HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-11 .~ ( \ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 11, 1988 A. PUBLIC HEAEINGS 1. Nantucket Wetlands Regula~ions 2. Jo::.eph & Joan Cochran ET AL - SE~8-i!i!2 - 54 & 56 No. Beach St. 3. Nantucket Commons Trust - SE~8-~49 - Pleas, Dave, Or & Bear Sts. 4. Ja~e5 Driscoll - One Osprey Way 5. Elizabeth McIlvain - Millbrook Road 6. Peter Nash/Gifford - SE48-~58 - One Easton Street 7. J. Pepper Frazier- SE~8-455 - 37 Gardner Road 8 . LavlTence Pf af f - SE48 - 4- 63 - A1 abama Ave., fJ!adaket: 9. Crow's Nest Assoc. (renov) - SE48-461 - 10 Crewls Nest Way 10. Crewls Nest Assoc. (septic) - SE48-462 - 10 Crawls Nest Way 11. John \:1. Bartlett -. SEfo,8-4.59 - 283 ~1J;r.mod~ PonG Road 12. Ted Godfrey - 325 Polpis Road 13. Helen S. Whitehead - Baxter Road 1l.!-. Rudolph t.Jeisskcr,:.f - 113 3a....:ter Road 15. Monomoy Harbor Eeal ty Trust. - 60 !JIonc;IT.oy Road B. REGUL&~ MEETING 1. Minutes of January 7, 1988 Minutes of January 14, 1988 Minutes of January 21, 1988 2. Other Business a. To\,m of Nant.ucket (Ncrman Larnnan) - Surfside and Siasconset SeyTer tTeatment plan.ts _. clarification of Order. 3. Request.s for Determination ~. Karl ottiS:JD - Orange Street. b. Arvids Reinbergs - 62 North Liberty Street ~. (lr.ders of Conciitions 5. Certificate of Corepliance a. Michael O!Mcra - SE~8-337 - 2~O Polpis Road b. Ric~ard E. Kotalac. Jr. - 3E~3-35{) - Miaco~et Road 6. Extensi.on Permit a. S/] ~'Ja-;J.",i:1e"1: TrusT - SE48-39.2 - \.oJaCJ.\-:i:1e-::' Road t,. :t:aul I:;E~Gi.~v~e (Gall a;-1"t:er) ~~ SE~. 3 _. l~ 8 - Sh.5."~.;j~emci 7. Bills to be paid 8. Corre5po~dence 9. Field IL::3pecti':lns - se1: date and ti.-ne a. J. Sey;ar.d Johnson, L:Y. - Almanack Pond Road NOI b. K & B Real":y TrJst - Crooked Lane - NOr c. Tabitha 1<.raughtoff - off HoicKs Hollo,,", Road - 2 NOIs I . . ~ i l i ~ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 !\hnutes of February 11, 1988 Page 1 IViI!\TT..T'I'ES OF FEBRUARY :1, 1988 The public heaT'ings cf February 11, 1988 '-.'ere called to order at 7:32 PM. Members t:>resent 'Here: Lee Dunn - Vice Chsirman, Carl Borc!:ert, Henry Wasierski and Willia~ Willet. ~emDers absent were.: Peter W. IJunwiddie - Chairman, DOl121d Visco and Grenvi2.1e CranstoD. Adl1"\inist.ra-::oJ.:' l="resent: Ben ]VjcKe 1 '.Jay. J'.. . PUBL I C EE;1RI NGS 1. N~:lnt-~(:ket vJet-lar~d.2, F~e:sul.ation5. Lee Dur:~ said the Corrun:"ss~c~l.l had received a revised seco:~d draft from Town (~ounsel Paul DeRerisis. The~e had bee~ mostly ~=oced~ral. legal and tech~ical changes made to the first draft. rather ttan 3ubs"tantive changes. Lee said there should nc'w be anot~er p~blic heari~g a~d thbt espies of the seco~d draft would be available tc the pUDlic af~er Tt18sday afternoo~. FeL,ruary 16. 1998 at ~ NCI"th t-Jat:e::.' S-sreec:. f-Ier~l"'}T W.3sierst:i 5'...lggestecl de'\l'cit.i:lg a spe.cial me"et.irlg ;:.::) discussi~g the second draft. Carl Borchert ~h0~ght thc~ sho~ld be the only Dee~"i~g at which public input ~ay be accepted si~ce ttlE' C'c;rnrnissicfl hee~~-'c1 ci"ld acc~e};!t(;}~:1 ir~t:'ut. c)n t.:-18 first ,j::-2f"[. l:-~ Se~.~~.~ber and C!ct.0~er. 1 00 "1 ..L _-' <-. rI~i:3 \;.:::'u~d .3.'vc: i::1. f""::l-.t~el-' t~-r~e delEJ~lS .=.f:G giy'e- tr.:.e C:orrrni.ssic:!"l a cflanc:e "to :-na}(E: ""C.t:e fi.rl.3l '::r-.=:rt:. as gc;()d 23 i:-1PU.t a:--l(1 t.irr1e \,"c~.iJlc1 allow t;erore Toy.rD I~eet.i~g :_~l Al==,::~'i~, 19Ee. r.r._)\sJr~ ~-~c;Jllsel tlaG t3.J:er1 z-orJe iter.is c:ut c:r tj-;E: :-':.l"':::.-:. dI'a.:~ a11G f:'-:Jt: t.J-ic:71: i:-.!.~::.c: ~:"'!law- f~'~:~rn i:: ,3. 5e~:;cc:~at:e v.;aT=~arl::' al-::_:.c~~e .. (;ar 1 5 ~Ll..~?, e 5 :~-.7::1 at t.2C h:... ;~E: a c C.~J:;~~l' c: f ~ t.:.':~ 5 -r~Cl ~-="~'; e ~,-:? ...>~::':c cr'::-.t-~3 l:C r:.3.il":1ed 0-;_1 ~ 0- A ~o'~ior~ was r~ad~ , , . ;:~-a~:. _~ .:L~l;:; :t c::- ....... s!=>ec J...=-L1. see ::l.l-lg ~ . .:~r_ ';" e.c;ru,s.r-.:7 19;~;.:: as "t-:i8 :: :.r;2"~l l:):l1::=' ic l-~ea1..--ir~f; c;: tl-:.e I.J3.r:t"Gc1~et T}'"Je~_1.3rl.jE R.eF.ul.3.tic~~1~. ;.:.~-:: t..e ;-~e2::1 in tl-~::::: !'1Etr:tuc:t:et Ele:T:7~-~r.2.T'~~7 t:C:-1C..C J ; "1 r-''1~'':..;~'''''',7 - --....... -".'- 1 . ~h~ m0tio~ ~as c2rrie2. 2 . Jose;;h and JGa~ Coc:hran Ell AL - fE48-~~2 54 & ::,l) :-Jo. B-=acL ::~-:,~'pe t.. John Shugrue '~as p~ese~t as agent for ~he appli2a~t ~~d I I I I I I l req~esLec a conti~~aLce or the h~ari~g. ,--....... 1 Town of Conservation Nantucket Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 11, 1988 Page 2 A r:1cticn ,."as made to continue the hearing fer hydrological data and further discussion. The mo~ion was carried. ~. Nantucket Com~ons Trust - SE~D-~49 - Pleasant. Dave, Orange ~ Bear ~3t:r.-eets. Applicant Robert Sarvis "Jas prese;ic:. with att8rr'ley Ted Tlllotson. The Nantucket Land Council was present ~o oppose with Peggy Fantozzi~ R.S. of l:he Ese Group - Cape C:OG. Inc. Tv';"- :::2~l~"'v~S pre,se::1T.ect ,..;ith Mr. Tillc;t.sc'D .3 r-~i~.,tt.)l.""Y of ,311 t}-le C',l-lal)ge~~ in plar~s fc!r tl'1is.. ];)roj ect. He s1.:bmi tted and e~:plaine!~4 hydrological data compiled by Sc110field Brothers. There was extensive discussio~ about ho~~ m~ch ;qater would be d~verted i~1~O the wetlands after the construction of the catch basi~5. H~ a"C.terr~?ted to dernonst-.rate that +..:here w(juld not 1)8 f loodirlg (::r-.i. t.r-_'= s i t.e arlG .:soded th2..t r'le had S?;:er-lt much t~Lme. rnO!~te:.,:" arlCi er;:~i:1eeJ:.".il"}g tirne "t. (),'" a:r."cl f.ji 've'rt i~g this vIa. tel'" rrc)m ti-1ese ,,.,et.}, ar.i:j 5 . C:,=3.rl Borc..hel...t was l.1l=;set that t1"::.ere 'VJas still nc, side\..r,31}~ 5~lC"~~:1 CY1 ti-le pla:1s arl:j felt orlce it 1172.5 i!l place i.t '\~c,:~~d act as a d.~'11 and cut ;...rater fl~J~l (,ff from t.rle ,,Jetlan(is. IVlr. 'l"!illc,tson sai~:. it:. is ~he Town of Nantucket that. must file a Notice of Inte~t to C.CJrlSl:.Tuct t.:1e sid.9'\;.:aJJ(. Cia::- 1 sugg(?s.t-ed t.hat t~a:1tuc:~~e"t. CO~JTi(~~~S Trust would be resIionsible for assisting with that filing. Lind3 Ho~land of the NantucJ{et Land Co~ncil prese~~ed Peggy E',~r~toz2.i c:= The Ese: (~rc'~lp. Sr-_E'- s.tll)m:. tt.ea a If.;t.t.el''' \,.'i th a :3~TLr~aI":l ~S; the Cc,rr;;::issic)T'l da::,,::~~j lTet'. :0. 1983 ad6=essing \7arious ~aj8r i~sues wi_th this - . . a;:':p J. 1. C a -:.:. CI: . I:l l~j~~'2t. ~.11e (--:1..3i..med ~:-.:.a.t, ~..7e~., :; :::--. i=.(~i c"t.:i. G!:. c; f t.r',:s C~i')=Ttm:.. s s i C:.f.:. b(;t.:-~ :.~ndE:~ t-!-~ E. :P:::C;-rv~i2- ic~-.:.~' c-t . .. - -: ~ -.... ~ >,' tne prCJac~ as prc)po~ea aoes =a.i~ W~~11l~ ~_.~ !.~'.~~ l ~ 1 , ~o a~d ~he Nan~ucl:e~ WetlaDds Bylaw. E,:!C 't.:lat.. r_c. ~~e Not~ce c!f Inte~t 15ces not cc!~tain 2uffi~j_eD~ 3~~pO:~t 6576 -r a~ 1c";.;.,: t':-.:.e };'errr:i t~.i:~:; Q.gen.:::~l :.:rl}:",C:..ct~. . ?rop~yly Eva~ucite ~~e ~'~0:e~~ (:ther maj::.r poin~s ~lresented included the fac~ ~h~t the applican~ did net address Title 5 issues nor did te address any " Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 11, 1988 Page 3 pollution-preventive measures. The Notice of Intent was ci~ed as being incomplete because it routinely referred to info:!:n:3tion subrrli tted vri th .3. r)re\.1i;)us f il ing by the sarne appl ic:ant (-,n 1:-h.:.~ site. 'rtis made it difficult to review the present ap~'~icati::~. FurtherrTl()re, I"is. :Fantc;zzi ~t.at.ed tl1at tl1E. ap:plicar.t l1a,j f.~ile(] to supply DEQE w~th copies cf new or revised ?1~n5 submit~ed ~o the (~onl1'Tlissic~n s1.1bseq-Jent# -r.c; the c~I'iginal r~Jot.ice c;f Interl"t f il i~1g . . Cc~rl E3c::::-cr1E'J:-t 'Y'o~ri .....~.~._. t- .......r,-n ..... .....'-... ~ a letter by Schofield dated Se;lt-. . , 4';"" 19B6 (';_!}) ~"hicr! discussed calc~.lla.'":ic:ns ~elative to the des.i.grl Cl:: d::'air-!ag~ f ac.i 1 i tie s rc:Y th(~ C~(j!T'nons. IVIr. Sar'..r is cI:i.:j i"ll. Tillclt.~cr~ toe)}:: c=ffe!-:;se tl-iat ::;5C: had J:'.arti.=if)ated irl an_ ar~,s.liT3i5 designed to op~!ose the applicati()n~ since Ese had ~ee~ hired In the F1dst !:'}7 thE.~ aJ:'r.\lic:~arlt. ;~Cht2~:l felt it \"las custf,)n1ar~l .3.11:j acceptabJ.e to refar .~o plans ~n other No~ices of I~tent. ;~s. Fe~t0z=i 5aid ~tere was greet confusion in ~ow ~~ey ~ad bee~ filed and refe~enc8d. Stephen Pender, speaking as a private. citizen, wanted tc know wr~e:..-e t.ne mal-:-gir. c..f e~J:'ror \I:as in Sar",""is I cl,3.1:.a a.:-.k,j s.=tid he w,:-,-~..:~ d expect ~.~ see i~ re;~~esented as a +/- percentage in a~y r!r~lfe5sion31 calcula~ion~. Generally the inde): of ~eliabil~~y is 10~~ - 30'3~. :v:r. 2:.a:;:--"\,Tis sail:: tha-:: irlde~: ct~ul(i!1;T. ;:;e e):I:'~e:2.se'.:.; as a Du~~er in his c2lculations. Di,2:.ne C:cc.:T:-bs SF,c.3J:ing .::=5 a J:,ri~,.rate \:'1. 'Clzerl st:.,3.tec. that r'E('~E :.'"'eqL:iy'es ;-~rc;je'.:-ts cf ::}-~iE, i.2t:u::-e t.c; ,3.:pI=;l~~'! :c)r a ~vr.2=Sc.C}-l~-I2:.eL.-:'5 (irc!1..:.r.:<.:3."W'.=:-:.e:r =: is c ta.::'ge I)e::.r:--~i ~ t rlJ::.c'1.:g!-l t!16 [;2- ~.l':' 2, i:::.:.: c. ~ ~:Jat €.::.... I~2:. C~;:;crnJ:;s 2..ls c' J::rc~ d :J.(~e.d };!rlOt. ~~:?::.~ aph t- -:=.cj.:;.:.:; Pclluti~n C:~nt.rol. ci:.-',~,:: 1':'22, s'::'~"'r:llj.e'.:. b~/ J. f~lin"t.cl:; c:-j:~. E(lit.l-; AD:J.::--::::~.s of N2D~uc}:et, ~ln~ch pl~~t.r2ye~ ~he ~O~ in question ~~r~~g fl~c:ci!..g ::;cr~;'J.:..c.:....:.;:s . The 1~et_a~~5 were floc,ded ~o C:ra~ge S~~ee~* l~c,:,--tC::-l S c<rlls~. s i11ge.r-. t::c':.:: te:i ,_.:,~j:t tr~e :: l c:()!.iir.g .:1..2....~ .,::";'l"'::,:'e:-l-::.l'/ 08curs a~ 117 Pleasa:1t Stree~ a~ the Pos~ O~fice a~6 s~gg8s~Ed i t. W..~3 l:)ec.3.u~;e tr-ie rj2't.i.l::"'al d:.'a.:.::a.gEl ,,:;f \J.~r...at. ,..;a5 c(r:ir.:irlall +J": "'(.;-je ~~~per reaches of Miacomet Va~ley had bee~ interrup~ed. ------ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 11. 1988 Page ~ Carl and Lee Dunn wanted to deny the applica~ion under the local byl.5\,t. They v.lere suspicic;l.:s of c.=.lculatior~s 'V!hich r.ut gre,=..t weight upon limits as small 25 6 i~ches in the flood elevations. Ca~ .1.. :118(1e a mf)t~ion to close t.r!e hear i11g. Ej_ll \~Jillet 2.110 ~enl-JY Wasieyski wanted ~o con5Ul~ DEQE'and hire a hyd~olc:gist ~o ana_yze the data. There was additional discu32ion about the history of Miaco~et Vs.lle~..T 1"jater le'lel=. ar~d its geolcJg:t. C~arl ECiI'che:rt:, sJ:>eaY::.r-.;g .35 a registere(j Prof.8ssi()nal ErlgilJeer and one fa-niliar v7ith tt-le topc:graphy in the area. t~ought this was all one 12rge watershed. He sa~d the filling a~ the Post Office did not p:rCl\.~ j.c1e any vJ.~t.e::- to t~1e Ci)~~-r1C:-1S :'ot tl"lrougrl r"L:I:ciff a~c \-lrler~ there is flooding, it occurs in the wetland. Mr. ~arvis invi~ed tt-.:e (~orn..'T'~i5si{=:tn tc eT~raluat_e Scrlc,fj_eld. t s data, yet Lee [YLi.nn deba-:.ed whether it wo~ld be pruden~ small perameters. . , 1:8 s_pe:-li:t 50 muc~ town m8~ey to analyze such Ms. Fantozzi offered some procedural suggestions fc:r the C~crrrnis=.ioll; 1) if a tlyd.rolcgist is l-lired, t:ne scope (.1f t1-ie inves~ig2tion should be narrowed as reuch as pcszible; 2) the C:orr~'T:~3Sic:l1 ~.ay 11CJt. asJ~ [)E<JE ver~-l :=,pecific ':';';Jestic,r:s .3.tJC;llt ~C1V.;-r-C dec.i:je on aT1 a}:}};;l icatic'll because I\EGiE is r.:.ot tC:l-iTl2.J.l~'" ir.i.~-i~;l \1 8 f:L at t}'!is time; 2) the proponent ~12t address all changes i~ plan~ or i~ the original Notice tc each permit~granti~g au~hority (LJEC\E & the C:c;rnITiiE".=:.1.cn ,; ~"::1:J.er t:he lc~c-al l-)~{la,<'. Ca~l 3orcl1e~t;s mc.t~'~n -r-'-l ,~---~ C::'C1se t. ~~ E- :-~ e 2~r _1 ng st':)c:c. . T:1E- IT: '~.! -r- ..:. ::-;: ~,,:rs..s carr'lE:Q. Lj, . Je~~"t05 [J::"'iscol~ '-.'r.:_E" (t~,t:,~e~/ \rJE4Y. ..;.'lI:.2. (=:-C'ilgr-...a:-1C;l:.l'" c;f =E? , ~-- ,.... ~......"-" . t~:a~ :~~}:,E:-5erlt. a.s - . .. . -" ',' - -- 2geri~ :or ~~e ap;\l:.ca~~ ana 3~Dm~~~ec a n6~ p~a~. :=::>2 ~t:::reeci "tel =:;e:~,j (..~ CC';.'~l t,-::, I;EC:E fer tr.:ei..1.... fi':E-~,. ;j.:-.i e .3 d. .;.. ::1 this ;;~rticular si~e is ~~~ther ~ gO;:~G 'Eource of sedimen~5~i('n n0~ a v9r~ical bu~~e~ ~Yom ni;h va~e~. 50 is therefore ~0t c'= gl-'c2.t 5 igr-!if ica~.l~:e 3S c cc,ast21 ':';2.:-11::. '.......... ~""'. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 TilJirlutes elf Fe})ruary" : 1 ~~, 1988 Pcge 5 Henry Wasierski expressed h~s concern that others along the length of the pond .would approach the Commiss.:.c:l. in the future with similar requests for bulkheads. Carl Borchert said the site is belol~ the lOO-year f~cod level. A motion was made to continue the hearing ror 5 DEOE file num.Del", 'Ihe rnc~tion vla.S ca::r ied.. 5. Elizabeth McIlvain - I~illl:::':'of~j~ R_oad. A motion was made -r r. ~,-' co:ctint:e the he.::iri:1g fc'r a I}EC:}E file , n~rri.Der .. rr~~'"":e :notic1D v.ia~. carrie(l. C \_, .. Peter Nash/Gif~ord - SE~8-~58 - One Easton Street.. r. rriCl7..ifj;-~ t~la5 made to close the he2rirlg .. r;"'~'l ;:;J ....l............ rn(.~-c...:...c;n was CBI"rlea .. ~!.. oj.. Pet:~pe~ E!razie:::- - SE:d-3--4;.55 +- 37 Ga_r!~ne= F{oaa. Ti:-la C'.ouE:-la:-~our of IEPt lnc. was presen~ as agent ~or the applican~. At~Or!1E,Y Kevin Dale was also present wi~~ architect Mr. King. Robert Dayrlol.' e'f [Jc'y'lc;r CC)D3ul t~ing Grc) ",-1j:.l represerited arnlt.tel.-3 T-'..l~}:e:::- l3.rl:j Karp. Bill ~rJillel~ ~"E--rnc:\7ed himself frc\I:'~ t1-~e rC;i)m ~:i1..:ri!:g t.je 11ea~ing .. Ms. Cougha~our 5ubmi~ted a revised sewage disp')sa: system (rev. dat.e ~~'er,'. 9 ~ 198 e) and E7:}-~i~bi t E - ::,1J.p!;,lerner-.i.tE~1 J.:-lfC'j~:n.~L..i:.):1 -- Septic Systerrl Impacts on Water Q~ality. She then acdressec t.ne ite~s of ad~itional infcrmatio~ req~ested at t}1e Ja~. 7. ~':l~iR n~ee"t.:r:g : 1 \ j,. i ;:l2r~-.:.er bE~.~C<:: , . . Ci e-:::. eJ.T~ ":':-:-3""C.':" c: r.: - 2'1__e ~etlned t~e t~~~ a~!J s~a~ed the=s is a tr~e b~~~ie~ beach nea~by O~ !~a~tL~}:e'~ E,3:''':'l()r. t.'U7~ thi;3 . . - .... -' ~:::.e. cce:=. :":;O"t ':":1 .r-~e:r' C'pl:':.l.'..:~r~ c::.:a..L.::.r'l" _.._' a J:.;.=~l-'rier ~)eacl-; l' l I defi~ition cf up~a~d 3.L d r ":::' ~= ~; .:-.:. ,.~r at:. e l~ , .. C::C:':..lD(iar le s .::,:1 C r-:-.i.e of Grc~]1dsel ~3accha~i~ h~limi~c:liaj - 3he ~aid ~his is ~ monotypic facultative wetl~nd spec=ies and ~~a~ t~e boundaries 25 now flagged are ac~ura~e. ;--... . \ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 11. 1988 Page 6 3) wet.land::. seeTne v iev:s - Mr. King said the range of heights of the proposed dwelling is 22 - 25 ft.. meaning 21 - 2~ ft. above the top of the foundation. Both heights are below a line drcvm b~tween abutters' ~cofli~es. Ph0~OS depicting a view from Whalebone Eill weye reviewed. 4) sep~ic system impact3 - Ms. Coughanour discussed ~ables =on~ained in exhibit E showing a} ho=izontal and ver~ical setbacks - proposed le2ching trenches and b) ~ovement of bacteria ~hrough SOli. There is proposed o~e house per 5.5 acres, She felt the 1~etla~ds are very beneficial to l1i "t.l....{:.:gE~n ;J.l~ta].:e. 5) access & parking pla~. flocd-proofing utilities under code - if the existi.ng read ha~ to be imp~oved, tnen a Lew Nc~ice of Intent wil: be filed~ The Massach~se~~5 Building (;c;ce 5tat'23 t-n.3t u::de1.....gro-:~11d. utili ties r:1Ust r>9 resist.a:-lt t.c storm da~cge. .t~"'J.t. [:EC)E has nc; specific =e(~1J.ireme::ts t [.Jiane C.ocrnl:i5. sJ:'eaj~l!1g as ~{ec.c<r'dirlg Sec-retary. (:f "t.~e l'Jari::o.;.;.cj._e::.:: Harbor and Shellfist A,jvisory Board. again h~gh~igh~ed ~aj0r problems in the ~arbor due to increased bacterial grc~wth at i~5 edges. SHA3 is in ~he p~cce5S of study~ng the algae ~r:)w~j w11ic11 ZIT:clt1"1er'2, "lJa:t....icluE s:pe:c,ies of shellf i:=:rl. :::r~e IT.ace ~f.=fe::-e:1c.e to otner ~O~:~3. those O~ the Vineyard in particular. which ~a~e pl.lt. rr:...)ratCjl--- i lLTiS ::.';:' CC.' c.=:. s ~= 1 ~buj_l ~::_ir:g; . S}-;,e ,:;i t.ec: !!}-.;.-:.:..rna:-l i=-;\.e:.-~..:~e!1 as t~e main p~ob12n 8~aI'acterized by an 0verab~ndance of c he!1:i c c<i. 5 . fer~i:~=e]"5 2~~i ~:15ec~ici6es used In - . __ ,=....-~ ''::'2> c~ ei}: .:. :". g. .:-~ =- well as TOG rra~y sep~ic 3yste~5 in ~oo s~all an a~ea. ~.;~A=:i~. gc~irlg .=..'t i ""C" ::i;==ser:1~;:3._ l~'...'V,. ~/~"t 1-lo];l82:; -:0 \.Jo::~].: -:-1:' --:':-... ~~l-.:e :~.':.;~l:'".iss~cr_ ar~d c-t~'"le~ de'r:-al~t.:Tle.n't.:3. 7i~poi_nt. poten~ial prc;r:~22s 8e~'~=2 ~he c. arr~ [.. g e:. _ -' rJ. Cl =->= . Rc;~ert ~!aYlor. Pr9~l'=e11.= of Da~rlor C~cJ~~ulti~g G=o~:p, SOOKS ~~~ c-b!..rtt~+er~s ry':.;cJ:e:r- ar~.~ ~:c..1.""? ~ t:E ~~E:ques"t.e,:: .::O~'~E~S of IEP l:s :roe;',: ~t.. airn t.C'\..,r2:t-C..~ ser::t-2-C S),~s:-.err.s 2r.;.d. sugge=:.~ed ttlE: ,3.r.,~:.licant S:-.J)1.:l.c Ee ;.ointe6 C'~~ that so~e of the ditches .i:-~ '"C.!: e - - S=-~..;. ~:11a:::-=.~ abo?e. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of Feb::'uary 11. 19'88 Page 7 supply distances to them and travel times of various bac~eria. He also sugges~ed that the pl~p in the septic system r~ay not conform t.o the Building Code and the Commission may wish to check this out. He said this is an extremely restrained site and is a c~a5tal t]a~~ on the Earbor side, ~ut no~ on the ma~s~ side. He said the Coastal Barrier Beach Survey had made a somewhat p~3grr:atj_c determirlctior:. c.f the site irl ql.1esti.orl, t.~;..:t felt portions of the lot real~y do qualify as a barrier beach. Carl Borchert thought 2 five bedroom house constituted a lcyge house in rela~ion to the proposed septic system and suggested the Order of Conditions could impose limitations. He also wantaed. t<:! J-::-l()W l-li~,,,j rnL1cll f ill ~~las tel toe brc;i..:gnt :':11. Artlrtlr Reace. of Reade an.d. Alger t.r1ought the Commis5i''.)~1 s1-1c;~c.l<J. tl1iruc abc~u"t water easements. IVlr. [Lale tel t -!"~his was the ay.:tplic:ant's f'ri)D..Lem. I-herE: \;.!as some discu:::.s:.or: .3Dc~Ut 5etti~l; c: preceden~ with this Order of Conditions. St.e;:,hen Be:-l,jer, rep1:-esE:!ltir.ig 11irr~fjel f arjd t!-~e ".1. o~.n Sl~le=-lf ish Biol()gist. }{er.:. Kelley.... wr~;:: could r}.e,t be preser:t. s:3i::1 "the :f.3.rl)C;~~ is seriously deteriora':i~g and ~hat they acd others we~e i!l t~e pT'ocess 0:: t:r~li:-:g to d.etermine y..7!-1'f/". .He sug.geste-:1 the (~orrt:ni~,~ic:;l either de~y this appli=2~io~ br re~uire the ~se of a sealed-type protllem \Ni ::'11 :.-ed -:.ide c;::"ga11isrn5 on LC1:1_g Isla~id. !"Jew -,;="oI']:3.::d that it is ~~ill not fu~ly understaod. sep"tic s1o"st.eIT1. Diane !:oombs oi SHAB menti~:!~ed the rece~t !~arl Borcl1~rt ~2de __ moi:~o~ to =o~ti~ue ~~e ~ea~lng ror ~(re itl! OI':-::a:t i :-:',1""l : ..;: ~:-le , fj "L:..i"'r..':7 e ~.... c;f c"'_:t l C ~,/ ar~:1S fill rt:? 0 il.:..::-e c~ ;~ ~~::;~"'~ "'::-rlE' 2t3:)-:::":: -:::..::c r::'urr;}:' =,~o's~..:.e~s ~~e t.::; }::,e }:er--~. \J-7a....~e1.....~l~: :-~-:- i= ~~~ dist2~ce~: =TG~ the exis~ing se~l~lc systeMS J_~ ~~e 2.:"---=2 ~.::: '. ,. . '1 -:-. rl E: ::~ ,:-:..1 ~.:..rr: c~::. s rl di t-8':-~~ E The moticl~ '~as carr~ec. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 Minu~es of February 11, 1988 Page Q 8. LaHrence Pfaff - SE~8-463 - Alaba~ma Ave.. Madaket. A motion was made to close the hearing. The rnoti-;xl ,,,as carried. 9. Crow's Nest Assoc. (reDov; - SE~8-46l - 10 Crow's Nest Way. A motion was ~ade to close t~e hearing. The motio~ was carried. 10. Crow's Nest Assoc. (septic) - SE48-462 10 Crow's Nest Way. A rnotio~ was made to close the hearing. The motion was carried. 11. JlJnn l:\!. Bart.lett - SELl-8-~59 - 283 Hurnrnoc}: f>cind vlas made to c~lc;se 't.ne r..:eE..r ing. I1he m(Yt.l!Jn was Road. A . ~ carrleCl. mc;tio!l. 12. Ted Gcdfrey - SE48-~15 - 325 Polpis Road. A motion was ~2ce close the hearing. The moti)n was carried. 13. He len S. lrJl-li-terleac} - Ba::..:ter the hearin~ for a DEOE file Reed. A motion was ::ur:1L:;er. The motion made ... - ,-v cc:;-.:. t.J..r~\; e \~as ca=r.1.~d. 14. Rudolph l-Jeisskopf - 113 Baxter Ibad. A motion was ~ade ~8 cc~ntin"..1e t.he l-it?a1."'ing fc.:r a DEC1E f ile numDe~. carrleiJ. . ,...., ~ - ~ ine ITl')t:LOn ,:.;as 15. Monomoy Harbor Realty Trust - 3E~8-465 "- 60 Mcno~oy Roade 1.'.1.:-_3. Coug~ano~r of rEP, Inc. was present as agent fo= the applica~~. Attorney Kevi~ ~ale was also prese~~. Ms. l;ougnanc'.~r gave -~ b~ief aescrip~icn of the ____ a~d stated ~hat 388 sq. ft. ~!e~3 ~o 2e fiJ,led and 670 sq~ ~.. we~e to be replicated. Her.:r':~'" t\a.s:..ersJ.-:i tr-10~-=gr.;.T~ tr..e Ct22"::~e:..:.;: -:.re:l(! vlas t.() l.-3.";./(-T" ...~7e-:._..,3.~-;::~:=. enhanceme~~ elver ~eplicat~~n. Bill Willet ask~d i~cl'Llc.ed 1=";~11i1l.g tl-~_e d:jdi-::i:,:-~ :::5.:~j: :..n. J(~. Dale i:lr 'tIle :p.lan h=i~ '.bee~ \\Tit:-.l(1::''',=~~'J'r-:.. ..-- " - - - -..... ,-. _.: -..,- , \_....It=- :"~C.l~ said tl-:c."t ':.'.=fi E:,J.ac].:\-;e2..1 ~:):: :-:a~t"Bl.a.::j:Y.Jei.l &: Jo""4.~'.S(;C:. ~c.~_'---:. 1\ a::. t ',.1 :' j.: ~ ...: Health ~e~'~rtmen~ r~q~i~e5 t~is se?tic sys~e~l De ~eje5~g~~.~. he would be comi~g back w~~h th5~. It ~Tas men~i(:~ed ~~a~ filling '-' r>o:L"t.i:):-'i i_,'~. .~rle wetlan(1 \4culd be l"'e~:;:ui::"~E~(: tei tl":":~.l.:3. tt.c-: garage. ""'. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 !"1inutes of February 11, 1988 ~'age 9 A rncition \..r2.S ma:3e L,C) c~ontirPJe the hearirig fo::- mc,re infc<~_"rna-ci(':'n on the septic sl-Ys"t.em and f~.lrtner dis~.::ussiorl. ~"he rr~c,ticjn v..~a3 carr:.ea. B. REGULAR MEETING amended. 1988. A motion was made The motion was carriee. t.el acce-c,t -- r..=.. --.....<- rni :1l..::t. e s or as Ja:;;uaY"}T 'l 1. Minutes IVIir11_:tes I:>r J'ar~uary 14.. 1988.. the next scheduled meet~ng. The ~inutes will be accepTed ~~ Mi:mtes of Janua:ry 21. ::.'388. the ~ext scheduled ~eeting. The minutes Wl~l be accepted =+ 2. Other Business a. fl"=clvl:1 c)f l'Jan";cucJ:~et (l\Jorr~"tan La:-:.Ti!,::"t:l) - Surrsid.e an(l Si.asc.c,:-~~-=~ se\.JE:r t!....eatrner.lt~ r:<i.ants - c2.arif icatio11 of (il-',:1e::'. 1'1r. La:-2;c.:: preserlted a 1~,t:t'3Y t.() "t.I-.t8 C~c.!rr~i 35 ion reCluest':'rlg cC::1.f irnaL..i.'~'=--.. -c.l~;at. the ~~;\<Tl need riot file a riev! I\J(;tic~e of Irlterrt C..S a r'=3-~1 ~c- c)r ac.ticl:-l ta}.:erl at the I'JIa')r 14 ~ 1'9:2 7 meet~ir4g ~.,,ii t~_ re~"pe ct. to.: ~ncreasing the limits c~f construc~ion for bc~~~ cf the a<.tJcl'Je-me~t.i(~r;.el:' f2c-ili-t.:.es. J~P?arer.:ti:;7 the (:>:'IT'mis2, i(:r.: '::c..':: :-l::-C corlE ilTIe.i "t.:.rlis i:-~ \.2:"i t.il"lg ~t -::.ne "t:"::te.. r;c'Y r~2c: i"'C. :beer: l'ef l~c:-:e::1 :~::-l ::.he 1T~i:-.i.'t~te5. It :11c,tic.,:-~ \':[,32' !T;ad,e -:'.(.1 se:-1C~ .-1 J.e~~~t.e~' to lVI:.~. L2.:--~IT;=.r: c/c :-"';..=. ~~}ar: -:.":...: C;}~8t :ec.; 2.:r'd ''::' f 5 e 2. e-c;:mer~ c.(J~~f i1-~ni:-~g t 1-.8 re~-;,. isetj 1= 2.. 2.:-.5 ccns~itu~e a ~aj0r cl~a~ge and that a new No~~ce .:.f I~~e~~ .. :-1':: t '....!~: I"': ~ c~ '. .' :-ll:,t:. 1":.'-3 1....eq1.1l:!.:.erj. !"'O"" .- ~. ~ . ." '.;_'~~e ',_: :1:Tt;~:":=; 5:' c:~~-.I. c...:..~. c\ g a \;--e ll:.;;. ;:.'El:--r:-:=-:=-~. .:...::';-- i:-~3-::2.1:. 7:~.~,r-lj ~-:.:.-.:r~,~ \~c2.-~=, :;.~ ;:-":"-::~: 5:..t'?S in L.~.:.e -' . J.. 1:-' (~~. c. -:- :.. c'r::5 :-i ::. -:~. ~ '.-:: c~ 11 ~rle revised ~la~s and ~n acc.~~6a~ce with t~e pre2e~ta~lc~2 tr.t=. C'-cr:~i=,si():"'.:.. -:.::e rncJ t:~..:. ~:: v~".3.5 . -, :~.ar::'-2.ecl. . ----. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 IVlinutes or February 11. 1988 Page 10 3 . Request.s for -... ' .. l)et::erm:..r?.a T"l () I: a. Karl Otti50~ - Orange street. A motion was ~ade to lssue 2 negative Detel-mina-:.ic!"1 =.tating the work described in 'the RequE-st is \~ithin the Buffer Zone, as defined in the regulations, b~~ v7ill nc.t alter an lJ.r€.~2. St~t.:jec~.t tCI ~)rc,tecti.<:)n lJ;1aer t.he Act. 'rh"3rerore.. said vlclr}: <J.cles r~ot".. rec-~iI'e ~the f il i::g c;i a I"~c'L.ice of lr::.t.er~t" . The motion was carried. }). .i-\r\Tids Reil-;l:lergs - 62 l,zc::r-tJ1 ~i:bel~t-y Street.. A rnc;ti.jn was rr.2.~je t~:> iSS1..l6 a l:>o.si-ti\.re [je~ermir-.:.ation stating tr.:.e aJ.:"ea described in t-he Request is an Area Subject to Protec~ion Unde~ the Act. Therefore, any removing. f~lling, dredging or alteri~g of that area requires the rlllng of a No~ice of Intent. The motion was carried. 4. uraers of Conditions a. i-Tc'rlD W. Bartle"Ct - ~~.Ef!8-L~.59 - 283 Hl.Jm-nocJ~ ?0~d Rc:a~-1. T. .P. motion was made to issue a standayd Order cf Conditions ~o include the tol~owi~g S?ecial Ccnditic~5: :. J SE:cti:~n ":~ t I .....'1,.,. ( 3) f~)f the \rje"'t.lar~~is RE'gt:lat.irjrls! - - I)~-c.rr:u i. g.:: 't.e G "Ll~deY G.L. ,,_.. 131. :-'. ~lU. rel;'lllreS t-n2..t ~C' c~l~a~,t-,=..2. e:-.;.girleer.irig ::'::.-:'::1j":--:"'_l:re ~ s1~ch ,=tS a !)ljlJ:11ea::l ~ re\le~r7:er~t C:::' secr~Jla1l, = ~-~.?Jll 1')8 pE~l."':T~i ~t.e(: c:~:. aI'~ e-~c),j:"T";.g 1:)2:.:-.dz at ar.:.'}7 t.irr;E: i:-.: t-:-~7 :~~~.:__:::>~ ;:.('; .. ' - ""' .., ~ .. --... ;'-.-' -. - . . .t=-.'~-(l-:.€, c-:. -:..r-~e 1=-T'C:; e C~. c.i.":' Ci"v.,r,':= d 1:;~..: "'tr::.. =- {_:rcel- Co:- ;-_ C D:.J.:" "t: .l.c:r~ =, . 2 ) ~I}-1'2 s rl :\"'\-~-;f ,=:tlC E 2" ~:2.2.1. l:>e- i:-j ::.' J_ c ce l---:e f CJY8 !~C!i~3 -::.:",-"~-..: ct- ic::-; t- e, g :.;-;...= as 311()V]r~ ~,-r:. -:.r:-= l.imit.s (;f WI):!:-]: cr::. -:.rle 1::<.Lar~s 2.r;::1, sh'3.1l tiE: maintained in good CODditio~ tn~c:~ghout duration .~f the \~ork. . - cons~r~ct~:::!1 aDd ~~e The motio~ W3S carried~ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of February 11, 1988 Page 11 5. Certificates of CompliaTIse a. Michael O!Mara - SE48-337 - 240 Polpis Road. A motion was made to issue a Cer~ificate of Compliance cer~ifying that the work regulated by ~he above-referenced Order of Conditions has been satisfactorily co~pleted. The motion was carried. b. Paul DeGive (Gallanterl - SE48-148 - Shav~:em0. VIT. DeGive 'V-l2.S ];:;reserl~ to re-:;ru6St. arl E:;-:,tensiCtD Pe~rni t. C;ll .3ll. ():r:de1.... elf Conditions due to expire on May 8, 1989. He explained that he was in the position of wanting ~o sell the property, however several cr his pl'ospective buyers were Fary because the 4th and most recent Extensioll Permit had been noted in the minuteE '~L Ma"}T 8, 1986 tel t;e t'ne fi:1a} one -r..he C~c:rnrn,issic)n VTC;U.ld g~ar1"t. ::,=rl the Order. He felt it would be easier to sell it another Ext.6!iSior.l Perrni.t vlere ~;ecllre'3... The results of an April 28, 1981 field inSPEction re~ort were read. 1'1::'.. I\e(}i'\7e sai,li if aT;othe~~ :E:~:tensiCin is l~i)t g!'--arits.:j. t~ie:l a sha(:!c:w c,f ,:lC.:tl]:.t. is cast ):;y'" .prc<3:pec"ti \78 r)u)lel'"'s as t() ~..;her:. ':1r if they ~ay build on ~ne lot and fearing that if they filed a~other Notice cf I]1tent they the lot and ask Peter ~lc!uJ_d t..e derliec. Lee I;unn or~Tanted -c:.c see- [)un\-1id~:1j_e e..bout thE~ "'Jc,-:.e gra:-;~lr~g - ;'-..- "-.......- f~na~ Ex~ension. :'r-~e reqiJest. ~N5S cC):-lt.i~~..led t.o -:.~h.e r.:.e:~:t ., ........ . sc~eaU_Le.j ~ee~~ng. There being -;-j,-', .I.. '_' '::"t.:-l:~r !)U5 :.rleS5 . t~ne I'neeti!:.g aci.: c:ur:-"ed a"t. .:.,,;.. : :j:: ~?~.