HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-21 """~~'" ~ th~/~/ .' Ylllp*~" . ' ' , , Town Qf,., NaptUck.~t Conservat18h C6mmiislbn 7'. / (508)228-7230 10 South Beach Street N antucket,Massachusetts 02554 l' I 1991 The meeting was called to' arder at 7.:02 PM in the large Graup Instructian Raam af the Nantucket, High Schaal. Cammissianers presen't we....e William Willet, Pet,el'" DUnWiddie. Lt!iuraHussey, Dan Kelliher, Henry Wasierski ,DQ.naldVisca, Peter Wilson. AlsO'" present were Bruce Pe....ry, Administratar and Lucia Weyth, Secretary:. The Cammissianers were palled and vated unanimausly ton'ga' immediately into Executive Sessian~ A.. EXECuTIVE SESSION 1. Litigatian 2. Appraval 0'1' Minutes3anuary 17, 1991 The apen meeting was recanvened at 7:58 PM II:. cot1I"IENTS AND 'QUESTJONSFADHPRESSAND: PUBLIC ---_.- -- --.- .- 'NONE c__ PilAt T~ HEARINGS 1. Richards - 25 East Tristram Ave~ - SE4B-609 - (31-1) . Present far the applicant i sHr. Shugrue who asks the,' hearing be cantinusdf'o.... additional infcu:matian. MOTION: To continue ,for additianal infarmatian is made and secanded. UNANIMOUS 2. Greenberg - 21 E. Tristram's Ave. -- SE4B-557 - (31-3) Present for the applicant are Melissa PhilbriCk, Attorney, and 30hn Shugrue. 11.... Perry shows a revised plan which requires a waiver to' change the lacatian of the septic system. Asks why the well has to be located sa far away. Mr. Shugrue answers to' pratectthe well, because the septic system on the adjaining 10ti5 verycl05e.to the ditch which could break. He adds that the ditch crassing will be with a small ditch witch (a 4" ditch needed). '~ recyded paper . / " , Town. 61 "Nafillicket ' :,:< ',' ,f':,;:'-'': :::/:_..,~:,-;. . :} ,:' ..... r. :.~; ;,.-'.' .' '_:--:"'\':';__G~:; or: . Conservation Commission (608)$7230 10 South BeaeI1Street N,antueket.MUsaChusettS 02554 Meeting Minutes far March 21, 1991 Page 2 111"'. Perrysu9gests they r'equest a minor mQdificatipn, to. replace erodin9 wood stairs with al.um.inum. ' J;i" ~, Attorney Philbrick says she will talk to the Greenbe"'4J'~ about it. Mr. Perrysti9gestsit be added to the 'amencled.order as'a - conditian. Attorney Philbrick !$ays she wau1d prefer the order were amended without the condition and due to' Mr. Greenberg's special needs sheneecisto talk with then; instead a lett;er be written suggestlngaluminum stairs.. ; '.: -, MOTION: Ioclo~e.thfi!f1eilringand draft an. amend~~ order to change,1:he!i1!ptic'loct1atiGn was: made andt'~1 seconded.. ' " " ',', UNANIMOUS '3'. Gi llesp ie - 40 Easton Street -- SE48-641 <-'2. 1. 4-20)~!rl< Present for the applicant is!JohnShuCjJ1'"ue~ , Mr. Perry says h.,'has. Pha'toso.f thee)(ist~ng bUlkheac(iand . 'it ls;, in needof,repalr.' 'Recammetnd.the ordef"H:)eh.sued:.~'s drafted. Mr. Willet ,asks.if there are any groins ttutte and what technique....ill be used. Hr. Perry says there are a couple. Mr. Shugrue says he hopes to' be using plastic wood and he will nat be replacing the groins at this time. MOTION: ToC'i.ase the hearin9 and issue the order as drafted was made and ,seconded. UNANIMOUS * 4.Pocoino Overseas-9 Pacomo Rd. .... <'14-12, 13.14, 58, (60) Present far ,the appli.cant is Attorney Meli.,aPhilbriC;k,; Susan Trull, of Horsley, Witten, Hegeman; and Robert Emack af @recycledpaper c..;'." i "":':'?~'T::;.%1::' :'t'~~'1'!,:. ~~;i~:.F0~':""'" .'!J'P~.:;;'1 / k ..<1';' Town ~olNanw.cket Conserv ~ti(jh> C()milii~~ion . '. . .; '. '.'., ';'C.".,' ",,". .,. . ' (508)22S-72,30 II I 10 South BeaehStreet Nantucket, Massaehusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for l1arch 21, 1991 Page 3 Nantucket Surveyars. Also, present are the applicants,' Mr. and Mrs. FreeftlanRobinson. Mr. Willet reads the inspection report. Dr. Dunwiddie adds that he would 'I ike ~o know the maintenance schedule for the fence line. Attarney Philbr-icksays there is an error an the plans; the wire 'fence onon~ side is shawn as 4' high, two wire plastic; shauld be 6' high, 3 wire plastic:, all around the property. She makes the cha~ges to the plans and initials the change. Mr. Perry says anabut~er was in the off,ice to inquire how much of the fence is to' be past and rail. J, --~-~_. I I ! ,A~torney Philbrick $aysthey wE!re working it out wi th the ab_ut~eT'santhatroad}it d~en~ed <>8' lot an/the terrain; was not .rtecess.rilygoing'~.Oibf!c:onti nuou.ly ,sp lH:rail-.-~ Cantinues the intent~.f':t~eprajec,tisto stophuriters from _ __ ----9oi ng. on,j;he proper_ty..bY_'.put,i:i"g Af~n~l!!!arnUnd' i:h~ prapl!!!rty baundar ies. Al though'itw'i;ll'not prevent! .hun'ters1'ram comi"CJ ontO" the property it Will be a visibledeter",ent. Says they feel th,ata :wl,"re, f'ence, ',.w,.','i,,',..',.,,1',I, ":ha, 'Ie lessim,pact, on the wetland. The ather aspect of t"eproject is to put some boulders an the beach to stop beach traffic. >Nates another.change from the original plan is the bould,ersare .,torun from the bottom af the bank to' meanhigh water rilther .thanmean low tide. The purpose of the boulde1-sis to ,keep peaple and vehicles from coming clase to the edge 0'1' the bank and causing erasian to the bank. Ms. 'Trull says there a number of wetlands on the site which they have flagged . Thecaastalportion will, not be affected by the fence because i tstarts" up on top 0'1' the cO,astal bank; the inland.'wetlands, which is more or less one continuaus wetland,~iswhat has been flagged and they have only shown where the fence will come through. What is mainly affected is wildlife. , Says plastic woad with three str-and wire will btt used and that small animals as well as smaller deer will be able to crawl under. Adult deer can leap up to' 7'. Therefore, it won't bean impedance either to' deer ar to' other wild life. Some brush cutting to put in the fence will be necessary but it will be done by hand and the fence will be @ recyded paper . Towrl,...of~.,Nantuclc~t.;. Conseff~fibIl.,".tCommissi()n . 1" / (508) '228-'1280 10 South J:lelU:hStreet Nantucket. MasSachusetts 02554 II 1 l1eeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 4 installed with a hancf d.ig;g~,riand,they willav~;i;dany trees so that the habitat isn't lost:". The idea is to cut sufficiently to put the fence in, not ,to' make it,awalkil'lg path. Dr. Dunwiddie asks if it will be maintained after the fence is put in. I1r. Emack says brushcuttingmairr~~nancemwi11be dane mainly to keep the fence in goad ,shape; willbeappraximately 2' , mostly an theRab i nsop side. Mr. Rabinsan says the fence will be set 3' in from their praperty line and it will be cleared only for maintenance. Mr. Wasierski says he would, ~ike more specifics ,an the line of boulders. ~ - .=- "'. I1r. Perry says the,high<water linecomesr:ightto the bottom af,th~ bank.. Th~<R\()!!Ot,~tley wi 11 ge~.'in>,is\pne rack on 'eacn--prop~i;ty c;;;crner~AI;;QSJlu~~ia'-Lh~ Csc;;;C'es~t"e"'~.~I.' is: all the way 'from 'Pacqmoeqint.They 'll.have, tp come a long way down thebeaEtL.:...far .,twarocks.' ________ "':;\;'~/.:,i"'::;" Mr. Wasiersk iasks how the '" boulders are going to be set. Dr. Dunwiddie says, ~c.u:~~..:i~gfromthe stabi 1i ty af most of the bank 1 t ',s going to, be,lo~. r Mr. Emack says a small "loader wi 11 be braught in at law tide. 111"'. Wasierski says ,he would hate to' see some typeaf groin. I1r. Perry says he do~sn'tthink placing 2 baulders will serve their purpose; itwan'tkeep peqple fram gaingaround the rock a.nd into ttaebank. Thinks it,will cause a lot af di$turbance on the b~achQr:-iving f'rom PacamoPoint to'. put ane or two racks there. . ., '.' ' ' , I1r. Wasierski. notesJ::he plan doesn't shaw the base of' the bank--onl y the top, of1;l::u~;bank. Attorney Philbrick says they plan to lay the boulders at about a 4' separation and it would take 2 or so an each side. @recycledpsper ,,'~ ,~:.,';""'" ,:,,-<,,"\,;~ "",,:/:'r;!tr::!rrf~.:;rT.G'~.'?? t / '. Town 0.1. Nantucket Conse,rv a.ti~#'/.:C()Jl1.ini.s~ion . - ,-~ j~ . . ',", -,,'-. "'" ',' ,'C (508l,-~ c ';~, ';,..(k~."_;' '-" 10 South Beach St.reet Nantucket, '.Massachusetts02554 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 5 Mr. Emack says t"here is not more than 10 '0 to high tide line a~dagrees it will take 2 boulder~ at tha most~ Mr. Visco says they wi II have a prablem ge,tting a Chapter 91 permit far the boulders; it won't effectively do what' you want and e'ffec;tively i-t will work as a grain. Attorney Philbrick says that is why they are going to' keep it at mean high water or abave. Mr. Wasierski says he is afraid they will act as a groin and interfere as well with the abutters. >:~.(~}~:~.: ,_. .Jr;:,' Mr. Robinson says at high tide is when it would affect the erosion of the bank becau$e, people: wi 11"no1:go,'af,"0\And,amd erode the bluff'; at low tide they obviously stay'. dQ:wn",low ,and gO' faster along the beach. '... Mr._ Robinson s.aysthe vehicles dan'.t dO'. muchharm<.t law or m_iumtides;it,is at high tide when the daA\jt.geisdaneas t,he" vehicle:s1;ry pas:sage aAd thetire~acks are literally right into the base of' the bluff. The tracks,becCluseof'the saft' clay, .,are so deep and stay 1'01'" so long that the. bluff then tumbles down, particularly during a storm, causing eraslan. At law tide she daes nat believe thereis.aproblem. -',',.'-, -----, --- -------..',-,- " , -..- . ".. ' --'--.-'- --------,--, ,'- - .-- '-'----------------. ' --,"'\.-".,,-'--::;:. ','.l -----,-'.~-,-, -,-,- "'-.:.-~':'''''''''.'- Mr. Willet says we will need more detail including a lacus map. 111"'. Wastersldaskswhere is the access to' the Rabinson property. Haw do people travel that area at high tide. Says there is a ditch back at Pacama; also"the beach is closed from May 15 to October to vehicular traf'f'ic. Mrs. Robinson says that is when we get most of' our traf'fic~ in the ~inter_ Cammission notes there are a lot of rocks'in the area. Attorney Philbrick says the point is to move them and get it sa there is an obstruction at high tide. Mr. Visco says you,may have a problem as it may be perceived as a grain. @recyc/edpaper . Town" .bfNanwcket Conser~~tion' "cbIri~i~sion ",i~' j,:> ."> ','] ~:; , ?T .':-'.-'-'"i)i,:':, " ,t" ',,:,1- / (508) $?230 10$CRltI1Jl~i~treet., ' Natlt11~t;:.~usetts 02554 l' 1 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 6 Dr. Dunwiddle says. he would think if we specify themUmbe.r of rocks and the spacing and the locatian, he doesn't think it would be much of'a'problem. Mr. Perry says a 4' spacing is gaing to be just 1 rack. Mt. Wa_ierskis;ays we need a plan from high water 'to-'~1;he base of the bank. 111"'. Perry asks if the commlssian is happy with 4,OOO'iOf 0' high fence. Notes the praperty line to the beach is about 2,OOO'10ng. 111"'. Wasierski says it isn't>2000' of wet'land; he dae~n~t thi,nkwehave any ju....isdic:tion outside of the wetlands~..'l'';h.'> ct. "", ,; !i:'i;., Mr., Perry says ,we have' to cansider whe,ther the.wil~ l~fe _as (goi~ _t,obe..obstruc:ted... Deer,.lJlaynothav,e,trouble.i~l.aring a6';fenc:ebyone faot>but they'sti 1:1 have overhangingl;,b1'11ushf to'c:antend with~ Wildlife i.'ane .afthe interests .tabe)i!;.;i" proite~_..,__ _,_ __;_......1 'iU:{,' ,-,h.., :, ,_::;_;:;" ',-,,!.;.t Attorney Philbrick ",says there ,is also the".sect ion>~f.i!~,ii.t railronc:e you get. out 0"; the.wetland. 1";~l",..i+'c Hr. Waslerski saysmayi;)e we should ask'for a wild li:f;~' assessment 0'1', the property. , '~' --,- ; i I~ ; ./ < Attarney. Philbrick suggests Ms. Trull c:ould. questionsin'that area. i'! ';;, I:; , ;;; answer I, an:y ,.", (Jr, ) ~: ; , Ms. Trull says there area lat of' deer in the area Hbu,t the deer have made their own trai Is thraugh the area and she'; " thinks they will stic:k .to' those trails and take the pa~h '101' least resistance and either, go through those sections, d1'.i!the wire or go to the upland. She daesn't think it willb~ ~. problem. Mr. Wilsan asks why .was 6' chosen. Ms. Trull says to be a sight distance; if it were ust a 3 ar 4' high wire hunters couldn't see it. @recydedpaper . t~jjftJ;t~;)P~i;'~1;.t;~~;:r;":1".;L,;'~~-Y":'('--"" ilr;-~Ii.';:~ Town'9f;~~tl19ket Conservation "Commission', " / (~)-1J8O(' ~:,;:" l; I 10 South Beach Street N antucket,Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 7 Attarney, Arthur Re~de says he is here with Les Smith af Daylor Cansultlngrepresentir-g Newquist, an abutter., Says he ,questionsthenetKtfor a feric;:e6' high. Believes itisgaing to bea barrier to wildli"Fe,speclfically deer. Thinks a 3' high fence wauld be high enough far people to notice. AlsO', thinks that wires may' prave to be extremely da'ngerous because the area is ovetgr:o.wn aria<the wires somewhat inv:isi.ble..He thinks it could be dangeraustobathpeople and wildlife. As far as the boulders are cancerned, they are pleased to hear that the applicant has abandaned the request to' canstruct a groin. They believe/the praject would be in Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction. Questiansbringing a vehicle in fram Pocoma Point to' lay the boulders; says it isn't fishing, fawling or navigation and he doesn't know afanything ;that autharizes the use of the intertidal zone for the project. Believes i tt,respasse!$ on<the rights of ,thepraperty awners between Pacomo PO' i ntand the Rob i nsans .;Al so" were it done f'rom the Robinson prpperty it would involve going across the cnaS-ta 1 barik.-..and wou id l-e~~l tIn some damagE!' ' in the pracess. "Mr.~ Smith says that anything that is done an a beach needs --u'be--tooked at., Su~gfo!sU--&- fence at the basL.O.:fAbtL,QJtnk .!a keep pedestriansand'vehicles f'rom disturbing,. the< bank rather than boulders which mic;Jht cause possible problems. Also, perhaps a spl'itrailfence f'or 1: he entire length of the praperty wauld bea goad; alternative to keepIng hunters out. Mr. 3ames Glidden representing Mr. Braaks says he has learned that twoOf,thfo! lots C?wnedby Mr. Rabinson have a restriction'thatnathing be constructed above graund. Attorney Philbrick says she is aware af the deed restrictipnand it 'is ,not anything,tnatwould be, included in the present request b~cause it is 50 faraway f'rom,the wetlands that it is not anything they were dealing with at this time. She says they will deal with the abutters directly; that it wasautside of theCommissian's jurisdic1;ion. I1r. Alvin Topham asks where baulders are to' be placed and will they adversely affect the public's right to use the beach. He opposes placing boulders an any beach. Mr. Willet says he assumes at high tide it would restrict vehicle traffic. ,@ recycled paper I / '. ", I Town.>6f Nan.tucket , (::,:~!','-,'}r, -t::, ;'. 't,";>-)~--.' ':" " c,'>, :._' " 'Conservation' Commission (508) ~7230 II 10 South B,each Street Nantucket, Massaehusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes f'or l1arch 21, 1991 Page 8 Attorney Philbrick says they> have ..changed their request and thfnks it now protects the publ,tc's right to' use the beach. Mr. Tapham says, the Tawn.. af Nantucket awns less, than twO' milesOf'beach frantantheentire.island. Heoppases anything that impacts-therightsofthe'publictaUsethe beach. Mr. Smith questions the wetland line delineatian. Suggests an,averlay to $ee~"t!ther the east side has changed from wha:t was done by Daylo.,..: i.",'.- Mr. Emack says he fla.ggec;l the wetland ,and it very closely follaws the Daylor line":~"i';'""" < f'-"'" ';. - Y.....:'.. ~ ,'" '" Mr. Smi th says the de,,,jation is nat large; offers to dO' an overlay,., ,..i.,> "'. ~~d Dr. Dunwiddie,says th~r.~Clre hundreds of baulders. on that _ _.--beach. He dj)JJbts_ i:[,a_ fe!'lJftj)~e are gaing to bather' arwone. .: :.'".:~ Mr. Wasierski saystte,c:an1tsee where the access is to get there a~ high tide. I 111"'. Willet asks far adctit;~onalcomtnent. ';:':;-'}>:";~<-_:-':",'-": Mr. Perry suggests we neeg, more detail on the base af the bank and an wildlife. . -j..." Dr. Dunwiddie suggests staf'f.make a call to' the, Fish & Wildlife of'fice. He would bet deer will get througtt the f'ence. MOTION: TO' continue the hearing far a file number and further infarmation was made and seconded. UNAN I MOUS. * 5. Carney - 113 Eel Polnt Rd. - (32-2) ,,~?,~-~~~',".~";-: -"~~~~f:'~~,~t"",;'j, / Town ~f.~cmwc~et Conseryation.' Commission ;l' I l' 1 10 South Beach Street ,N antucket, 'Massaepusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 9 door and that there are now new owners; notes that the list is 4pdated onlyonc~ a year. Says there was some dhicussion at one pointabodt the two praperties'sharing the stairway but he was notlnvolved In that discussion. Mr. Perry says he did not inspect the site and,.,that the , Comm'issionis familiilrwi th the location. Recammends,the boardwalk be cantilevered atthetQp'ofthe-6ank":;"'--Notes"'the stairs are aluminum and pressure treated woad is to' be used abave the bank. Thinks the state may need proof of ApP4!ndix A filing. ' Mr. Willet asks for a motian to' cantinue far a file number. MOTION: TO' cantinue the hearing fQr,aifile number was made and seconded. . UNANIMOUS ,.i,c,'" - ", i';, Old Pal pi s Rd. RT , Arthur Reade! __" Polp t s.Rd...;( Cf-b7 H * 6. Present-i5,-At..<<n~,tle.y,..~thurReac;lef-' Mr ....,_Dayld_Hjljn~s. Cansultant and Mr. Blackwell" Engi.,eer. Dr. DunwJddie reads the inspectionreportwhicbs'says a waiver is needed for" boththedrivewaycroasihgiandc,ithe<septic leach facility location. The proposed cotta"e j.s..located an top of the highest paint of the lat and willbevisiblefram the road. Alat of Till is praposed to' be placed around the proposed house. Mr. Perry says he went back to flag *29 which. was attached to a blueberr'y bush. Suggests 7' dif'ference 'in the wetland boundary will be seen if' the flag is hung on the ather side of the bush. Says it is a judgment call. Mr. Willet questians the trench septic design. I1r. Perry says the grade af the first floor to' the,grade of' invert at the foundation is about 10' difference. Where they could make, a change is to move the, invert up 10' and increase the septic setbacks. This would require a waiver from the Board of' Health. Also questions the amount of fill needed. Notes the driveway is with~n the 25' buffer. @ recvded paper I / '. , ' Town .' of Nantucket Conser~ation ; \Cdrnmissio~' (~)'~U8i' Meeting Minutes far March 21 10 .10 ~~:lJ_$treet' , Nan_.,:~hUSetts 02554 . ..,>,- '~';'.' ";,!:-M~ ' " ., .. , ' , ,";~-,..,~,~, " -'7 ,\;f~ Y .1...._. .~ tlr. Blackwell says' j.:~'wa,s ,aI:)Cllanc:ingact separat'ion1'rom ground water,a~.\~E!p'ar'ation;rr;, There is? 1/2 · separatic;mfram"thebottom()f;'." the, ground water. In cansidering installaticn,." rather ,than a trench he said thatdalthaughth~v' varYirigsizes he, knows af none that, wauld h~ll~< .. heightanc:l theref'are felt a trench was really,., "'toga. ,\,""_Uh'U_" '.. ,- ""',.,",.,..,'" '.u .'m~d,,',:,~, ,'~t:t',-:~~-..'T.,:-'.. 11.., . Perry notes that the building enveloP~(:illbP~tl&hv,rY'i'i: imaginative and is on the highest paint af the<)!!tii~'tf:f~ts.apes of'f very quickly. The driveway elevatian is'ab .i;li~.' There is a large amount of fill gaing araund the fgum~lCt\'1;to suppo....t. it. " , '" h,' ' asks if he can get rid of top of the hill. , i of; the :~ut:what , !property , (,;~ .":" :'- ';1-1 n~,' ;ind., ; ~. i -: .'~ ~ < :. ! .:j ~1-' j~!'--ti;j -,-". -,"", j::~;:-' -~~ ;,:;." ~ .-: , :: ~il1,' 1"'1 f '. , , :f1r. Haines says they dan' t have a thl~, rep;Htse.,ts"a ~worst, c.ase;des~gn. 'it,<:~n;";.:/"::::'''''J'' " '.'" :.'~: .',d; C Mr.~W~ll~t:asks if plans ,are in the '": - - >~,i, ,,",;, ',' ,~ ',' .' '. :'," - ': " ,_ _, ' . " . ~ - ""';~":J ""':, -'.,' "", ,~" ....'-;, r - l' "fir .R~a~t! says th i s l~ndi s!i,~i 11 owned ,.1;2 3_"., '1f..~i I y. ",., , The. PQrp~.~,,;af~t\~~,;n~tice' ir: und~r' th~::appl iC"bleregU:la~~!~,,~'~;t~t!Y, can d~i!' 'if and;',what ~hey would .do,woul~c:tep..17'dcm what ,yC) : :-~t- \::;- ", , , "';' " , - - -'. '-~ - . .' - -., . - .' ::,' ' ' . -'- , ': ]. ':i ,: :,::!~ '", ,,:liiil"11 .,I1r; . ,wi 11 et says take some a1''ff'rom the t~p~;i'i reduc;e,the amaunt af fill. I , , 'Dr . Dunwiddie says it looks like ,you 'V.iil~:~ polnt:iand braught everything up to. it.. Sugg the point about B feet and sl ide; everything' lower wauld, still have a spectacular view. (:'t I :tll~hest ~~o~er " 'feet' 1'11'" ., Perry says yau can, see the house and'1 ,Polpis RC}l1ldand there is roam to move the ' , Com,issiton should not accept the design ge'b':any worse than th is. :';';1 ?,,;i tlr. Visco comments that,theCpmmission c~n owners i fi they wanttq use,ti'te pY"oper~y; to $~i~" and ,sugge~ts that the Commi,ssion ~S5:o,~erstepp':i1,! Jurisdiction when discussing building design." @recycledpaper 'j;/"'I'<'n''''::i,~~,'''''f-''';rT"q'nl,jf'.." t~~~~~i?>~~~'~..:.';,i,;:'\1."~. / '. I' . T6\V~~~~~~qq~*et Conservation" COmmiSfJion {".. ,. .,' .., k',. .- ".' ". .. .'J,. ... ',- "' " ~ (508) 228-7830 ,. 10 South Beach Street N antucket,Malsaehusetts 02554' Mee~jng Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 11 Dr. Dunwiddie saysyau can see it from all directians. Adds he thinks Itc:anbehdesigned tastef'ully. Mr. Willet suggests we ,should look at this as an envelope but state the f'inal pl~ns are subject to our review. Dr. DunwiddiE!,sa'ys,he,is nervausab9ut, that. If this gets approved the, hause will be right up there. Mr. Reade says there is nO' point an this lot that isn't within 100' af a wetlandbaundary. They want to know what reasonably they can d.o wi th this lot. Says it is nat their objective to find the most aggressivepositian. What we get from you as far as input at this first 'hearing can help us came back later on w.i1;,l;lsomethingthat ,maywark a little better. I'm more intt;!rested in hearingyaurcamments than I am in trying to argue,;fara particular positian. ~:/,;~:,;'~#r;~5~{,':'-:1"",,:' ,:,' /,.~'-::~; . Mr. Willet says,th'1I ht!iaht and alno_unt,o_'f.fil1 are in ,..--- . '. ." .,' + j":'.:,<I'f "'. l. ' I' question. .', "".'", (1'.(" , u---nr.__Dunwicj~ie--SCl.,.'~ifi'thisiS"'t the cmtelepe we would like to' see .analterriat:i:""Z ,.... '.....' ..,.... :,,"',;;/ c, !;,,;." ::'",:' >r:::'. ,,:,',:::F Mr. Wasierski que~~iC)ns the setbacks and suggests that the setbacks to the wetland bCJundary be placed on the revised plan.:::", 111"'. Willet says the stairs, 'decks should be included in the setbacks. "..'{. Mr. Perry says he,$uggested the silt fence shauld go straight across. Alsc:(the bui ldlrig envelope shautd include all decks, cantilevers' and stairs. Mr. Haines didn't seem 'to' think an envelope would include that at the field inspection. Mr. Reade say.sother than height and envelope and f'i ll, I'm not hearing ariy'other suggestions or criticism. I1rs. Hussey asks how big the hause will be. Mr. Reade says 1000 sq. ft. I Town of Nantucket t ','';'''':'..'''':'1 ,'", ' ' , ConserVatioh'Comniission' , . . -~~;~,-:-_:-~,,;, ~;: -:'f' (508) ~ / 10South;~...Street ,": ' . N antuck~tiltl!s&~usetts,02554 l; J "\ - ,..,:" i.;:~ . ,', ~ ..-, '''".-''ri Meeting Minutes far March 21, 1991 Page 12 allowed by the Board of Health. Oneartw9 bedrooMs cauld increase the setback by reduchig the size of the system and a;lso',thef1ows,makiQg the trencb a little bit sh,orter. Dr. Dunwiddie comments that by scaling dawn the system the g1"'ea,~est imp.ct will be to' reduce the flows 1;hlt"aYcg~ the . _'!'('~~'!'~~~- -- ,... .., . Mr. Haines provides a copypf' Appendix A filing far this fi ltt"and the Oxbow file. 'l~' . To ,c;;:antinuefor further infor$at,ion and a was made and seconded. * UNA~IMOUS """"P~b~~"R~:ity Tr., Sarah Alger - Palpis Rd. (4;6-1) R~ade~ Mr. Hain.s4' COI1~lll:~an~ . "tlr. " l::' ~j~,~. -';'::. ":;~,\;.. -y - ~';'-:"- ':" , : -::~ "Pr'.,' Dun~~ddie l~ac:;llwf~~ld .,i) , ::_,~ <:.:~,/~~n-~,..~:~:~ ~L~~ ;,.:' ,;:.:}: --}::...k' , '," 'Mr :'BlaCkwel 1 ~ ::' ,_:u : ~ : j houses wi II be usJr'9 l"'ii; ;~' - :1, says yes. ''II .' Perry points out that the old culvert ls:;.'noton the . - ! :~ ~ r ~ I '. : Mr. Wil$qn ,says it loa,ks like part of it w.s:~*mmed and part, of it w.s a 'farm pand. . 'I Ii; ,,-' ~ 111"'. Perry says the house elevations are on.t~e tops of' the hills; one i~ a five bedroom and,ane a two bedro~~ cattage. Mr~ Haines says it would be difficult to dro~~hem; the first f'loorelevat'ions areabaut 10' belaw Old P~Jpis Road Realty Trust we just looked at. TO' drop them we'!would actually be digging a hole. MOTION: To continue for a f'ile number was made and ,,seconded. UNANIMOUS @recvcledJ1lllHN / Town of Nantucket , . - ." ',. '~'.'" " Conservation' Commission < ''',' - '. -,'-" -', . ,.-,-, - -, -, ..'; (508) 228-1280 . 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 13 * 8. Cameran - 30 ShawkemoRd. - SE48-643 - (27-2) P....esent far the'applicant is Les Smith from Daylor Consulting. Mr. Perry saY$ the proposal is' tobU! td,aboathouse-ina grassy area with 'beach access. When they bought the property there was an envelope restricted for a boathouse. The locaticin is within that envelape. Notes that they have previausly discussed beach access with the Conservatian Foundation. There seems to already be a path. Mr. S.m~th, ~ay~ t,he plans are for a si~ple shed with ramps coming off"; ,.,. Mr . Perry suggt!.sts we limit b,rushclearirg., ' ",:-':"- _,,: .,,". ::__ '_ ....-,>'..:: 'oj--. .........,. ' "<_",:':_ -,'_:' V):-::'_:::::;~;"~ : -, ':n" . '_' ,- ':__' . '~..flOTIlJ.N.:."1 0 close the,' hea~~ and/dr.att-:-ap- arder made and 'seconded. UNAN I MOJ,JR, D. REGULAR ttEETING 1. REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION a. Weinman - 21 Caffln Street ...; (7:3.4:1:';"26) Mr. Perry says at the .last meeting ,there was a discussion on whether or nat there was a wetland as ar.esultaf,the catch basins draining. Dr. "Dunwiddie visi tedthe;si te last Friday and verified it is not subject to' the wetland Act or By;....law. Mr. Willet asks fOTany questians orcamments. 110TION: To issue a negative determinatian was made and secanded. . UNANIMOUS * b. Toole - 10 Village Way - (14--39) Mr. Perry says this is for replacement stairs. He suggests that as the cammission likes to see stair @ recyded paper / '. I " , Townof~Ncirlh1cket ":~':-i":~"-' .", ->., - :,:1, _:--~-_---__.:.-" -.:.- ,';'.;:';}'--u - ~'.:>' -;;>:-. .,.::.~ 1'" _:' .::.~_~t, -..,~:~ :-~.:__': - ":;:' Conservation:o'Cottlmission .; -;;_ ~ii >". _u ';;:."l... ~";;" :i ;;::.\ ' . ':. : -~. -,.' '': '- - ' -':,:- :->' ;:-':'.{'::'-t;.~._:~ (508) ~723cf , II 10 SotJthBeachStreet N aritueket.'Hassaehusetts 02554 < '. (." c. Meeting ~inutesf'ar March 21,' 1991 Page 14 - replacements to add any comments, they have f'iled a determination. 111"'. Willet reads the inspectionrepart'andttae .Camml~sion reviews photos submitted with the application. MOTION: TO' issue a l1egCit,ive determinat..ion subject t CJ' b Lit" wi' 11. '" nCJ.t"-~:HtEtr-wa~:'r~'tSl~",and"!iE!COflded';-----~ '7: ~,.., , -,' -,' "'h;-_{. UNANI~pUSc" ,./;,., '-;,'-j * c. Halland- Rhode IslancJAve.' (60.3.1-138-1~5) Mr. Willet.reads.thli! in~pec:tiQJ'lreport. .' ,',' '. .- ':'.' .:.., ,', ,_' _',_ .;:.,'" .~ ,:'J_':;,. - -'., .' . .' '.' . . . ; . , _ _ __-."::''''-':,;.'-:,:'~';~':'''':<': '.- ;-, -_:-:;:<,~:.:.,::~::;~-\r;:_:.:_::.:~ "" ",', _"",_,_ _> ;,':--,"'c. :'_ ':': Mr. Perry~ays,t1E!,t).Cl.s.!:,.!~j!.~~~,:(,~~~t i lfi!S"i.~,!~t:lE!i!c;u:f!!a,a~c;I. . has found" thati"t,qE!;:l a~t>.t:ij. vE!"YE!arstlle.haye'ClPPr:q~E!d,ton 1 y,.:.", onenegat ive' determlnat.ion": ti..h iCh'was"faia'dec.krePlacemEmt . ~_Eve,rYt;hinSl,,~! s~" wa,s,...Po.~~~'~,vi',an~i1f~eq.p;i l'"ed~i~.;t,ry.91~~~.~';,i c;!~Et; anly".,"i notIces we, .,axeappraVE!c:lK.~u~t"e.re. "I,e,;. 1'a.r.~ept i c"f:~e:P lacelrients, '" to rebuild onthesame,fQQt;g...int:,c)nd. t9.add a secand .flaor. __ _,,' "~ _--'-_~.~~:. ~,'~":;'~'~i"'fftt;):-~~.,:;-:-,:,;''';1,'':; ';<<~}i,;~'::f.:\~.Q ',',} ':,' Mr. Willet s~ys'~~ec:o"'f,I1~sSiOrl'PO~iCY out,on;S",i th "Point,. has been to' ,hO Id,d:~;'~,~::;!'~ji?Si.,~~~:JE~;i:~'"~,~,, .". " i.' ',.. Mr. Perry.. s.ays:.tpE!\'.r:eB~~!it;;,.':i'~';:(pr~i~:;,:stuctio' and . .~' 2,'car ,-:,,; garage. ,Saysthe'~L.&;nE!,~~~l,lj~~~~;jClt~oP:J"~.;a. ;lot :it'th~ last, fi've or six years. ,Adds ,'thE!reiii!i'Cl,f'U~!i~io1'1whether this is c:ansidered,abarr ierbE!clc"'.~,,~,;i'r ,f;;'::'{,ti~+':( j~ :';;; ')' , '--; ," - ,,- . ',' :1,;>:<':":':~-~',:; ,'_~ _ __",~',:~,,~"':-:- -___< ',,:' : ,- , ::"_ _', ' Mr. ,Willet asksif't.t'1;e.~t;CltE!'hCls ever,definedlt.a!ii_ ' b'arr ier, beach ;b~lievfi!~t~,;,~!i7;k,~r1d,Of' a broadi nterpretc)~ian ~ Suggests we do riot knowwhe~her;it 'ls a barrier bec)ch but QUI'" palicy has been nat to' allQ~'.lIlufl'l.'expa!"sianin this,area:o MOTION: To issue, aposi~i,Ve determinatian was made and secanded. UNANIMOUS d. Frost - 133, 135, 137 Eel P(:),ir't.;,Rd. - (33-11, 12, 13) Dr. Dunwiddie abstains from the disc:ussionandthe vate. Present far the applicant is ~r'thur Aeade and David Haines. @recvc/edpaper * 71 / '",_,,0'.;;.1 Tow, n"o,.,."f,.,."",.".N".,., an, .,., t,ll,','..,..,c,.,.,.,..,..,k,_"."".."e,t Conservatigri.'.Comtni~sion (~f.> , , .:' :~ ';,;1:~,:; :' 10 South Beach Street Nantucket. M.-achusetts02554 II I Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 15 Mr. Willet reads the field inspection report. Mr. Ha i nes says the hi II conta i ns dune sand. ,He doesn' t feel 1:;he second ridge has migrated in the last 20 years, because of the presence of the fence past and alsO' ,a pine tree. Says it is unusual to see a bank come up as high as that> and have' a dune an tap 0'1' it and have a'largf!.~1;&pi'and-c' going intO' the dune. It looks like the dune hasmigra'ted back. However, it does not supply sand to' the beach or ocean. They are willing tare-delineate the area. Mr. Reade says they need a line they can rely an as there are number of factors to be considered in conne~tion with what "hey are doing. Sugg~~ts, however,this would!,a,tpriE!c,ludti! their caming back wittf a new NOI andarguingany,.PC3in~s'.~ithin the context . Far purposes of what they are 'doipg-:.,c.w;;:the"(i just need to' know where, the I ine is. ," ,;;,'. ,.' , 'f,.>:"'i:,. , ' ,",., ',', '. "", ,":, ... - ;')':-+~~.": ','. --roo .,-;:.:.~-::.~f~1~.t';":};.,::,~ ..- --:--MOTION: "Toc:ontinue f'or aCJd.1tlc;inal..l.,a1'oli'i"ilt1on wa5 made and 'seconded. 't' UNANIMOUS *' e. County Com.- 109, 111 Washington Ext.-(5S'.1.4-3B, 71> Mr. Willet read!i. the inspection report. Present for the applicant is Anne Lee. 111"'5. .Lee says she has natified.the()~ners:of,theiT: j" prQposaland has talked wi th Dave Fransuto ttle,..~r~.,e' ',; . Superintendent with regard to' what would be .the;,blE!st~Sf!O{;;: the land. They want to keep the land unimpravec;l. '..' The.~ar~ne Superintendent has agreed to' pal ice the area ona daily basis. Parking will be far short term. Abutter Tony Mello asks what their definitian is of' short term parking. I1rs. Lee saySii it is for beach and ,town parking.' Mr. Mello says this has been talked about for a long time but nothing has been accompli$h.d. The area has a history af being used for business use. There are roads going through there, fences up, trucks and boats parked there. @' ~cIed paper I . . . / '. Townt:,ol.:N:antuck~t Conservation Commission , ~;lo-, - . . .' ).-.-:./: i;',-t;> (508)22fF1230 '-,-dO, ,__, , , 10 Soutl)B~b,Street , . Nantucfc:et.lf...dlusetts 02554 . :, .. c.,' .,,':' .', ,'-tli>:';",..,_ _ -.''- "J. ' ~. ~' . ,c ,'-. >,<,::-:: f""-':~:1~_'"':_' p: "-::~;};1~: ',~,: i ' . -, -~ - - ;', ,. ..' . Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 16 ". Mr.s~Lee says there has been a protracted period in trying to' notifypeaple. Agrees there has been a delay in moving ttils project but itis their'intentlon to' mave the'debrls out of ther. as quickly as ,they can. ~. . I1r..Melloasks for confirmation that this is for parking, '-'--..------~noj;':'Tbr"b-usTness u-use=- '- --,-...... ''''''-'--- ",., ,'; ~- ~, j.',. .. 5> . 'J f. ..: I ,.;. i", ,,', .11\'-;:": ' -, Mrs. Lee says that is the intent, it is far- temporary pa:"-l<ing. \ ' ". "~ I : _ ::1'1' ,_, -: ',,, , "', : M'r. Willet asks i fi t wi II be ready far summer. !. M~s..-!Lee,says absolutely. '~t ~_~~>;~:t~:.:~'- , ... ' ,!,i.':"i,)I;M9T10N: TO' issue a subject ,';,;;:n6'}filling is proposed "''''''~'~i!'!'t'i''t'ft'r~;:';';1;'~~c~crided':' ";f_ ..' "'r' "I ,~'.", <~-":: ';,./::; ,':: .-' '~:-"'.-';' j ";.'" ",''':': ,', 2 ::'~~9R~~R,: OF ~, ;!,'~~,j-~:.;l~\~~-~;J~~?"t~)L~<:;"'~"~:"" " __ _ -, , .,,{' ~ ,.".; a:~,Row1ey -28 Tennessee Avenue - SE48-640 (60.,1.2-31) ~;';,' ,t'~,j,~}Ah;~1~i,~f,~ltiLi " "., '. ' . " . . '~'~;.;':'~','/I"I1; ':; Perry says he,sentild...a'ftorderto Mr~ Wi;leywha -'~"Sque.$t!a,l1~, why he is 1 imlte~'tatt\tobedrooms.Heto ld him it : ."as. part c:afthe giveandtakea",d if' he wanted to' Cliscuss it 'hef:Oul~ .CJo so heretonight:~ AJ-~()questions; fU4r~garding na.~ural, vf!9.,tation between" the,w..t land andthepraiject site. Saidriglit now it 'is 1,awnandhe':'W,alnts to be able to' keep it ;t" 1! ,\':'''''_ ,t ,,;1: -,:, -' , , ' '. , , ,-'.: ,- " lawn~hEm the project is finished~' to but will not alter' and determination was made and I, that will be all right. Mr. Wiley said he would talk to' Mr. Rowley and if' he didn't have a problem with #18,it was fine atherw!ise. MOTION: To issue the order as drafted and revise~#14 as discussed was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS b. Lang - 98 Tom Nevers Road"" $648-642 - (91-40) @ TllCt/ded'DBnM .',- '";,""~:C-.:;;';~~';,,,1:;:.w~:':~:~~~'q'.l')jJ;!-~;J.:fj~rc'_~ / '. Town f~~.t-f~~~et Conservation: tColrimiSston (508)-l~.k~i -,,-J'-'Ji/', ..~ ,", 10 South B~Street N antueket,llitsachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 17 111"'. Lang asksabaut conditian#17 regarding structure height.. S_ay~ the house is, ~esigned to be ,16' t.ligh fram' the ft'nishec;C' grade but due to :pther posslblec ircumst.ances asks the Ilmit be changed'to'18'; hisintentianis..to keep it as low as possible. Mr. Perry says there is a typO' in #4 which shauld say siltation ar snow fence rather than haybale line. Mr. Lang says he has a question about that. He c.n anly extend the fence 20' to' the west; how far dO' we want it extended. I1r. Perry suggests a reasanable distance; it doesn't have to go al L the way to the end. I1r. Wasierskisuggests he make it asa U. ,.. MI'". Langh.s a_~rQble~....ith that as. the asphil1t . paveme.,t is going to be removed and a'U'wauiaex-tend ~'''':tli';d' _.: being worked. , 'Agrees it is a good idea, however, cmd that if it can be opened lip whc:oni:he wark is goin.9...9!!_t_hatwil1be o.k. Mr. Lang also saysrelat,l",e, 1;0 heigt.lt rti!strlc;:tions he does not want to limi t future redesign.. Mr. Willet says he cauld discuss any des~gn change at .that time. 110TION:.TO ig,sue the arderwith natea changes was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS c. Gi llespie 40 Easton Street - SE48-641 - (42.1.4-20) Present far the applicant is John Shugrue. Mr. Perryrecammends the order be issued as drafted. Mr. Shugrue says be will beusin9 plastic woad and is happy wi thth.drafting of the Order . MOTION: To issue the orc;ler as drafted was made and seconded. @ recvded PlIper I / Tow'n. ol,Narttucket , .... . 'cr" ,", .' ,'....,..'c, ,i Conser,jation. COmmission . . , . ;T / (508) 228-1230 10 South Beach Street N antitcket, 'M:assaehusetU 02554 ,. I Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 18 ,-, UNA~IMOU$ '"; " .. . ,-,fl. 3. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE a. Cabral - 62 Miacomet Avenue, SE48-503 - (67-353) Mr. Perry states that he has not' inspec1:~~__1:t:!..E!_~,!~E!,",___ b. Kane - Cambr i dge Sic Lang Pand Dr. ,SE48-333<,( 59.4-15. 1 ) Mr. Perry says this is na.t in campliance. Theorder.was never recarded. Dr. Ounwiddie asked him to laakinta it while they were' inspecting anather lat out~here.Says,there really is nothing .we can do as the three years havee'lapsed. .. The praperty has changed hands and. the.'newownerdoesp,.tJ:<now anything about it and the Order ,was never recordE!~~;"~+"'!' ;"" Mr. Perry says theapi)licanthas to' act withi,n 21\days of submitting a request forcomplia"ce. Kaye, - Tap Gale Lane - SE4B-305 - <27-7lr,} ,.'.. ..,' -<:,~~r::;':?~?r'.tJ ,:,:~}":lAUYC:'~'}0~- c. Mr .Ha ines's~ys .' there w ~ll be vegetation comi ng.6a~:Ic:,on the bank in the spr i ng .; There · was " damage dane whem,:t;hi!:fence was put in.>'[" Mr. Perry suggests rather than cantinuethey' Wlfthcltaw and resubmit~heirrequest. MOTION: TO' accept' the request to' wi thdl"a~..:t",e,request and come back at a later date in the summerwasfllai:leand seconded. '1) UNANIMOUS d. ,Kaye - Top Gale Lane - SE48-567 - (27-7) I1r. Perry 5aystheapPl icant has to act within 21 days of . submitting a request for-compliance. Mr. Haines says there wi 11 be ve,~.,tation'caming back an the bank in the spr i ng . .Therewas c::t..ge done when the fence was put in. Mr. Perry suggests rather than continue they withdraw and resubmit their request. @recyc/edpaper ';';":f:-:',_f~:f~';~-1_::'/;,,;::;r~;._-_ _ ~ ,; -;'1:1:1~j?J.fs:~t?'~"0:>'~,~,,.<.,-,,' TownpfNQl?~cket : ,< ~..".',.., '.,'.. ." '. Conservation', CommissIon 7' I (508) _,.:. 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, M8ssaehusetts 02554 " I Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 19 MOTION: To accept the reques1: to', withdraw the request and caine "back later in the summer' was 'made and seconded. UNANIMOUS e. Cranberry - West Chester Stveet- SE4S-425 -(41-227) Mr. Perry says the applicant has to aC,t within 21 days of submitting a request far compliance. Mr. Haines says there will be vegetation coming back on the bank in the spring. There was damage done when the fence was put in. Also nates the replication area is toO' high and damage was dane to the pipes. Mr. Perry suggests they pull the silt fence around the wetland. t\~-,::~:t --- --~----,-- "-,-- Mr. Haine.'says there are twO" types of wetlands there. One is very wet. The other, which was higher, was slightly we~ It was tt:ut..i.r-i nt.ent to sepal'" a.te-the..-bla-b\L1.a i s ingQne__ a.,it doesn't have'4s Inuch of a connection to the wetlands although it is similar to the wetlands. -I Mr. Perry s,:&ggests rather than cantinue they withdraw :and resubmit their request. MOTION: Tb accept the request to wi,thdr.aw the request and come back in the summer was made ,and secanded. cf' UNANIMOUS 4. OTHER BUSINESS a. First Winthrap - SE48-579 (42.4.1-23,24,25)-pest plan. . Mr. Perry says we have received a I ist of pest,icides and that it is similar to the previous one. 'He is trying to get the sail conservation department give usa re.dingon it. It is, supposed to be in befor-eApril and they are going to sta....t working aut there soon. I1r. Willet suggests we hold off until we get ,a response from soil conservation service. ~~ recycled paper I / '. TOWhL~of'Nan.tUckef " Con$et~~tibri"C()mriii~~loA i'~ .-; ;1:; ~ , . /c~f: ~ (508)_Usb _:~ ::{ , :~ 10 South.BeachStreet N antuek_t/MasSachusetts02554 Meeting Minutes ,for March 21, 1991 Page 20 ." '. b. CauntyCommissioners-HuminockPondaccess I1r. Willet asks about the gravel issue. Mr. Visco says the road to' Hummock Pand is a legally acc~ptedpublicwayand theCMRreg\Jlationsa....e quite specific and the Nantuck'Ettby":law1"a II o'W$~;t"'Efsame' guide 1 h,es~ Says that widening i,s pe....missible und,ermaintenanc:e, and thEtDPW didn't even have to file a request to' get the way apen. I1r.Gardnersayswhat they did was clean the ditch out and spread the dirt an the path. Mr. Alvin,Topham asks what the prablem is. . ~ ,',.. ': . .., ,,', ,";, :~" ",:' ..-'<< Mr. Willet says, he thinks the side of the path is a little wider thanw~e~pected for a hand cut path going down to the pond.' We'havt! oa:;objection to' access_ ~o the pand,', .we were. justtrYingt;~C)keep it,minimal."-----r '-, ~~- - - __ .,., Mr .~oph.am~avc;.f:h.;ll~h.h.adwrii:1:.n an articl..for a baat __" _ ramp to get dow1;'ainto:the'pond far fishingaJl!:i,faw1 h~CLin Tawn i'1eeting twenty years ago. The width as it is now is ,minimal to meet, the ori~iral intent 0'1' why;.there is a public way there in the f'irstiplace. " I1r..Will~t~ays'at:thispoint Weare just interested in stab 111z ing, 'theiroad.' Dr. Dunwiddiesa,y~ the sand. is washing away into the pond and we are laoking for something that will stop this. Mr. Gardner ..says they planned on spreading loam and seE!ding the path~ Mr..Viscos~ys that grass W,il1 'not grow where the vehicles are driving.over. That should bestabi.lized with crushed s tane . It needs to' dbear,oad.. ~i,$'C;an(:ern is that it i so ' t big enough and people are restricted.from getting to' thepand. ,Mr. Perry says roadse~isting priqr to April 1, 1983, you could expand r.oads under limited project., This raad wasn't canstructed in 1983. @..ffIf$J/ed paper . .,~~r;-,;':::~i\;f~v":J)>\,;r:<\~,':t~'4;:~:'\i:';'::",<,_~~~~~~;-it.;,1 / '. I . Town of.~:N, q.n, tucket . .~. ^,. , _: . c- ,- ",',' -,- . .Conservatibri 'C~lnnii~~ion ':.,',,;:-,. \7 / . ." '. '. (5Q8)~~:' !J' " I 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02564 l1eeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 21 Mr. Visco disagrees cammenting that the DPW daes not even have to' came to the Commission for permission if the road was 'leg,ally, laid out on paper. Mr. Perry states that having a road an a map is nat the same as it being const~uc::ted on the, graund. Therefore this work is subject to' regulation. Mr. Willet asks Mr. Gardner if he is introducing expansian to the praposal. Mr. Gardner says they want to make it look like a raad, put gravel on it. Mr. Willet asks far ramp. gravel aver the 110TION: To stabilize the raiad byadd,ing 3" of' gravel 1:a-th&-&x-i-st.i.ng path was ,made and seconded. , -'---c - .~,,,,-,--,I I - UNANIMOUS, . c. Nantucket Commons - draft letter p Mr. Perry says in themiddleOf"~.br\Jary he:sentMr. Sarvis a letter saying that his ard.er'hadexp:iredand.-Sking , him to come in and start talking about f'lnishingthe project. He received no response and the next.~ayitwasin'the paper that he was ready to, go. and Ii tigate'..gain!it us. He'has drafted. a f'armal letter to delineate..,ha'ticwewallttodo. The lacal order and the superseding arde'l'":,danat 'have great differences and DEP has told him to' pur.ue arespanse. I1r. Willet asks for a motion to sign the letter as drafted. MOTION: To sign the letter as draf'tedwas made.and seconded. UNANIMOUS d. PolpisBikepathfield inspectiaTl Aprill3, 8:30 AM e. Nash - Easton St. - SE48-269 (42.1.4-6) replenishment @ recyded paper I Tow~,9~,_TNaritucket ,. Con ser.y. a tibil (508) 228-1230 ? / 10 South Beach Street Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 II 1 Meeting Minutes for March 21, 1991 Page 22 Mr. Visco the vote. Mr ~ Perry notes this appl icant has not yet rll!quested a certificate of comp1ianc:Et. At th~.s time Mr. E~ac:k is requlesting permission to rEi!plenishbeac:h sand,:~tt9...nd the bulkhead. Notes that a gabian has;, bti!enadded ,at+ane end. ._...-.-. '. ... Mr. Emack. says thegabion at the, west end, isn~ t doing too bad though it is com~ng around the back samewl1!1f:r' ,Ttle. east end'needs beach replenishment. AlsO' says ititistarting to' slump bti!tlindthe bUlkhead--iswas.,ing out throt,l9hthe bulkhead. Would like to plant same beach grass'tl:',aere. Mr. ,Perry says he believes on the aldordEi!rsi: there is an ongoing candition to allow beach nourishment. - ..-- ..~ . Mr. Willet.asks,how much, he interidsta dump there. ,-,~Hr--Emack es.timate5-B. ..c.aIJp1.e_'af :tru~~ 10ac,!S+~10' to' eo ~u. yds. But notes to dO' a complete re-nouri~hment",wauld be about 1500 cu. yds. Mr. Visco sa",ysyau wi, l"l,! h, a,'.ve,.,..".,t",o d,,4) sameth,in,.., ,g'more permanent. than, re-nouristl~,!lti ~~~#..usethe sa~e.t~ ing will Just ' happen, again, i twi ll!ju~~!';~'~Ct~)';i~i'Y. ,; :~:~_"-.,,}~::~'1'f~',~;i {_~:c,,;},,-, /j'-"/-.': "', .' ,- :1'-'.: :{ Mr. Emac,k says. that.' s~,IJ~t~1:h~y.,ayedonE! a1:i,the other Ei!nd by add ing thegaban but ,i t>~,as,:just 9o~ behiln~i~he bulkhead. Maybe they' will jUsthaveto.da,a. C;ontinua 1 1'"1epl~~ i s;t'tme"t. Suggests anotherpossibil~ty, is,,;toput, boulder~ :,~ut 'there to' pratect thepoin~. . . Dr. Dunwiddie asks all the, way to the lighthouslt? Mr. Wasierski says a be,tter idea would be to take every~hing out of there and let itstabilt"Ze. Mrs. Hussey asks why dan't you 'just remove it. Dr~ Dunwiddie asksif>there hasalwaY1i,beenbulkhea.cls there. Mr. Wilson says nO', there used to' be dunes with bulkheads behind the dunes. @recyc/edpaper ';~~~;;"}}(t>,"l< ~J::'.'1f!':;f/'" . .. Town of,Nantueket ::'.,..-.',:', '.:,:.,:..::"',':";:',::,,,::,.'::,.",.":,,'."::'",.-:'''.c',.,-,>,.,''~,,_'',':,.,.:'-F,;','.:,'. Conservidi\5Ii :'C9'mmi~slon: < ';1 (508)'2~'1230:: I l; 1 10 South Bead1 Street Nantucket, Massaehusetts.02554 Meeting Minutes far March 21, 1991 Page 23 Mr. Visco says there ,is rip rap around Brant Point underneath the sand. .. MOTION: To allow the request to' replenish araund the bulkhead ends was made and seconded. ... UNANIMOUS f. Receipt Mill Brook Study g. DEP Field Inspectian for Daucette April 16, 9:30 h. Old North Wharf DEIR letter Dr. Dunwiddie says,>a respanse. cauld, give the appearance af our being biased ,agaiDst ,the project. ,".\Calltionsany,letter should be phrased.that these, are our cC)1'1cernsbasedonour previQus hearings. . Ana.ther way wauldbe to' have the letter ~$.lgned--by, Mr., eet:I:.v. ancL...ntle.cL as >concernsfrom . an adm~nistrative point of view~ I ..'~- HI". per-ry-~ot~s-4h~'DEIRcammerit~t-thepreviaus--- _____-c- lettef" "was sent by.Mr.McKelwayand'did.nat,ref'lectthe comndssion's feelings when the comments had been reviewed by the Commissioners. Commission suggests the letterclear'ly state the camments are based on previous hearings. We should make sure the questions are not new,ar, if' sa, are braken aut and sonated. 5. CORRESPONDENCE 6. MINUTES: for March 7, 1991 Mr. Visco notes that on the Polpis Bike Path Dr. Dunwiddie abstained but participated in the discussian. Suggests it be changed to say that he abstained as a cammissioner but his expertise was requested. - .. MOTION: TO' accept the minutes with noted change was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS 7. 8. BILLS TO BE PAID FIELD INSPECTIONS Monday, MOTION: To adjourn the and seconded. April 1, 1991, 4:00p. meeting at 10:32 pm was made @ recyded paper . . / '. ." / I .' ,'. '. " .Tow~ri.'\ot;Nan,tUcket " Con~e;~afi6n:~ :;Com~i'~~idrt" ~'. ::".~ 4.l" " ~, ; 10SC)\ltb~~~Street N antueket,Mi8ssaehusetts 02554 (508)228-'1230 Meeting Minutes f'or March 21 1991 Page 24 UNANIMOUS @, recyded pape(