HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-18 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 18, 1988 A. PUBLIC HEPJUNGS 1. N2.nT_ucket v.Jetlands Regulations 2. Joseph & Joan Cochran ET AL - SE48-44-2 -. 5iJ & 56 No. Beach St. 3. James Driscoll - One Osprey Way 4. Elizabeth McIlvain - Millbrook Road 5. J. Pepper Frazier - SE~8-~55 - 37 Gardner Road 6. Helen S. Whitehead - SE48-/;.68 - Baxter Road 7. Rudolph t'lieis.skopf _. SE48-467 - 113 Baxter Road 8. Monomoy Harbor Realty Trust - ::~E48-465 - 60 Manomoy Road 9. J. Seward J()hnson. Jr. - Almanac Pend Road 10. K & B Realty Trust - SE48-469 - Crooked Lane B. REGULAR MEETING 1. Minutes of January 14. 1988 Minutes of January 21. 1988 2. Orders of Conditions a. Nantucket Commons Trust - SE48-4-49 - Pleas. Dave. Or & Bear Sts b. Peter Nash/Gifford - SE48-458 - One Easton Street c. L~~ence Pfaff - SE48-463 - Alabama Ave.. Madaket d. Crew's Nest Assoc. (renov) - SE48-461 - 10 Crow's Nest Way e. Craw's Nest Assoc. (septic) - SE48-462 - 10 Crow's Nest Way f. Ted Godfrey - SE48-466 - 325 Polpis Road 3. Certificate of Compliance 3. Richard E. Kotalac, Sr. - SE48-310 - Miacomet Road b. John M. Greenleaf - SE~8-13 - 3 Hulbert Ave. c. ~oan Bolli~g & John Greenleaf - SE~8-75 - 3 Hulbert Ave. d. 1~:CJ1-1:J. M.. Greenleaf - SE48-228 - :3 Hulbert A"CJe. e. .:Te,},," & Lewis '3ree.nl eaf - SEll 8 -. 395 - 3 Hulbert F.ve. f. Perkins - LaFrance - SE~8-386 - Valley View Drive Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 l.t. Extension Permit a. S/J Wauwinet Trust - SEl.t8-392 - Wauwinet Road b. Paul De Give (Gallanter) - SEi!8-1l.t8 - Shawkerno 5. Bills to be paid 6. Correspondence 7. Field Inspections - set date and tL~e a. Beachside Realty Sales Trust - North Beach Street - RFD b. Sam & Rita Stark - 39 Millbrook Road - AbNOI c. Topland Properties - Low Beach Road - RFD d. John M. Greenleaf - SEl.t8-13 - 3 Hulbert Ave. - Cert/Comp e. Joan Bolling & John Greenleaf - SE48-75 - 3 Hulbert Ave. - C/C f. John M. Greenleaf - SE4-B-228 - 3 Hulbert Ave. -. Cert/Comp g. John & Lewis Greenleaf - SE~8-395 - 3 Hulbert Ave. - Cert/Co~p h. Perkins - LaFrance - SE48-386 - Valley View Drive - Cert/Comp .----- Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission ,. Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 1 MI~JTES OF FEBRUARY 18, 1988 The public hearings of February 18. :988 were ccclled to ord,:"r at 'j :3:" PI"!. Members p::-ese:"1t ,^!ere: Pec:er 1.rJ. Dunwiddie .- ':l::airman, Lee LJ____lr;[}. Henry Wasierski, C::D:-l BorcheTt, Granville Cran5tcn and \.Jilli.=.:n \'I7.:.11e<:.. Members absent ""ere: Donal d Visco. Adnlinist.ratc,r preseT. t: Ber: LVIcKel way. A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Nantucket Wetlands Regula~ion5. Th.e heari~g was contin~ed ~~~ll ~~E:t;rlla~"j" 25 t 1988 and sched1.11ed -tel l)e h<31d. irl the ~Jar:t.l.lcJ:et- El(~IT'~ET1-:.ary Ec-rlci()l Lit1r.3.1....)T a"1: 7:"J 0 PI~.. 2. Joseph & Jean Cochran ET AL - SE~8-~~2 - 54 & 56 ~orth Beac~ Stree~. John Shugrue was present as agent for t~e appJ.icant a~d reqt~~e-~ tE(l 3. cO!1tirrual1ce of the 1-1E~a1.~.ing tel })reSerit addi t.i(:!rlt,~: inf t")l-mcltil:l:-i.. A motic\ll '\.\"2.3 made "C.o C0rlti.l11.lE~ t-he hE~'3ri.rlE~ ~clr !n()re iDfcirrr.a"'t.i.~;2": until March ~. 1988 at ~he applicant's ~eq~est. The ~otic.~ ~~~a3 . , carrlea. J ..) . Jarrtes Drisc.;)ll - ()ne ():sr-\I'e~/ 1rJa~". p~ reCr.J8st har.J l:~e.e:~ madE.~ T:ina Coughanour :~f IEP! Inc.. agent for the applicant~ tc continue ~~e hearing to present additional informatic~. , [, --.;' A n1otio~ W~3 rr~ade to con~inlie the hearing at the eF~ilic~~t!~, r'e:f-..:e,s-:: ~lr:;:--.il I\fIal-ch 3. 19(~8 r()I'" rr,c-':.ce ir:=C):rr;'3tic!r~- 'V!3.= C3T'"I~:.2d.. --"" . . '.~"l;.;=: ;nc;: _J. .:- ~-~ , ~. Elizabeth M~I~\~ain - Milr~bro~k Road. p~ :T:(':'tl::)D \...;.~~' ::lE (Je +- -. C(int. i~~~.le "t1-ie tlea:r'irlg :.:nti:L l~ar'c t-~ -5 ~ 19,5:3 f c'::~ .3. l:~."'...:t'_ = .l.1 2 :-.: :_",::-:_,.:.:-::...... .. 1'he ~otic'n W3S czrried. <:: --' . "1 ...; .. Per;pe~ Frazier - 3E48-~55 ~- I ~_",:.=~::-c:~~e~r F_c. ,:::;.(3,. Tl-l ~ .::t P 1:': 1. l ( .:: :'-:" -:, ha~ ~eque5ted a c'~ntiD~ance of tte hea~~~g to ~.res€:nt a~6i~~:'~al i;::.fol.'T:1:tti;~ fl. 'The afjditic~rlal i.rjfc<r.rnatic;11 l'c':p.leste.c 2-:, t._!~e ~ ,:='3-: meeting was reviewed. .~ i Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts O~554 Minutes or February 18. 1988 !"'a.ge 2 A !ilc;t.i':)rl ~...las made tel cClntin"!Je the hea1-ing at "trle a~:l)licarlt' s request until March 3. 1988 ror more information. The mc::i~,r: \<<las caIT::.eo.. 6. Helen~. '\r[hitehead - :-:.E4t-46::: - 97 Bax.ter Road. li. illc.t.ior. was made -:-.:.) close trle hearirlg. ~I'J:-le mc)tiC)rl \~as carriec1.. 7. Rudcll}:.h .\,.jeissl::oJ~f - :3E4e-~67 - 113 Ba.xter RCla,i. (;len l.Jil="s (Jr Nan-7.:.ucJ:e-: Surv8ycrs, Ine. -v.13.5 pre~.ent as agent f{:<L~ the ar:;l i'::::::'f:t arid sul:l~i-'C.t.8d. a ~"'e't.,ii:3ed pIa::. The BCJarr:J. t:)f Apl;'E'als 1-12(1 al=;:~:::)'.7e,:t a plan tel move the house closer ~o Baxte= Road. A mo':':_c;:1 ~wa3 mad~ t.e; clctse tj"""..e }1e,3.riJl;~ and tCj write a le7_te~ tel the applicant stating the above-menticned reviseci plan di~ :10t constitute a major change B!1d therefore a new Notice ct In~,ent would ~O~ be required. The rrotion was carried. Carl Bcrd:ert \'lished to taJ:e the opportunity to clarify a mat~er abclut ~iliich some citizens ayound Tow~ had been misled. Ee u2ed t:r-le n1~~p (If i\Jant-cc:}.ce-:: c,rl t.r~e \<'a11 i!1 t-he Selectmerl! 5 Bee,riT:?, Pcc,m fl.-'CII7"i ~.~Thic]-~ t!) spe2.}:. tie sE~i:: scme pe:tJl:>le trlirll~ that ;':lhe:: Se.sac~l.aC::-~3 I'orld is c.perled i'::'~lf~. s arld !)2..r fCJrrr:ea b')r ~~e au t= lc--~"':~ he 1 :P2, t() p:r~e.'v er;t i?l."CJ~~ i();.l 5 C-J~I-1\..rG.r'd al ()rlg 5,ar,iJ:a"t--::t B1 ~lf:E .1="Y dimi~j.shing the 5trengtl1 of the nortt!.-south current. He 36ilj this is ~ct the C.259 at all, C~a:r 2 exr<i.ained. ,tl-:.at. at ar: ~..lr-l}:r;c:vtl-': t j.rne 'r. =- c- -; 1;"" \-.a. -' ~-- -C.nE~:!~'e - -:- ~:t E-, j-~c,re ~ ~;:r ~'. -- ~. 1-1 ,::.\-~e c'~c~~I'red a rnj~0r ~ti~t i~ ~he shoals arl'-:1 c,~~:::-]:-e]~_ T_::= ~....t11.iCl: 'r-~:s.!i s-:ar't:e,j erCJC1,:..n.g t,-::"2 t!.3:::;e c-r -::..:he tll.t~ff t .3::~:l :'-~1~ =~~,-;,J C"<L c~~~::"-'e ;:1.,5 2..l':-~r;g 'C.}--:-::':' t ~hl:)r'e is }:'3.S iC.31l '}'t :-j0:rt~rlw.~:r--: _ h=:'''\;,Jf-2''',,''~::-. . st"re2,.~.e.:. t.11e "Nl..ll!j B. J1 <:1 ~-a.--:.rl a:r'e -:.11e :najcll- S011:rce~3 c-r eJ.-,:.::::ic.::-J. -:F-- c<r:-2-,J"1,:'r-= ~i:3!-leT1na.n =cLicJ-:.he r,;<:,x.tl-:-:sc.!].t-fl rUl-J:rlin.:~:; j::~,-:Y'~en_t. =,;~~~-2, ~~,=:rJ:-/:i ~2~ :21 ~_:t f , Her~I'}1 ~f\;ic~5iel""2}:i f"<PE':,::..):irlg c:s 2~rl E:-~/':IjeJ.:'ie:-.j::-:'-:: .,. ~e'- -; .......-. '.. C1u.:..ar;.st_ r~(=,20.::- C'1-.i.2.d't,.J.icJ:' 5 :t'c,1l~;o. T'he c<r'€:ti c,:=..l2. :l, ~:J ~:~~.t: c ..~~-~- sar.t-::J ;j::. rl:::t n~lc)'\,"'e !1Cl...t,h',-:~.~2..-d ;::eY":;:-iJ:1 C~:":2..cl:let:. He c'ited ~~!~~e~c~ fc;:_:~-::.~:. ir~ E11'::I.e'.::~,e:':;. 'I'i:~e (::-:_=:.rts. (~ra!-~r~y (~rcrlst.c.:-~ :....eme:Tl::-~~E-i a de~r ~h2t was sho~ nor~~ of C!uidnet ,~tiich drifted in ~he C11~renT5 and endei up a~ ~an~ucl:et Airpo~t the next Gay. ) 1 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes ot February 18, 1988 Page 3 8. Monornoy Harbor Realty Trust - SE~8-~65 - 60 Monomoy Road. ,Jeffrey Blackwell or Hart-Blac}::lvell ..~as p::'8:::.ent as agent: f'):r "thE' applicant and presented a rEvised septic ?lan. He had consulted Nantucket Health Itgent Richard Ray W:J() had rec')IDmen,jed this ?12rl as an improvemerlt over ~1e original OI18 # Peter Dunwiddie resiste,j approving a plan involving ~l~~~~~ ~ wetland in order to construct a d....,elling and vias hesitant -:-~, set a precedent. Carl Borchert thought ~he revised plan was very sirnilar "t.o t.he origirlcl c.~ne. Lee DtlD11 ttlought -the al-ea p:r.'()~)~)se;:5. fer replication ,,!as greater than thai:. to be filled and th:s.-r:: the ~eptic system looked marginal. Peter saw ~he plan a~ a last di ten efrcJrt. for e..Pl:;roval r,.):r ~~...rrlat vl2S nc)t ni3c:es5;~ril y arl e:..:tra:~r\:1irlar~l c.ircurn~.ta.r1ce, He.nry W,~siers}:i feal.""e.5 the plarls as approved might not be foJ.lowed i,n reali~y. Peter added i~ 5ee~s when errors occur, they uS~lally err O~ the side clo5es"t to ~ne 'hTet.lal-~d . IJeff 31.:3.cl~well )~eque::.)t.ed. a contlrlUa:-lce of ~.rle f.leaJ:....il1g ur:.:tll March 3. 1988 on behalf of the applica~t in order to have Tina :_~Cl"..lgh~'3.n(rl:~- ').f IE1? subrnit and elat)~:lra~e or! t:ne rev.ised :p:".3r:.3. ~cticn '~as made to contin~e the hearing at the request of t~1e applicant. The motio~ was carried. 1'. 9. J. Seward Johnso~. J-r. - Alreanac PODd Road. AI:!": Var. ]~rs6al~ was present to field que3ti(:~n5 about the ap?li'~ation, hovever- ~eit}le~ the a~)?licant nor ~he agent ;:~-2C}: Ranieri were pTese~t. (:aJ:.--l Bc.ri.'::r-.:ert :.....e.3d t}-~e I'::?~.l11 t;~ ()f a rec'-e21'"C f:~c.~~-1. i.r~3:;'e,.:'ti<.!"... inc~sple~e shewing DC p=-c~esti~n noting the K.:;ti.ce (~f l~te~t ,~~s r;-1C: ,~2~ "Jl"'e~. I" ::)2-- '~:..2-~e ;...Tet.':' \3:16 a.:':'f:~ f.:.C; -. .. - !~r~l3ned gradlng ana 8;:;7ess 1=l3.Ds. I~~~:, . Va?l Ars.jale -:.~- ~:.. e Cl -: is- 1 d ::;1:.8 3"'(. :_C~ 2- ct:>.:;U ..;: ~':-18 , . ::Jp ~' 1 :.- c: .=: t. .:. 'J:-: .. t~~].t 2:1;2:.]..:eo tr:.e C>:"1:T'~;iE'~liol-: "t>:r \~:'"c.i t :"::L.til !\,1:t-.. F.al-~iel-i ~11as ;:.:3..~~J: .t.~:- ~orltin~e the ji5c~ssion~ ~ee r;U:"l:-l tl-,:,Cl1.J.gJ"lt. a =- c;t r;,_r.. ...~.~ . i ...~_'..l_ '~.~ irlfo::'--!7:a"tit)!1 '~d= :-~eec:ec. irlCl-,JdirJg .t~-.l.e fCill:Jy.Tir~g: i i Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1928 Page ~ ~ protec~ion measures for ~he wetland ~, -::-he amount of f ill needed * the p=oposed grades around the barn * a plan for the leaching fields and ~eptic system A mct.i:'.)!l we;,::; rr~ade tc c,c)ni:inue the ]-;ear'ing urlti1 IV1c.rch 1 7 ~ 19 ti 13 . The motion was carried. 10. K & B Realty Trust - SE48-~69 - Crooked Lane. Rober-::- Daylor ~~ Daylor (~onsulting Group was present as agent for the aF'p:ic3nt. Mel issa :Philt~I'ic}~ of Vaug:-lall y Dale c::1r.:.d Pt1il bricJ-: ~.Tas al Sf) preS8rl<:. Carl Bc;rchert read the results of a recen~ field inspec~io~ no~iDg ~he ap~J.ication still. needs ser.tic system Plans. Xr. Daylor gave a description of the application and sai:j the mak~up c)f "let~J.arjd. ~.Tegeta"'C.itJn is cc;m};'}.ica"ted. Trlis is JiCit a 11i~?l-J-\..31~Je wet,la!ld. He presented a pictorial site plan shcw~~g the Borde::'irlg Vegetated Wetland. He had s~jb~itted SC~~l legs tc ~he Comrnis5:'c-r. office earlier in the ciay. He chese t.:;e mos-c landwar'd of the we~land vegE.ta~ion li~es to show 021 the I)la~s ar-;.d ::: ,~i:~. :~e w2.!:.ted t() meet ~\.'Ji tr-,;. tl1e C~c;;r:rnis:=; i'~:-i :::1-1 i:j-18 S i ~.'= agre,e. Co' r.. :.:.l~le 'V!E<t 13r:6. bc;urlda:r~ i e 3 arid t-o .j.et.er;nirl.E~ ';J]-lE~:r~e t~~e E-::}::3 .-:-r. ~?ci~el-- de:p-t.>J. is. Cran~~r :r~nstc,~ said this t:sed ~o t;e grazl~g la~.j belong~~~ ~.:. Charlie. ~h~rsto~ aDd JeanTlie Broo]~s. Mr. Day10~ ccntin~e= :'y desc:;:-:i'i:;ir:g t.l-~e ~.rr:311 \.Jaters}-led a~, (>)rlEi=.t~;lg f:;f ,3 d.:.t:,l-l.-SY:S~.'?T"':~ :p1....()t}.::11~.1\: c~::lr~:-lec..ic.f=d tc; trie g:r'oundwa"""cer E~.r1.d a h~ml-T~cc}: \A;'rh.:..ch ,__-:.:.....:~ ':.1 ~be =- ~~. ::)....=tr ~~-.:-e . ;} 1 e:~i v.J i J.l:-.:. c' f I'JarlT:-..; C ke~ ~~u::"":Je~/0r s r...2'~: Q;:::-lt3 .,___ 01.-'lg ,':"'=-l.:~. 1. -. -. .- - ~ we~~a~QS r~~gglng. Lee f'unn ~ranted Pe~er Dun;~iddie ~.O l~spec~ ~]1e si1:e a~cr co~f~r on 2~ -jp-t;~-date soil log. He 3150 had q~es~~0ns abcl~t ~~~ se:ptic; ~'Jr2:"tem. Lvi::-. 1)a\,lc1:L'" a.greed tc) mee;:. Pe1:e::.- a-:: t1-~e 51 -~e ::.~'. Fric.:s:/, l-""E',r.. 19 arlc "'Cl1e other (;ornrni:::,sioner"s wCluld 'fJisi t. C'-'ll ;:: regul a2::- f ield insr:.ect:ic)~l or1 Sunda:l, Feb. 21 a~ 9 JLTVI. --.'\ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 5 A rno~ion was made to continue the hearing for mor9 infoma~ion the wetlands boundaries, the septic system, the distance to groundwater and an accurate soil leg. The motion was carried. --...,- '..,..1... B. REGULTJ( MEETING mll1ll"t:.es cf as January 14, 1988. A \",,~i t-c.e.:n.. The m()t~i4c:rl .. a . ., mo \-lon ",'as mace was carried. t_c~ accept ~.n!3 1. Minutes Minutes of Jan~ary 21. 1988. A mO~lon was made to acce?t L~~~ mln~~es with corrections. The motion was carried. INSEET: 2. Other Busi~ess a. J)i.3.ne C:C)~::ntls - !~ant1;cJ~et~ C~c::nrnc.'ns TTL1St .:i.nspec-:.ic~ns.. I~s. Cc:c;rrJ:Js "v.la:1ted t.() }:nc!w if the (;cJrnm:l.s5 i':jT"i had decided to i:"'~spec:t the C:C!!ThT~c'ns sit.e regul:~rly or if .3.n oU1:.side engi::'-leer wCj"!.l:~i ;)e 1"lirE:'~5 t.e; ensure -:-..:rlctt ttre }:,larls are fc)~.} c)we.d. A~ninist~a~c'r EeL McKelway said ~hat engineer George Woodcock W32. going~ to be c!"~ sii:~e -cc ir~s~'ec1:. fC'I' tr.ie I\Jantl:cJ:E't Pl.a;.::-.:.irlg BoaT":' an!.] he \~~?as v..rillillg -:0 t.aJ:e t118 ('c.rru-nission t s t:)la.~.ls ~l,:jrl;~ a"t. tr.:.e ~~.2.l-:le t.ime 2.5 a rnatt.E'l- or ccn\.Yer~ier-1CE.~. F'eter =:'UDv.7i5.die s8.id tc:. (~CT"tTiCtDS! a-:-:::")r.ne\T I'e'3. T:.11r:)tSClD t.h.:~-:~- i:r-.le ar-:plicc..;"lt m~".:~,::' ;=er~:.. f'y t.c~ t1-~'2 C~.:)r:UT; i:3:=. i (.':-~ T.1-.:.c. t ti~e '1";).7.:;:......].:;: ~a:5 }:Je E:ll ..iClrl e 03. C c~ ;~- ::'(:' i_ ri[;:. ~:'Cl "'t.r-tc. Cr:--de::.- :'Jf (::(.i:-i.:jitic:llS a:-J."j Ted. c:.,g:."eed tel l(.)c;~~: _~:-"lt..C~ i-:. F\E"T.e:r tc:ld Be:1 t.c gc .s.1-:e.ac.. a:-;ct g,i.......e "t1-1e ~-Fec:.:: a:Ji~ 1=.12.713 7.": Y~'':'. Wcoc~c:::-\cj: af~e:.- c~-~ecj-:.i.ng tc. see j_f t~e Cc-rnrnissic::-; v"T001d I>2 ch2rg~d for ~iE S8I'vic8Sa 2a OrdeI.S of Co~~iti0ns a. Nantucket Comnons Trust - SE48-~!:9 - P:easant,~ Dave, C~a~ge anc Bear Streets. A motion was ma~e to deny the Not~ce e;f :nte~t on the basis ~f 8v~dence presented iL a dra~ted D~nial. J:>.d:T:i",istratcl' Ben. IV:cKel'i';e.y tl-:en I'ead the draft DE::1ial. Lee I:'.lrlL , .-.... , \ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Millutes of Febr.J.ary '1 Cl .... '-' . 1988 Page 6 t.hought the draft looked good and there vias no need for Town Counsel DeRensis to reviev.' it. The '.lote taken ,.:as UDaLl.ffi'~JU5 and the motion carried. The Denial reads as follows: CRDEP. OF CONDITICNS (PF-:.OJECT DEN I A!.. ) NANTDCKET COMMONS TRUST I)EQE FILE NliMBER SE4e-t,.49 "i)l\:D?:R THE \NETLA1\!!)5~ r)R.OTE(:TI{')I~ AC~I' CM.G.L. CRI-iPTER 131. SEC;TI{)I~~ ':to) A!.~JI) THE vL1ETLF.I'ZrJS E;~{LF~_lrJ C~F TEE 'I'{)vJr~ Ot"' NAl'~T1JC:I{E'l-: (CHp.F~rrER 136 j F I NT) I l\JGS Public hearings 'In ~he ab0ve tJo~i=e of Intent under the ~a~sachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section ~O) a:1d. ~be v.letla11t.J.5 Byla'\-.J of t.ne To".~'1J. 'Jf 1'-Jar.;.l:1.lc}~et {~::11a};lter 136) le.sted f!:'!):11 t'Jt.)'\Ten11:~er 2.2,1987, t.o Fe):)r4J.'==.~-':l ll~ 1988. Based Cl;~ E:;.:'terlsi'\7e- t.E'::. .~.LTiO:1~{ presented ,3t thc;=ce 1'lear ings arid. i:: v.lr i ti:1g 1::~,:,:o" the a~lplicant and his ~epresentative5, testimony by opponents and their re,pr'e~,er1tati"'Je;:, ~ nurnerO"0.S plal1s arl1j f :.glll:-e~3, a.nd se\te.r:.al ~"isi i:s t::l "t.r;e si 7__E.: !.:lY (~c~mrnissic:n ,:~hairn1an :E)ete~ [)~rnl.]ida.ie (-~ t.J:-aine1:' bc;"t.ani~~t) c.;;'~ c,tl"l'?r Con1IT~iss,ion rne:rt1:ier-s, t.!-.:.e CC";:T'::T:2..ssic.r-... :na~~es :::'1e f':illcl\..rir~g fi=-_;Jj.:i.::g::~: A. :jnce~ the Wetlan~s Protect~on Act: 1. F.l t.h.ougn t.ne ap;~l': C..3nt~ c c\~ten;J.E<.1 tha~. . " ,-..it:" "t ';.T c: ::. IT..:S .1. J f.~ 1."' \0\1 e t"_ll="r; d- 3 .-, -F three O~ the site were not s~tjec~ ~o the Act. - . ... ,... .. ~!e dlsagree a~d rl;1G ;-r'::t~ _.....'- '-- all c;~ these wetlands are interc~'~nected. 'Tte2'" e'..J:--e ~~3c;lct-:ed I,cl!,:::j ~:1.:tject, -r. ~Jocdi:lg a.rid lar-g.e c:->:-.~...1~~h ~.c tIE' 3,;...:t,ject t.o :r'f:gc,J.:_,3.t2.::-':-:.. ~J_ .. !:.:ac.Ll - ~:: \-' .;.. tte three i301a~ed 2~'e :5 5:'-:'~'':= ;~c.t _.- \--',- ~loodi~~ SU;}~Cfr~3 a s:::'d.i:;~erl :=. ~ c".7e::: co f e i t~;.e::- (jrga::~2 m3t8r~a15. l.:n c.-.r g a::.:"c -. - ~ - . 1'::\1; r-;e~"'r:;e2.':;l":' -: -:.~' . ., rnat'::J:"',:a.-1.3 ~ ~'Je"t.l 2..r:o ~:<l.~r; T. (::~;Tlrri-w.r.:..':' ~-Jl v.,~:''':'}-.i c.~ C.. E, 2'. ~:: c:. .3.-r.E:(-:' -..:r:.c. e~<i -i i::g ~j.-, .__. -;-. 't., ~...' - '~,....... :, .' . 'Ih.e :f'J.~e~::f1.lrrlp-c':'c'rls (~= :;: ignif }.::2.:-1ce .:. \.)- 2.C.57(1 (b) not havirrg tleen overC0~e~ ~hese areas as ~e5~=ibed ~n 31J tr~e {::()m.T.i.S~~':"Cl:: fi:-~,:.=: tt>3.~ t.}.~e CJv;.? c~rE',,::i.;:. ar8 s g:1ificar:t ~o tl-le i::t.~:,"'est2: cf flc:clc p.re.-':,len-tj_::iI1. ;:'-:..:r..:.:.~:; ,7:.:-Jd .'~, Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February is, 1geEi ?cge 7 private water supply, and prevention of pollution. Therefore. the perforr:-.ance standar'.J.s of 310 CYIP, 10.:,7(4)Cb){1). (2), and (3) all a;Jp2.y. L}. 111-.8 l'JcJtice (): Il:.t.eTlt cloes not meet t.~e perf0rrriar1c~e stc.11dal....ds 01= 31:) ClvlR lCl.:,7(l.t.lCt)(2) and (3). Tte project Hill have an adverse effe<--t-:.::>n ground",'ater supply and will have an adverse effect O:-l tile capacity ,yf said Ci"l""e.3. t<) :preve:-lt };)cill uT.icJrl e:f tr~e g;1.~o~nd water. 5. No n:j.t.i:~a.tic::1 !T'~e.3.=.l.1reS na~Je t:ee:-l prcl};!c1sed, .3.nd t.he e:-ltire e):~e.:J.-:. ,::r: the work has not beeD shown on ~he applican~'s plans or in the Notice of Inten-:.. 6. The filing of this Noti::e of In~ent lS incomplete because it does not describe all the wor~ and re~ers ~o a~other filing (SE48-365) 3~6 }:lecat.1se little of tr:e MassacrlD.set.t:s I)epart1Tlent (if Erl\rirorill1erlt.31 Q.u.ctli.t"i1 Engineeri~g (DEQE) su?erseding c=der file is available to us t)r the 'Oubl.ic. 7. rrhe ,3.ppli..:.arlt dirJ r>:J"t. sU1=..pljrY all info:~;nati::)n ~eque5ted r;')T the (~oIT'JTtissi~:;n. I:-lf cY'f:';a"t.io:-.; crl tl-le f:~llc.~~;in,g subj ects v.;as reque.s~e-d l)u~: r10-:' recei'.;ed: ~l.lans f:)1:' a prof,,:>sed sic"1e,..!alk alorlg P::easant StrE'e"t r"lear tr:.e smallest elf the trlree \\Tetl.3.r~d5" S1.1:.~cJla~-ging rrC;ffi flcD:::f,3(l ;.:'T' c.logge':1 storm ~:i~ain5 ari(1 catch t.a5i~ls, :;r()un.d \~later ele"Jat.':':.:ir.i.S :rc~r t:-lE \,rhc':li:':? ~i"t.E~, s::::il lc.g2' fer ~r-1E: \1hole. Si-:.E;'f proposed buildings. ~,-,,-; '_~"'-4 E.pec~iric ..-- ; :::;"-.e 1:"_._4......_. fc~r 3c:ce2.S ::./:.; -::ie 8. We find a discrepanc)" between tne claimed f10odi~g condl~lons ~.i te t~r:.d.eY. t":Ci~ f il ing 3.r1cJ t.f-:.E, :::)!ldi tion~. :perIT:i tt.ec~ ul-.lder !::E:C!E S~lpErs00in~ 0rde~ #SZ~8-2tS~ r.n.~? 9. \!'Je f .illQ tnl::t"C, ~,:~e a~-pli~ant has fai2.ed to otta~n cr a~Dlv :o~ st.~er t;l-lis p:r'(;je-:::,! a2 ~nan.:.:12"':.ed t~~:" :3:0 (:-IvIF~ :a.C.C~:(l+)::ej , .... - ?erml7.S requlrec t~:-y and Sec~i.~~ 136-3(C) c<= -:-11e 1\~anT"-.1ck:e.:. h7et~larld3 .E.113.\-"~. I; el....?::_ -~:2, r~ c-::. ()t.,t,=~i:-~E,;:i t:<r~ ~}:11:;liE'0 ::(;r ir~c~1:...:5e t.:-:e f,)llc~y.!irlg: a. .:.e"v-:e:c c-r:-:"l-.::~r~;:-e ~:,'er1Tii-:.. .3 ne~~l 2,~:'e.~;ia.l I='errn.:.t fc:r .3. ~najcl-r c~:ir~~r~e:r,,.~i2~2. c1e"tJel~:!}:-::.,e:l-1~. c,::, .:: rnc.dir i':-.:::~~..io~ L-C . " ". . . - t~e e;::st~ng 2peCl2l Ijerrr:i t , .. .., -. !Jtll1 Q:':-i.~?: ;.e::.-rr!:.L:.~.. .::;;. "-, .-., '-'";......<1. certifi=ates of apprc:r.ri3~eness. .- Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Ivr.:.~utes Cir F'e-tj~""uary 1 P -'-v, 1988 Page 8 E;. Under t.he ~'letler..ds BylevT cf -:.he To\>m of N'3.ntud:et.: 1. vJe find t.hat the three "i.;etland areas are Freshwater Ve>zetated Wetlands and are subject to regulation under the vJetlancs Bylaw (ChE-p~~er 136) and the regulations there~o~ which too~ effect UctoDer 6, 1983. :2. The J:)ropo~.ed j:.roject is aeer:leO DY the C':lI11.rr~ission to l:ave a 2'.ignific-a.11t effect on "'Che ft)llt~~J/ill.g interests protec~tE~(l b'}l t.he B'yla~\,7: public and private water suppl)7! grour:d water, flood c0nt~ol, ercs~c:n co~trol, water pCillutil)n, wildlife, ana ~~et12~d scenic views. ~. Ttle proposed project Wl~l alter two (It the three wetlands by filling, 5nad~ng. and destroying wetland vegetation arid ,~ildlife habi ta~.. LJ:. 1~rle vret.l.3.nds _.. '_ t;':1e :oj_toe 2rld the' ix' 1.lI)larld =:,hr1..ID bOI.~ders ,3.re significant to wildlife. 5. The propc,sed pYojec~ will not adequ-~tely ~!rotect ~he wEtlands 2~a uplar:d r;::)J.:"der har).:.~a:t:. e=.2:;e~ltiaJ. to 1:r~~ ~y7E:~ll-bei;-lg elf -:.1-ie wi161ife i:-~ -::tle subj ec-t a.rea.. 6. The::--e is DC' .. . IT::' 1:.:....g etlc.\rl proposed to p~otect the in~erest3 of conceive cf that t~e l'Jantl.,6:ct "lrJetl an':' 2. 3;;- 1 3-Vl pro'teet those ~~~erests~ , . ana none ~n3~ we ca~ \,,:c:~~ l:~ [: IS ':;1..;~' ~:: I (:1'1 ~I:-l;= 2.};:I)lic.=.:-_t ].-,::-, ::- .. .l.'.-ol,-_' ;:'l3ce~j ~,'p:-'h e:nI)1-l,3Sl S '-.::'D t~l~E :S.l.- g-_l;flf": r.::: ::ha L.. :_46'::' }:.trCll:>():, E~::l yJor l: Y'...C: l c::-; geI f .3.l.l. 5 ~~7i "t.l-li~-: t.r; e j \.lr i s ~:li ct iC;:1 c.; f "t.-l".:.is C\:'r.i!T;.:''=:'':: iOI-l with I"espect tc' :3olated Lands Subj~ct ~o Fl~odi~g, as def~~ed }~ ~::~ WetJ.ands Protectisn Act lMG~ Ctapte~ :3:, Sectic:n ~c;) and i~s regulatic~s an~ i~ the Wet_arIds 3yla~1 8f t~e Town of Nan~~cket (C~2F'ter ~36) ar1d its reg~latlons. ......... \ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 9 The project proponent, Robert Sarvis (Trustee of the Nantucke~ COIT'mons Trust). a:r;d his engineering and envirOIlmental cc-:.s";Jl t2..nt te~-:l stateL:at ~he construct.ion . permitted by the DEC1E Superseding Orde:r- cf Conci tiC':1S issue: Jl.ugust 21. 1987 (Attachment 1). for the Tr1:.st f S previous filing (SE~8-365). is expected to alter pre-e~isting drainage charecteris~ics. They contend that these alterations have resulted or will resul~ in a net loss of recharge to the existing wetland area ~o the extent that the area no longer meets the quarter-acre-ioot lOO-year flood elevation test. Irl cJrder t:'J ~.~lF:fJort this 1='l-'esuJn:ptio:1 ~ tte :r:~l~C~j ec.t. erl€.:ineer h.3.~. s1J.brr;itt,elJ. 'cal.c.~12tions t-o redefine his recharge-\irainage zorle; t.rls pro': ect~ ~.?:-.~..7iI'on~1erJ.tal cCinsul ta!1t. has surn.rnari.zer:J. the I=,::-:::rj ec~ engil:eer 15 cal C1...11 ~~"t.i!:;I1S irl te:L~S of l\.!GL CllaJ;'ter 132.. :3e~cticln /2; 0 def irl':' t.iC:DS; 2::1::: lVlx'. Sar~7is has contended that a difference in net recharge 10s5 has re5~lted arld -;.,;_:'11 1~E's;-11"t. :r.:)rn the iristall2.ti~:;r~ c)f a Tf3te::tic!rl .t:'asl.~ c.oml:ji=-~e':~ .~;i t1-~ prE;'.,iouzl y pe':rni tte<:!. regra.ding. With re3pec~ ~o the calculations! the ~etland reso~~ce defin~ti0n ex?~ 2..r.>==.--:.i',:;r:s. e:'-l'.-j the }:iredicti{JD c:f flltu~-e inl!=,acts fl.....Ciffi the C'~llSt:L-uct.icJ:1 =>il....-,t"..o..:=; +...., M:=oi-'-" "Tf~ 'ha"e ma~y CI"eC:'r''::r~-'e 1..;..,.,......--- l~t _~~=:. _!~_,c.:.!'""_ C.:~_d-""_' f..._-....~~r.'. '-'-.:.. '_'V'l'_._l '._.\.....; '...4'-A,...t:;, '--1_. ...,,1.," ..tl ~.i., .......... ........1......l..._1.........J. .. .......-.:.'-., _ _ - - --~ --- the ~2ta prese~tel~ on what basis the de5ig~ e~gineer defined his wat~'r3hed are2 ~imit5. The applicant contends that duri~g the de3~g~ stOl'IT, e.vP!1t., rUll:Jff will be diverted from the ~letland a~ea p~ese~tly rec~~=i \Tirt:.~~ tl~..e3E: ~...:2.ters to ctt.1e:: aY.ee..s. l\!ill tl-1ese T! c'tj1e:::.~ .:3re,3.Z ft :.e adeq~~a~E .:~ ~raD3~it these addi~ic;~al fl.cws? No bac~:up data G:~ r-evise~ da~a h~s b~e~ Fre=e~ted. No a~~alysis of the exis~i~g d='~i2age divE=3i~~ 2~~. F.:E'.3.l"' ~',:"::-'ee~. Il~~-inch c.~:l\.:E:r't.) :1.3.5 J:)ee:1 }:Jr.c:":/id€;Q ill ~e::':Tr...3 cif s:..:.:.~-~ fIef'-'-' ~j.'':;-::'(~';.ir.i.g ~ 1.: t.l-~e Be~3!.'" St-::ee-:. ;~..::' '\ler~~: is ~D.2J,deql.:'Ci-::-':' t.:.:: .s.cc~c'rr~-n.cc= ce t.l~lt? :':-:..::;~-':Tl flr:,v.7:=, :::.......:~rn its actual '.:(;:1t_1......:j:l-~:tirlg tl!-3tel....31"1e:.J, E~rE:.3.. -(:~e:-.: SU'l....Cl.1<3!.~g i:,;; '.",.il_-~ .:<:'cur. Al~.hough the project enginee= does net ~i:3C~~5S tt~s p~j3~ib:i~i~y, surchargi.r:g could re3~lt i~ significant 0ve~~low~Lg of ~he ~=2~.:12ge ~a3in, resulting in dirEcted r~~c-ff to th~~ Is:~l~t~j La~:d Sutje~~ .c:' Fl0S6i~g c:f concern fc:~ ~his application. ~itbo~t specif~c da~a. t::) -:~e c'c::1"":~-.:=t::":1 , it is :'-lCt :J.r.!.::......ec:s~)~la~ble tC) ex~:Jec:"'t. a :=,-~~...cha::"gi::g ':.:! t.hi2- ,3.x-e'~~ "7:':.. l.-e3lI1.t in a . 2-fc;(:;t flc}c)c1ir~g le~;el i11,:rre~2,e. Bc..se~= (':-.; -.:]-~e dat~ ;'res.?nt.e6 by the projec~ proponen~. this potential .2-foct i~c~ea5e is er:cL:;~h -::.(J re6efine the we't:2.ar;ds under tbe c2'uarter-acre-foot/1CiO-ye2Y.- f}.God-le~Jel cri~e~id. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 ?age ::.0 No evaluation of the capacities of or possible surcharging from proposed drainage facilities (galleys, pits, and beds) ~ith respect to loading volu~es, soil leaching ra~es, and ground water levels has beeD supplied. No ~est pit information specific to these proposed drainage racil i tiE'S n,5.s been suppl ied. Grcn..l!1C v.rat.er elevation i:1rCt:!:rnatil:;n r0u~:;j in File SE48-365 shows the elevation during the dry season to be only 1.5 feet below the proposed leachi~g beds. No adjustments for seasonal change O~ storm surge impacts have been supplied. P.l tno'--1gn incomplete., +.:be engineering i:1formation on ground \oJ'a-.:e::.- hydrolcgy and surface 'h1Bter runoff seems to indicate that lOO-year f lce,j levels will be reduced from an elevation or 9.2 feet to 9.0 feet. ~-- verbal testimony the project proponent interpreted his engineerins information to yield a lOO-year flood level cf 8.5 feet for the largest we~land area O~ the site. contending that this reduction will. ~~ essence, dry up the two smaller wE~land areas. Ollr ct)ser\7a-tioh~' ar.:.~j ex?er'ience 'vi tn the loca2.. cc~ndi ti.c;:1~, yield 3 tIvod level at the higher figures. For exa~ple, conditions last wiDter and ~pring (1987) produced water levels ap;.rcaching the 9-foot eleva~i0~ rr:ar}~_ in the th~"ee \.\Jetl and areas 01: the :::,i te, E'\Ten tnc:"ugh r:::.\ 1(.J(; --~7E~c~1~ even~ had occurred. We attr~bute ~hese high flood levels to tne ft)ll c~~~liT.:.:; : A ~~ ::~e't.le~a: !:1e a't~1~{ r ,3ir~ ~ (:1]~ 1 S l_n a .~'elati"'=v'~ely short- :..:=."'\-.....: r...-=l 1::'- \-''';' ...--'-' '...4 of "'C .:..rr:e ear~y spr~r:g, when veget2t.ioL tega~ t~:ing up wa~er~ B) ~}-le ~:.c;t"si.l)ilit"~l cf :'::iderl:li:1g i:nr'e~-'t,~"'ic:us rnate:r"i.31 - -. '=.:. \~e~:.] 1:~~':;t=.d yegion exte!1di~g to Cow Pond a~d Miacomet Pend to tte sou~h! t~~3 i~cre23i~g the watershed area sig~ificantl.y beyond ~he Er"ea ~sed i~ -~~~ ap;;lic~n~!s engi::eering cal~ula~i0~E fc;r t.he previous 2~'p]i82t.ic,~. Tes~irncny was give~ that t~e ~i~e was made e:":2El\~E.~i cn e,f cj. "3~~ f~om " c.lay ;<~_ t,s!~ irl -:.h~ lnt0 a wet:2~.5 ~;y t~e le.::3t_ .:.~erlt~i..:I'J7. C:llr' Ear 1 i ,:;'!" files O~ ~he pr0perty contain CO~2 ~~~~6ing ~n ~ateI'~ ta}(en - . a :p:-~;-:-)tc'grc1=.'tl aI" c, "G.!"i d. 1 9 0 0 . elf a ~jair~l fG.I'r:~. :'::(='~-8 ,,'Ii t..:-,:, {See Nantucket Ccnser~5ti~r~ C~c\T':!.rni~-:35i::;n file fc~:r' (:lif:=c~:r'd BI1C jl~T!elia R~l,:ert 1979.) ~:cJmrr,issi-':l=-.. ~-3:Tlber'5 ha\~e more tha~ once obse~ved very high water in Miaco~et Pend a~ci th~~ si~e on the same cay. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 11 The second question with respect to ~he definition of an Isolate6 Wetland Subject to Floodi~g relates to pre5u~ptions made by the env ircr.:.111ental cons"'Jl tant. It has been stated that the area in queE.ticn will nei~her function as a statutorily defined wetland or extend geog:::'ap}-:ic.~lly as a det ined yretland once ~he proj ect pe}:,ni tted by DEi';;::: SE#~8-36S Superseding Order of Conditions has been completed. These presumptions are :-lOt based on any calculations or addi ticmal researc:-. cCl:dt~c1:,ed l)y the er.virol'....;'1it=-r~t.al ccns1.l1 tant ~ l)ut are aSSlL.'11e,~ s.imF.l-:t c~rl ~",i3 '''er}:;E:..t.i.~.n acc.el~tarlce of trle d.rcinage calculations sllbmi ttecl by Mr. BtlZ3.r.~C~J!..i~ c)f Sct:ofield Brothel~5, I:1C. T:1e lc;gj.c cf r1i.s argu"11-ent ,*.t~.:~.:-~ res~ec~ to the definition of an Isolated Wetland Subject to Flooding cr:\nt-,==:..-:..r~e:~ .in 3 2.0 C:l"l~ Secti::~n 10 is urlders"tanda"t)le. Hcwev.er, gi've:: -::.1-~e S1=';E:c~i.f.ic Cc~:3e in '.:rtlestion ar:d the small (. 2-fcn:;t) :na~gin for e1.Tc!r. \.J"e do n07 believe such logic to be reasonable. Some of our reasons for this belief have been previously stated in relation to the comple~e~eE5 of the :~~ai~age calc~la~icn data presented by the p=oject prspone~t erlgi:-lt~eJ..~ . Two additional reasons for questioning the assertions of the projec~~ ~'~oponent and his represent2tives rel~te to the intent an~ con~ent of the S~?ersedi~g Order of Conditions issued by the DEQE this ?~c,ject and the ~se of the sidewalk as a runoff tar~ier. In review in; the cover letter to the Superseding Order of Conditii)nS tl:E: S~:;:;:::l:'''2eding C:rceI' c,f Cc:rldit.icriS., it. bec~o:nes aI;)?21....en-c. tI-la~ t.he - ,-~".... ..........'- a!1::J. :Jrc.~:... . a~ iE.s"..:.e::, (lit:. nOT. all_o'\,-,'P fOJ:' ~)l- f:er:nit. iE;I)ac"C.s ~.e:!:"ic'u2. er:c11..1g}-1 tC:l ,~l-:'el: .Cl-le S':'3E c::' fl.lr.:.c:t.iorl c:f tt1e res'-:'urce area.. T~-:e are,:;. ','.7.5.S deened tc 1:.:7:- de~: 1..:-: e i F-~ S a.:l Is CI =- a 't.~ d I,;2.nc S~Jl:; j e::t "t,o E' _~ c;c d _tll.g -j:)-y'r ~~ 1 (i C~!"rR 10. ~; 7 . :::) r-:) " 3 j ar~c. the J:>::-(,);':;:--53.1 \.,r.3.S det.e-1....~nir:ecl te:, 1)8 t! S igrlif iC';.:tr:-:. ~(J -!:.r..~: i2tere2':S of grou~~wa~e~ s11?ply, preve~~ic'n of pCill~tio~. =~.:.c',~ co~~~.:~ e.:-1C S-:.':;:"-'~-. d'?Ji~2.ge ~'re\.rer~t.:.c.:-:.!1 (E:.e~ A"t_te.cl}iTis:-l"7': l! =f 1='jr;::~ject. c::arlgE-2 }-.l.=-,~.;e ::--e 2"~: l t:?~:l i3.1 .3.r1 al -: er c.Li t):..:. ..:': e ..:.~ t}-,;. er c: f tl-~e s'e I=>2:'e 5 :'lin}:~""!:.iclll S .C;'tC':--: v.!rl':' ':'-:-~ -':-,~:s SUF'e~ce-~i!'~g ()~der of C0nd~t~_ons was issued~ t~en the rjrcjec~ I~r~pC~E~~ i:::. ,::,:,2_:.';,='~:,e(j to nc;ti=~J L~G.;'E i:-i ::;r,jer' tc! rE~ce.i-.:../e eit.!le::' 2I1 .?~rnen.t:1e.:_ c-.r-::~~ r'e ce. .~::-~ 2..:, i:-'~:; t:ne 2,e :':-:-:3.r-~g e 5 ,::r "i...JT'" i_ t.i:.en. .~r<pJ..-C:\l,::t.1 ~l-2 2~ -:';-,lf3 ~"'E- ::.ul taD~':: ~:!-,;.2:..: _[f:~::. ,~rE ~;-~~3 ~g::i::.:.c:a.r:.t. SiDe.;? t~e pr:.ject ~"r.:gi:-le"3I~ ass-lre::: t.:-~!.~ I)E~p,::-.:::~~.,er-l-=. tl-lc..'"t. !f.~,~:~-~.je_r propcsed cClndi t:'tJDS, tr:.e le~Jel cf' pc.:-.::5.i.r;g ~"!'::.'Gl d t'E-\ ess-=-I"lti.:s=-=..y 11rlcharlged for tr-.:.e tvJC; lc;wlarld 2~I'eas" (AL.t-3.C~l-L:T~811t 2), v..~G believe p~E~sent statements by the project propcnent and ~is reF'~~'esE-:1-:-a".:.i ves indic'ate P1.-()j ect cr-iar~ge~::, that. recr_1irecl appr::)~/a 1 fI~():~4j DE0E. S~ch ap~'roval was not obtained. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 12 Furt.her, until we have specific docurnentation from the Departr:1el:t that. these proj ec:: impact changes have been approved, we are obI igated to recognize the resource areas a~d interests as described by the Department in Superseding Order of Conditions dc,cu!Tle:nts to exist n)w a~-id aft.er t.he c::>mple-:.icn of the project permit-t.ed under SEI".8-365. If c:he total impact of the project cu~rently in progress is still not J~~ow~. -there is ell tte!:1.:J)....e reason for skepticism in regard t:) t.he :-jeV7 application. If calcalatio~s changed once, they could c~a~ge agai~_ Tr1e trlird r~1aj0r que~;ti::)rl relates t.,:; the :;'I'c:J.:"osed si',~e\~al}: ala::;; Pleasam: E:treet. The f,tatement has been made that this side,.ralk w'.ill confirle and/or redirect Tu~off to the street areas, as opposed to allowing overflow to the isolated wetland areas. It should be poi~~ej r,)ut t:.rlat. F'~ese.r1tl '}T no s ide\o.7'a11:s are 1=tel-:n.:.. t t.ed by the S"L1perseding ~)y,je:r.5 of Condi~ions issued for DEQE File SE~8-365 ~ecau5e the sidewalks, as dj_scu55e~c., are nc~t incl1..lt:1ed I:)n t~he 1=-'lans elf J:....ecc:rd. ~rherefol~e" ;.::e:t-.t.o.ir: alteratio~s to watershed area characteristics, presu~med d'18 to regra,jing, storm-drain closure~ al1d other w0rJ~ associated with emplacement of 5 :.~:e.walks in the f1Jtl1re, are i:1"(..!al.icl. \~re (1c\ 110t ag'l."ee wi tj-~ the ,3pJ;,licant':3 ~basic asse:rti::~:"'} -t::be.T. t:-le ;IJ'C~~"J~: pel....:nitte~j -i..1DC1er SE~8-365 ~~lill charige tl-le flcH:)d~Ajater l.e\.7el:=. or "rJege-::'2:tic:ri on the site. We ~ely on earlier s~atements by ~he applicant a~d tis c~cn5",,-ll-:.,3.!"1.t-s -t:ha~. the ~TC1:.~J~ pf~rmi "tted -c.nc!er SELl8 -::: 6 5 \~.:.ll :1::;t. alter the three areas o~ Isolated Land Subject to Flocding. fr,)ll ::'~wi:-i.g at-L-a C~1rrsnts : d'Sgra\:.e 0::''' t"JE\ c.it.e --:.r~e )\ t t.a .:.:t-.J'rH::tlt 2) ItR':?"':\7 .:..se d. [:r.3..: :1ag~~ C~a 1 ell J .3.--:iC,DE. t! 2-e:r-..t.t:~l}:;e.l~ l'?S.'~. prepare6 by Sctofield Ero~hers. l~C~ -- Page 2, Paragr~p~ ~. Att:.a:::r~rno::n"C. 3) Le'~7:.er t.,) "[he f~c\rr.:ni5si..cn rr'~m I\~i.chac:j ....'. TJI2.!."c~-:.lS" c.f i..:..:-. III c., ~~r: ;,.t.emJ:'E~Y S:, 1. 9 E; 6 . P... t ~~a C:1rner.L t {d') Le--:. -:.e!." ~C) t'.he CC)IT1J.-:ti S.S .: 0:; fI'c~rri Rc.~be'~~t ti. E~aT"'}' =- ~, "!>Jc;~I.,~err~!:'e:..- 18, 1926 -- Page ~. Parag~aph 1. .~ i Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 ?age " --. . < ~ ~. toJe also cite verbal "testimony at t.te J.:'ublic hearings. Furthe~o:;..-e, we nete that in the applicant's filing unde~ SE48-365, his consultants said this area \olaS defined as Isolated Land Subject to Flo(:,ding. 2.88 the following attac~~ent5: Attachment. 3) Letter to the ComrrU::;Slon rrcm Michael J. I-1arcus, Inc" September 9, 1986. T;:j'p .J..~..... Attacbment 5) LetTer to lvis. IngTid Pierre from lVIichael J. Ma::cus, of IE:' Inc" September 9. 1987. We do not agree ~~ith ~ne applicant's presumption tha~ the two ~~all wetland areas are to be treated as Isolated Land Subject to Flcodi~g under -che Nantucket Wetlands By2aw. trJe thirJ: these two srr:aller ,;,retland::. are to be tIeated as Vegetated Freshwater Wetlands as outlined in the Bylaw and reg~.11at.ions dated October 6 I 1983. In his previous fili:-...g, the applicant ag~eed with our interpretation of definitio~s under t~e local Bylaw. With respect to matters of procedural concern, ~ve point ou~ tha~ the Notice '':If Intent as subrni tted ror ~:h:i.s hearing '....as incomple-:.e. Specificall")7, much of the ~ecrlnical data ne:.:essary to e~Jalu2.te t.l1e project ~'ropc5al was ~ot submitted with the Notice, but merely refereEC6(J. as being contained in a :='::-evious file. This infcrmati:::'!i '.-733 refel...e:lCeG as }:,eing s:Jl:l!:':itt.e-d to :>E()E prio~ to its iSSU2.!1Ce~Jf the Supe!:'~:e[ji11g C'rd.er c)r C:on~:1i~:iorls f:::!."' File SEiJ.g-365. AlthcJ"'lgn t1-~e :pre::-,\..m::pti()~ is t)e.i.rlg Dlacle tl-.i.at the. in.f~:;l"';Tlatic)rj is avail.~!:'~le ir: -:'r~e p::'lCjr fiJ.l?s a~~ [:EC~E! s I..Ja}:eville ('.ffice and the l~antuc:J~et CCfnse!.",TJ3tic:r~ CO:;'I..-ni s s iCl1 c1r:: ic.e. this me~l-lc;d c: f f i1 irig r:l,3.l:e~- re"\"v"iev,7 of t.he i:-..:= ,:':.-nic--:.i ,:-j:-l di~ficuJ"t. Further, t~ere is no certainty that the infc~mation cc~r.;.t,=.-=-l.-,;ed irl the l)ric)l-' file {Case :::Ey..8-~:'Sb) in CUl- clffic'e- is t.ne .=,srne infoT~:na""C.ic:1 DEC~E l1as irl i.~s fil~3s 2r~~:1 use!j as "the 1:.~asi3 f,:,::.~ t:.e SupE~rsedi~g OrdeI' of (~0nditions. ?he applican~ has ~ot provided any information rega~d~ng ~l3;'::S~~ !ne~}-~c~.i~.rris f:Jr }-~urnan s8v;age. ?he p.:r"E-s1.lTnptic)D e:f Ti t:.le V C:,3rlr~c't t'e rr~c:.=€.. l'Jo :::.lsi te sev:",3ge d~s~pci2.al desig:l .infor~,3t.':'CIl1. :bas ,t-Jeen p::-c,"ly"'id.e~::i. ~-'J!;J proof sf a~y applic5tions to either the Nantucket Depar~ment of ?~bl~c Worlcs or the DEQE Division of Wa~er Pollution Control for a sewer ccnnect.ion perrni t has been prov i.jed. ~ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February ~ 0 ~u. 1988 Page li! 'l'he pI'oject proponent.s have not provided sufficient doc'L1ffientation to ITle.et thE' requirements of 31G ClVIR 10.57(l;,)(0). F'lrther, the project: propone:-.:t.s have cited r-roject change:=-; apparently not permitt.ed :by the Superseding Order of Conditions issued by the DEQE for SE~8-365 without I'ecei \.~ ir~g a:t='proI:>riate ~Ti otten. .::J.:'}:,;ro\T21 fell." trlese prCtj ect ch,~Ilges rr:)r:1 ei thel.~ 2j:'l=ro;.:'r iate permi t.ting aut1-;ori ~y . CONCLU:.:~:: eN For the reasons set forth above, th~ Notice of l~tent filed b~7 l'-Jantuc:].:E-:l: C:-c)rr'L~c)ns T'rust fc~-= f i\;e Dew }:~uildings (l)EG_;E Fi2.e Nc). SEL.t 8 - 449 j is deni~~d. urlder the !JIassach-u.3etts ~'\1etl-3-rlds Pr:::)~.ec~til~n .P~ct. an.(j under :.tle l"~cal 1'~ar.lt1-1cl~et ~:Vetlan,js By"lavl. HC!v.T€~veJ:', t.tle C~c.l.:rJTIiS5ion has n('!t cClnside~ed. ar~(i a..:)es rlC!"t. addl"'"ess at tl1is tin1e ot!18J:' a;c.tj.~..ri ties a11G ~~ropcJsal s c,f the .3 !=) P 1 i(~ant irl l"'e.spect tC.l tl-le ~--~~b: ec"C r:'arc~el ~~..;rrlicl-.1 invol '\i'E~ ~jiffere11t desig115 f stT"'UCt.:.l":ces, l'Jcations. (jr t-j!=,es ~ and "V,7hicri are ~ot included in the Notic'e of Intent at. issue. This denial 5"J.persedes any \.;ording on Form ::; (att.-3ched) ;,.Thien i:nplies that some work will je permitted unde~ this Or6er. This denial shall ap~lly to any success~)r in interest cr suscessor ~n cO:1t~ol. ~ f t'he apJ;Jl ic-ar:-: :f e..iJ. S tc I~eccrd this (JT.'(.5.er __.. tl1€.) Nant~cket Regis't::.'"\! of !::leeds cr t.he IVIassacn'Jsett5 Land COL~rt and rails \:0 file witl-. the (~l")r;'lf~,':_~:s iCID -che CC1~-IJ:<~e"t.ed. ~ li~) !='rl:i'\rided vIi trl FCIJ..-ITi :' ,~j:thirl 10 busi~ess days of the da~e !)f issuance of this Order~ ~he !~CnmiS2icn lS enl:r:~~:I\..,eI'e': 1:(1 ::...-ec,::.rd tl'~.is CClCG-ne:-.t.. If t]-~e (:c,;:-tT:is3i'-Jll :::3oes Tec.er"d tj~lis fjCJ CLuner. -:-.: ~:1u e to t,:-.iE: f ,:=...'::"1 :1~:: -= C f 't f"18 3.};,;:~ l ~c.3.r.( t t,,:) --~: ':: _ ,_.- _ -::'~-J E-' 2.1=-1=,1 i CC,:-l"t \~.. ill t.'E- C ;lcr F.e:5 ~}-.i.e l-E-- CC:~C.;.':.I-~~~. fee I:' 1. U ~ a f i r.:8 ()f :1::;..lC. :TI;::"'::-E' --::1-.; .3D $:; 0 (; ~>~=- day. L:J..st (.~.... - . - .. Fi :: 't ,3, (~f".Jn e r:. ~.:. 2'- : ot ;J(>11r~ p !~cC~c~1.-'r:1ick ry-c;~ T-la'W""r"e:1C'8 ~:. .0a-;-'l.3.D Conditions fer Fi:e SE~8--365. issue~ Attacl-...:-j-~E~'.lt. 1.: CO~Jer let.l:er an,j riE:-(.'E~ :-;"..:l:>erSea.:.r;.g C~I'cler ... - , j Augus t .: l, 1987. aLd 5 ig:-led ;::;'07 Lawrence S. ray ian. ~, Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 15 Attachment 2: "Revised Drainage Calculations," September 11, 1986, prepared by Schofield Brothers, Inc. Attachment 3: Le"t.ter to the Corrunission from 1I1ichae1 J. 1l1arcus. of IEf' Inc., September 9, 1986. Attachment '-!: Letter to t-he COIru'TlissicJn trcm Rc}J:;el....t H. Sar"{Jis. Nc,~~ter1~)er 18, 1986. Attachl'nent. 5: Let-ter to Ms. Ingrid Pierre from Michael v. i"larcus, of '-~D Inc., September 9. 2. 98 7. b. Peter ~ash/Gifford - SE48-458 - One Easton Street. A mo~~on was made to issue a standard Order of Conditions. The motio~ '\vas carT~led... c. La~Tence Pfaff - SE48-463 - Alabama Ave.. Madaket. was n1aae tc issue a standard CJrder of Conditions citing received ;~an. 7, 1988. The mot.ion was carried~ A rr:o -: i:~ r"l -she ...-- , :;:) ~-l t..-..- ,_.... d. Crew's Nest Associates (renov) - SE~8-~61 -- :0 CrC-W'3 ~~es~ Way. Ailee!1 Earth was present as agent for tte applican~. ~~ motion ~las made to issue a standard Order of Conditions ref~rencing the most recent pla:1s dated Jan. the f0~1(I~iDg 11ote: 1988 anci ad~:__i:-~:; 1. T~e 2?plicant h6E agreed to ma1:e ;:la~t. St. Andre~lls all effo~~s ~Cl protec~ __ stand of the rare C; T" ;:, S ~~ ( 11.%"-. c \Tr:~~n ~2YJ:~r;-~~~_;=.Qoide:_~lT) orl ~.:-.:.e prCi,;:.'e:'...-t~/ 6 The rTl ::'; t. :. (; :-.! 't.T:=-:e:- rv ........-.-. C;c.~:"-= l t=-::1 . e. Crew's Ne3~ Associates (septic) - SE~8-~62 - 1() Cro~~'s Wa)r. Aileen Earth was prese~~ 2S age~~ for the applicaI1t. mCJ7:~~i':]n 'lJas ffiElde tel .issue a stal1ijard C~rder c<f C'clr:ditions to include the following S~ecial Cc;~ditions: ,.:::;"'.-:- -' '-- -' ..... '-- If Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 16 1. U~~y indigenous plant species shall be used In the revegetation (ie. no Privet). 2. the The brushcutting dwellings. shall extend no more than 20 feet. 2.v;a'y from 3. The applicant has agreed to make all efforts to protect a st.and cf the rare plant 31:. Andre'Y" 5 Cross (Ascvrum ~vpericoides) en the property. The motion was carried. f. to Ted Godfrey - SE48-466 issue a standard Order of 325 Polpis Road. A motion was made Conditions. The m01:l0n was carried. g. Helen S. \'\I11itehead - SEt;.8-46B - 97 Baxter Read. A mc'tic:r. was made to issue a standard Order of C0ndition~ to i~c:ude the following Special Condition: Section 20(3) of the Wetlands Regulations, promulgated u:-ll:ler G.L. c. 131, ;;). 4.0, ~aoe..;uires tb.at no cC1asta.l engine:=:-r.i::g str"Gc~tt:=e. stlcl-.;. as a bulJ.:head, re't,."etmerlt, or se.~\A7a.ll, 5l-1all~- permi "":.i.:ed. "JD aT} er'ocii:-lg b.=.r.Jc at. 2.:-i~7 tirne in t1-~e :=~-.:t:J~e to protec~ the project allowE,j t,y this Order of Con~itions.. Trle rnc-t.i:='I: 'hrc.:=: '::.3.::-rie;::. n. Rudol;.h Weis3J:r)~.f - SE48-~6J - 113 Baxte~ R.)ad. p~ :-:- ,:. -:. 2.) r. 1,12'3 T:':::C:e. ;:.C- 1.5 :::-~:e a 5taD6a~d (Ir6er of Co~dit~o~s. The ._. _ -... -. r'--, . . . ,0.- __ _..... '\Alas . , '.:arr:.e Cl .. C~e::.-tif ica.te~, ::.f :~C;~..1:11.i,=.Dce a.. Ric~,3_~(J E.. 1<)ta..l'3c.. SI'.. - SE4 S - 310 - !lIli~3cc'IT,e"C. F~{)cd.. le~ter dated Feb. 16, 1988 froD Richard Kotalac. Jr. was wi thdr-a"v-ling his req~J.est fer a Ce:r.tif icate of C():npli.\~r~(~e his engineers mo:,.-e time to es-cablish an as-built plan. wi t:t-.drawal h'as h':::-lored. J.~ , :'''ea.G. -::c allow '~':.le ,~ , . Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 17 b. John M. Greenleaf - SE~8-13 - 3 Hulbert Ave. Issuance of a Certificate was continued until March 3, 1988 pending a field inspec-cion. c. Joan Bolli:1g & Jo:hn G::..'eenleaf -- SEll 8 -7 5 - 3 Hulbert: Ave. Issuance of a Certificate was continued until March 3, 1928 pending a field inspection. d. LTohn M. Greenleaf - SE!,t8-228 - 3 Hulbert Ave. IssuaI:ce of .' Certificate was continued until March 3, 1988 pending a field iriSl-~ectil~n . e. John and Lewis Greenleaf - SE48-395 - 3 Hulbert Ave. Issuance of a Certificate was continued until March 2. 1988 pending a field inspection. .;:; J. . of Perkins-LaFrance 2 Certificate was - SE~8-386 - Valley View Drive. Issuance continued until March 3, 1988 pending a field inspection. 4. Extension Pelllii-c a. S/J vJau~;.{ine~ T~'.lst - ::~EL;.3-39~, - hl,=r:JwiJ1et RC:.3d. A mGtl(::~-i ~.fas made to issue c. one-year Extension Permit due to expire cn :>1,::r.::1; 17, 1989, as v?a== regllestec.. Ca~"l Bc::~:-c"!-~er.t a})st..ained_. T:-:e motion was carried. tl. 1='E1-i..l1 De,3i\,"e (~:;aI1a:-ltel"') - SE4!3-14t:3 - ~~r;,a\'lJ::enj'~). !~~ I>-=~~':"\'-e was present and agai.n defE:~ded his Tsquest for an Ex~en3i~~ P~:~:r":ni t E''tJen trlc;".:grl t1-.te fc'u~t:h. !:;{ter-l:~ior: 'l';Ja~ tc; :be the f .i.r~2_:_ c':-.:e as cited in ~he May 8, 1986 ~i~~~e3. The ~'roble~ as discussed a-t t.he last meeting was that most p8ten~ial 2~V~~5 thin}: they r:-lust D'.lild befc::-s l\lle.y, 1989 Ol' ::ol-ever t:e d'::.2-1ie6 b~iljing on the lot, par~icu~Larly in light of ~he any ne~ local regula~ions passec. Lee Dunn read the results of a rece~t field inspection. Carl Borchert reasoned that: since the Notice of Intent had been filed ..... '~"'a' t---""" Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 18 before the enactment of the Nantucket Wetlands Bylaw (ace-.pT.ed April 5, 1983, approved Aug. 19, 1983), then the Order cf Cor~ditions issued May 8, 1981 was not valid under t.bat Bylaw. Ted Tillotson a:.d not thic1.k that .was a valid poi:1t. There was discussion between Mr. DeGive and the Corr~~ssion about the distances to the wetland and whether the lot and ap~,lication as ~t. now stands meE~ts all tr-18 l::rese::t requirements rClr filing under the local Eylaw. There have been 4, Exter:sion Pe::.-mits issued since 1982, yet t~e Order of Conditions allows fc~r const=uction within 100 ft. of a spring as it now s~a~ds. Ca:r-l Bc;rcl1ert (yutl ined or-le rec~cJrnmendatiol1: IVlr. I}eGi ."8 Sfl01.l1 d aSK for a l)ete:t-'miriation elf AI-"'1=~licability rlC~W, flag tr1e wetlallds .5.11d stake the corners of the :O~ and proposed bUl~clng. Then all futu~e building can be beyc,nd 100 ft. with no problem. The well would be subject to the Act, but would ~ot require ~he filing of a Nc.itice elf I:1t-ent. IVlr. [leGi ve was t.old he had a t:"'Jill-J.able ]. c:'t.. He 2sked if wetla~ds scenic views or wildlife were an issue. Carl said yes. Carl again clarified by stati~g the prese~t Crder (:.f (~c'ndi t.ic)Y1s 2',hOvl3 t1:at "JI1CeX' the state t-Jetla:"1c1:=. Pro~ectil)n Ac~ b~ilding ~ay occur within 100 ft. 0r cn Up~a11Q on trle l:::r'c)r:~e:rt.}i, })t.ll_ u1"'1der tl-~e lc1cal B~lla\ll a J::'ermi -:. is :req-uiI'ed befcre building can tIe a:lowed i~5ide the 10C-f~. Euffe~ Z":,ne. Cal---l t"l:o'L!gh-s !~r. :Def;i\te \.;rould fjC) tiest to file a :E.€-ctt;e:.3t t8r Deterrr~inati:'n . A motion was made to n~'''''' .l....~. __ iSS1Je another Exte~sio~ Per~it. :ri-.~ ~otj.c:n W2~ c3r~ied. ADDITIONAL ::::iJ:::INESS 1. vJa~::-e.r-~ 1 s Landing.. I~2;-1-)r or "t.ne C~:=-nl"'1li~5 i::\ner:=-. :-.:...3d -:...riz- i 7.e:-::1 -c...!-..e site 2!1d though~. it lCic:]:ei grea~ now that all the ~et!ris 23G .. ...""\ Deel1C'.1~rle.:l. T;--..ere ""yas s:::':ne di~7..C1JS::3i.c~rl ~3.~DC'Ut- 1;2.~J.:.r-lg t-.r:e ses~ling pines c~t so ~he problem w~uld nc~ occur ag2i~.. ~ctii::n was n:ade to adve~~ise for a bid to remove the ~,ines sow the area wi~h an a~nual. The motion was ca=ried. '\ r. a::d , ~---- II Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 18, 1988 Page 19 2. Lee Dunn voiced his concern over the water quality 111 Nantucket Harbor a1':d Has aware of several seemingly disjointed erforts taking place c'n the Island. He t~ought t.he Cornm.ission shcuid t.ake an ac-cive role in helping to coordinate those efforts and lend guidance to outcome of the various studies and recommendations. Peter Dunwiddie asked Ben I'1cKehlay to conte,c;: the Nantucket Land Council about it. Bill h'illet reported that he an<.1 Ben had beg;.ln to address ":.f.lS 1S5ue. He cited poor or lacking enforcement as a major proble~ and described a prcp,)sed business 'len'ture by Drew Deeley to empt.y bolding tanks of beats moored in the Harbor during the 51..:rrmel""'.. 3:'11 calle!] rClr rno~-e !:1etEi.ile.c inrormat.ic n cln -:.he st.ate of v-!2te::.:- (~1ja.l it'},. in l'Jarltucl:et Harbc~r arld adde(j the pCJssibili t~l or requir:':1g the sealing or holding tanks cn boats before the;? moor in -chs Harber. Carl Borchert spoke or the declining ana rnarginal cf::ndi t.ic1n ::Jf the Fr"ancis Street. Beach l~"t,ler 5 :lear;:. ;j~-,: ~ to increc.se;d colifor::TI counts. He said Nantucket Health P.2.en'c Ric.hard R.a"\T l12.ed -to rr~aJ:e a CCinC81.-ted effort to test. the Hartle:r-. bl2~_ round l-~e l"an out. ~:>f fO:'JrlCS ir;. re'=ent ~lea~s. Peter Du~~~i3die suggested contacting the ESe Gro~p, a~d rnerlt.icine,i th.e :-nan')" re5t~.:..lrC3e5 at st.a'k:e to He s"\j.ggested incl-eas:...:-.;.g mooring fees to help pay for emptying the ~aLks with Town S"Llt,lsi,jiza"t.i()r~. He agreed t.hat a much mClre in- depth st.U(J.~l is needed a::d ence-uraged the Ac1..nini::t.ratcr .,.-,...., conti:-:ue looki.ng i:-r";::::' '~lhat O-e.11E-2.-- grCl:ps 5.l-~3 doir.lg. '::> -' . Pete~ DU~1~iddie was beginning to be concerned aDOU~ levels of ~he ponds en the Island with ~lle o~set of ~~- ._.1....1;::' ,....= '.:.. -: ~.;:. ..... ........--- .....~..'=" s:p~i:-,;,g. .--:=- 5.::.id I-!tl:::-:r~'~I:}: F":.~nd \A:,~S ljj;'; b~{ 9 ir:c~r:'?s lat-el:l. He .~2:;:e(j E'er: l~ ct:e l'"r:3Y t':. c-t e ,~}: 't'^'~ i ~l-~ 'I'C\\:'":'l (;':'jU :15 E~ 1 :DeF~er:~s:. 2' a1:'':iut. t!-:E- t:;';.1~ Z -t:. :::r~ of legali~7 af ~Ic.nci-openi~gs ar~d thought i~ may be close ~c being decided. Pe~e~ th0ugh~ i~ ,~ou16 be wise tc me~~ ~r~ problem head--o~ a~d aVCl~ any eme~ge~c)r . . 5.J.. -C'..l2. tl C'D S . There being no O";::her bus1ness, tbe meeting was adjourEed at 10:3C PM. '--