2i' UndIsturbed bI.(1J:er~:'~ :: 'i i;'.,' . ";: ;' 1:"1 \',~ I / Town of NaiitlJck~t Conservation " Comriiission 11 ) (50S) $1230 10 South Beach Street NantuCket, Massachusetts 02554 " ) Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 11 Mr. WiLlet sugg'ests we keep the hearing op:entill after _ tne2BA meeting- on May 17. - MOTION: To continue until May 30 for additional information is made and seconded. UNANIMOUS D. REGULAR MEETING. 1. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION a. Frost - 133, 135, 137 Eel Point Rd. - (33-11, 12, 13) Present for the applicant is Arthur Reade and Jeff Blackwell. -----&. Perry-says .,.e~tTavc-Teccivcd ;thc revisedplansancl he' was out to the.site to see the ne~ staking whichTappears to hav~ been donea~'was disiussed. .' J.~'~. . ......... ..".. ..... .- "Mr.PerrysuggestlS that while the lots are in"common ownership, the applicant should make provisions for one access walk to the beach. Also notes that although the area is not a dune per se, the commission would not like to see a driveway put through-for access to a possible house being bu il t . Attorney Reade says each of those points would be applied for on a Notice of Intent which is not at- this point being considered. He doesn't anticipate any problem with COmMOn stairs. "It only makes sense," he adds. He would prefer driveway access to a potential house site not be dealt with at this point. Mr. Willet.says he just wants it noted tnecommi~sion would have a concern with this issue. Asks ~or a motion. Mr. Perry presents a draft positive determination which includes the phrase: lithe portion of the property seaward of the line delineated as 'bottom of sand-capped dune.'" @ recycled paper MOTION: To issue a positive determination with suggested amendment is made '.and seconded. '. Town qf'~<lit16lcet Conser,fatibri "f~HIhIl'ti~~ion (508) 228--7230 10SouthBeachStreet N antucket,llauachimetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 12 UNAN1.t10US, , b. Montgomery - 33 N. Liber;tyS't;.- (41-157) Mr. Perry says the applicant has not decided on the extent of the project and they have requested it be continued. MOTION: To continue at the applicant's request was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS c. Wannacomet Water - Meadow View Dr S. Wamasquid Pi (56) Mr. Perry says we have not yet received abutter notification. /;.,,,. ..', "':C, ':, - ';,. . ,~-,.MOT.ION--:~-To c:o~-r\I:.,.'~~~~....-:,",pr1-i..."'nt:'~_reque~~ w.a~ . made and seconded..-' .. - -' -' . -UI'4ANlI'1OtlS * d. Weinman - 27 High Brush'Pattl 66-303 Mr. Perry says he has visited the site. Notes that included in the file is a map of Austin Farms and the wetland delineation that we did for Barnside. It shows two corners of the lot are within 100' of the buffer zone and the rest of the lot is outside of it. Recommendation is the lot is subject but will not alter as there is plenty of room to work with outside the buffer zone. MOTION: To issue the Determination subject to but will not alter was made and seconded. . . UNANIMOUS 2. ORDER OF CONDITIONs a. Greenberg - 21E. Tristram's Ave. - SE48-557 - (31-3) MOTION: To continue at the applicant's request is made and seconded. @ recycled paper J'7 ::"':~~-c:rD'':'-:'!":YZ~~~:_-,~s:x;:sn';;G'':'':;:7';,;'~~-';,,;-:;:;_; / Town o.ft;IQ.P.tucket Conservation})'Cominissjon (508)228-7230 10 South Beach Street NantuCket, Massachusetts U2554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 13 UN AN I MOqS b. ,.Pocomo ,Overseas- SE48-644 .....:(14;..;12,1a,1~,58,,60) Present are Attorney Melissa' Philbrick and the Owners, Mr. and Mrs. Rob i.nson. ' , , Attorney Philbrick requests several changed to the ,drafted special conditions. #4 Change standard condition, as mut:h does not apply to this request, to add 1t1 fany" whe're it' talks about pIpe/culvert inclusion on the as-build. , .'.~ Mr.. Perry recommends therefer~nce'be omi'tted;Dr. Dunwiddie agrees; it is misl~ading as there <are no culverts. Attorney Philbrick asks #6, the second.l~tle,from '--<'malrltaininglt~o -It-ouffa;ll:=." be-o.iii t~eJr-.-- ~...--'- .. ., , (\t1:drney Philbrick asks #17 be changed-from' 6' wide to 3' wide and add to clarify that-the clearTng'wi.ll' be .done by hand. . Attorney Philbrick continues that #19 should show that annual maitrt:enanceis on an as needed basis and the words "if necessary" should be added. Attorney Philbrick says that #20 should be changed to add "for construction purposes" a.fter the words at theb,eginning of the paragraph "No further clearing....It. Adds she wants to make sure they can do annual maintenance. AttorneyR~ade requests #13 be changed to specify the color of the 1" PVC pipe as "black", which is what he understood was indicated in the discussion. He also says he assumes it. was understood but would like to see it stated that under no circumstanceselec-trifledwire will be used. : Mr. Perry says he will add a new condition. Attorney Reads says #14 he understood the post was to be 6' high, with 3 strands of wire separated 1', 3' arid 5' from the ground-.:-the top wire being'S,'from the ground. ~~ recycled paper . / '. ..Town:: >qjfi1~(~NaP.tuoket . Conser~'~tibh!')C6tnmis~idn (508) 228-7230 10 South BeacbStreet ~antuCket, M.assaehusetfs 02554 . - -, ",. '.-, '.- ,.~ - ~ 'Mr. Perry says thetopwir'ew~s.tObe-5'6" and the P.osts 6' high. Commi:$,!jion agrel'!sto 'keep. the condi tlOl'Las; wr i tten. "-".';-"'-,'-' -'-'>.' Att()~I'lf!yRec;lde '.' qf.lestionfi' *l~,regarding . path maintenance. Is the clearing to be;centeredon<the~fenc:e? Mr."Pt:!rrY!Say~.he7do~sn't,-tl1ink it matters, asi t- is all on theap.plic:ant '5 property . . Attor;neyReade . ask!S .' a.c~mment. be added to i nc lude the provt!Sion no,pesti,cides or\fertilizer be used in the wetlands or bl.lfferzones. Mr. Wi}letasks for.other~oml1lents. ~r..Dunwiddfec:omments we.shQuld. specify the. 5 1/2' top wi rei n.;the order. .. , ,-,-, ,':. .... ." ..- . ,,' '., ".-. " -'.,.,,- .., ,. .. -, ....".. ....., -.- ,.. Attorr;~yp.,i.:-lbr" ict.- . ~t.ctt~s't,he-t.op- wir--t!>of' the :fenCj;L-wa~- agr~ed to be: 51J:2'w't'ththe'PQ'$"ts'amaxinjum of .6.'.. -. ~ Commis-sion a9re~1:oLu 1:op,==,\..ify o' pU:::iL:o wiLl. Lop wile of 5 1/2 feet. MOTION: To issue the order as amended was made and 'seconded. UNANIMOUS ADDITIONALS~ECIAL. CQNDITIONS PpC:;(J.;()v~rs,eas, ..1 nc. DEP . FILE I\ItJI1BE:RSE4B - 644 A!:iSESSOR.'S ~... .14"P:~ct;L~ .1e, 13'.14,58,60 ..... ........ ..... >,9. PqC;.()fllCiRoad '. .' . UNI>ER ....THE MASSACHUSETTSWETLANDS,PRQTECTION ACT .. ,...... ( t1GL'C;~TEijlai ,SECTIoN 40 ) , AND THE'WETLANDS.I3YCAWQF.THE TOWN OFNAN1l.JCKET ( CHAPTER 136 ) 3. Pursuapt<to. Get"leraL Condition Number B, this .Order of .COJ;ldi t.ionsmust be registered in the Registry of Deeds for Nantucket and proof of. r:ecordingshall be submitted to the Commission, prior to commencement of any work approved in this Order. @recydedpaper / '. " I Town i........,. o.........~..........f......~.....,...........N. ...... .a.n. tu. '. ....c........k......'....,....e. t Conservatibh Commission / (508)228-7230 ,. 1 10 South Be~Street NantuCket, Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 15 4. An.as~l;l.uilt.plan, $iCj!J~q.anqs.tct.lIIPfi!d by a registerfi!d prOfl'!ss iona.lengi~etQrl.~."dsur-veyor:l n tb~ ~ CO"'fflppwe41 th of Massachusetts, S~~i~it:J1i! .s~bQ)i1;_ted. tp' t~l~' C()Rl",i~slon a,t .'. the same time c1ls .a written request fora Certificate of Compliance and shall)~pe(l:ifyho~, if a~.,all'~. the. cOQ'tPl...ted plan differs. from. ~h~~f.lnC1I.. appro'l{e.d pian. .....' ThE;! a~":'"b~.~~,t . plan shall include, but not be. limit~d to, the following: .limits of fill or alterCltion.;I<?Fa.tioflOf .~ll.iitrl.lctures and pavement within 100ffi!~t of wetland? the edge .of the wetland; the gradecontourswi~tlin 100 fe~tp" the wet.land. 5. Members, employ~es, ~.T'l9.C1c;;l~n.ts of tl)E;!Commi$isionshall have the right to enterarld.. inspect thepre.lYlises. to evaluate compliance withthe~~pdf~lorls.T'ldperf()rmC1ncestandards stated in this Orderi,.;i~t}elllan~uc:;:l:<'t.W~~lalldS]B",lC1w, th, Regulations pro,!,ulga~"d!':-1."~Ei"r tl;t~EJ.Y~C1't,\I,.tl;1e Ma$~achusetts Wetlands .' Pro t~ct iOn ,~t:~,a.t'ld perti n~nt-.-t1a~saChuset ts - - '-----regulationli (310. CMf(lO~OO-.through' ,iP~:99) .;.-~Cocnmili$ion may require the submittal'of any data deemec;:l necessary by the Commission for thati,y,!lllu~t.ion. 6. The. applicant, owners', ..succe~sors or assignees shall be responsible for assuring the lasting integrity of vegetative cover on thesiteanP:fIlonitoringsiteactivitiesso as to prevent erosion, siltation, sedimentation, chemical . contamination or other; detrimental impact to anyon-site or off-si,te resource area.. It shall be the responsibi I ityof the .property ownerotrecord to see that the maintenance conditions are complied with as req~ired by this order. I,:; T 7. This document shallpe included in all construction contracts and'subcontracts dfi!al'lng with the work propo!:jed and shall supersede other cOr'ltr,-~ctrequirements. 8. Used petroleum produc.ts from the maintenance of construction eq~ipment,construct,ion debris, and. unused paint and paint- related produc~s shall be colli!cted and disposed of responsibly off.the ~ite. No on-site disposal of these items is allowed. 9. Dust control, if required, shall b.e limited to water. No salts or other wetting agents.shall be used. ..ga recycled PBper I Town<~qt,,?NAntuokfat Conserv~ti6n'" iC~rnmi;sion / (508) 10 South Beach Street Nantucket,' Massachusetts 02554 ,. } .Meeting MiDutes for- April 18, 1991 Page 16 10. Any refusema'tsrial'found on the site shall be disposed of at an approved landfill and in no c.ase may these 'materials be bur;ied or dlsfJosed of in or near a wetland. . 11.i.hfs9rdero'fConditions shall apply to-any successor in iht~rest or successor in control of the property. 12. Nc1ltural.vege~ation between the wetland edge and the pr"ject si~eshall be left intact except where it is necessary.to temporarily .use this area. After construction, any disturbed aT"'Ta..,..,i thin this. buffer,.. ar~a shall be replanted wi th native ~l.nts (~xcept~s defined in Condition #19). 13. The~JJproved fence within the jurisdiction of the Commi.Sision ~~<tocons'~!5t of three strands of slROoth wire with the?jtop Wir-eJEmca!Sed in a one(U inch:black PVCtypepi"e'wltI1Jthe 4i!xCfE!ptionOfasection of wooden post and rail''fencea'tthe t'P"t> Of"' thec;oastal bank. '. .' i - -- -...--- -- - ------ !'. "f':;'i ,:~{T ~. c , , - :;r~:~::c ;- . ' 14. ;r,.,eh~ight.of the fence is to be a maximu'm of appro.ximately she feet with the top wire to be no higher than five and one half" feet. ,~---- .--- -~--- 15. As discussed during the Public Hearings, the fence is not to be electrlf'ied. 16. Prior to any further activity at the site, the actual fence line location will be stake in the field. After the staking is completed, notice shall be given to the Nantucket Conservation Commission. No work shall begin on the site for 48 hours after said notice is given, so as to allow Commission members tiMe to inspect and comment on the f~e location. The intent of this c:onditionis to ensure that a number of large trees that appeared to be on the property line during th~ fie.ld inspection are protected and not removed. . 17. The fence post holes are to be dug by hand or with hand held power augers. No heavy equipment is allowed. 18. A path that is to be initially cut by hand or with hand held power equipment at most three (3) feet wide and :approximately 12 inches above ~he ground. This is to ensure that the brush cut will be able to grow back. @ I'JlCVcled paper { k i~ f ! Town of Nantucket :i,':' :~,:':~,;:::'~~::_:;:~ , :', :' ',__ _,' ," ConservatIon Commis~ion: 7' / . . - (508) 22&!1~0 10 South Beach Street ,~,MIltucket, Massachusetts 02554 " I Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 17 19..If necessary for annual maintenance and repair of the fence, the width of the path to be maintained shall be n.owicterthan "three (3) feet-and at least twelve (12) inches above,the ground. 20. < No further clearing for construction purposes on the')property 1 ines of the smell lot that is bounded by I:toththet,,~'d Conservation Foundatic)n and Nelson prQpertie!h (For, rE;!ference to the c::ontr;actor, the typ~ of clearing that i.s along those property lines is what tt:le.Com~issionis anticipating for clearing in the rest of the are.".s within the Commission's jurisdiction.) 21. To minimize the adverse effects on wildlife andgroundw~ter, the use of any pesticide or fertilizer within the jurisdiction of th.e Commission, including buffer'~zoJ"\EuD" for the construction and/ormaintenance.of the project approved in this Order is prohibited. *#* -----,-- c. -', C-arney . 11'3 Eel fl:ri tit'"Rt:t; '-- SE48.;...'648 _ ('32-2)c Present for the app 1 icant is :Jeff, Blackwell who says the order is fine as drafted. MOTION: To issue the order as written was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Patrick Carney DEP FILE NUI1BER SE48 - 648 ASSESSOR' S MAP 32, PARCEL 2 113 Eel Point Road UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTSWETLANQS.. PROTECTION ACT (_ MaL CHAPTER 131, SECTION 40 ) AND THE WETLANDS BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF NANTUCKET ( CHAPTER 136 ) 3. Pursuant to General Condition Number 8, this Order of Conditions must be registered in the Registry of Deeds for Nantucket and proof of recording shall be submitted to the @ recycled paper I T' ~,,' ~';<f'~~'N" " r:),' <.L;~'_1~ ~ .t own ~o :>" anl.UUiLe . . . .' ~',~{ d J '; ~ \/ ~" ':,' ~.., 'P ( ..; . Coris'ervatlbn 'Cotnmission (508) 228-?'230 :- / 10 South Beach Street N antueket, Massachusetts 02554 'If 1 ~:. ~ Meeting l'1i.nute.s .fo,r: Apri I 18, 1991 Page 18 " Commis'sion-, prior to cOcnmencement. of'anywork approved in this Ord.er.; ,., 4. An as-built plan, sigoecland!:tt.amp~~by a registered professl ona lengi near: Ti\~f""l~Y1d.s'f.JrvE!yori n the" Commo.1'1w,ea Ith'of Massachusetts,$hall~'e5\-l~~itt~d"t0thE! Commission at the same t im~ asa wr i t ten,:;r~~~~~!,;lr--or'ta'-;ce,rt ifica te-ot: .'-L". Compliance and. shall . Ail1?~,;'~9~,<'if.at all, theco~l~~.d plan differs fromth~ '. ~~W;.il1lpb'T:o"e(j plan. Thea,s..-bui~4;- plan shall include, but no~~.}li"'.1t,edto, the following: limits of fill or alteration,;'199~tion()fallstructures and pavement within .100 f~~t()~'lIII~~~~nd;the edge of the wetland; the grade contours wi ttl'i n i.1OOL:'fee't:()f; the wet land. . . .' J~';'~" ,:' ::,,:,. ;'_':.;:.,:;; <~:'.1" '-:~ '.:,:C, ' .1, "".,F. Member s ,emp I oyees, ah(fa~~~,t,$i;:p f <the Com'" i ssion sH4il11*have ther itDhtto enter"an~:irl~~~t;';"~~e'"p...e....,i.sestoT.val....a~..;" compliance wi tti thecond iti'onS~...d.pe"'formance..ta..,cfari~~ statedi n th i ~ ,Order ,the.I\i'TlF~tt~~t')II4~tl ands By~aw"rt~~' '-RegulrtiOflS promui:g.3t~.d--U;Rd~-"t"tie ~ ~,,'l aW.r --the-Massachu..ttti Wetlands Protect~on Apt ,andper:tine~~Massachusetts regulations (310 CI'1R10.OOthro~gh 1().99).' The"Commisliion mCly requlre "the--sUbml.tt-a"o,f' any data deemed C'riecessary'by ''thl!~ Commissi~n for' that e~a~u.tion. l ---_.- 5. 6. The applicant, owners, successors or assignees shall be responsitlle for assurj,ngthe'lasting integrity.ofvegetative cover on the site and monitoring site activities so as to prevent erosion, siltation, sedimentation, chemical contamination or other detrimental impact to anyon-site or off-site resource area. It shall be the responsibility of the property ownerofrecor;ct tblsee thart the maintenance conditions are complied with as; required by this order. 7. This document shall be1ncluded! in all construction contracts and subcontracts deal ingwi,th the ",ork proposed and shall ~upersedeother .contract requirements. 8. Used petroleum products from the maintenance of construction eqt.,lipment, constructipn debris, and unused paint and paint- related products shall be collected and disposed of responsibly off the site. No on-,.site disposal of these items is allowed. 9~ Dust control, if required, shall be limited to water. No salts or other wetting agents shall be used. @ recyc!edpaper ' . / TownoJ,."Nantucket . _,'''0- ',':':.',,:", ,': >\.: ',:: :, '",' _ .:'" Conservati6n"~'C()mmi~sion (508) 228-72;80 ''": 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 19 10. Any,-ef'use mater-tal found on -the slteshall be disposed of at an approved landfill and in no case may these materials be buri~d ,or.. disposed of in or near- '.11. wet land. 11. This Order of Conditions shall apply to any successor in interes~ or successor in control of "the property. ;__. ~'" .',~t. 12. Natural vegetation between the wetland edge ~nd the project sltl!shall be left intact except where it>is-necessary to temporarily use this area'. Afte.....;CJ'nstruc:tlon, any disturbed area within this buffer area shall be replanted with native plants. 13. To minimize adverse effects on wi'l.ctlife,' the use of any pesticide or fertilizer more than 15 feet from the house is prohibited. 14. . 'riTe- stcHrway are'toiJe---::removed c:faT-r,ng tl'llro:f'f-:sea-sonwhen- t-he--- . dwelling is not inhabited and 'is not to be stored on the bank ,be,ach or dune. . 15. All work is to be done by hand. No heavy machinery is to be allowed. 16. Theproie!:t is to be built accordin9. to the plans submi'tted to the Commisslon on April 4, 1991. Specifically, the walkway is to be elevated 18 inches above the existing grade; board spacing is to be between 3/4 and 1 inch; only~ne support is allowed below the~op of th~bank. 17. No coastal engineering structure of any kind shall be permitt'ed On the property in the future to protect the project allowed by this Order. Section 310 CMR 10.30 (3) of the WetlandsRe~ulations, promulgated under MGL Chapter 131, Section 40, requires that no coastal engineering structure, such as bulkhead, revetment, or seawall, shall be permitted on an eroding bank at any time in the future to protect. the project allowed by this Order of Conditions. ### d. Old Polpis Rd. RT- Polpis Rd. SE48-647 (46-1) @recvcledpaper I / '. :' / ;-'"., ',', I. . ; .Towri.::~:(":: )~t~Nantucket Consei\r ,><f~. .,....',......,- ",';', (508) 22&-_ . ,. 1 10 South Beach Street N antuclcet, Massachusetts 02554 . ->-;','"(';':',, ~:;';F.;,t~}~\:::~~ --" .' -. :~,-'".-i' ',' ~-":,.~' Meet.~~SJ<Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 20 :; - ,";:'~~~~;'~::{Fi;~;i;;;?;\~:','..". Presen.t ;for. the"!PP,~:~~~I1~ ,i Attprney Ar~hur Reade and JeffS lack~el L) i:lr::'!~\~1l1f~.',\?~,;~ Attorney Reade mal<es>comments on the following special conditions: 1.1;'h'i;;;~~:;"< ." ',;,:,.1(",7....;,.,.. ........',>,.,.... ", * 19..Wou 1 d r at.Pnl:,,,"(;C~~Sp'~Ci:fy,....bUllding~de!$ igl1,.. c1lt th i s time: Ratt)ey-,'1'q~i~fl;j~Tl.~!'!.,.i;.it.!i.~~ted. ,the.d~;;,i,~n.;~ill be SUl3fillttfi!d to; th~C::9' . .t.:~'li.~HJJ!it!9ueJlt,ly~h~O~ue.hplans are develqped. Alterna rt",.th~y ~ould. 1 ikfi!.:,to"J)r()~!os~a . ridge heig~tof"24.~f~e,~' EiEJ;"efirst floor",el)!va.t'icnwhich is 1.5 feet above mean .., .. < '''''",- "'~i':if:;~;~;:(; c ,t,1r,. -;....--!',......;., Wilson notes:;;:i ',,- --." ..,..!-~:-,(-:mt8",:L,,< ,,::ij' Reques ttt'l" .- ~:I ,t'!_..; c ; ~ :"':J ~Rr'; limi tat ion be .~.. c1lS discussed. ("('10~;.."i;<....' .;..,.,.t.... .... snould.be corrected,tcir:7,~ad 10 feet. _lb. M,r. ~~n~:1;,9. p~ "'~' t.~I.~,!;~lfi~J!ding ~,,~~_,_\-;, ,----:""::,L~>.;,---- , I' h<_ ", " "", ,":: _','''',_;, ,";_, ',,'- _", "!, '" ,__ ' . Mr. P~rrysu'gg~s~~y~;,',.~e;,; 18', height. wOl.lldbe:pre1erc;ll:)le and that an upside, c:IP~''j''~;~Y~~ tlouse could bedesicyned for this s. i t..e.". . '. ';- .-- , - -,'L, ~.,: , ,"',"" ", '. i,,'~~' '}>,Pt~,(J :'>,i<ft<~tfL,'~, "~ ,_:;,,::,:: ,i' , "S"'- 't) AttorneYReadec:d",~~~;~~;,?i~41at' such a elevation would work as ~on9,asthere is,~c;)f~R':{:ffl!J~l'l as to wh+chis the first floqr and he sugges~!!i 'ff~~i;;~~?C!mum ridge height elevation. , ,'i < {;~ ',::},1~~':" :;_ "', 7' ;k~; t\ ',: Mr. Blackwell says1;p~r;.Jn~ed to consider what the HDC will allow in pitch. Commission ag'7eestolf,3 ',~a)( imufR.r idge height elevation above half tide dat4"L,of..j1934 and~o specify 3 bedrooms. , .- -'t:':_l''--:~-;'" MOTION.: To issue:tHe order as amended was made and T ' - 1 seconded. i , Opposed' ;~. Was-ii~rsld All c::lther'!Si).:n~f'avor @ recycledpaper ADDITIO~..:.SPECIAL CONDITIONS A,.t"'lIrR~de,.. . TrtlsRe Old fto1iJiS.Road RE!~l~yTrust DEP . F It..E . NUMBER SE4B. ..,;- 647 AsSEsSoR'S MAP 46, PARcEL 1 Polpis Road \. -r"'......~:......-.,,~\.'~t:'~.:!-'-,.:--" . '" ,_:-"'~~~"""';.'''''':~' ~_~;.' ';';'; / Town of Nantucket F: :.,:..;. . . Conservatiob. Coffinilss1bn (508),~1~ 10 South Beaciltltreet ,. NantuCket, M8s88Ch.usetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 21 UNDER.THEHASSACHUSETTS WETLANDS PROTEf;TION ACT . . (tfSl...c:PfAPJER tat, "!iECTlOi'ti 4Q,)., ,." AND THE ".WETLANJ.)SJlYLAW,OF 'THE':TQWN'. OF- ..NAN,l:UCKET (CHAPTER 136 ...) 3. PurstJ~nt.to Ger\eralCondi,t ion Numbfi!r 8, thi,.Ord~rof Condj~tions'mustbereqistered in the Reg istryof Deeds for Nantucket and proof of recording shall~e submitted to the Commission, prior to commencement of any work approved in th i's Order. 4. Prior to any activity at the site, a siltatj,on,fenceapd a line of haybales shall be staked along the lil1eas shown on the approved plans. After the fence'. c1lnd ha.yb~les are instaUed, notice shall be given to the Nantucket Conservation ColJlmission. No work shall begiJlOllthe site for 4Bhoursafter said notice is gi"en,lso>a$1:o,~llo.. COllin.-ission mefdl::fe"rs ti.e~'to 'ihspea-;-all'!ln't.-t"i~ft- devices.- - --- Thesi ltation.fence and.haybale 1 ina'derected .to prevent siltation ,of thewetland.during construc:ti:on, wi,llalso serve as"alimit'-of actlvityforwork- crews0f"t-sl:lall rema.in--rn- good repair during all phases ofconstructiCim,and it shall not be removed until all soils are stabilized and reveg~tated or until permission to remove it is given by the Co....mission. 5. An as....built plan, signed and stamped by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, sh~ll be submitted to the COMmission at the same time as a written request for a Certificate of Compliance and shall specify how, if at all, the cOfJIpleted plan differs from the final approved plan. The as-built plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: any pipe/culvert inverts for inflow and outfalls; pipe slope, size and composition; location of other drainage structures and their composition; limits of fill or alteration; location of all structures and pavement within 100 feet of wetland; the edge of the wetland; the grade contour's within 100 feet of the wetland. 6. Members, employees, and agents of the Commission shall .have the right to enter and lnspect ,the premises to evaluate compliance with the conditions and performance standards stated in this Order, the Nantucket Wetlands Bylaw, the _ Regulations promulgated under the Bylaw, the Massachusetts ':~ recycled paper . / '. . I:'.. . :'.. Town,~JJ1'~~~8~~1 ConservCiHbn" Commission (508) 22fJ.:7ISO~ '" I 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Meet~n9..,Mi,nutes for- Apri 1 16, 1991 Page 22 . ;.~ --". ~:, Wetl and5 Protecti()nAc tf andp~l'"'t inent:Massachu5etts regu 1 at ions'. (3-10 'CMR'1-0'~OOthrotJgn to. 99}'f. -iTheeo~lQi ssion may require the submittal of any data deemed necessary by the Commission for that evaluation.' 7. Theapp licant, owners ,successors or as!ii91lE!esshall be respomdble for mainta tl1ing . any on,-.site~drflrinager.tr-\ictuf"es' andoutfalls,assuring .the lasting iotegrityof veg'etative cover on the site and monitoring site activities Sq"B.S to. prevent eros ion, s i I tat ion, . sedimentat ion, chemical contamination or other detrimental. impact to any on"";site or off-site resource area. It:shall betheresponslbi l:l ty of . the property owner of record to. see.:that r~h~,mai,n1;~mance conditions are complied with as required by,thisorder. 8. This document shatl be incltidecf. in all and subcontracts dealing with the work .supersede o~her contrac.t. req(Jir~rn~Qts. cons:1Jr:4cti on..C;:o ,,~racts proposed and ishal:l. ....'1., ;v. ; ~ '9. Used petroleum productsfromithelnaint~nal"lCe of qO",~.tr:t.lc:;tion: _ ,_e~! ~ent, cons truc t io.n debri s ,and unused pai ntand ":paiint- related prodt.u::ts shaILbeco}lefc.ted and :djsposed of........',. rE!sponsibly off the site. No on-site disposal oft....ese .ite~ is allowed. 10. Oust control, if required, shall be limited to water. No salts or other wetting agents shall be used. 11. Any refuse material found on the site shall be disposed ,of at an approved landfill and in no case may these materials:be buried or disposed of in or near a wetland. 12. This Order of Conditions shall apply to any successor in interest or successor in control of the property. 13. In all cases,. no part of any. structure, incl.uding decks, stairs, cantilevers, etc. may be closer than 50 feet from the wetland boundary. 14. Natural vegetation between the wetland edge and the project site shall be left intact. After construction, anydist~rbed area within this buffer area shall be. replanted with native plants. There must beat least 25-foot undisturbed buffer zone on the upland side of the wetland boundary on the west @ recycled PSPBr It .~.~,~~V,~,~~~~~,I.mlIfiI]J ~"tL .' / ! . -Town o!;.~~tu.<rk~f Conservatiorf' Commission (508)..'l230 ,; I 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 23 side of the dwelling and at least 50~footundisturbed buffer on the east and south sides of the dwelling. - ,.'. '. ". . -'~- . . . . 15. To minimize adverseeffE!5~:" o~ wildlife, the use of any pestic:ide or fertiltzrer'''\orethan 15 feet from the house is prohibited. 16. The proposed dwelling.sha I be limited to three (3) bedrooms and shall not be allowed to be expanded in the future. This Condition shall be on-going and not expire with the issuance of a Certificate of Ccim~liance. 17. The ridge height shall be forty-three (43) feet above the half tide datum for 1934 as explained.duringthe.hearing '\'}.'i' " ',-, . 18. The driveway surface shall, be lil'r\itedtoten(10) feet in width and shall be made 01'< clean, perviousmaiterials. . ',' . , .,.....'.... -. '0 .. ',._' - -r:;;-rtnarbui lding drawings !Shall-"-besu~"'it'tE!d tothe-ComllFi~ for. its ap.proval prio.r,. to submission for a buildingp~rmit. -'-:crO~-No.excavatedor.-bUild~ngma:terlais shall be stockpl.lea outside the' area <'del ineated by the siTtf'ence and haybale line. I , WAIVER UNDER THE NANTUCKET"WETLANDS'.BVLAW: The Commission hereby grants the appli.t:ant two waivers from the Wetlands Protection Regulations of the TowTiof Nantuc::ket,under the Wetlands Bylaw (Chapter 136) .. The first waiver is to Section 3.02 B(l) that requirE!sprojects which are not water dependant maintain at least a2S"-foot ..natural undisturbed area adjacent to vegetated wetland. This section would apply ,to the propoSed driveway only. The second'wa.iveris toSecti6n3.02 B (4) 'which requires the septic leach facilities of a septic system to be at least 100 feet from a vegetated wetland. Therefore, this section would apply to the proposed three (3) bedroOm septic system.' However, there has been a clear and convincing showinq by the applicant that there are no reasonable conditions or alternatives that would allow the project to proceed in compliance with the regulations and the project will have no adverse effect upon any of the interests protected by the Bylaw. Therefore, these waivers are granted under the authority of Sections 1.03(F)(1) and 1.03(F)(2)(a), (b) and (d) of' the Wetlands Protection Regulations. .~ recycled paper 'Towp . Of,)'i,Ncmtucket Conse'rv~ti6rl. CCom~ission " / (508) 228-7230 10 South Beach Street NantuCket, Massachusetts 02554 " 1 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 24 *** e. QX'bowRealty, $ar.ah ,Alger,,- polpis Rd. SE48-646 (46-l) Present. for the appl icant is. Attorney Arthur Reade who has ,thfi!folclowi ng\!;omments,. tU6 which I imi ts the numbe.r of bedrooms. Says as we are not dealing with any waiverS hfi!does ,not feel it is nece?sary. Mr. P~r;ry says the.S~~ba~ksare very close and we are allowing two structures and a seven bedroom septic system. "".:,", " Mr. W.illet suggests it, be deleted . .. - ,;.~7f~el5t. there are po design ,constraints on this side ~ci.Fit:.th.~e,t 1 cincL scenic vi ~~' 1 ~~':i~ _ - Wpu.l:d ~uq~~t r~dQe he~'ghtof24.~.' . -------~-- -eQmmi5si-oT'lagrees to speci fy-a4-.5 L-max-imum-r idge height.- Mr. Perry says he feels the height should be limited because of its relation to the road and bike path. Mr. Wasierskiasksabo4tthe impact ,on the view from.Alter Rock and also asks how i t.wU 1 be accessed. Mr. Reade says he doesn't believe the view to the harbor from, Alter Rock will be impacted by the height of the house. Says.access-is something ~hey are trying to workout witht~e County. It is a real problem as there is no accessex!;ept on . ,the Old Polpis Road section. There is also no place to put thebikepath. Says at this point the only thing they have come up with is mixed. use ,which. is notrec~mmended. MOTION: To iss.ue the order as amended was made and seconded. Opposed Dunwiddie, Wasierski In favor: Wilson, Kelliher, Hussey, Willet ~ ;;~~ recycledpaper ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Sarah Alger, Trustee ~:",~~~~i~J':':f~mr'; ,~~~", Town;(:>,f.ti~t~pket . Conservation' .eommission .-~ :"' / . (508)~12;JO~o 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, MassiChusetts ()2554 ,. 1 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 25 Oxbow Realty Trus~ DEPFfILE NUMBI;R.SE't~, ~ 441;>> ASSES!jiOR · S ....Af'.'6, .~Af'lCEL .,1 ,Polpi$iRCi\~~. <.. UNDE~,THE MASSACWUStETTS WEti..:ANDS.,PROTECTION .ACT . . (t1GLQijApl'ER: 131~, Si~T:i",,40)' . . AND THE . WETLANDS '.BYLAW. OIf1:"E ..TOwN OF: NANTUCKET (CHAPTER 136 ) 3. Pursu.ant to General Condition Number 8, this Order of Con~i~ions must be registered in the;~egis~ryof,Deep$.fqr Nan't;u(:l<li?t .and proof of record i ng 5hal,l,besubmi tted '. to~, the CC)l1ll1li!i,,;.on, prior to commencement.. of any work approy~d' in this Order. . 4. Prio1'" to any activity at the site, c1lsilta't;ionfenc:.J.flncta line of haybales shall be staked.aloJjlgthe .line as,.$~o,Wn on the. c1lpproved plaJ;'s.. Aftfi!r thfi! fense ~nd haybalesa...~ -; - inti tall &d., - no:t.1 c.e..-.6h a 11 be 9-i \'en t-o ~~-Na l"'-t-Hl"" k... +-> . CCin!iervatioJlCommh~sion.. No wor.k ,sl1a1l begin oothli!$i~e for 48 hoursat~.~ !iilidnot ic:;e i!i9 iVti.!n.lso a!i ~oal1o.,,;,;1 .'> . . CommlSS1on-members. ti~ ~o ~nspec:;-ra.lt-1.rt-tt.ation;df!,,;icE5~ The siltation fence ahd haybale line~ erect.ed to prevent. !iiltationof the wetl.jlnd during cons~ruction, wilL.a,lso serve as a limit of .ac:;tivity for workcre~".. It shall relftaJn in good rep'air during all phases of con$j;ruction, andi.:t shall not be' removed until. all soilsare.tabilized and revegetated or until permission to remove it is given by the Comm,ission. 5. An as-built plan, signed andst.ampe4;j,by ill registered professional engineer or land surveyo~ in. 't;he.f:ommon~~alth of Massachusetts, shall be submitted to the Commission at the same.. time as a written request for 8, .t:ertificate of,; . Compl ,ianceand sha 11 i~ec i fy how, i f!~ t all;the,sq"~pleted plan differs from. the final approved plan. Thfi! as--I?~ilt plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: any pipe/culvert inverts for inflow andc;J~tfalls; p.ipe5;lQpe, size. and composition; location of otfler drainage str:.uctures and their composition; limits of fill or alteration; location of all structures and pavement wi thin 100 feet ofwl!,t land; the edge of the wetland; the grade contours within 1.00 feet of the wetland. 6. Members, employees, and agents of th~ Commission shall have the right to enter and inspect the premises to, evaluate ~ recvded paper / " . . , . Town........'of.......NoD.fucket :,'~~' ~:-;.ic~_-<',:;::.> :-,.:> h ,> "~ ':", _ _-,,:, :.':.:;: ',: " ...' ,"Conservation" Commission (508) 22&-'12$0 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 MeetingM~nutes,for Apri 1 18, 1991 Page 26 compl iance. wi ththe 'c:oOd i tionsand. performance. .standards' stated in this arder,theNantuc::~etWetlanCtsBy14w,the Regulations prom4lgated under the}~ylaw,the l1assachusetts Wetl ands. Pro teet io" Act, Clndpert,i:~ent '.Massaachus~tts " regulations. (310 CMR 10.00 through :10.99l~'..The-Commission may require the submittal of any data deemed necessary by the Commission for that evaluation. 7. The applicant, owners, successors. or assignees shall be responsible for maintaining anyon-sitedrainagtit,structures and outfalls, assuring the lasting integrityoftvegetative cover on the site and monitoring site activities so as to prevent erosion, siltation, sedimentation, chemical contamination or other detrimental impact to anyon-site or off-site resource area. It shall be tn'e responslbi I i tyof the property owner of.record to see'that'tl'1s'maiJlten;ancet;' conditions are complied with c1lS required bythis:order. .- . -' .,: e-'-:-Thl'S'do2ument"' sha~l~l-=OEf i nc lu~t nat1: ccr".t...w:'t;.~O" co-nwac't-5- and 'subcontractsdealing wit~-~he work proposed.and shall supersede other contractr~q~irell\en,~~."._ __ 9. Used petroleum produt:ts from the maintenance of construction equipment, construction debris, and unused paint and paint- related products shall be collected and-disposed of ' responsibly off the site. No on-site disposal of these items is allowed. 10. Dust control, if required, shall be limited to water. No salts or other wetting agents shall be.used. 11. Any refuse material found on the site shall be disp()sed of at an approved landfill. and in no casemc1lY these materials be buried or disposed of in or near 'a wetland. 1-2. This' Order of Conditions sharI 'apply'to any successor in interest orguccessor rn control~f the property. 13. In all cases, no part of any structure, including decks, stairs, cantilevers, etc. may be closer than 50 feet from the wetland boundary. 14. Natural vegetation between the wetland edge and the project site shall be left intact. After construction, any disturbed area within this buffer area shall be replanted with native @ . recycled paper Town 'of Nantupket' Conservation,~jComniission . / (508) 228--7230 '. 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 ,. 1 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 27 plants.' There must be at least 25-foot undisturbed buffer zone on thelJpland side of the..,a1;X~"Q boundary on the west' side of thed..,eping'and at least5P-foot undisturbed buffer on the,east.i ~nc:t .south sides, of the dwelling. 15. To tni.nhl!lize adverse, effects on wild;.l,ife, the use of any p~ftiC;iide,or fer,til izer more than 15>feet from the house is prohitUtf'fd. 17. The ridge height shall be 24.5 feet above the proposed first floor elevation of 18.5 feet as. shqwn in the final approved p 1 arls. ' 18. The driveway surface shall be limit.ed to ten (10) feet in width, shall be made o.fclean, peryi.quscnaterials.; shall use the "exist ing Cart .ty;aci< II as shownp,n the p.lans for the layout of the driveway. ~;.-Final-blH-ldingdrilw.i-ng6 --h.all be sl.Jibmitt~d to -the COfNJ'i-ssion for its approval prior tosubmissionfot:' a building permit. ---20. NO-excavated. or butl]:ttng materials shat'! be-stl:Jckpi-l-ed outside the area delineated by the silt fence and haybale line. ### 3. EXTENSION a. Bonefish - 51 Wanoma Way - SE48-493 (92.4-320) Mr. Perry says the bank had foreclosed on the property and then resold to thepreEfoent owners. In ta,lkiJ?9 with the new ownerhe11aarnl'!d the house that was proposed for this lot is massive and that the new owners are downsizing it. ~OTION: To issue a one-year extension was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS b. Reinbergs - 60 N. Liberty St - SE48-478 (41-232) Present for the applicant is Attorney Tillotson. f~ ":'8 recycled paper / '. Town of.Nantucket Conservation' Commission (508) 22&-'1230 ~..-.. 10 South B", Street Nantucket, MassaChusetts 02554 Meetirg Mi~tes for April~8, 1991 Page 28 ::-::iJ1 Mr. P~rry s'ays th'e'order. is for ,two~w~l.iiOgs;, one of which has been built'. Thi!5 is the- first b~best for an , eKtension. Notes they have a partial. compI.11i1~nce. Also notes they have, been trying to determinethe'E!f~~~sof'1:he additional ....ater that seemstobethererto"!!!~s'aresultof Cranberry Construction's work. Says weei~~~~ require them" to come in with a new notice and re-flagthaLarea-orwe go with the 1987 line. Recommends we issue th.reKtension. 'i '. , Attorney Ti llotson says Cranberry has b~~k'putt i ng water on the property as a result of the road cOTl!$truc::tion and they are taking the necessary steps to have theM",take it off. Commission discusses the water issue fact that'a'numberof the neighbors are ;,,:"ji,'::,:; 1.::;.:' in: 'it.he .;' ~ upS!Eh; area and -the . ~ -'uNAKTMQUS . , ; li~~:, .-:f;:':~ eKtens~on -.:,i::'; __ E';~j'i:;~~" ., was made and .- '/- " MOTION: To issue a one-year seconded. "',"; -1 4. otHER BUSINESS . , .;<~.'-. .Mr. Perry summarizes the two field insp~~tions. J: ':: L]~ With regard to Doucet te, DEP fe I t the w~i~J and de linea t ion on Grove Lane was not clear . Thinks it ma~ii~e wetland and not upland. They will come back with a sUPlIJfceding order or they may accept the appeal withdrawal. With regard to DEP inspection at the CO~~9ns, Mr. Sarvis was there. Notes some of the catch basins:lJt"en't connected to the oil separators. Mr. Sc1lrvis saysal!l:n~he information requested is in the Planning Board officea;1iKf we should go to them for it. He states he has 'paid the tow~i, engineers for as-builts as well as the engineering.. The 'Way the Planning Board does it,' the town.enginfi!ers.inspec::tt:tle site and assess the applicant the cost of the inspection anclithe reports. The state has requested he supply the infor~ation, so he is going to do so. Also says he has invoicesio prove Clean Harbor has inspected the catch basins on aq.\.larterly basis although there has been no contract. The ~ork has been done on an as-needed basis. Dr. Dunwiddie asks about the bond. @ recycled paper ~ ." / . Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission (508) 228-7230 10 South Beach Street N antucket,Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for April 18, 1991 Page 29 .:~ . . Mr. Perry says according to Mr. Sarvis he talked to someone -at the town, which he.assumes is the Planning Board, who sa.id he didn't need it any more. Dr. Dunwiddiesays we should have a safeguard on this, if not in this instance, in the future. We.shouldhave the money in hand . Mr. Perry says the way this was done we received four letters of credit from the bank for $12,500 each which were good for a year. Says the Con Com has not received any information on the s~atus of the bond. Dr. Dunwiddie says he does not think we should bend over backward to find infor;mation. If theorderlsn't compIled with we should start issuing fines. If he has the information, that will bring it in. '-5.CGRRESPONaENCE-..c..;..-=-=- '- 1 6. MINUTES: for Aprii' 4, 1991 MOTION: To acc,ept the minutes as drafted was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS 7. BILLS TO BE PAID 8. FIELD INSPECTIONS - Monday, April 29, 1991, 4:00pm At 9:35 pm the commission was polled and voted unanimously to go into executive session. The executive session and the meeting were adjourned at 9:40 pm. (~ recycled paper