HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-25 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 25, 1988 *** ADDITIONP~L MEETING FOR NA..l\JTUCKET l'llETLA~roS REGULATIONS *** A. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Nantucket Wetlands Regulations - final public hearing - '-,.- i----- i Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 25. 1988 P3ge 1 MINUTES O:F FEBRUAEY 25. 1988 *** ADDITIONAL M,:::E'l'E-JG FOE NANTUCKET WETLANDS REGULATIONS :.;.ct: I. The public hearing of Febr~ary 2~, :988 WaE called to order at 7:33 PM in t.he Nantuc1:et Elemer:t:,?1ry Schoc 1 Libra.ry. Members presen-t: we:r"e: I)E~tel- ~J. l)urn.;iddie - C~t:aiYr:1arl t I.ee [}.c.nll, Williarn v-Jille."t ~ Granville Cl~anst()n, Her:~-y itJasierski and Ca:::-l Borchert.. Members a.:'senL. were: DCir:ald. Vi~c(;. F.'i~l.i.rJi.5t~"',3.~(r!." ;.)rE.ser~;:: Ejen Mcl(e.lvJay * T'C'\A.irl (~cl:JnEe.l };lresent: Paul :::leEeLS 2. 5 . A. PTJBL.IC :-~:E:AF~~I\JC; 1. l~ant.\.:ck_et \\T8tlal-llj~=3 Re-.gula:t:.or~5 - f i:lal pubiil2 hea:=i:1g. (-.i-.:Eii:.:::n,~~.~ Peter Dunwiddie opened the hearing by asJ~ing for a motio~ tc accept the second revised draft. Lee Dunn made ~he motisn. sul)rni i:t_E~(: l1i_s S1..:.gg~ested arnei.!d.rnents t.e; the prc~c~eded to go over them pC1int oy pOln~. secol:ded the mo~iOD. .,.. - r'egt:l.a"'t.1CJ:1S ar~d (~2.I'l Bc:rc.!:er-: ACu'Tl':"1-~i5trat("r Ben J\1(~KE<1\,r~~)' revie~.Ned a memo r~e [;.a(j sent l,e tr~e (:;c.rnrnission a.at.ec.~ ~Fet~. 17, :988 c~:1d aQ{:.re:=.setj tl-1e ~. qu,est~icr.;,s ~,~.: page 1 ir: Light :): Lee Dunn 13. '.:::cmrnent;,:;. aDCN8. Tr~e re~pCL::e ",as as f .:,~ .11 cy\\-s : 1. ::::hC'Lll d \k!8 \aJrl€-:r"e ')1.1}~ O~0,7n 2dd 3, , C i 2l...1= e saYJIig t.he a~"'e silerlt.'? :=~:at€.,t l\1"c, . regula"t..l()D.S F.::-e"Ja:-. _:. l--eg:.:..:.. a:t.lc;r~~. ~~ . ~'~no~ll d ~-~E~ . ' 3:j(; a c i aus e S'S'.llI".;.g t_:-18 s'ta7__8 f (:'l-~3 :3_=e {':'J ',_,'.J,.\. .::~ ~.~ J... 1::";:1::)1. i C ,=-~t._ i (, r~s ''? I).....Ease r;Cf'r..:.e \~r-~,:3.t DeF~ErJ3is orn.:_"':.t,e~:. :tl:C:~". "t.!".!.t ,.j:3r i.ri.i.t,-LC1I: 0= 'I ~,s':-':T;i1:". ~ 'j T~:~~ 2 (\)!0..rn is ~-, i':~11 dE"-- c: ic=;.e -:i ~.'~ pu--= ::' f: ct:.:::. C\l2,~, ir:g 'the- "1..:se ::.f c~ ,.iiftel-er.;.t :3 e"C- C, f f :=';-=~~~, i:-~ C'(;rp(:J."_-'.~ 7_':'~; g IC\,1,,1,:J 3'i 13.\4 , .~, - . . un~l~ a~c~Ther ~~~e. ~, . I :'1 E1e c:"f:. ,:J:."'n E~ -- n C) f (Y~...lr ;;::--C1='("~:::, E' c1 ,:::..:T~e DClme:i~":' s t.() t.:.~~e ..:.. C\9~:--=-_ .=:.r~. a~.\- (t.:-i_C' l(~):-.;,g ':()"\I]D Iv:€:stir':.g cl.~--ticle). dc,es -:h:-~ v,:c::'~d ;'perml':' c>:')er CeT't~ficates ()f Conpliance? Yes. this is incl~dej in ~h~ E:yl~~. I' ---..\ ! Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February c; ~ ~.J"..1 , 1988 Page 2 f.;,. Do v.:e neec. -::0 specify In the reg1.11 at ions ,=:!:" the t~e boundary of a wetland lS the l~~e w~~nln wnlC~ mOI'e of the vegetational con:''1runi ty consists cof the s.l)8cies iden::i.f ied in 1:.118 'itZetlancs Prc:tectic:n Act.'? varies from appiication to application. BylavJ that 50 pel-cent or . . ~ .... Tt/tlet...Land j:.1 arlT. No. 'tr:lS rri1e hearir:;.g \,.25 rle:~:t Ol=;erled l.lp fc'l.-- publ ic ccrr~r::er:t. Jc)ar~ne HOldgate. N.=mtucket Tc.."n Clerk. asked ",r1:ether an appeal p~oced~re had been provide.j for. Lee D~nn said it had been v..Tit:t.en i!ltO t.11e E~,~:,law iJ1 secticJrl 3-(; }:;)-:" Tc;~:rl C(j~lrl~el [JeRensi:=.. Peter Duru~iddie added his support and a~ip~eciation for [Je.Reris.is 1 ~~o~J: ():-l pulli:1g c.~.1t. G:f the dr:3.ft. reE.~t~l2.t.ic'rl:=' II/h- .~ . t.r:Ctse i t.ems w11ich rnc)re a:pp:r.~c'1=)r.iat.el y~ l)elc)ngecl in the rc-,rrn of C~n ~E}ndrnent to t.r-le }Jari"t;].ci-~E t hTetlands B~.7 ,1 aw.. Ms. Holdga-::e continued by hi~hlighti:r~g L-V.!O cor-~cerns -::nat =::ne he.d nad since the o~~!ening:,f trle public hearings Sept. 17, 1987; 1) the ap'peal proce:3c> is -::0:::; ezpensi\73 ci:1C cumbersome for most a~'plicants to deal with. She respectfully suggestGci ~he Cornrnissi::Jn rrL3J~e all effc.r~s -:'0 v.1'C:l....j: Oll1:- c~:)mr:'r()raisE=s T.A!.:_t}-l 6pplica~t5 so as t.o avoid the ha~ds~ip3 of going t:: COUy~. 4-1 ) t~ari-::uclt~~~t. S..~1Fterio::'" C:('~u:.--: c:;::} y :rieet~s on .3 ~imi "t.ed :),3.sis. ~r, t.rlE~ I11o::-e t.!-le Ccrnlnissic:-;. car: !:J.c' t.() 2\TC;~ic. la.v!S11i t~s, tr1e b~t-te~. Carl Bo~chert =eferred her. to page 9 of the drart - ~aive=s at RE~;~\:ireme~.~s - w~ich ~e ttlsught would come into ~,lay in 5crr.e '::a.3?-'"~S . Peter ?~u~5er asked~ '-' ..:.. .:.1 t: .. ~,ui~dab18 n8W, how Wl~~ e~ 0W2~eY }::...;.C)'v} 'l"~1"lat. }:-~r,:~::>l e:ns r:.E: f Ii .~Lr:t::j a.fte~" tl~le :8.e;:..:lCii:icDs 2.:-e ., .-, ;;assea.: (~ar 1 =:a.i.:: tlla-:.::: ~,,{l-je;:'-e t-he 11se of '~aiv8rs comes in -:. -r, ,,,'4 --.....'- -c. h. e <:: c~ ~rr~ i ~-. S .:J:;:-l . - . rr: 3._,,: e S t!' :.. ~:<l~-r.:-::'. ro co}.~sider each aJ:'~:ji ie-a. tic';: . .... -.. lr;'!.J2. T.,7 :"1.j1-1::.J.. J.. y .. ?eter Du~w~d6ie sala he expe2~9d walver~ wc~l:j be ra~e. F~c;r)ert. ~),5.1.""V:"~i .:if :B::'an"t. F'(~i:-~1:. Corpc1rCl.icJn ar~d t~aDt.j.1C}:E:.t C:GrrJ:';-Jrl~. TrU5~. made two poi~~s: _I He thc'ugh~ ~he new regulations aF'pe.?41....ed t.o .3.11o'~] the (':()rrJT[i~,~: ion to rn.~ke arbi ~.rary decis ic:ns ..--., ! Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 25. 1988 Pege 3 which Cen give rise to more lawsuits and legal aC~lon. He thought this '"wuld be unfair to some applicant.s ,,,ho do not nave time or money to spend or: legal fees if there are problems with Commission decisions. 2) He questioned why tr:e C0r11nissio:1 reI t it had to i~prove on ~he state regulations for septic se~6acks considering the DEOE has spent years and thousands of doliars in research proving that 50 feet was adequate to protect wetlands. Petel~ Dunwiddie responded by giving tI1e reasons for Cidded conserva~i5m here O~ Nantucket with regards to protecting i~s wetlands. He said many Cape Cod tOiA,Tl3 have 100 ft. sepl.ic S8L.bac];:s ana tha',: the state avercge of 50 ft.. Goes r;e:t L.c.ke int.o account: the sandy soj.1 s of t.he Cape and the I s.land3 '\-,hieh dictate greater c2ution. Ied Ti~lotson wanted ~o know the scientific basis of the 100 fte setback. Peter referred to the Perl:ir:s-Jorde,:) calculations used in .:;: s~udy cf ":he Islcnd' s water table~ sponsored by the Town of ~antuc]:et and the Nantucket Land Council. Hr. Tillotscr" cid not ttink -:.he findings were s~fficient ~o supersede DEQE's regulations. J~r. T.:.llot.son also claimed -chere is no definition of wet:anc1 In the draft regulations. while the DEQE definition is raLher le:-lgth~l. Ee cCTnrnencec t.l"18 C~c)I11rnissiorl f':;r \)~That. rle SRV-.f as t:~e.:..r.g 2/3 of the final product, nowever he did not feel the C()rru~issioner'5 \\Tere. l:~rofE's~ iC;l.:als and \-.rere O~.l"t.stel:}:pirlg t:.rlelr ;:)C.lUrlCS b~{ iml;)C;sirlg cert~ain ~-egul~ticll1S Vorl-lien cve::-ri~-Je DEC1E. F'E:ter J:~'C\ inte,:l OLl t triat '.~1€-:'t:.l ands are ,3.;:3.equat€~1)1 def il:{:=::l \.J:' t.!-:':':-l the definitio~s of the many types of wetlands conta~~€d i_~ the ll.raft.. 211 a.jc~.i~ic;r1, C:crrl F?;:<t'ct.e]~t Ci~t.E:d a tat:.,l_e ifl ,3 :c'e;)c:-..~ ('~-1 100 ft~ se~ba::]~s O~ ("ape C!~d t:;~ms. ltl:r". T illc;t :3C!D ~. 2: 2-<:~ :le S\.:;)1:)c.:rt.S(1 the old r2shic:f.i.eC idea cd: cOl:stituT.:i;1g ,3. T_dr:.::...r:g ",';11~'!: 0 l,l:;t is 1...1r~}:.uild..::.:...t)1~: 'r b1_;-::~ t.;;'C.llgl-lt. t',.rie :-..8'\1t.: l.....eg:-=.12..i.:ic;r.if; T~,,"el"e ir.:.c(~jrnplet.-= and ~l':C":.; 1 d:::ni."'.J" E.er..7e . - .. . .' -' to brGa~e~ lltlga~~sn. 1i:.)1..,1':: (~::;-I..~n,sel [Jer~er~:..:si;3 sai~:. c~:"le coulcl vie"..,r ,:311 t~~.3 i.-r~ .~ ..J:::,~':":2::.)" l:)f CG11.texts e.na. asl:.ed :E::~r r'ec(",)gni~.:ic:I1 of -:.l-lE"~ r:I'cJa.der SC(:i;;C~ ::.f v\71lat -the :-le,..., :::-egt:l.6til)DS ~~re ;:ryir-lg tel ~jc;. In tryir.:g tc. st:r~erlgthen m.3.n~l of the Towr-~ })ocirdz. his (";ft ice ~ad '!.lnc:e~~1':'.31.:.erl t}-le re-wri tir-.:.g of f.,orne sf 7~hej~r \laricJt.'i.s Acts. Regulatic:1L3 o.r:':1 .) Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 25, 1988 Page LJ: Bylaws. He had viewed this as a wonc~rrul oppcrtuni~y ~o help the Conservatio:-l Corruni SSiO:l in doi:r.g its diff icul t job bett'.e:r, lend i"t s.trength and to red-:'1ce 1...1. tigation. Since the State Wetlands Protection Act is somewhat general and limited in scope, Nantucket's local byla\.;s are needed to gi'Ie e;.:tra pro~ecticn ~o o~r special types of habitats or conditions. DeRensis stressed -chaT. the r:.ew rtegula-tions should help to cle.rify the Commissi,:m I s o',.?e:.~all interest ir. protecti:1g the Island's wetlands to applicants. (~onser.\;~2.t.i()!l C~(;mn~i2.:3 ic~r;. i i:'5e1 f . developers, "t.he cc}Ul....~..-~5 anc , -c.ne la.I", g'_.1ag e a:-: d COIltinued by pointing out some n~ tte rnan)7 (jefi:1i tions ir.i t.118 draft. t~-le legal I-:e felt .......:-,.;:. .....1 J,"._ Iv~l.-. I>eRellS i 3 j.~creased complexity and scientj.fic basis of its contents indic,ated stel=-~s in tlle rigr-~..t. dire-ctior:. If tr1e ('Ci!Tlil1issi:-::11 :1r::.:e<J.5 to add to or amend t~1e Reg~lations at a later date. it is always l=-'cs;:\:'l")le t.el do so, J:rLl~ -::f18 ::3.cc-:~"TIerlt ir.l its cur-rerr+.:. fc,::--m is ~D e:;.:celJ.ent sta:r"t. He defe:1(j,ed the Cc'n':nissil.)fl' s ~.i2".e cf t.he =escurces offered by the tJant~cket LaDd Council and othe= p~b~ic or ~1rivatE groups, so as to represent a broader ccnse~sus ,:f >:r~c-~/l1edge. lrji th regards tc; IvIr. rrillc,t3cr: f S alle:gat.i::;n the::' litigation will inc~ease, M:~. DeRensis felt the Regulatio~s .y.7c:';~~:~d irlsteBG =-educe t~hE: :::-isJ:s of unpl~edic"t.a}:)le "}:-esu.l-::s t!:J:-(~":1gl-l grea~2r c12rity a~d the setting of standards. lVIr. }'i2.1ol:s~:!n irlSi::.t.8ej. t.na-:: tl-~e St2~te:s ~:10 C~Iv.c~ \:lE.-::larlGS :\.eg"L:~~atior~s v.7e~E~ c'::mplete erlC}l..lgh a.lld the Cornrr;i.ssi()!""~ ~1a3 z.e::,i01.1S ~is-t.:.aJ:e T.~)i.i:1g t.e ir~;p:''''c;'\ie -u};'c'n t.hem by adc;;'i.:irli~ '~C:::J.S i;jE:'~~e(: a:tl i::c.:~r:1.r:'.l e'te 3 ~.t c~ f 1,:\ :::.3_1 reg.....:i 2:C.lC::-i S . !~'Ir . ::'t.~ 5, ~'.":~'~-;de (:: 'c~y s ,::fj,T i rIg i:l-~Et t Eil --:-..:.'i-.: CJ'J gJ-;. t r-.;~ E tc:t.€ Re gula:r.=-cl-;:l S IT'.cU: ~~.. g.:..,. w::S, C: :-_e ..-.,--. . L;-=,t e:-:::::.::..::: ': ,~..-..; '-4._ _ ~.e~g~l:y~ ~hey give minimal ~:~otecti~n to Nant~lcj(etls wetl~::d3 a.::~J l-..e -:}-..E~J..-e f eII'E- ::: 'G1='pci:.::--te d 7}-l e C~':'::'lo?Ti S 2: i (;:1 ! S ~::e.3 i:......i,? -7- ,i j.E' f .:..:-: t~ 2.:'"; grea_ter de~ai: the inte~e5ts ~o b0 prc:~ected. r.-i2_;-11~ ':~:C\C!Tl;~.3 2-;:~e.::.]':i:1g as 2~ l:'l":;..'\'-d"t.e cltJ.::e:-i S1...:}:ll:'(.! 7." "t. e c, ~:~E: (:orrt,l1issiC)"D! f:. =-igl-~t: -:':.() e~xp.2.:-:d ::,ri t:.he s't'>3te reg1Jl\3-:-':O:-~s. --:.l-~e I1E(JE gi \7E,S tc!~~.rr-~s t~t.e l)(;~ISr to,) rnc_na3t..e their C>\J.T:1 lav:s S:-lE:- 'Z :=t .; ,-' -.---..... s e -:. ~1 ::. ,,\i,rit:.h -:'~-j,e l::aseline c.f state la'\ATs. In t:r~is WC::."}'. "t.':'~'"",ll~ ..::a:1 '''-''err'. with and add ~o their ow~ sets c~f bylaws and ~aintain an aC~~.je cCJ!:serat.io:1 a't~"arer~eS5 irl the tc:~"n. ) Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 25, 1988 Page 5 RobE;r-c Sarvis was p~.l2z1ed by the Cl rrerences betvleen the tc'",n and state definiTions and felt ~hi5 would lead to ccn~usion for apl=}li':a:lt,s. l~r. l"!illc;-:,scl.':. using tl1€ definition c:f vlet ;nea.j('~:~J as a~ ex~nple, agreed ~h2t some definitions are cODtradicto~y when c0n1pared with the state regulations. Carl Borchert poin~ed out t.h3t in some cases. Nant~cketfs wetlands are not covered Ly the st.ate regulations, such as In the case of 5maller isolated or non-tI0~deri!1g wetlaDds. Na~'lt..';_:c}.:e~ . These and others a=e special to P1:i2. 3artlett wa~~ed a cla~ificatio~ of the defini.tion of we~la~d scenic views. If 5orn6c.ne v.72nted t() tYl1i.ld 20 !.1~'1_tSes .3.1C~I':g. H1J.:Tu~OCJ.: PCi:1C arid t;;ose l-;c:uses c)bstructed the -,::iew cf the J?C)~-l{::'! ~JJl:)ul~:l trle (~cn..rr:i~sif~:-: l-~a",1e ar::y" ju::"isdictic,:J. O'-,~E'r t-hem7 C' ~.,.- ~ _.C1..... __ l:;c:r:~hex.-t. said that ~he (~0rrunis3ic'n 1 s j~.1risdi~~t.ic;~ is r9ally or~l)' ,.",7:...:j-~i.rl. 10U ft. or a \~etland 2.S it is defined C.rlc t.tle m.3.:':1 goal is to encourage designs that are as unobtrusive as possible relative to the overall Nant~cket landscape. Pe~er Dunwiddie added t~1-:e Sl_:1:."j(=CL: i~::; knowingl~y difficult ar~d s1.1bjec~ti'\.Te .~:ld t11e mairl .i_Gee .is t.o p::"e~,er~J-e -chose Ciuali "t_ies "L~ni.q1..le t.e' l'Jant~uc~k.et-. (:;or;;l:,r(.;mi::~e~ arE' rleceSS2..r~~7 on l:.,:)tr; Si(J,f.;S. l)u"7:. sceriic \,iie1-13 c)f ,.1€:7.1e.rlCS 3J,.-e irrp(ll--t.a:1-:. ::~J eno-J,gn 1=-lcc>1='le on the Islarld 1:0::- t-~le Ccr:trr:iS5iCj~'l t"c~ ~lie\~l this a;:: c.~ in:t..eres-:. "tee r-!e y.:,:!:"ctecteci" Ala~1 Hc.ldgate asj~ea tor an evaluation of 2 of his lots on Washi~gt-on StreE~ b:Jrdering Kant.ticket Harbor - would he b~ allc)r...J~~d "t.-.> Du.:.ld -:}-~E~re j:!lc\r;ing 1:e \A."~~'J.l::5. r.l6 ct:st.rllc:L:ir:g pur,l.:.c ...;;.t-2 t.,i, ::::~rl.j E. ':::21"1.i C -..l i e~'l3 -2 :Fe tSY :'):..:r:\,].:.. .jdie v.r':''''-ll.:1 not:. c c~::-~~e n t S 'J 2,5 net 't::l t~ias fut~~e ~ecision3 if an applica~icn on ~he lots ~Jere . . "'! e \~ E- r ;3 "'.:.t~ r:~.l -: -:: ~= C!. . .t-:c:b'7r~ ::,:e"r.-./'i,:,:-. t_}lo~J.gn..c. atii._~"'t"teTs r~ehilld t:-lc:se ! ,-. -~ --- ,.I.. '_' '. .:.. - . --.... CQU~~ ~~le a~ appe~~ 3.l~~--:i ci':'CE:a. he =,2\:7 "tl-.;i:=', 2.S c:'rle (";t -:.l"l!:,se af0~e!"~?I:~.i:ned ~eb:~lc'u3 def~~it~cl~2. ~;~:- U:"; 2 e-l '=':-~Rf;rIS i.~ y.es:;>c::1t::e,d "':'.hs t t',Jet~ arl(1S ~"'::er_ i c ..~" ie;,,;'s 'W';:;-..l..;. C ;~;7' C~(~:-~~'-.i. Je::-e6, (:>1"1 \3 :::~lse t!:1 c.:~:=.e r).3S i.s ,3.r1.d .t.~a:.:. 't.~e - -" . . :Je t ~:1l ~l~:1':-': , if prc,tle~a~is~l, ~0~~d a~w2Ys be charlged la~e~. W~~h regards ~c t..t~e d_:~ I.:: .:..cul ty e)f le,,',,/~,u.:::::s 1::1~CI!..1gr~t agairlst to,,,:;. l)c;ar~js, rle said hi: cffice was 2c~lng Tn i~crease the frequency ~f judicial ses~',i;~'.riS ell Narl-:.uC}::e~ t.o facilitat.e the legal F)rc~cess. .-........ i Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes cr Feb~uary 25, 1988 .t' age 6 The rl()t.iorl or aY""'. .ir:tern'iealary 1)oc3.rc l!a~\ raised. Lee DUrlrt a5jce:~ if t.f.le (~cJn1..rnissio!1 cC':l~ld set UT) an iritE:X"media1..-''2' b.'J-3.I"(J if it W1SfJea _ IVlr. DeRensi:3 said th.is ,.."as not necessari.l y a::-:. answer t::-; the prcblen1 and would be yet another layer sf bureaucracy. He St.11Th~:2.::-i;:ecl the T~a~lS lav.,Tsui ts can tie settled ar:d a.~-:l~:ie(j -the CClrr.r:;:"2,si!~!1 .~lwa:is has ttle C)1=~tic)ri c:f be,ing in c,:>~trol c:f trlE~ res1:1it. of a:1~l lavlsuit.. Ted Tillc,ts:'.)!l \~\~trlted to J:rlOW \~h~l De:1ials m1..1st~ be rec-:):rded. I}eF~f?315i5 sa.id t.ne amenci11e::t. .::0 tl.1e t:ylaw had a pro~.li5ic;r: adc3-re::.2"-i:lg !~ec.crdirlg proc~ed11res \~~hic11 excl"L1decl [)eniaJ..s. 'I}-ie~r-e ,.Jas 5~:)ne d.is".2ussior: atJOU1:. t;le C~Cll-'rect UE:,e c:r the :1aJnes !!(jrcle1....s of Cor:~~i t...:.:::ns!~ an~:J. 1!:b.e:r....r!!i ts . !' Phil Eartlet~ pointed ou~ ~hat if the Regula~ions ~4en~ th=cug~. thG~ j.~. wsuld cons~itute a taking on two c:f h~s coastal lot5. He ttCl1gh.t any owners or p:~tential buyers cf beach front prope~~~. SI-iO"'..l:;j ha'tJE: a !It/':.J-::rer be\~.rare ':f atti t.uoe arld be al.} ,:'\~Je(3t..:: t;~lild .~.r: it aD:j live on it fer as long as it exi.sts knowing from tne sta.r: t.hat t".he:r-e m2.Y 1:)8 erc!sic;n pr::)bler:."':.:::. ir: t.ne f'J.t':..1:r"e, ;:;e -th2~: 5 (;~- ;~;O yec~"'::. GC.)wn ~chE- ::CI2..fj. He felt arl l:\'~~.f~~ 5:r~o'C.ltj l)e b_ll(.:'!~"relj tCi e:-1j ~::~7 :-lis lar:.d a:1Y vJE1'/ he iNis:r~€~d. P8-:.e:." I)un-r.,;ir..:.iie ~wa.r;-:ecl that :)t-::e:1 t.1-.:~: 11\::~tlr: is frecruently su.ed .:::r }:)"L:t iT~ t.r-le ;:::)si -:.i':,!: of l)ai~~i.:-~g 01..1l:::ti:. 11r.i.'t.J.!ar~1 }:'r(:F;:=rt..y. (,\..]r:er iJl:-.C1 :build3 ten:.:> C:l<)2.e tSI :-:-~e y.72...;~.::.r'. CCt:r.;.Ee:L r.iE.:r~~erlsi~:~ sr:!0k.~ ag.j~i~:-l of T.rle C:()mrr::..ss.:.c:r. ~~, l=.'0"'IJ7~'" to i.~3ue varia~ce5 and waive=s u~der cer~ai~ conditii)~S. the "1 ...... .f. r..:.. ~- 1- .....4... ,-. ..... ... ~. . . .,. ... , . De~~g ~o enco~rage cl~~~cn ser:se In ~:~elr cec~sl':~ns~ Rc.; =~e l--r: I\,3.i.-l c>r c: f [) 3.")7 ~L C1.-- (~,:'r:s:.;.l-::-i:-lg I.;~:--:.:)'_:.r:. ~JJ a 2. CC':'1.:~ lo-'J'l-::-~ e d .3=<C"~...: t t.::~. re~:1~~a~~0~S 5l1cwi~g ~he Z(lne~s a ~e5'j~rCe a~ea, C:r:J:":1":1i5~ ii:.:-: + '-I 1'"("'':'.::;6 .......- '--- --'- - ~he lCC1-~OGt B~~~e~ as ~:~ 5!)~S p2rts ci ~hc.. ': n!j '-"~ ........ ..l..... '_' ~:-c. :.y - , .: ~.:.~..:':: p~2i:1. refer'ring ~c ~ec. 2.10 of ~te tjra~t. He tel t. --:.r...E' (.~...:-E:::.:::-. (.:. t : :-=.~ :..:= ::1:' .::t ie, r~ ~v>/E: ~"'2 c: 1.:'~ld, ~/ '-'1't e::: i '7.:. ::';'=lIr~~~ -:.c: .3.C -:..~.:.. \,'" i -t.i e 5 ~:~ flc:::d~I~.5i~s. He ho?ed t~e reg~la~i0ns did not intend tc: tr2~5ter prc'~.ectio:1 of i~~erests in the Act ~o u~,la~d are2S. -- -. \ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Mi~utes of February 25, 1988 Page 7 Joa~~e Holdga~e. Na~t1~cket Town Clerk. brought up the sUbJect of maintaining the mosquito di~ches. saying she thought this fel~ under s~ate jurisdiction. She also asJ~ed about po~d cpenings. De~ensis thanked rv:s. Holdgate for her CCIT'~-rtent-s on tnE' first draft last fall and said t~ey ~ad been valuable in \~Ti~ing t~e second. cyafl:" He v?culcl nc~t CC'ITmel1-:' on pC~ld c,};len.:..rigs, but 1,~ acJ\:nol.:rledged that pro!=)c,sed ~egulatj_c:r;.s regal--ciing rr~c'sq11i to control had been lef~ out of the new draft. in accordance wit~: her Vi.8WS on that subject. Pl-1il Bartlet.t clain1ed tl-ie:r'e \1.T2S rlc1tt;ing at a ~ 1 ".7I'i t.t:erl al)Cjll--:' agl'icl.:l t'Jral activities. DeRensis said the Nantucket Bylai'; itse~f gives a grea.~ deal of emphasis to agricultural use a~6 rernalDS unchanged. Tho~gh there were sections on agricult~re in the old draft of the regs~ they were dropped from the new ciraft. L'}T:1n Zi!T'mel.~:na:-1 e:f the r'-Ja~~~..:cket. ~a.D.d C~cuncil I'eatj .3r:.d com..rr:ellts C'D be.half elf tr;.f3 1300 r:1e1T:ceT's c!f t.l'"1e CCiuncill "i '. . ~,": ~I~~ T-;:;"- _' '-"-'-"olL._.... '_ ,_ "_I. She 5aid in their eyes, "t.t1e \<\Tor)~ c,;f eifectirlg and irnprc"'.rl:lg the l^Jetlc~:~js Regulatio:1s y.,'till rleT\.ter ~)e ',:>:;DF..le~.ely fir~i2.1:.ed arl.d c,:~n1ITiended t>~e (~orrcni35ion .):1 i L.S v!{::rJ~. Glen ~'l!iLl5 .- ,-:..:.. Nant1.:ckec. Surveyors also c0~.mended ..&-1-. ..;::. '_-J..~ 1_ (: c:r;':Ti':' S s i .-:::-~ a.r~d !Ic:'J.Tl1 (:::';~~lsE:~I! s off ice c:n ~heir excf~},lE:nt j c.b iJ: '''-'Ti .ci.r:r; -:.ne l.J.eo:"" :r-egula.--::.icns ane! felt 'tJ'Je l'C1;;Il :had C~CII7~e a .:...ong \>;.3.":l.. He tro~gh.t out ma.ny verbal co~nents for ~heir consideration ~O:l~~~t (1-1el"'2 in b::ief :-~(...."te f(:J:":r.): ). ;) . l - ,jef:..:-:€' n:=,::-ti'viti9S!;; ~W'J::''''',K -....." -': l,...~... .4 ......... 2. c. ~ i\t i "t-:-l c... ~ e t:.v? :' ~ift~=e]~t, ~hicgs. [;eF<e;-~.3 j~ 5 ,je f ine::!. !fvJc~rk n~:.:.: l.. -_. aj:;:DE c..~;'::. :.r~ 4.:r1 E: 2, -:. 3 t.~ ~'E: :?-_1..L at.2-C r~ s. ~ J"",' '_ ~;"::'J. 1 c.)?Tr~e.l-1 ' 5 -c.e::"-::-;;3: ::--:: 1: E:J:' J_36-3J~ ::r: -=3 E~."/ 1 c. ,...'r . ."~ ;:. . 2. - " ,-. .. - w.e!: l~l.:" +:::'.C~=-i Ci: !:: e -=. '.:' ::-~ - . ~ - ~ e;':cl-~1de s rl"'e?, ...-~\~~a -r~_ e:..... -.+ _......- r'-.-" .---. . ~The C:c=r~"11:.ssi()r.i 2,a,\",7 DCl r...:~::-()rJ~erri c...s tl-l.i.s i s c:c.'v'e~-eQ u~:'::.er ., , 1 ::...n..Lanc Da::'J:.. '-- '} Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 25, 1988 Page 8 * p. iJ, definition of ground water ana zone o~ satura~ion. * p. 6 - definition of public water supply relative to fire protection. There was discussion about the irrigation pond at Bartlett's Farm. DeRensis stressed the regulatj.c:ns are intended to be a living document which has room for gr~wth at all times. The Co:nrTtission has the ability to make e-.pot. judgments and this definition provides for some flE:xibili ty. Glen asj~ed if t:he Corrmission has juris.c.iction over so-called duck ponds and DeRensis said yes. * p. 7 - water dependent projects or u~es: wetlands sc~n~c '-'lews.: definition of major private i.;rays - does 'tr.is. include all subdivision I'oads? Bob Emc:ck, also of Nant.ucket Surveyors. asked if this encouraged 1='eopl e "cc hIock off their ways. '::'he Corrmission agreed this could be a result. but was not the original intent. '* p. 11 - 2.01 - "0-1 .., -'- - ~.:hat types of pc~llu"'t~ar!~s? * p. 12 - #6 - coastal engineering str~ctu~es - variances~ I)ete:r DU11widdie sai.d \','''arianc:es or: \~ai'l',,leYs wc~~..:l:i be c:orlsidered. * 1='. 14 - # 4r - what aD-:~'U"t. l)each Y1C,11r iSfiIT;erlt ;;Yogra.:~s"? Tni3 v.!as four.ld 1~:lder ~'lirriit.ed F,lac:err~ent elf fill. -! arlG ~.:.r:1ilaI' projects along the Massachusetts coast ~ere di3C~SSE(j_ SLeD 2_~ the cne i~ Scituate menti(.nei ~n a recent C2M nev..Tslet.ter .. ;< !o--'. 17 - #1 - tar~ier beaches_ >I: p. 18 #5 Car 1 recc~!TL;"Tlended Y_ee;-=irig ~:le 33r-lc1 l..il t t::: .sa~e c.I~et3. a:!d. stay l=iart c:f tr1e ba:t-rie:r' l:'e2c~h. * p. 35 - #4 - does it apply to c01>;:-1'r:.o;.;;) c>.res5'? Pete::- )unwiddie said the preference is to elir~inate underg~ound storage of hazardous substances all toge~~e~ and fe~~ the intent was clear. ~. .,~ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 25. 1988 Page 9 Bob Emack of Nantucket Surveyors likewise relayed some verbal com~eDts (in note fornl) as follows: * p. ~~ - #1 - last sentence - clarification? Carl Bo=c~ert said this lea-,res room for a coastal dune to move n:n:t:rally. r)e~~el-4si~j said the ,AloJ....,] It i.5!t 18]105 :nc.~re clari t.y thar: U5l:lg flmay.1t .,. -", p. 35 - #6 - prcpert.ies '? why not direct flood waters Ee re~t this was anbiguous. "t.o ()ther Glen \rJills s:.1gges~e(j t~he {~crrrJnissio:l ]:)rc)cecu:::-ally S!1c)l.11d ~,,!'ote \3.t. tr.i.is meeting ~o erldc)l-Se -:tie amen\jmerlt -:.eJ the B~.JlaYl as sl.lb:Tii tt:.e(j. He a:=.J~ed if f:ltu~"'e filings ,..,it~~ t11e {~c1:r:nissir~n v.r'l'c:uld i~\'''o_~':v~e a sepaI'at.e fo:cm !OI. st.ate and Tc~wn compl iance. Ca.l....l BCjrcl-ie:r~ said this ma~l :-lc.I)pe:-l in the future <t but no~t at t~~is poi:1t. Lee [:;'..:nr-l added the effective date of ~he Regulations would be the da~.e they were voted O~ and accep~ed. A motion was ITlade to adopt the Wetlands Protection Regula~ions of the TOv.rD ::'If Nar.;,.tucket (:c:r:~.e~"""fJI~tic,n (,:c!:nr:1iss 3-::;:-1 as -t.:l-le~{ ~'.1'el-e discussetj a;1Q ,-< h : r, f"'l' - ,.4 -. + \...<...l.\.4-'''6~U 0 '- r.:.his meeL,::..r~_g. The rnc)tiC)rl 1..123 carried with a unanimous vo~e, effective d2~e February 25. 1958. A motion was ~ade to reco~rnend the wa~rant article as submitted to the 1988 Annual MeetiGg en January 27. 1988. C~2.~-l"'ie~j 'i.\,i tr-.: a t:r.:.2..!1iu':IUS \7ote. :I.rle ITi::;i.:.i ~=!rl wa5 rrc,;,,,;rr;. ;=;c.ur-.:.sel -. _. ~ ~,-, .., !.)e -7,: en:=-. .2a S CO;:C..1.. .:.l'.::.ec ~:"'7 :=. a'y' .~ng ~.':;,e ~~~ c: :-12. ~ I'~J' 2. -:. i (:' :: (:O!r..P"f'.i 2,~; ic:: r~.3.(l (:orLE .~ fa:.~-:.,3.stic ..:, .-.-!-. _I '~A--' \Lli th !."egu2.ctiC.DZ vlriicl-; ~,~"~~re bo~h diff~cu~t to wrj_te and f:)r ~he Pllblic tc .- .,.., ::;)",~.L ;.::;;',7.. ---- I /'1 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 Minutes or February 25, 1988 Page 10 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS AT END OF YiliETING: Administrator Ben McKelway asl::ed the Comlnission "to vote to approve an arnended Order of Conditions / Denial for the Nantucket Corrmons Trust SE~8-~49 which incorporated technical and gr~matical changes to the draft Denial voted on at the Regular Meeting of February 18, 1988. Ben read through the changes. A motion was made to approve the ~~ended Denial. To...m Counsel DeRensis recorr..mended that in similar caseE, in t.he future. the CO!T'missicn wait until ::he latest possible d,::te or:: which to vote on the final versic)D of a document to avoid changes being made without the applicant's knowledge after a vote has Deen taken. He said the applicant should always De notified that a vote is ab;:;ut to be taken regarding his applicat.ion. Ben ~cKelway urged the COlTh~issioners ::0 attend the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Conservation CornrnissicrDS in l,Jorcester IvIarct1 5. rrhere being no other business. the meeting v:as adje-u:rned at 11: 00 P!'1.