HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-07 / '. "'f,. Town of. NantU.CJ.~et 'Cons~rvati()n ' 'Cotntrltss16rl.i ~)~~2S0 10 Soutb'Be8eh,Street 'N antucket.. M~busetts 02554, MEET I NG 11 I NUTES FOR t1ARCH 7" 1 991 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM in the Large Group I nstruc tio"'Roo"\~'f the Naptuc kat.... Hi gh.~hoo 1. Commls$ilof\ers presen~~er......l,:aUt'il Hus...V', .Peter ,"Wi lson,:Pe~er 11>~~~cI~;~;~"J~.P4!lif!1 Kell iher~~an'd'Henry W,,>iersk i . Also pres"I"l:t::. ,..ere,B1'"~. ;;~errt,' AdministratoY"';and Luc:iaWyeth, secretcmy....~ '." ,"" , I' I 1. PplpisBike Path discussion B.:. COttt1ENTS AND &lUESTIDNS FROM PRESS AND. PUBLIC ~-,', ,","<~::_") ,,;:,-,-"< Peter Dunwiddi eab5ta'il"lsfromthe;.cI i sc:;u!!is iOTl.,~ja;.'; ~Qmmi~Eii.c:m"'r AQ he is employed by majorabuttet'tQtn~i'.; .... ,pro..i,ect; however, his expertise and comments' arer'f!q~~~ted.;: Laura'H~ssey abstains "t'-om the dj:.sC4~sioJl ,.as;.a,,:.~t;>>H~'~'E,. t()~he " proPDs....al. ' ';,,:;. '.:" , } :_<,;u,-:;~? <:.; ':';;).-p~\~~---::.: ,:~~r) L :',:: ~>" :.~,; : " .:;',;:.' ~-;:. i:'!~: j ~',>~"" ;." '\:"."1' ,. 'j 'P,re*ent for the c:Hscussion aremembets '." ., ':010101.510". . Al.so. pre~entare Ron Th(;u~P!iq9 Vanas$e Han'gen Srtist lln, --rnc;~-"em---'-'-. ,;, iH " -,J". ;:,;:; "c-" Mr. Wasierski asks for questions on the analysis. Dr. Dunwiddie asks if' the$etback guidelines are mandated? @' recycled paper / i i i ! i I I , i j i I ! 'T()wn"of,Nantuek~t< ", :," "" .:- 'i;;~,'~~;'.'>_i;,,::)_::.' r r~/:l',:~,~..,:? ,':,~'-~':-;{';;';::Jt~..::~,F~.-tr,):.:::~-;::?:'; ..; Conservation Commission" . -, I (508}228-7230 . 10 SoutblteacbStreet N antueket.Massachusetts 02554 I' 1 Meeting Minut~s for M~rch 7, 1991 Page 2 Mr. Thompson says they are i:rying>toJespor\d.J;o.the problem of' P4plic:safety.. ,Says.these~bafFkj i__'<"~8e'l~.r:y ,to allOw for stones kicked onto . the path.1:'-~~P:$<~t:I"~;ide".ii,9n guidel ines call for a guardrai 1 to 'be.5"'9f'f1;h~~,r()ad. ..' In order to improveth~ Town 's chances. to qu~lifyfor state grants we need to 'follow the gu:idel ines'.:t'pr;'a,'ClassOne bikepath. Dr. Dunwiddie says the designs seem. to talk to pub'lic safety i,ssues; whera does conser:wation prp:tectJol1: co<<ne into play?" .~ -J !,l' ,~" ;t Mr. Thompson says the. intent is-to mct.ilq::!,i~' a,Cla'ss 1 .path. Part of the projec~wi 11 be the rep I ic.at 1'on area. :_,:-,"" Mrs.'Hu$seyasksi.f'.the replic,:ltio.p,i~l~.l,li;P~<i!~,gne"ar:ea or 'each 0.1 thewetlarids. '.. :;1 .... ....., .,....., ,'-it;,./,~.~ c- :;, ,.:'~.:f~"t"' ,,:..">< '"~',',i-" Hr. Thompson says' they have ldt::,;.l.ifie'd., t~ or:'three possible' s1 tes. ",.' ,lt~ " '~f:", :/-'/: ~..,- - ---'---- Mr. Perry comments'. thattheComm i!is i'qp.has;;TIi . th~past ,. requfredgreater" than one. ~O.Dner.Plica~ioniP,lans 4lldi;rlmost cases calls 'for a two tOl1J1'\e.replacement. ,t Dr. 'Dunwiddie emphasizes that the>mis~iori Commission is to protect .the _t lands.'i:" Mr., .Jeff Willett from the Planning CQmmiSisions~y~ tha.~ public safetyhasa'hi9her priority and ~t1atjif,~ncroa(:hml!nt of thebikepath 1stooc:loseto,the Toad~ ,accidents 'h~ppen. Cites reports of 3 accidents ,this week on the Madaket bikepath due to stones being thrown by.cars. <,! Dr. degree; we go. safe. 'Dunwi<ddie says what needs to be considered is the haw safe 'do we make it; howfar,'intotthei wetlands do What is needed is a compromiseto,make,i'C: reasonably It would seem that any bike path is safer'thannone. Hr. Wasierski asks if bikes are getting hit on Polpis Road. HI" . reports .I}t.).. '. off the ~ 1tICVcIed DlIDBT Brian Wiese respondS that ther"e area number of from property owners along Polp s Road of cars running road onto their property. Cont riues that the / Town of Nantucket~. .;. ,_'";'',''' , ", ':"',- ,,~;~- "7",; _.li; *,' "'1':. Conservation Commission "....- T' / ($)8) ~7230 10 Soutb BeacbStreet Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 , I I Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 3 , perception of safety is an important f'actor to the tourist businEt'ss~ ~~ Ms. Nancy Severns asks what does replication cost? "._ '. ;:,. I ""~ Mr. Thompson responds $80,000 tQ;$lOQ.;,qoO::pe{"i,'acr:~.:qr approximately $200,000 for this project;. , "_'un ::;':,,;,,',,::<,:~I)<: . Ms. Severns notes that there is a bill on Beacbl"l{'Hill whictlspecifically names Nantucket a$ beingeligU;)le:f'or a grant. Dr. Dunwiddie says that replic:a~,jo1Jeffo.rt,,()B,Na~t,~c,ket has an abysmal track record. Alsoat'is~uei~~ ","8rll!~~~.i S;t)ould b~ done. ' -," . . i,':"*: ;"\-'"" . ,,''! .~'" Hr. Thompson, says the lo.cat ion would be up toth~;<.:;; difec:ti~ono.,.theicommission. '. ",,""<' . "'o, , ' , _~,';H1:'F':: ~' ~~:i~;'-;,i;L):;-;' --:jt:,:,(t;:)'~" .". Dr. Dunwiddiedisagrees, says it is up to the landowners and the,app l.iJ:.ant.__t..Q.tpropose,a, loc~ti_on. Mr..John Lodge asks why is it neces.;lryto.'replica~eltwo 'to. one. '_~' .;;;"j.:i Dr. DUnwlddie responds that it is partly. bfl!cause.lt' usually is not successful. Mr. Lodge asks if,the Town h.ss hadapyreplicaticm, done. Mr. Perry'says yes, there is one out by the landfifl which was not done'correctly. Mr. Thompson says that you can't compare what wa!lido.ne a few years ago to what can,be success'ful ~ydo,ne ,now. "Cites one recent: very successful replication they have do.,e", No~es, however, thatthl!!';wildlife value}is diff'icult~o detti!r:.,.lne. Says the design prClcess is, much different today; tl1at"borings are made and tests taken over a period of several ,yeo1lm;. Mr,. Perry note's the two to one rule is also to. encourage people to find an alternative to wetland fillillg. Mr. .Jim Lentowski from the Conservation Foundation asks ~ how they arrived at 54,000 sq. ft. and if it includes any W recvded paper ., . Town :~!6f;'~~ihc1;,:;~r. . . . ;"~'i,.".:,:..;".:',:.:::.. " :,'1 ';~T~::'<'.:""";." conserv~tion . Commission (508) 22&'f230 / ... , l 1 10 So1lth.Jt~Street N antu....~usetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 4 disruption. Also, asks if the grade of cross sections are at grade with the wetland. Mr. Perry,asks to see across section. If it is at grade is it above the', f'loodzone? .' Mr. Thomp,sonsaysthey have raised it 1,'.;' Mr. Perry asks if they will dig it out to give a firm base. f1r". Thompson saystl1.iswill bit. source ofsoi ls to use in replication; they will 'be putting ,in a stone base.. Mr. Lentowsk-i asks ift~Ety'wili:bE!rE!m()yi",g.soil from unde'rthe ,shoulder. "Ifr.sc),.::~i'.il';'e' be le'f;t'wi~b'a corrugated sl.lrf'ace c:;:aused by effects. of f'rost.;When sand is put under asphatt,c:racks occur.'- ' '.. <" ", "'",;",,,,_.~,,_~:~~:_,;;-~'-~'.;_'~__~~ -T"' -', ',~--"- ~ "~ ~--T'":"_~ ~ Mr'.Thompson respond~",:thatthere is. another factor that. lI\Iou1d ~ause thi~occ;,4Lrencewhic;h is vehicle loa~~ng 01"1 the Path~'Says the path.willo.....adILstablef'orbikes. Also a design consideration isthef'requency factor. Mr. Lentowski asks what/is the tidal level; Is l' going to ~ take care of that? Mr. Thompson says the path has.been designed to be out of water. Mrs'. Hussey asks if bridges are not be,ing considered at all. ,Mr. Thompson respo",ds no, they were planning a deck design 2 I off the wet land and.a~2'. railing above deck would be . . required. The Town obiec1:fi!d',to therai lirigand the first impressions that DEP'.gave was that the bridging would be considered altering. Mrs. Severns comments we are at an, impasse and a compromise seems necessarY. For instance 'we could star~ the bikepath further out and end it sooner; have a few bridges. @ recvcledpaper ' / Town of N~tucket conserv~li6n' Cbm'IIl.i~~ion' (508) -~ :') " 10 Southi.~Street N antuek~_8SSachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 5 Mr. Thompson says tha t deck i ng '.counts as 1'11.1 i ng because of shac:Ung. .For it not to affect the wetla~~;._wpt;Jl_have to be 8' above the;surface. ~. oIi-,. ;. < Mr. Willett says what is needed is a word 1'rom the Con Com as tc) what t.heywoUld,oe likely t04Pprove.N@@QfJ...void the expense'oft"i..design.' ",u,'c=,c,'-"'t_' -.:;, \. J: ~.t;~ ',/ :t- ;,:~:': i;' : . .Mr. Perry Siaytit the commis$ion's position-,\has'~e~~n,. consistent: to move the bikepath as close tothefroa~(aS' possible ands,t ill the Commission is not completely convinced that the 12 feet is the minimum distance. :~ \. '. Mr. Thompson says in the redesign}'O% i!';!,~ ba.t;l< 12' from the road;, 40% is 'set back 10 'andabout'(20Kls:setback 6 I. ":,..--:,;~. V', ",,'"~. -I ,""j,., ,- .f,":;':' '-,-,', ,t'",f f Dr. Dunwiddie says he agrees butaSikSi separation~ standard Hr. Thomp.son says the char t they have prepared ,repr....nts an ef'fortto come as close to tht! road ats.Jwe.can and yet meet the design standards.'for bike and road regulations. Dr. 'Dunwiddie wonders if the measurefPents reflect readjOsted. wetland ,boundaries. He says the> cost balance co,uld be quite, a different story depending on where the,wetland boundaries actually are. If you put the wetland boundary where-in some cases it should be ad.justed,. havingil 6 I, separation would mean virtually no fi,ll ingof : the wetland, wherea. a 12' separation wouldr~sult 11"1, a lot more~ So the apparent savings ofa 6' separation vs. a 12' s~p.ration would be a lot more ,thanwha,t you are showi-ng becaus~ of' the _ readjustment of the wetland boundary. Believes they are actually closer to the roadway in some cases,. What you are showing right now will not result ina big savings by moving ~ ' 6' closer to the road for 5000 sq. ft of wetlands. But I W recycled fJIIIW Town .' 'oJ Nantucket :i. . : >. " '" ", ~,- . ',-' .. , .. " '. ,- .. '." .. i. ':~_'~". :""r:--,_t. ':','" .', i .. .. .J',:" Conservation "Commission .-" ~ I (508) 22S-1230 10~~!~~treet . Nan~'.aSsaettusetts 02554 '0 I , Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 6 beHieve it is going to be a lot bigger savings in wetlands wi t.,that 6' setb.ackthanwhat you're showing wi tHe the.;) adjusted wetland bo~ndaries. I , . ", Hr. Thompson agreestha t if, remeasuredsome ..cou ld be closer to the road than what we have now. Bel,ievesthey have bliten eonservativeinestabl/ishing.the wetlandboundari-es'-and-"'-" t",at.~ocne of the areas they said were wetlands CIlaynot>be ",,-.tlands. ' ,.e" ' .. .'), . ";1 Mr. Magnee says they didn't finish the evaluation?inthe ',field and says this is worst case scenario. Believes it' needs , tp .,., t:nittreevaluated . "',', , . Dr. DUDwiddie says he thinks this iswhere'we;C;ClTl. .>) , cOqtp.romi se. In' cases where, >.0 Vlng< it it'o '6/:: W~'U.'d!~~r~~li'2!,,;j~t; l$Ubsta,nttal'savings in minimizing wet l.nd.,fillingt'l;;itfttn~l.w,., ,--:~;~l~me~1~~~~~~r~ 1 r, 'f~~~:~V~ n;~;ii::' :,~;'~.(~~n~rIK~~%!~;~lt:t~" . f"ll'lJbg ,then. keep it out at 12'6eeause Y0l1'rei,g'oi."g;:,,~tti:,1ril , ,:_';:,' ':' ,'~: "'" _ ::.: ,', .. .... .." "'.... ... - ',', ".." .. ..',. ' ........ -":;'" :": ":"'" ",' ,;;,., - .:.. .. .. .. ,_oj .. . -~:"G' _~ ~t!~'i.ame amc:aun!...J''f ._wet 1 a_nd _ how~ver. .11;~! ~~_ I_f,_Y(:iu ~~t"i nk,:th. i*, l~.'",is a safer bike pa~h, fine. I think weneed"t()';b~Wk,abl~ to~d.ntify tho,$& areas where a reduction in .thewetland' '; ;,~:" f~lriJ'tgwill occur with narrowe1"'separation. ," -'.r'"i 1;\' i-. Hr. Thompson th i nt<:s .the exerc i se may change' th~ 'nuMbers'lfin thecat.gories but does not believe they willchar,gecthenet, rltM(lifbecause 'o'fslope constraints or whatever. Tflefsucercise they.,entthrough was not "c:an we get it out o.fthe:...etland~?" but "if we,: move it to this location, what isthe'impactLon'the (wetland) line?" "For example, if I go from10"toS'does' the grade ,difference.,o,fthe bikepath and the roadwaY'pushm~ into the guardrail or does the slope affec1: :safety iini~t.erCllsr'of. the roadway at this location?" Mr. Magnee feels. to, take the eKercise one, more step .'to':,. changetheboundaries1 might be:worthwhi'le. Adds.thererwill.:be $ome slope constralnts.whic;h,will p....vent change in: some areas. Notes some areas that Dr. Dunwiddie reviewed were. flat.. Talking one mi leof wetland, perhaps 15% could be decreased to 6' offset which would be'theabsolute maximum we could recognize. "Pete" present in the audienc'e proposes an option could :be ~., to make the bikepath inland from Polpis Road in an area on the '6tJrecvcled fJIIP8f ' , .,~:'?::: ~,:~':-,~r,J!';::'iIo\"":~"'\t' ~:1f:!.7{~4![7i;t~r-li;1~< Town QlNantucket ConservatIon" Commission " / (608) 228-7230 10 South Beach Street Nantucket. Massachusetts. 02554 \ I I Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 7 map st'lownas>eClut Road which goes.through Alter Rock. Bel ievesJP~',woUld :1!i~Yealot . eFf mon.y, would avoid wll'tlands and be a more scenic location. .'f.'.',":"Y' Hs. Ch.fylCreigh ton of the " Nantucket , Land,C~,unc i l asks someonecl~rify the 'statement thattflere is no diIf'ference between bridg ing andf ill i ng Clscrti!l atedto hydr,olqqy-....iand' soi Is .Wi:th.bridging the vege:tationmiQht beal'trer.abat' the hYdrolctc;JY:~\iU'd'the soi Is will remain iunaltered .Wi th fi 11 ing, the are~~:'1j.lledwi 11 cease to be,.~'~ingaswetland. cA" Dr .I)~l'lwiddie!iaY!i she i.s I" iCiJht, that .the hydrological . impacti""i:tridging.woUldbeless>i,,':confined wetlaRd!l than ,in fi.lli n.~t";1"C;;4~r~,~nall:Y'~ge would 1 i ke:~~~~;I;;ee 'mor~' co.n5~d.ration gi"'~Jlt~.i~'ti~'i[!.rgJn,particular "loc..l~onswher~i tmaybea sft\all,,;f.:q.~~'s'ed.,..,~,l'~nd" and, 1;he,a~t'Q,I!rfi 11 i ng1fClf th., n ikepat~,r!"il~ :rtfp...esentasigni fican~,reductioniFl the', V01Uche of,that'pil1"'~ic~lar. wf:!tland. ,In thos!instanceti bridf;Jingtl~ght lOb~ ~glJ.i~~tt.(f:cHowe>ve>rt- crthei~tiG~.lly a talge' omn:~I)~e5enr --- bri~gE! II\ft~.,>railings from a wetla"d!iwildlife perspective __ r_!presentsassignificant ~ b~rier ;:asr,~ 'fi lIed area.. .' '~"i':I~:"",;'i Mr W~sierskiasks for other comments. c :r.ftti[,):\ Mr..~illet~ sa~s we can't do final design wi1:h wha~ we've heard tori.1'gt:\t '. ,', ~: :',.;~" ~ ... i ' Mr. Perry suggests we have a,working session in tnefield withthec:opc::er"J'led parties fol.lowed by a meeting to discuss each >we~ land. ii. <> t ' .' . Mr. ThOMpSOn says he wO.\,11d likEF'. conclusion to the' project to take to the Town which consists of variousl)oards as well as the public. WouldencourClge ~he working!ie~sion be stheduledsoon in order to move forward as soon 'as possible. "r~, Wasierski says he isworri.d about theamount.,- of wetland' r~p.l ication. ,He says week 'after week ~e 1 is~en't'o peop le.,.howant ~o 'CIa' someth i ng....i'h' thfi!i r wetland; to III.' -.the town is 1"10 different than any other tJody that propolies'work that wi 11 a'ffec t the wet 1 and. Mr. Thompson disagrees, says there should be a distinction between a private project whichfs'dbne for profit and private @recyc/edpaper / '. . , ~, :. ,,' ^ . ,.' .'..... .,...,) ~ ',1' , ;:I9W~:~:,P!f~!~~qk:et~ ': " "CoriservafloI1 '?Commissiori .... (508) ~'1230 t, I " , 108.tiB",Street N~._aChusetts'02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page B enhancement and this considered. safety must be Mr. W.sierski: asks lef.in any caseth~p..th ,could go inland around the "".tl__nd. ~,::'J .; Mr. Pe'r;rV':'5ays_nno~ -I ..'~-,. ..-, ..,..- . <J.';,,- .'>i.....:.;.. >'Iii:j;(; ,",t: Dr. DUTl...id~i:eadd~'th~t in' a lot o.'f areas the road is filled wetl.andalready. " '~ '~", -;",:, 'ft;' ., ~ Hr .~ille~tsuggest~.~~~,ic:q'f'!1ffli,s.ion develq.p .. specific agel"ldawbic:h c:an:,be,adci\'J'e."d:a"',~he:,ne)(t .wor,king se~sion. :;.': ,"--."" .'. - , ' ': ',>' ,,:;..,;.' '-l(:",~",:".,_ '"":":",'~,<"",,,,,,~,.,'.','l:: ,,;;_~,,~~.,.',,' ",' ,...,., '~,:".,.;'..:,',',..'~,;,.,__:,:_,',',J,~~,.:"._.,.,::;t-,:,~.:~,,~,.,.'~.':,,~,",,:,':,~,i,.~~,',..,',~..~,:.'.,,":.:'~,~.~..;:.',:.;_,:, .." '" '- ~>- ':', .:,-> , < ' _',' ,," ,__,' ~""",'",, ___ '-_"'_ ','''',,.,~,,,,,4,., :.,_:'t,t.,~;\.~',~,::~:>p>:'~:':'i:':p ,,__ -1: Mr. .W~s~er!$k,i,t:~C;.()ffl'-"~~;"'~.fi:,~.~~):>PU!5h<f()J:,., .absol,u.1;e.,.,lea!it. , ',wetl.l'\ds,,::td~$ t~Fl)anc:e;;; ey~.p'~~~t'~c~ ~~i~;;""ors~ ;c~$e : scepaFio,':w.i th th~ btke~,~~b.JiYlg righ~i;..~~~~p~t:,1;1'1~".trC)adwaywi ththe" ",9uerdr:<<l11'vrf'or,'>?!(J .12..,.,m il~s:~~:;':.!;';;':!f.~,t;i?c>J::[!;;Ji..""'" ._ C. _ ", :c.i;'Y1:}, !:i: 'i..;1':,:''- : fJr'>.:s:.-',j.' ~'\ -';'i;!-'~iSf';~:~-1:>;::-':< "1:"-,))':;;" -.,,)t M"'s~E~41'le'-:\'),;encour~9~~a.c;ompr9",ise in the areaswtiere .. -____something;;,C:an...,be.~dona..__:_.:. .' ! [ I ,,' ".'\" <, :';, I' Mr. Thl;:unpson,says.hewouldli,ke,1:o have Dr. Dunwiddie to representtbe'wEt~lanclcCJl'lcerTls:aTld"r. ,., Wi llett concerns of , pUblic: sa'fetyat'the'workingse!isionl and they will put~tle cross!5ectionsthe back of. apickjup and havea.r1 all day ,. sessiQn. " " Dr. Dunwiddie says he would agree but has one concern" that being whattempl~te!theyay-e,u!5in9. Does not want to' use .~ a temp lat., that always ha$.a lc;! ~"sep~ration as there are other options. Mr. Th9mpso,n says';ti,e.belieVti!sthere'are certain guidelines where the guardrail has to be considered. That where they . wi 11 ,find . ~tlere is, playifi .intl1e eltlvation of the path above the .wetland. Basically the~r template is the width of ,the path andit'dependsonhow yousetitlwlthin that location. Some are"$'theycannot violatebecausti!of required recovery zones for vehicles. Does not1;hink he would be entering into this working session with a so'-called typical section. The only one that cciuld really be called typical is the one where youhave the grade difference wi~h1;ll~ retaining wall. Other than that the purposes of the session will be to set the @nfCVcledpap;ocation of the path wi thin the environment. / I to"W~!<"~~>~antu~rt conservaf.loIil, Commission (5()8) 22&-7230 " 10 South BeaehStreet Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 9 Mr. Wilson notes the solution will be more apparent in the field. " Mr. Wasierski asks if th~y have a r~plication plan. '..'; Mr. ThompsonsaY!iMY";.gf!'OIJ,cbd,i:Q"'tuw~lI"lt' to '.' discuss replication areas today./' .' ' .. c., ',_ ,,-j 'i ..:ts....;h::l.~<:?'. 'i "', '".>. '-, ,.:.::-' :"_,":",':'-:,'C< Mr. Wille:tt say~,tt-.e"qJ.stioDPf repli'aation areas should be included 01"1 the agenda. ' Mr. Thompson !iay~.ryeiiW~:U.,!!~~pect tp walk away from the session withttte sec:~,i()TI~.,~r't!tt,lIeCtn.'. In the -t:ew that we dpn ' t agree' On, ~'i'''''~! ~~~~,;{i~!'~ ~;.~;~f!i,Jg r'lFf,lteri awi tt"l. .r~eCj3 ar d to public safety are met .,to)ia.'terminEi1i4,where ,.we can bui let. , c ":e"n'i,t,t\,'}:""lg,hJ:l,.IJ.j,,,'; '.' . ,1 ::;; 0.: ',' ,_Dr'."Dunwiddie;,Clst<s:~,:fr;~~Y'>ctesigfl,in the six propOSt!d. prevu)usl y'tney 'outandj,p~~,ti"fil!jec:t,.l, 'u'~ . '"'. _ .~..' . ~: )~~:' :~:,:r: ~- '. ".1:':- .':;::~~i;::!;: - ::.:.:,;- :, ',:.Y : : '.; ~_' Mr .ThQ"'PJi(H~Jii,~y~*at. i;.....t'i,~ 'a 6', mi yj,imum separation is as far down as you want togo!,~nterms of being able to avoid pebbles and stones; ~lso','nltt~d"a'5' m.ini.mum recovery distance for a vehicle. ;::!','!t'}. Mr. Magnee notesthepr()t:rleCll wi.th four feet is it doesn't :allowfortelephone:,polEi!!H .;t;i1)(;fEfet does. "Faith" asks what tt't~P1'"oblem is with guard rails; are they illegal, unsafe,!ori'unilsthetic? /~ .~. -t'i :1'; ;-" _~ ,ltJ'/:' , Mr. Thompson saysboth'.;ansa'feand unesthetic. Concludes that he will workthrou~i~lm~.Willett, and Mr. Perry to set dates for the- working m.eting. '. :U;'~:I, L PUBLIC HEARINGS t:)( 1. Rowley - 28 TennesseeA"enue - SE48...,.640 - (60.1.2-31) Present for 'the applicant is David,Wiley. Mr. Perry says we are waiting ,for the sepi;~c location"and a, DEP file number. The file number has been received. Also need some elevations and if the addition is. goirag to be put on ..{I\).. , ' pi ers · W recycled paper . , ., ," . ..' ::~~~l,t ' , Town 'of" 'N~',u'ma1r,er . .,', ',' :c<;,.;:\~.c,..f.. j ; ~,~ ,", ;~.,.;, "'(..' 'conservatlontCommissloI{ (508) 228-7230 ;1 / 10 &Rl~ '8'" .S..,t , Nut1lClc.., ..achusetts 02554 , \ 1 Meeting Minutes for, March 7,' 1991 Page 10 Mr; Wiley shows the septic location is outside our jurisdiction. Mr,. ,PerrY notes t~elot is !iurrounded by trees and r~c:()~",lne1"ld$' the trees remaIn ,and "o,t be severely pr,uned to i mpr~ve the V few .,--,-...,.."-""C~~cr;'--" ", H,_ "'_'_--'H'~_~_' MOTION: To close the hearing 'and draft an Order is made and seconded. ;. UNANIHOUS ".,' t:;,.:, y_~"{,,,'.-J 2. Richards-25 East Tri,st,ram ,Ave. SElt8:-609 (31-1) ,'( .'.""-'-.'. - ' '<;J i..; _"'i~_C'_r i,_,,:.:~::,'~:"~_:_.,':t',_ _ ;~ _ -'. ..:_'~_\~:~:-~:_.,:._.. Mr. Perry says the ~ppli(:a.",thas. r~qu.,sted,the. hearing be continued. '., " " ,,' _-'-""--~-:~-+-~ __ '_' < ,- ,:~i:':--;-;;i,~~:'~-3)"'::.;' -:-~-_::: ::,~,i-;':;5:'i_~__i~;:" ;4::_'f;':..{~tjh";)::, :.:,--<.~i,t_:.;,;"~,-;_ ".:,-"- _.', MOTION: TOCOJltlnue-a't/tne req-uest ,of applicant was made andsecorided. ' ' UNANIMOUS .'li" 3. Greenberg - 21 E. Tristram's Ave.- SE48-557 (31-3) ,.,i<'.'-,: Mr. Perry says the applicant has r~uestedthe hearing be continued. MOTION: To, cont.inueat the request of the app 1 i cant wClsmade and .,. seconded. * 4. Lang - 98 Tom Nevers Road - SE48-642 "- (91-40) Present was the applicant Robert Lang. Mr. Wasierski reads ,the ,inspection.report which- suggest.s, that there is space to build the structure further-back than at the minimum 50 setback. Also asks what is the erosion rate of the bank. Mr. Lang says there is property has experience an ~"" 1982; the bluff is totally '6tI recycled (JJlpef .' 1"10 er~sion rate; i'n fact the accretion since he has owned it in vegetated and stable. ;~~~:';ti~~,'[rf'i.~'f<f~.:K...t, / ,~~;;,,; Town of Nahtuoket Conservafio:h c()rrimi~$ion (508). 228-1230 10SouthBeaeh Street N antucket.Massacl1usetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 11 ""'. Wasier'ski asks if the. property is w,i thin Mass.. Her i tage' jur isd tct ion. Mr..Perry,says ,", ,n(:)t ,.Y~~_E~!ipo'"'c:tE!d. have 'not' commented jurisdiction. '. Appendix A ha.. been submitted but they have. He is on the edge of: the 1 ineand they . if it hi ims:U,iW or outside-their,- , l.~ Dr. Dunwiddie asks if he would consider setting the cottage:back. Mr. Lang say.s until the last town meeting he had', intended to, le~",ethear.a C:lo~etD'thebiuffw,nere you'se..th,e,second d..,ellingpr.fi!tty much open ,and pCJtt,i,ng"~he"f1la1.1>:c:9:~;~age,. fu~ther" back. To -take, 4dvilnltage of ,~h.} .view 'f'~.J7.;,tl:le"sfl)!lll CQtt~9c ""hich is what he ""ants to bui Id,first,hfi..:w,ould-....a.ve had tp bui ld .th~_geckingof t"~~~~4bo"Vet"e;;1 i~ej.'1';order t.oseedown on-the beach. ,Thena t townmee~1 "9 -i"t~a~}t... -- approved' that you could have your 12' separation'fr,ontto back ;:a...wpl1 ;:ac:;, c:;,idt?i:t:l, !!;id&. .' 'Sil1,:eth., 10i.J..s"",wideenouQhf'to set two houses 01"1, he scrapped the old plans'anddesigneda,'pn& storyhouse,trying to keep as close to the ground as possible ~i thal~' ridge and del iber~tel y placed, it as c:lOsetorithe bluff a$i possible and allowed by zoning so that now the main house, which witl bea larger house, will be able to see past it~ Cont,inuesthe location of the larger house is really for plltnningthe locat ion of 'the septic system .' Not~s ,. however, ~h~tth~seco"d,house "is not; etch.~ inistone... He does not have plans ,for that house at this ti'me. It in no . way represents the location of the larger house; Just the ~ppro,)(Jmate rel43tive size. It could be moved closer to the ~luf.f; he doesn't want to have it restricted to the location on the plan now. Mr. Perry and Dr. Dunwtddie stress that i.t be recorded the larger house is not part of this notice. Mr. Lang continues the septic capacity is a 1500 gallon tank and it is la.rge enougmtoaC:commodate the additional house. The reason the second dw~lling was included on the plans was because he wanted:to design one system once and for ~ all so they don't have to rip it out in five years' time and W IeC'Ided paper' . , . Town'.df."N"anfucket 'c<.:"'..:." ,_ - _~i~:;':",:~-f"'<:.- :?4,:"~-""~~:~._1/~>', ..>' ,i, '. .';_ -:' ConserYaH\oii,.' Commi'ssion' . . . . ":., -,,'~:J~fJ:_.:~-\ : "~~:f55> ;~;~, ,f ,,", "_,-_':i" 'i' / / (508)~~O; II I Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 12 asks how' many bedrooms.i t is designed for. _,."...~, "~ seven. Also says no decks ~re plannedJat thisp~int ,and if one'~fs tO'De built irithefuturif..ttien-eitfte...--~---;-- hear. future owner will come back to the Commission. ,put,a dJfferent septic system in if and. when they are "positio.., to put in a sec:onc:tary dwelling. ';:, ~,~. "-~1L";'~> Dunwiddie says he feels what Mr. Lang is proposing liheraskshowthe cottage> is accessed.' r~: < ~ . ~'t: ":~ '~i . " ;Fl!:' ~: _ '1- ~"I~j'."""m." ,':, .:; ':!-~,~~~-~. " .errynoites' there is a brush cut driveway.,' :.-' -' -:- " ; ,:::'~:_:-: .~:'i,:~~ ~: ';\' _'.'~~:,/; ~-,: :?~1:..t:- , -;' "".)~' ,_.' , _ ' .-.. -" ~~-'''~~~'""",i: ";1'~;f>~.~.~ .,.,.J'ilr"..;{:L.~ar1gsaysthe property 1 ine isbrushcutand:i.tishis lnt.",t~on ' not to -makEL..tb.at.:.J:hELd.r:Ule.Naybu t._to.-:. ke..ep_,i ,t.aL a__' ;;Jvef.t~.i~pn bu'f'fer. The utilities will run along that.line ~utfJ~ ::tcpnstr.uc t ion. -~,:,;';' ,..:~,~::,.! t1r ~::,Perry suggests that the brush bankb.:ae'ft undisturbed and tht;i! walk stairs. j~' ,~~ j:,-,,'. i;.. ,-,- " 'from ,the~roa,dway, ".tothe", ':"__ '."~'" '__'._ -_ ~ :_;' I ' , _", be used as 'acce!is 'to the' ,'Mr. Lang says that is the intent and further,the,stairway will nG,t:go all the way to the beach.Saysthe\roadwayis w~der a.t, that point by the stair 'location as vehicles turn ar'ound,;ithere. MOTION: To close the hearing and dra'ft an Order was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS * 5. Gillespie - 40 Easton Street - SE48-641 (42.1.4-20) Persent 'for the applicant was'John ShugrUe. Mr. Wasierski reads the insp~ction report and presents site pictures taken. @recvcltKlpaper Town of NlituGket . Conservation 'CofuiIlfssioh ~ (608) 228-7~O t. -,:.'. ',., 10 South BeacbStteet ~;"' '. Nantucket. Massacbusetts02554 1\ I Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 13 Mr. Shugrultsay,s the pictures are of the wrong property. :. .,~ t;~:'~~ ,f~ '~,:.,,},,>.:~ ~~-~:>::~"<:'),'~ " " """ ' .>". .'0",," , ".'" """ "" _ ':"~,, .., ", . Mr. perrysug,geststhilti in 'order to correct the error. and not holduP:~tI~'f,~~ehe d"rla'ftan order and schedule for field inspection on~be 18th. >-""nt ,i." "'MOl'lON: . -To continue.1'or'fcieldinspect'ion--and-c- draft .",'Order '., wa,:tmadeandseconded. ".:,..:.:; .,';-:' ,UNAN IMOUS .;c.;.:.....,.. !;..:.. REGULARt1IfETJ.NG.; , . :':iu :f:~--:~:' i >:::<~:J,':r~;~::':~}:~';: ;~;~(, :~>:"~:~'-' .: .' ,'," , ' ' ': 1. ReQUESTFO~:DETERM.INATION '. ~'~~ ~.::.::~';_:'i", "J:::;~.:~~~T:.~:~""'.::1'~:"::;:~.'.,:'::;;,~_1fi'<,~_.:?:,~,::: ,,', :','-; ,,' '-; ,", ;'~': ....;~Jiy..:.':.,~ *a. Weinman T":: 21 d'f1'i~'Stre:et?:';;'(73"4.1-26) : ~. f, >,~~:i~, ~~:r~?' : d':\';<! .. i )/, < ';:t',:, j : " ~ T.;,07 peopi.-~r:.pr-itsen;"t~.ng_:theRobeft,$.,c abu1;1;ers".. are.,." ",., .... ~..en.l.,~ '-n~"y'ifdef..~n~.~ t~eaddr,essJ~iY'E!n'Of-Crl'f,tQ.,.iitreet ". rather than ~hat t..,ey ~bel'ieve to' be~'the correct address which is Coffl n :street;:r.. .+" , \r, ,.., ' ~:;" .". 'or""' ('Mr.. ,p~F'rYIl~ys.~cc;()r~ingtoHs. Weinman the.. accessors off~c:e hasl~tr-l~.tIJ s~ed,;; as.,21,.,.'Cli,f.:.1;0.... . :' Mr ..' Was i In..aki....r.adst~.i "spec t ion '.reportwhich-says "there is very IlttJe'"w~tl.,nclveqetation on'thelotalthough'thearea near the~oad servin' as.nou~fallfor the storm drains on bott' _~tde!':of '~hE! ~9ad. " Ther"ares'igns of occasional. ' f,lood log. ~E!ar " ,the rC)ad:. b~t the.waterperco la tes rapid 1 y enough so n01; to 'support ~et];and'vegetation. ' f'::':-;':" ,. . ,'.'.,':; Thea6LStte;s~ys .thecros~overwhere the storm drai nis, is likea.Vand it grades off; as you go towards the back of the::l.ot. the: elevation Irises. ,Says this afternoon the storm drain was full; agrees it is a run off buttnere is wet vegetation in there. ~"" . -. . . Mr. Perry says he doesn't think it is a wetland because the waterdoesn' t stay. Adds the wet land grasses are from .the road,runof1'. The abutter disagrees. @recyc/edpaper / '. ., " , ,'" " ' ,T own,~()f/~-N afifuck.et' ::r""" ,::<,,\,,'_ ,,_,_:: ,'":,i'~':_~i;~'(~","'/:;::-',~?~4.:"tj~':2::".,,:__'.:-~ ',i ',-",,~1;, <-' ~::>f ~-"":', ':_ : :,Conservation1!\'~Cbmmisslon (508) 228-7230 Mee~Jng, Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 14 ,. '-., " .,;::: -i;~.:- '.1.: <i/"'" ':,~'~.:~'~,',<. Mr. Perry says to be a ,wetland;' standing water must be at ; or near :thesu"face fort mos~.of'fthe{'";growing season., He aoesn' tthink:the~ water:).~a;ys.~ :ti1i!~e:,lO'rig ,enougt\;;to;' qual i 'fy. ' ,'" ' .:,' '\'~i/,' ",:,;':, J' ". Abutter states ther:earemosses 1n there that won't grow other than in:;e>wetla.,d;'areai "But if it is wet because that's where the water-runs --orewet'ilanc:l ;'"i'7s.b:.1ifi s-not-tbe ~e)(pert .---Says also sh., bel~eves' they~ouid ,have::ttigrade the area up in order tOhook>up wi th'thef~pubilleJ::uti 1 i ti,es. i ' ;::L ::" "; ~~"; ~t~;:\:, ". i: <",' " " , Mr .Wasierski, says :he doesnt,t feel it is a'-,wetlands and says wec9uldn'it stop 1:hemfrom'filling if it .isn't wetlands. B.li~vet5 It:',,~~~<<7atchb~~irj(.di~~;t:.run off into,it there would be nothtng!~_t:,~there an if' '::;:,L,','> . ':Hr. :':p;~~ki:~i~~i"'i~'.:.l^ 'C~' ,F. t;:~~~:.rZ:-#~tch.,'baSi.~::but. a pipe r,unning":Qfl~:~;~f'~o:,:'~he, m':~~.9, ',:and ~rt.,~~ts both sides of 'the road p Ius ev~r'tttl."i~bcOmingt;:~ ' ,. m,tSar,lI<f!,ty, ijoad_ .;" ;'1",; " ", '" . '---c' .J':_''':i::.t':::f::;~:i;i';::;j "'~' ,;",!,~:,',~;,>;;'~:;,,)1'W~'~: c.. '-,-- ttu!i!:t'~~ asks, if:)", e,are~.is~n a flood zone. ~; . ,{-. ~"\ :_~ ,- ?~:~{::;.; \,;~ ',';,.i';1 'r. ',itJ..: ;'~:..,~ :>r:~r;; ~>f~ ~,':\<:~;f>' W ,Y'~; \' - "'~.'~~. <_ ',t- ~ 4\:>" "~,;' , Mr~~,PerrYT:,iesponds.;ij:-ls ;iO, 'the 500 year zone. . Suggests Dr. Dunwiddie<t;isit; th~,:J:iro'p'erty':,to ,verify if it is, a wetland. Adds that.;a.~'~i>:needs'~;~cr;,be ',voted:on,wi'thin three weeks of ,I 1 ta Tec~ip~ ~ i1,E~uggests;Jj,;:,~q~e' may,beA,taken contingent on ,Dr. Dunwidd:l:e'!l $;H,~ificatrcin1.!;;f,,~';';;;, :i};j.;:...;<'~J.:: ~;:< ' , '.:, ):':l [~l)}iii;,~~iliAt~: ':!:;,; ~j; l;T '1'~;, .,r:r:f"JJ{;' com~l~~~~~;~diSCl:lS~~,S,':~';ld ,a~r~es they have a probl.em with such a 10~7':l;r'~r,:'I,t~':)." ;~':tH'r1,~! if;: Mr.Wa$l.bsklasks", i'(wecan' table it for' an incorrect address. .~; fm;~:~; '";:~ ~h~;: :' ~ i:" Mr."Perrv:>iaysnotr,r::eally;.as they:have the correct map and parcel and 'i ~bt:it t:e~s I i ~t,:,;; ,~. ',.',. ;.'-. . },~, Dr. Dunwiddie sU9gests;we put the, vote off to the next : . ' : ,:" ~" , , , ' -' " \ :, -' . ' - . meetinga1'1d, just -takeouf;ctlances~w:. ------- ~ ~ji::;~i;~:-:.':; Mr. Wasier$ki notes the request was received February 22 and. the dateib1 our next meeting 1s March 21. @recvcledpaper ~;,';,'r:"t _,t;: ;"}:;';<:M'f'\!b.'l~' ":_:wr:F'l"'lt-~j"""ffit:ti'''Y-'-1;','''; ~ / Town Qf. N~t1acket conserv~~fll5ri "",'e6ihffirgiion (50S) 228-7230 10 South BeaebStreet Nantueket.Massachusetts 02554 Heeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 15 Mr. Kell iher moves wec:ontinue for further informati.on. MOTION: To,;contlnuei'j",for adcU tipna.1 information, was made and,seconded. UNf\NIMOUS 2. CERTIFfCATEOF COMPLIANCE a. Mitchell"" 31 Mattoon Street '-:- SE48-539 .... (26-2) Mr. Perry states we have received an as-built. TO.i.5sue the Certificate was made and b. Kaye '- Top Gale Lane - SE4~~305 - (27-7), '.I ,~; '. "'. . ;<":'>c;':~':('i~~t'~;;"".-it,.;:::/' :~,,:.:. ;0',;: ,MOTION:' ,To contiriue7for -additi,G)J'I.ar~discUisuin and--- 'cqmp I ianc:e w.as.made.t!u'lds.conded.. L ;'.'J-;~~ , UNANIHOUS c~ Kaye - Top Gale Lane - SE48-567 (27....7) MOTION: To continue for, .dditional ,.discu~sionand compli'ance was made,and'seconded. UNANIMOUS Chester Street- SE'tS....425 ~, (41-227) Tocont;inue until,fall,.tocte,termine .success of area wasmadl!l, .-and seconded. UNANIMOUS e. Griswold -14Sachem Road,- S648-571 - (30-240) Present for the applicant is Aileen Barth. Mr. Perry says the order required an as built but as the Building Department did not require one for the CO, the applicant requests we waive the requirement. Notes it has ~ , ,been bui I t as proposed wiith the ':deck being 2" smaller. "6eI recycled paper i ,. i ", Town 01 Nanfucket ;:"\. .," :":":':~.,:' ._. :--.,"._0':..-')::::': ;".:: :....',~'r>';,'~~_(~~::.':',; -:;;ft,' .~.., '\ ,,' '.' .. :","'~_,_:~;).t'L:-'- ';: ,.,.":'Conser'vation. Commission. " I (50S>.2284230 . lI, " ";-,; Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 16 , J'.",,"'. ?:>i\'~'JBat'th presents 'an unstampedas-bui 1 t. ',r? 5~~iJ:_',~~,<: ~..: .... .HOTION: To issue a Certificate of Compliance was made and iiee:oneJed. I)f'~Dc..tnwiddie opposed, all others in favor i.:,\ ,~;7;,",{::~, ,.,~' ' a. ",- ",,' " Burtce (I<;eenan'/Carr) (file formerly Frazier) - 37 G.r<lher Road $E4B-455- (43.,..85) ~'?'t'~ '~'-t.?_"",:. I .".,,"';,~...f!1>e.,;~! are Coleman BurkeJ .pro!ipect i ve buyer, 3eff {;er;...~~g~r'Jli%rfh.i tect ,Mattnew Keenan and Esther Carr, property :';:townEirs... :<<: ' '" .,>,' .'" ...c',,':,','n..: "'-:'_'>' ".," . ',_ ,. .. '; ":,:j i.,",:'_:..{"'; '{:':,::-~.:ff:\:i'. :'.->', :,-,; J:,:';' ,.:.:.:;,;, ".... _.. _' ~L.Ii,':,l~~~~tf'~s~aysshewould ,Ii keto h~ve_thef i 1 eunaout/changed tor.,1ectothe property "OWners or~he<potentla~ouyer.. ,.:..; .1 1" --~" - -- ,_ 't1r..~gy'~~ys'...when.:.the'noticewas _5ub.mit...t.e.d,_th._~pl icant_ :,"iaii>;tt;-f!re,at~or. 'Says we Fan change the fi Ie to Keenan/Carr .,orcStjrke i,r:theywouldprefer. .. Hr..W.Slerskireadsthe,lnspectionreport dat,ed, Hitr"ch 4,- lCffll. , ,It is. thecon'sensus: ,of.Lthei'nspect'io'n tea", .:tha~ both 'the minor modification and, the extension should be denied. ...;,<;i~r . perry . says there are t.wo issues ,bei ng. reQ4ested: a ",il"lOY'iMOdifi'cation and an extension of ,the existijng order. If Y09 \.cfEi!ny t.h~ . modl fic,at ion you can st ill grant the extension to 6ui let 'a3"'!bedroom' house ,within ",the bui-lding envel'ope. ,Unless ..'. \you;'fteelth. guidelines" of' theeMIsting orde,r do not il,deqtJ,atelyprotect .the interests under the act and therefore you 'want, tOt see a new notice with: greater detai 1.. Concerns incl~de:'the'septicsystem, was approved under. the old guidellne.calUng -fora.4~ separation and. it 'doe.sn't CIleet c:urrentstandards;'greater detail of elevations is needed; there is' a 'possibi Ii ty.,the bank has _ eroded and we need to see if the fo~tprint still has a50' setback. ',SUggests however we listen to, the presentation to see if any of these concerns can be resolved. Mr. Keenan reviews -the ~amily history of'the'property @ recycIed".:,e la t i ve to damage over the years. Says they have owned it .~,:""i,,"""'-">< ",,:"O':'Y"':"')~,'i,~Y"~":'?~ 'J';~'~~'~:'\':(,"~ Town, .e>fNah.tuqket Conser~~tfbri Cdffimi~~iC)n :' "(5tt8) 228-'1230 10 South Beach Street N antueket. M:8S8acbusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 17 since the 1950's and his 'father'died in 1977. He is'intimately acquai nte;!,d '",~lth ,the, pr9P~F~YI1~yi ng,helpect,~a;tl::h .,o,ver it oyer the yea...? "~peak,ing ge",~"...l'l~,~b.olJt thet:)f"'eJpeJ)'t;y in r.~lat.i,on to 'tl~ Ifnv.irpnmental d.1l~~9~",~~lfl!i;, tb~9'Q$." i ~v.r.., damage. has bee1'l~() ~he small qluff:~r.9-if;lJc:ting,the lanc;lt,hCit.r ise;s up from the ~f!..CI1 .Pesp~ tetheir,,~est effor:~s;,to'k,e,teppep.(;)lefrom break! ng,it do...n. The....qF.t.da"'ageh'a.,I;)i!en",c;t'~,,-:w'lere :the CrosQy:)dack;;,h,olJs.e i?Yege~Cl.t.ionl1as" i\Jso ,d'i$~P1!area due to people c;tf"iv~ngontot,I1' ~eaFh~! whel"lthe\l~r;,n' t, t;"e'-eto stop it; there, haS, also '. beene,J;'9~ion to,.t~e b~ufffrofR'rain~ Another area is the road itself; four wheel drive vehi,t:les . , " , , '.:.... , ,'. , ..'" , ,-r' > '~ have, cut the cJepth of the ,roacJ durlng the sprlng and 1'.11 when the roactwas mud; feels ;th~$migh~,~!,;!9HJJ~0t!far~$.,f~~1i.r'iJ it in and doing a> new r-oat;l,.,,"<,:,S~Y!5;~l1e ,:l~~~~t '._t"Cl.'!,;CJ!~r,.:~,heyears was done. when his.. fatHer:j'~~!5"th'7r~Ttt",~~pth,S,Of'.'hIfY1i!af at least; ,the worst ,ocfur...~,j~tlen ~~;~~~~;;"",."y;.~nd::-f"in 're1:~h~;y~ars when' nei,ther.henor his~i.~ter.l?f,~~(.b~f!!p,ttler~>for, a~1Y length oftiPle. , "Con~!"a'7Y i;o .""11~;1::J~ira,~~~~"~~~~;'i\c:qfr:~~}'r~$ ( ,'. experi.ence-"1'tas-=-demoY'1S'tfa.ted-t'tfe~-e.~,,-p'r'~tect 1011fO-r ,'~.l$ to have someone with 'a home"the'7e~who,takes an interest')n' the pr~perty and ispr~~nt.and~~tcheso~.t" the land. Mrs. Carr says~heo~,.,~a $ma~lho"'~l;.n the- same ...rea,.She has not been able, to. affcord ,to,. ,tte.t1~n~:tt1,.t,CIluchiec;:entlY and she re'11;si:t.some of thet.ime. Shehfl.i,beencQmingto the .' ",' ,~. ".' ",. ,", ','_ __', ,:''-'''',', ': -'-' '::' "".-' . ", I :'" :-, 'r.",:..>: :'C,"':, ',,,' ,":, ,:_ ,'" -' ",:",,', -- ' islan~ 60 years., He.... cqildrenandh~.... 9"':fl....dchildren.nowcome here ancl stay in herhq4~e_. ,Says .:th~Y:tlP~. been r.eallyqui te h~rt, because neighbCJrsl1...ve ~~nct.d toge1t;.h~r aga~nstthem and hi.red several law f'irm,~and theob~e!=f:tion' i.s mostly Qver' the view.. Says her ownvie~usedto be YI!.ry, pice and now.. she looks over a very large 1)0use~(Jt~$het:t.s.!neverdone"'.aJlything to them. Her' father "'howasa.prOfe~Sf~'used"'o lect'l1re here 01"1 Nant~cket and he, lov.ed,theisla.,d,!. 'Jj~"e "lsvery tiad~ened by the who le ,th i ng . NQw theY have ,a po te,qt!ia 1 buyer. Mr. Burke;! says hecaf!l& up in Dec;;;~m~er and ,talked to Mr. Perry,4bout thep_O$$ib\lity Qf .an .,X~e~sio.nas,th~yc~ftainlY c:ould,.n'.:t bul1,d ,a ho~sebef'ore the enc:lof March. " Altiohe has consulted .wi,th Mr .L.aFra~c::e ,~he con,trac:~or ~nd Mr. Krieger the architec:t.regard ing bui l~lngon the<pr~~!erty. SaYs he ""auld have 'eo",e i:o us. earJier41bout an e)(t.Jl.,~,cm but c::oulf:lnlt', . without plansandbec::auseofthewaythe prior .applic,ation was made which was for 2 five bedroom house5-; one was turiled down one was approved for three. Mr. Krleger will show you what @ recvc/edps;:,ypeof house we propose to build. S_ays he wi 11 volupteer . / '. ,; ," ,'..' .'F 'J ... .'. .... ,.1 '.... ~Town;*"ofNantu.Qket.. , ;:>:<':>t~,.r-:"'>:'-~-:: ';'_',J':r'~~:},'--;:',~~_;!~ 'F1.? <, -">,},t.< . {-":,,'/ '. ',-;'. ,'" ','":,, ':'/-1, :~;'}~.);<~: Conserva.tlon'Commission rrC / (508) ~7230 ,',' . " . 10 $o\ltb '.S~t NaDtUCket,:'M_achusetts 02554 Meeting.Minu1;esfor March 7, 1991 Page 18 ":-' ,.},:,-",!<-~:~ ,;-....;~ ' .,<' ",' ,"\.".-,-'< : w"~';~Ct"et he c:a~ about "their <own.interests'in terms of ~~t'l~~d?'..,. ' r~eY'ha"'e a.ntJmbet:~.,..propertiesbn,..:thewater . and " he ,'~ii"no t going' '. 'iJl.~o ,." this wttl1n~s.'eye'!5 .'Sf\ut.;i'( fie'l'"Eta 1'1 zes'. 'there..~1;"E! 'a,'.l1'(1mbtltr~'of di ffiC:ult1i!ts....i~hr.tspe<<=t;to.a.ll' the b..tdc r~gul.~'~lons and he bel ieves the' plan they havtlt'put tQ$etft.er ',a t~~...~ t,sto comp I y with them .Says'lithatJhad ".nyone bopghtthe~ropetty with thevif!wtowardspU1:1:il'1~!\ltP';"'Gne"'house they ,prqbab,l y.woul dn · t have sited it i.nelthe...'.? .,'f'.thetwo pl~~e~ ):heywere; nor would it have been, as: clost:!-\tothe Karp f?rij~l$t;~y.' " ' " '11"-).,.._,>';-""-,1" . Mr. Krieger distributes an tilgenda of. the':obJ!ctJ.ons a9.inst;~t"ei oy-iginal order.Alsoprovidesp,l,~n~3"qf,>the P.;f,PP:'.P~~.' mo~Jf~cation'and, ph~to9!7.aPh~ of.y~~,~i'e~~'f,:~J'r~~ of the ~~RP"r'~~: a n~ fro,..,' .th~p rOJ3E!Pf~ y..:'JB~l~ ~~~s;',~.,?~,;j ~3~~"'~;:i1~~a , 1I\.~pr<i ~!Sue.ccmslder 1 ngour"scerlCV 1 ew'manda-tt!,.,;;SaY!ifthey h.V~'.1=:t~mp~e~ to reconcile th~;e){isting,ordet';'with:;the new ~~~!l.~r. .Li ',ii ." .. (,~,\:~.~.;;:/,):J;"i,!.t;;;,~ i'i'L)~: Con~ inue$ that everyone will agree ,it .is 'a, ..,onde,rful piece of ,p.,r,()perJ;:y~",:LttLy.iews'bp~p_tpw~rJ~,t,own--:arut~.ack to, the marsh. Hif,t;.S~i$' ;~o 'reconcile;th~'eXi'!J~it"\g Order wi t~'t-he' . . re~~ir."'ent$,~fthe'new'J:)u.rt:haser'in a.waythatsatlsfies tlqth.'Theor:iginal proposal was' ~o bui,ldtwo'hotJs..s~ ;.,The or~ertha t' ~as issued tiat:l,sever.alres tr ic ti pn!ii':(':"Ol"1ei'\ouse was d, isall, owe, d ',on.', eparce 1, , was,",a l"lo...d" .,...."as a thr:, ,.e, eb,ed, ",I", oO,"m:;',h" ou,s" e . . '.' . .' ,I '::,''-'' '. -. . : .' " " . , .' ", .', . : ,_,-. ..,~ .' ::;'. :.~'. -"':~" . . . '. ,..':....: . -'. .:' " :; ',,' . ,:.; . ". . . with ,.a .he i gh t I, res tr i c t ion of ' 25" '.' 'above ex i st ing'grade. ' ,Also had'numerou.$ special. conditions, for .protectiohof.the wetlands. Notes 'the oriQinal parcel was, l.cx:a~ednot only to CdW'f'ormto'..anumber of setbacks'bu~also to.beas'far,laway as possible 'from the secOnd housewhi:ch"was,d.isal1owed. ,Given ' thesetback:requirements,they have come up With'CisCheme they thinkc:onforms wi ththeH spirit of ',the, intent i.on , if, not ' exo1lctly, the letter . Notes that the zoning changed!n November To..,"Meetirygf'or'side yard setbacks and they have: been to, the Zoning J3oard'to see if. 'they apply. In case, ttle new .setbacks do, not apply, "th~y ar.esetting.'thepr'oposect'boathouse .201 ,away from the property line.. Also notes that the ap.provedenvelope remainE!d 'asrequested'even though only one house-was approved. Suggests that the envelope might have been set differently had only one ho.use been planned . Keeping this in mind , they would like to build a three bedroom, . t.wo story house wi th porch off the original approved envelope but set back 50' from the edge of the bank. 'The boathouse would add'privacy between houses. ~, Both are approximately 80' from the wetland. The septic is W rscvcled paper "_-~'" .';, '". F"!,,~;~'20l~i:r:''';' \""I"'["';'l!:'~i.ic~'<'-i;:" _"/'''':'';~'''~'-' Town ,ofN,a.ri.tucket . ":'--,, ''' ,,';--,;r,/"i":;;ltZ"~)l--'::"'~.-.- ,~':,'{t,;"':, ';,"::.' ,.'---. ._>:.". 'cQnserv~troifCQmffi.ission ':,'''','!,,''';' " / . .'(508) 228-'1230 10 SoutbBe-.ehStreet N antueket. .M"'~usetts 02554 \ ; ] Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 19 approximately theaame as the approved, beyond.l00' of the we'tlandlKtge. ..Because o'f "the'#If'iews they hav. d1;tne a serie... of e-leVatiorlsJ'pf'1 . p-1&n &howi~g' the proposed 1100.. as compar,,!d, ,;to 'the~riglnal'bOild1ng.Three,...qu.arte1'"~o.ifthe' roofl ine<is , oelbw.the elevations of the-app:roved.hoUstHiilSqlall section.is .I '1/2' ."above. Mr. Perry asks if the grade has been raised. Mr. Krieger says no, it is atexistinggrtiideand,is t~,,~n from the Epple contour map. ,.The grading of the house itself hils yet to be det.ermi ned . ''They have WOI'"kti!ct "to keeptfJe hOU5e 'lb...' inelevatlQ:n'andil'l'ap~E!arance. Ba'Pl<cally it; ish ope ~tqry 'I.tig~onthe' se.",':,,'ide'Clttd a':small sect iq'(1i.1 1/2stor:ie$ion the east~, They are VE!l'"yt:ol'1d~rned about the imp~ctof t~.e. house on this locatiGnam t:eelin,relation to"the [context of'. the, existing houses in the area it is qui.te a'bitlo~e.r.' '",. '-it,:.,:.t:;',"I_' :'. '<, ,,',-- -' -~.~~ -"t-tesummarlzes~t the')' .wOuld lI!ke~t=t5iaer~~' in I.I.~iJ request for. m'odi fica1it'onare: 1> Increas'; in height 1 1/2-'- for-'par~o-f the rciof-H~5%).' 2) Main envelope moved to the northeast.., 3) Addition.of a secondary structure boathouse. 4.) Less than 100' between house and wetland. 5) Road to be reloca_llKI; notes that event". appro.ve,du plan woul.dtrequi,...:'some relocation o~ the road as the house goes through'theroad at one ,point. '-I,j. Says the .other speciiil,l+conditions having,.to, do w.i.th temporary construction would be adhered to. Adds that they are'working with speed tOiicome up.w1.tha,..cheme>and t}ley don't have, all, the detal Iscompl;.tely workedj)ut. If, any changes, come about during the des,ign process<they, wi 11 advise us. Dr. Dunwiddiesays he ~hinks we'cI want the special conditions shown on ,the plans such asthe'location of hay bales, limits of work,etc~ M'r.Krieger says he wotJld:~happytoprovide. Says they ~", ,have e,ndeavored to conformto'~".r<.egulations,.as close as W I'eCVcled paper . / '. ,. - " . _;, . Tow:n ::."of"NcIDtUcket ' '_:';:-,~:.~::L:",,!:__ ,,'_ "~-'::,~~\ ::, - ":-:_: - ~ .':' -Y4_.~;_t, -.h-:~~-', "_<<":->' .',' ::', ~ -.'- ,.,_:'- . ,-'" .,' ;:-,~ ; ";-' ,(:~_~,- ~:.~- :'::;,'~ -.;+.~~ _,- f~ "'~"2::Conservation' COnlmission~ " . ,=, . __ '_,' , _ .- . ,<:-"'-" ~:-'1~1~-.r/,~'-:-~;~::}>~r:-" :;'lb.l~'to re.U.ze a single, familyhous.eonthis;;si.~~!-l";H:;~~Y;S c'i:\'.,:~.!It.:J:R3i"tefit i~nto bui 1 d add itl~a~,:&1a-;'\.tct'4ilr1~j~~ni;'I~~; ;.fQ~ure:-l'Jjc:mc: tudes ;1 f'youdeem the' modlfu:;ati,on.tlar.,,..,;~ :.,'"..;,m,'""l".,n." 0", ,',' ,,', ", .,'f"'~,:".,',,,.,,(a,',JI1, $,'",,&.1.. ,to' file.anew:.not"ice,the, yar.~,.s.,~i~,.~"i!"J!.,..:~,',.,) ,J19 far an Et)(~Et~slon to the existing order in order to..n.'ctgure ,~"._,....to';th~ e)('~~~ing order. Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 20 .-,' ..Dt''';ITP4,nwiddie a~ks... why th~y want an extension if;;:t~i.s. l(i):.t,'fildn.f:s not 'allowed .:~.ii;:;L'~. :~:~~+~,':;:tL?:i ";~f::~-;;r~!-J1i' . .' "';~ r'rifYHri~iK~,~~ge1'" 'responds' given. ,the historyof"the"',P'1 i,.,."..,:,d,.",'~""., ',:,,',',.,',~,.,"~, i,ri,<!l'", d, !:tpotential p"urChaser have no ;9U, .r,atl,."",t,e ~l,~..~la~l1fi)Wed' 01"1 th is proper ty if t,he e)(.tensi;Q.n:~j ;;,~'~~;~i';\~Jf~~:i#die asks if the new plans 'show'sep~'~~jt~~,~~i:'. ,~P:l'11.iI~~'1;i~i ':' " "" ' ,,' ~'; ,r"[h,;~f~f:i;);~!~f'~,;:; ~ays th'ey' just show the area;th~Y:i;ao;m~: ~,'.''''' ,- -- - .' - - - -' - ~ ~ - .-: -- ! '". ,. ~ ~" :separatlQnOT _g1"'CJUnc:r-~ ,_ ' ;:;~: T,j'i ,,: .~j, , " . , , " <<,:.' '" t'Jr:. ;:I(~!~ .Oersa'1(s it is his' under. tand irrg thehe "r ~$'..I". 'cllrren-t:.p.rmi t on fi le which is based on the- previou.';~O,tice. , .., ~ '; '.PEf1"rysays that is for 4' separation. :~' j i;~~ it is based on a five bedroom Dr..:,Dt.lnwiddie says the, regulations have changed.si~c. t.he prev'ious ,~",dter; ,them.i 11. difference i sthe sep~ria t i~*,"f~a. '9roundwa~.r. Say~ slnce.,.thesystem.hasn' t. be..,;'bu~,) t,yet the Commissi:ong,enerall y U.,tces;to improve it... T"<ink:s, i .:1' SihcuJld be . modified ..0 it would. comp.J;y'tonewregulations,the.ain differetH:;.' be:h'1g' the separation from ground watar. '\i' ~ ;';;, j ;:~:, -' , .}.. " Hr. Ktrleger, says, i f.the 0,' r.equjrementwere'm.i~~aif:l8d it would'req~l~e' some mounding ~ "Also,; it. wouldaffi-=.t,~~~,.t:i,rst floor ele't.t'iort:of the house.. . If they,raise' th.~!$eP.[:j,,,, .v,~~em theyalso}t,avetoraise thefi rstfioor elevationo"l;~h.ijouse andthat'1*ouldl}; Involve using fill. 'This is one iof tb.:Jssues they ar'e ~til:l working on. . The purpose of, comi'ig tc;J~;YC)\J tonight is. to find out what your primary objectiions~re. Attorney Reade says he a,ttendedall ,the previous hearings representSfil9 ,the abutter s, Messrs. Karp, Tuc ker ,i Leferyre" and ~,' members of the Shimmo Association, all of whom have been W recycled paper fr-<;,:-<';;>:'~'~,~~,{'r~~t':;;;. .~tt?'~~"'.J':'t~~'';.:-'''::, / TownQJ Naiitueket ,'" t v'>,',....'...'.' '),~ Conserv'atf'6it:. i Cotniriission (508) 228-7230, 10 South Beach Street N antucket.Jrlassaehusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 21 opposed to this proJect. He has not had a chance to talk with id:t',. of the abutters inpreparing1'Orthl.'n.aring~ashe only jus.the...rdL~hatadditio,naldis~u~s;'on wason the. :agenda.:.. He haraspalt4im'tothf!l(arj:>>s'and,f'lCls c:allsintothe athers. M.r. Kear-nstJase)(presstfo\coneern-Onbehal 'faf the' Harbor South . A,~~el~t"ion;' '. .,,~et'.elsftWou~d begro&s:lyunfai rfor.thi s Pt~jecttb. b.c:o'psldered wi th iregardtdthelllodlfica;tl'on :tllat i s::.~~.~,ng,propo~d..t'.r"f:! ,t,on igh t. 'S1 venthe hi,story'hebel.ieves e~:~~e'1~alfairTlf!sswould'bea full heani'ng .prior to any. 'm9:(:fJ.fiFation.SubCllit!i;th~pro'pos.nl is' fat' from being a moinor mO~"!fic~tiona! the'hoU!i..has been moved substantially out of, t~E!' appr()vedfootpr~ 1'1't, 1 ts height has ',i'nc~...sed, a 'boathouse ha"been<added. Olearlyanew NeIls c:alledfor. In ad'cbticm, they urg~th,~Commiss'iondeny}theext~nsiQn. "Notes ,t~,.pre"ious orde,-'wai'l"is1iuedpr ior to:'f'!evi-.d wetland', r~9~lations. B..l.i'f17ves, that rather than, simply extending at t~~~:s point somec;'arefulilnalysis should'~'b.apptied to/how the net~_re9JJ,lation~wou.ldaffec;t~thenew reqt.i,_t. ,This would give .,~~;i... .theOppqrturiit.y~ to l(::ommentasto-:wn.~:cnangesshOiirc:f be-- "m~(Jetoaccommod~t'*the"ew regs.,. 'Adds,tih.1it 'atpreviOu$t, -h'e....-ings they. wer-e:.r-~rl"'_~~nted by Robert Qay19r and_ tI}Cl.~" he h~sf,not'hada.ch'a"9ISttogoover the ch.....'.with them. Urges m9t!.tt.strenuouslY,onbehalf o'f the'Karps'and' the Kearns and, ,he 'eetC~S, a whole lot of. other people lnthe neighborhood, the iinsion and' ,minor modifie:ation,pendi':ng'filingof a new NOI, e"ied. Mr. Perry says ,two ..parate issues should be voted upon: the. minor modification and thefextension. ("i"Dr'. DUnwld~ie says based on the scale.lone it is not a iniftor modification. MOTION: TO~enythe request for a minor modification was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS Mr. Perry commen:!t:s on the request for e:.xtension. Suggests there are two ways we could go about It. One way would be to ' '. de!"y the e'xtension.a.rd requiring anew' order. The other. is mOre comp11cated ahdwould betc{amend :t"e'e~istin9 order. That would entail almost thesam.i;hi:ngas fi 1 ing a new notice; the abutters would be,,~l'f'ied?'rand the ad put'in .the, @recvded".;aper; the order of conditions WO'tJ'1dbe amended to incorporate I '/ . ,.J'9\\T~.":of ':~iiIltQ;~kl9tC; ',' '_":~,:"':;':'/:':'__':"_ ":",-'"._ ';"':.,' '~;o _, ..., ~ """_l.. . _ ;:, _,__,~_ '~"-.-~':\~,; ':C6nservation "Commissic)11" ." T' / , I, I Meeting Minutes for March 7, dii:'ff.ere6t septic: de$,ign, cUfferent house loca'tio,C-f.; ..: '::, _: ",- :'--', '_; : ,:.'.... ,:' _ - .' _ ".-' - f _,-. -,.. :. -, '_ - '--'-. '- .1"... ~ 1'~'s...."!'f1t!"Y(fuCDulddQ tba't.is be!,=a~se,the' way .t,,,,,. )0, :r.a~iW.s""arrived at:,was,tW9.f'ive_ec:trGQID hOtl~~~; .,', ":",. ,'''., - ~. , "_ , ' ., _ -. , _ ' '; . . - . - II"" 0'7",1 .,lil~yproposed. ,We.'~110wedone,thre~ bs~~:p~ ',I ari} ,.1ppe:l:providedby~'theapp lic::ant.Tti-inks, in" ~ (:CJtll~. eve 'the' extension ,and amend ,the ,order,~f',j; :1;~1:~~.Wd,i.: . 1-'1 ha.ve public hear;ings. ItwQuJd ha~~':'~ ,r~,~:f~~~t' 'filinga'newnQtir;e. .If wedon.t.e~:t~~~a ~.,~r:liifr-~:~.";;l:;xPire and ih~e~i ll.benoth ingkno~\'1i;~;; :j1l,to ,lon;the ,lot. , SCt1fyouallow.a.n ex~eW!.,~~~rl~ di~gthat,ther.' wi:l~' be apubl ic hear,i'i9:if or'~er:l,then YOQ,!c~,~"ld. l1ave the hear i ng,'ji;~~j' ~~a~utter5'and,;.putad'otice in the ,,~q t\la 1:10'" the proPQsedchang.es. :\.~,> "~i,::. _ ;,{.C}':: Df1r"':~~e~:y ",;:-,.;" athms ~ ;~,:.)j:'~~i~':' ; "~:~~~~l:! s~!i__there __a~~ -.:. al:!ou t , . r .' t, Nr .. d(r i.ger :says henasd=- copy of the ,cun:7e"t Ie ", and'~e isn,o,t clear as t~J10w the origillal regu~.\atl~ f:rolO,the,:cur-rent. regulatlons.S~ys they h.ave''fql hil, '&.t~.c:~!;j."c;lheight res~t;ict,ions..'.. A!iks what other ."" cha.nges might impact their request. "'1);;,';: ,~\ c, ,': , . , _, ':'_~""~~;~_'<_'-,_:."~' >.-.-;~~, tlr,. j Perry says ~he reg~lations relating.. tOcfil l;',;.tid<i.~;.ep1;ic design and separat ion: .', ,',. ',; i.~!~' ~;:;~i . . ,,- ,r:)'~>:.':' ;:' -~-" :1 ~~i~~a~~::~~~;;~s~:t;~p,~~~e~pat , , , , ,;' .~'tP9'70~ed ~:~ ,::* Mr. Krieger suggests the the information be provided . ,sttpticpermit. -f>,;"-" Mr.Perr,y says there isa question wh.thertha~!:'~'CI~~'tel:Y: protec:~s,the inte,res,ts of the by...law with respec;:t,:tc:t~~ili:qilan}:l!":. water po'~lu:tion.'j "!:it:;.:' ':~'i: '.,' . , I;~~~':: ..",'.. ~ii:i Mr . Burke says as a; matter. o,f'f liLi,...ness they are.;, ,.:t'~1i~.~ ng to hurt th~,wetI8nd C\nd;<are tryi-ng.to' comply with }ff"" ul~r and regulations. Adds "~e also hav.e a,; landowner Wb.t, ,a, piece 0"": . l..,d and h,as certain rights ,~out the .pi,",,: .~t)~~", @ recvcled~and and we have a purchaser who has a. contract anat.u1'cil'ii:ik,e ,':1 .." ~"':;:~' \t-ti/'~ l~'~J\:~;;- ~,~'~~"';'~:,,";.'"';;;;"':r]':-'i' .- Town' of Naritucket .Conserv&libn?"CoththiJ$ioIl' 7' (508) 228-7230 '/ 10 South Beach Street Nantucket.. Massachusetts 02554 \ I I I Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 23 to purchase the land. And we would like to exercise those rights, .not<to'bend$he li.:l~,~u~ tp,[g~,ve th~m at,ittl~ more ti-lfte.,It'is a very eliffj.t;:1;ll~ real eS,tate period,: 'especially on the eastern seabo.ar-d. ' AJ,so th. timi~g of' i.~ :is a little' bit dif11.t;:u,lit sothey:are askiog fCj)f;" ,,an extension in order. to '.' ; . .... ." .. .-' , . -- . .' .' . ;, .' "j .' '.". - . . ". ...: .', ' ,.',.' . ":. .:'., '.' .:-- '. " ',. --. -:,', . '. . . ,-' '- : .... ',- -~ brl"'9'You the. lnfor"'!iltion'th.~Yc:tt.l,nee~to ~fJ!e'..,.,eth.,rqr -hot we,l!:anQomply eJ,ther. under>~pnewor the olc;Lenveldpe. : Adds tha~,nehas lea'('nedtoday,~re may b~ q.~,her 'r~~spns ,~hythere is so much opposition and that .it, maybe 'oot;"j~.t"..,th~'~.tlands iSiSUfi! it may be other issues. He is not able to speak to that rightij"nowbutit is obviQ41!lth~re is great push on the part of ad,jiaeen:i;landowners tQmalff;!,i t 'very difficul"; ,for.'the !5,eller to; sell ,and the buvertoqf,.\Y.. We need a., 1 ittleJn9ret'1l1\e~to' s,",ow, yc:u,J,t,hat;.we'r:,e nO,t.herfi,to do anythingo1;her"thanc;onipl Y wiith/theiwe't l;a'l"ldregula..~~pns. ,." . ,," 14.; Dr. Dunwiddieaskswnen does tt;le order 1"" ~, .~;i\'::n -', ~ 4,:,. -- . . , :;, - ~ _..L'DrL~Dunwidd ie!S.~y~_ ~ n th~orLY t~~ycoU lei go out ...~9f;1t;now and"J9stbuild theirseptir.; sY$tem,.t:t!il~ed,Q-n-l:hi,j!"xl.ting -order and;';,...rmits.. Asks.'if it wouldbepq.:sii;)le to i~~ea,':' ", . exteMion with a limitation that the septic system be built in c::omplitance,with the new'1'"egula~ion$ . Mr. Perry says he is not ,$ure if you. can putcoriditions on the<ltxtension; says that would be paramot,lnt to, amending the order;. . ' j.1 ' Dr. Dunwiddie says how about i,f..ttle#jlppl ic:ant r6tquested that as an amendment to the existing order and we amended the order. Mr. Perry ,saY!5 wEt,can't a~end .th~ order withQ,utapub lic Hear.ing. So .he was$uggesting we extend it and then have a public hear i ng.to amend the order. Mr. Kell iher asks if it hasn I t been our pol icy to gran.t the first,one-yearextension. Mr. Perrysays,i t has in most "ca!i&r$ though it_is not etched in stone. There was. one; case where the wetland boundary had changed which was .,ot granted. @ recvded paper I / '. ,>:: row~, "p,l'"Nanfuclt.et ',- . ,,~. ,~ ' . "- '", ....1\~ $.- , "l \ t. 'i;. . ~.~-:, ?" Conservation Commission ~,,: ' (508) '228J7230 '" '_,", ..".,....-1., ,.. , """"N:; :',' .~~ Meeting.Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 24 ,Mr.. ~~rke says although, they feel somewhat time ~c:on5~ra,i~d" their position is to comply wi,ththe regulations ':"~ridc~O; pr'~tec,t the envirotlment. A lid he has beef" put on notice '. 'this,..r'fi;.....noon that perhapsputting'up additional difficulti,es >to.u~at~his time has other-motives than Just the environment. Dr. Dunwiddie says he thinks thec;ommiss-ion.should avoid being<ll~,aas a forum for non-wetland contentions. Continues, that Js~~y he is asking Mr.Reade~i'1ithere are specific points that could have changed tha't may change the commissio'n's perception of ,the wetlantJ.ssituation there. He isnoti.,.pre'ssed that what ttiey are proposing has any more ~"., ',', ',."",im, pacts on the wetlands than before; adds frankly he is W recvcledpaper ';"i-;'Ifi'ljci~~;{f<:J~~'~-$~".";'t"?-;-'.. ~".~;;i~~;'r-n-1:t'fhY~_ ii / '. , I, :,,8 To,.,.,".,.",.'."..,W,.,, n" \"..",:0"" .."f" '..,""""."",.N", "an,.:""",',..",,, i,.'.,.,tu""""..'""",.",.",.',o,."",."l"t,"""., e"", t ,:' ", "."'." " ',' ,- 'i"- ,,'\ ,- """.---.,~~-<,'<:.__.~?<-.:., ConeervatflJn{C8fi1ftirsiion (508) 2$-7230 , I 110 South BeacbStreet N antueket,. Massachusetts 025M Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 25 impressed with what the applicanttlas done. Feels it is a lot bettet" 'apprDachthan what hetu~s s~en by a lot G,f' .other applic:ants,;" '" . ". ,. Mr. Burke..aystheirone,ppint is 1;hat if anyone had planned topu~ .inoJ':lly o.,etlO\!~Ci!tt:'ey;w~uldn't have.p~t it ten feet away from the boundary' line. ne)(t'~to the Karp house . Mr. Perry sa,ys<the'optp:ms now are to< 1) request ,an extension, whit;h you tla"7 ~pne, to put a house inside the buildi,ngenvelope. Whether. i.t is right, next door to thCi! Karp or not is really irreleyal1t; (2),WQuld.be to come, ~n:'~ith a new notice andas~ forwho!it is here. I'm not so sure we can issue,.the e)(tET~~.ion and~ave youcQfAe ,bact< wi tha new not ice concl1rrent ly.'.~' ':, ' 5rt.'.' "i"'....", ~" Mr. Shugru.!,slilYs in ,the,. past we. hlilv~ .allowed c:oncurren.t notices andwh.,t yc;u..,. have<~one,af'te;~)'ou have issued the new c:.outJl;'" hlU~ .th..,.Qld,baYe,:b.fQm.~~,l1~,~;.~i~nd va id~-' 7 - '-, ;:"':' '< ~;~h" !;.; :.;:/t?'11'f;!;,~./:,~"I:,d:,"::: "j ____,__: ' Mr. Perry)says inthe)ast few'",onths a letter ha1i been ~--"', . -. ,-- -,---, '........'------"-',.--.~-, ---:--""';':~ " , ,',;, ,,; " "" - :+ received f"rom'PEeC~arifyingth~,.,!,,~~(..tue.~eliev.$it ;Ls for . appeals. Agree!S,1!,hoWf!~.r,thattli.~".CQ~ld come in with a second notice. Notes.~hatithe ne~ o",der lIIlould be appealable. ,'" '" " ,--:,"" ".-,'" ,;-:-''".;':;,. t-.J'i,!;:, l":"r,.'~~:" Mr. Kelliher moves we grant a.o",eyear extensipn. MOTION: To/grant aone-year:e)(tension was made and seconded. UNANIMOUS 4. OTHER BUSINESS ::;,f.:t; :>',; r I',;;rn a. Doo 1 ey,' - SE48-433( 55-422. 6) Present for the applicant isA,ileefll Barth. " Hr. Wasierski reads theinspe,etion report. NQ_s,~~h.t. he has lookedat.the elevations ~n ,theisiteplans. ,wh,iJ:h showeo 2 - 2 1/2 'feet between the back corner of the: house and the front corner of the house. Sayshe'has aproble.. .wit" .'filling around the house but can't find anything de'flni~e in ~he order. @ recycled paper I lOWi)^,pt N~t4gket.;,. .... "' ~._\,if;<"t. ~.,... .w~""~,>""'~...;Io,,,",,l':lf'." Conservation Commission." , ' (508) 228-7230 , J lO~tla..Street N..tudtit<,iissach~ 02554 , ; 1 Meeting Minutes for March'?, 1991 Page 26 ~. ri~ Hs.. Ba\'"th says theY'hilVakriocked~ffbldc:t<~l~~:., !...,.ch;,side. Would pref'fi!r" to not havfi!',6.';steps,' to get ' 1;othe"ia(z~GI'Qor:'." The c:edertreeis at the previous'eleyation~Itd'ii,psliQff at the corr'le!r !iothey hcive.tdbri,ngs(unething bilCk'ijJ1'.j"kf~t1ut, is open to suggest ions. Perhaps"cill,,,,lHne steps wi th"so...'fi 11- 0:, ;.o:r' . : :'~'i4: .I,. Mr. Wi Ison asks what kind of retaining wal;k,th.y are consldering?i i: l ,. Ms .B.r th says ol'lEfoy-.two I" ail roadt ies, 5~:.i:c)~t "ftcun the fcJtJndationbut inside'<the .'si:l~t'fenc~. li!ii~:H . ,,:~;,.:,..,' (';"; - ..-=-. /Mr. Wasierski'.says one(Jf'theproblems~$~~,iijithtsj...as in ord,r to ,let peoplet)uild closer,' to the' ..,etlan~:i*lifl'll: what was c()n~idere~a "on-~l,Ii Idable 10,t we restr ict ;tt'a~~'i~lt:o e~.ctly , 'w' , ~, ':&."."w a S','" ...'..... ','.Ii....e" p...,an",' ,,' , ", '0 :':, . ,.'i,,,i:,l~i ;"1 ,: '.tI=I:".' -:.',!:,~:", '.',",'1 ,. .1' ,,- '.;' ""_":,,-;"'.;~"'II:,,j,,liP'~::Hu'-. :~~' ('- c ~?ji:"IU~,j ,;Ms..BartI1SaY5 shewa~und~r'~heimpr-etssi~~,ilt~t, in.pection ttfEf7Coftuirt1li-:-STbn ~f~l t Trwd~--;~t. d--fl1':i~:-~J ub l~~n~tt';;;. ,. " , '~'i i:~:{ ;,' ': :"~ .... Mr.Perrv ,SUg.9~st~' a.-aiseEl flower bed ~oUl1.n:b. built to covter,th.,front of the f(]undatrion; then 1:tiey,'a~*U:d have a waH(wayttne railroad tiet'aigh,o,.. thewet'la11f:t>:~~~"o ttUI~ cO,uld pro~'ide at;:cess to., the baclc.:steps; .:then thewa'i~::~it.o!the ,si 1 t fene;e cou:ldbe graded 'down 'to the,bottomcif,.tt1~i~iSillt fence. ; Mr. Wasierski s'ays then it wi 11 be at natci.~.i grade and a step up onto the deck. " Hr. Wilson says he would like to ,see a de~i~n. . . l'i::f. ,:: .'~::Jn :-..' Hs . Barth says that Mr ..".Harrington had 'i1il'.i.:~il,~ll y decided to cutback the deck in order to keep,theced~,~,ll!a..,e ,thought there would be less chance of runoff. , Said t~~"';!thC3Ught if , they retained it, > there ,would be less ,cnance : ~~I:::fnY:1'J~l'1'off . Hr. ,Perry is suggesting the exact opposite. ,~.~~ wb.nyou come'int'hedrive\ifay" you walk down t-oget,to:.;'!11~1~ng tiet ,of stairs which ' takes you back up and i.tseems'a~~,.,.rc:l. r'!' ,. ,!'F'!!'':; . Mr. Wi lson asks if the commission is in fa'"ol'" of some kind of retaining wall. !':11 Mr. Perry asks if we want the retaining wclll,at the silt fence or to slope away to the silt fence. @recvcletJ/NIIHN _.CQIl:.':"":~~-'~""" / Town,pJ.,N~tuok~t ,ConservljiB'n Cbmtn,ti$iqn ',; " (508)228-7230 10 SouthBeaehStJ"eet N antueket.MassaebUsetts 02654 Meeting Minutes for March 7) 1991 Page 27 Ms. Barth says if~e put therettilining wall back at the building ,that ...i11 i'nflue~ce.pe()ple.tow.~kcloser,to'the we~lilnds. . Herfeelin9. is thit'liven ,If}'they l'h,it now, f>>-out iti~,put it out far enough so you canbuild,the walk>within it and keep people away from the brush. Hr. Harring,ton doe.s not want to do anym,aintenanceandhE! would 1 iklfEtverything to grow bac.k. 'Continues that ~e'.<'~re' nat-<talking'abi.)llt'm~jor fill; .is practically' the amount Df,top>soilthatJw~UI,.tJe needed, maximum 16". Say,s ~h790t~helmpression;from eve.ryone at the site thati t wasn' tab 19 deal. , Dr. Dunwiddie says he sees no problem. MOTION: To allow a ",inor mOdif11Fati'9J'l to bui'ld> a smail, retilining<wall ~. ~ay,friclln'l:he"sil~fj!t;tce,.'t zero grade w~~~rmadeandsecond~d.i r',;';" , . :d' - ...- ,- ----------- - ~--""""'''''''''--'=---' . UNANIMOUS,::' ,," ~:-"i:\f'I!i" .,. Rd - SE4e~lf.55 (43--95) ~ b. Frazier - 37 'Gardner minol"v,mod c;l\! See discUssion under Extension. c . First. Winthrop' - SE4e-579(~2.4.1-23,24.,25)-pest .plan ,", 'f'.' Mr. Perrys;ays they are, suppos,ij~t~submit,a.pe5t1cide manag~ment plan each year and he reqUests more"'t'ifne to review the information submitted. MOTION: To continue for adttitional infd1rmation was , made and seconded. UNANIMOUS d. Claflin - 35 Wauwinet Rd -il$~4e-584 (20-34) update Mr. Perry says he has, been tot'hesite and the dirt has been removed from the wetland. It:::is'now down to the old grade; however, hay, bales are sti 11 needed. It is a great improvement over the previouscondi'tions. He adds that he asked the contractor i fhe dug the :pond deeper >a.nd he said ' that he dug it a lot deeper. e. Bai ley 82 Union St -SE~8""513 (55.1.4-40) - minor mod @ recycled paper / '. ,....-,."...,,'. . , ._,_' -" .... "", ~, ,~:'s,,::n:..' :_:4~ "i:~ ~'" ,_",_ Town,df<NUhioket "" " ", --. ',,, .,- ';_-" ....'.' ":_::" '_:_.,:_,..~:/::t~:.::~)' }:, ~..:'~::~~;,i:-~',;-; ";:',, :_'.-,,:_~.:,-,:.,:,,: '~"''':,\\r',. :-' .... ..': ',i,'" : -";":":~:~:"':,"'~':_ ~. ':;1~-' 'Conservatf6n.' Com~isslon (508)$i~ -'., ", ''',' " 10,~tb~~~t NaatuCket.fl...chiusetts 02554 Meeting Minutes for March?, 1991 Page 28 "". Perry says he has' re~e.ived a request from the new 'o...ner.They.;~o no(,want' to :do an addition. Are requesting t".ybe t)llowed to put up a fepce to,.keep,th~. dog in,ancf the '-, ',~-;- ,: .-~.~~..,-o. ,'," '..-;'. '- "',~ ducks out. MOTtON: To ,approve t.,eminor modification for a c:log/;~~ckfence i,n lieu of an addition;; was made, and secoflded. UNANIMOUS f. Nantucket Co~mons - SE4a~365 discussion Mr.,perry's;.ystre order }!?<.pi,red in.Januaryof this year. An extension has not been req~~~ted. ,S~y~we ha,ve no, proof of oil separators being i nsta lle(:l< 'l.Pd "ttleya~~o> need ..to, be checked four, t imesa year. A~'(is'ttlatClea.n'Ha'rbcms';<submitted a p,roposal to do the. work andJJJJs pr-oposalwas submi ttedto the'Cc:Jm~i5ftsion'asan'agreement~operformthe' work, signed ,by t'n-.,., Sillr \fi:.'" S'.. 'rhecantrac.t .uaspeverrcturnQd to ,Clean:-..Harroors and the work was never done.. This'i$a dirc!!ct ,violation o'f the erder.Theretention basin .to collect the storm .waterbefore - -'-t-went-to the witfaru:f was nevef-bullt. ' The SIltatIon "fences ,are ,gone. There are two! ittlereplication areas, that haven't been done. Also in .violation is' 'the trash left around and' piPe.s,b~~~iistored. ,.SaY!5"he~~s;,..ritten a letter to Mr. Sarvis al'ld copied anyone who mig.,t have an interest, including his old and new lawyer. Dr. Dun~iddiesaysyq~ mean :that the oil separators that haven't been installed haven't been checked? Mr. Perry says he does ~.~ot knowi f they are there or not but,i'f ther,e,theyh.,vli!int1:bee?,hC)ok,ed up to ~nything. Asks if the Commission wants tos~nda letter requesting' ' il'lformatiQn,beprovided ,;,andsta1;ing that an enforcement order will be issued if we do "no:t receive a response. ,e'o, ~.~ ~ ' ' ' ,\-, , ' , ' " '" '.., - . -, ., Commi$sion"agreesl~t.ter.should,P.~,sent to make them aware ,of the situation but t~at itshould;'~'esent cautiously in an effort to avoid 1 i tigatlon. Sugge's~he go over the order and include each infraction, of the special conditions and try to' catch everything. Incases in que5.t.iori ask for documented proof that work has been done. Send, certified mail and give a time frame for response andst,ate if a response is not ~, received by that date we will have to decide what course of W recvcled paper 'c',."~.........,,,.___'_-" '"..'" i.<;.,..fi-;;'iii'-,',';.!'.,).<- / .. To,..,wn., ,,', 0"", J, r:~,.,N..., an,i',-~"i,fu,'..""., '" .,ck,."e,.."""t .' ',', ,:\",,~,..' _ ,; i -:<:'i--_,"":}::/:j,,-'--'-'~":l"-t cotlservati6ri."Colffffiiis!on. f'-, ..... .\ (508) ~7230 I; I 10 South Beach Street Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 ' Meeting Minutes for March 7, 1991 Page 29 action to take. Suggested date to respond by is April 4. Also, a 'copy of the letter should be sent to the bank. <,:,;:,..:'.-~"> Mr. Perry says the bank" that, held'theimoJ'\tgag,efolded and the account has been turned over to the FDIC with whom he has already discussed the oil separators and storm drains. Says they asked where the oil was coming 'from ,and he-told him from the 150 parked cars.' Says the rate of oille~kage is a half quart a day,not .a half a quart a month as, previously thought. The bank representative d idh I tthi ok that wa~Lasi'9nificant amount going int(3,the wetlands. Says he be:lievesthere is a la~k of ~ttenti.ri. Dr. Dunwiddie asks. what is the current status of all the lit-igations. . Mr. Perry says they are. in, ,1 imbo. < Most 11 k~Jy,atS...per ior _,~~~urt. and. filtering ,to the top .' $ays.he . could inquire to have " " ", '}',.' ,.', ' .'." ... '. ' ",'. " ' '.,,' , " "',,," ," TownCQunseI,presstb Mavetf1em thrown,pu.t:ll:ofcou~ecause -~.- the order is' expired. Says one is.for the underground garage -, ---wh.i.c.h, was deni.ed. - , Dr. Dunwiddie says he might make some.discrete inquiries to seeiftheY'C::a.TI be quietly puShed aside. We may want to let sleeping dogs lie but we could:see iifthey' can be disposed of quiet'ly. g. County Commissioners. '""': (40-79 S. 57-:-24> discussion Mr. Perry says this request asked for a path to the Head ,of Hummock Pond; fill"was not supposed to have been added. Recommends the commissioners go to the site at the next field inspection. Mr. Wasierski says it needs to be wide enough to back a truck and trailer down in there and the fill is what they dug out when they cleaned out the ditch and moved it over. Mr. Perry disagrees and says the idea was not so you could back trailers down there but so you could carry a canoe or a small boat in. If they were going to bring in fill you don't get that approved on a determination. Mr. Wasierski comments that it is still to narrow to get a @ recydedp8p;ruckand trai leT" down to the pond. 11' .' T owtn ;~.;6:f ~ 'Nantticket ',r', Cb~~~~~~ti~n" j;:b6fufuissibn, .", j i ., I , I I I ! . ,,,' "" (508) 228-7230 \. 1 'l, ,,_-~~':l;:;j~:, Meeting Hin~tes for March 7, 1991 ~age 30 ; MOTION: .' Td eval,uate the si te at the next field i nsp,~~i~~l~~Fl rmad~/and ' seconded. , " _';1 /-~ -;t;;:H.f~~!:~l.~~-':: t',: ;':f:;~~f_~.,": <:':;<,'i..:-,':(':I,,:;!,::>: :'; :;', . ::::'~/: .- - -, ':":.: . ..' . : ' ,UNANIMOUS ';~~i W'; :11,',';-;;;' ' , h .~Ai:rport1P1pelinec FEIR - inadequate " '. ~d~~q;jC ti', ' ,~.;~(." ' Mr..;ry say.s'we hav'~rec:eived a copy of the State's respo 0 .the ~P'E;IR,whic6,'~said i twas inadequate ancJ they needed f'il_;a~uppleme1'1tal report. It'alsosuggests the Townfi an ENF to start moving on bulk storage problems. ! 'f ~'f l':~::: !,' ,! :s. . ONDENCE ' I ~rAl !,:riy:'i::' : !, " , . ~ " o. S:li::lfprn:ff~bruary:;:,?li, ,~99~.. , ; i!!1"!:: !::, ~/i: : .,',.. ,;, r ,.:rC:l TIbN': '/,.,TQ accept, the ,minutes. was .made' and secon~ed. ,_~_","",_-----..:..:...,_--- ;-\-----',",:--'";'~-,: ~;':;-'l.1.iJ1.--:.,-:--_,..'--_-:'. ,'" __~___,___': ::':!it;~j;',~' ,} UNANIMOUS 7 -:----~ -: TO.!'BE'PAI D J;f,~~?:j[f.:r.,;;,l.::. ,f'\ 'j(:':';: ~-,. I NSPEC'UONS , ,,:,!", .,(, 8. , ',' -, , . .' .. .' ',.. . l"Iondcay, "ar~h 18, 1.991, 4:00pm ~:.:' .:..... '; '--, ,"', ,', : ',<To acJJournthe"meeting at 11 :05 pm. ! j ':1':'; H~ UNANIMOUS , ,. " . ~.: ,\ " ;'::i':!'~/ . I: : .,~ ' ; '~':-(~':,;':-~:i l. .. 0',." 'i.:" j':" ..~, ,;....:l..,,'.} '>'H':t' ,~' ,i':"'; @ recycIed_