HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-21 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 AGENDA FOR JA~uARY 21, 1988 'A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Nantucket Wetlands Regulations 2. Joseph & ,Joan Cochran ET AL - SE48-i!l.t2 - 5i! & 56 No. Beach St. 3. Nant.ucket Commons Trust - SEl.t8-4l.t9 - Pleas, Dave, Or & Bear Sts. 4. Ja~mes Driscoll - One Osprey Way 5. Wayne H. Dupont - SE48-460 - Codfish Park Road 6. Elizabeth McIlvain - Millbrcok Road 7. Ellen FlarrsTI - SE48-Ll-51 - (1-3 Squarn Road 8. Richard and Nicki Gamble - SEl.t8-464 - Pocorno Road 9. Peter Nash/Gifford - One Easton Street 10. ~r. Pep~'er Frazi.er - SEi!8-4.55 - 37 Gardner RCJad 11. Lawrence Pfaff - Alabama Ave., Madaket 12. Craw's Nest Associates (renovations) - 10 Craw's Nest Way 13. Crow's Nest Associates (septic) - 10 Crow's Nest Way, Wauwinet 14. John W. Bartlett - 283 Hu~mock Pond Road 15. Richard E. Kotalac, Jr. - SE48-~57 - 129 Meadow View Drive 16. Ted Godfrey - 325 Polpis Road 17. Helen Whitehead - Baxter Road B. REGULAR JVIEETING 1. Other Business a. Frank and Karen Powers - 115 HThiffil0ck Pond Road b. Yates DEQE site visit - Jan. 22, 1988 - 12 noon 2. Orders of Conditions a. John Mark - SE~8-45~ - 28 & 30 Gosncld Road 3. Certificate of Compliance a. Michael O'Mara - SE~8-337 - 2~O Polpis Road 4. Extension Permit a. Robert. & Sharon H2.Jnilton - ~;E48-31,,4- - :3 E.=:tgles toling Way 5. Bills to be paid 6. Correspondence 7. Field InspectioDE - se~ date and time c. Quaise Road riprap - possible violation d. Arvids Reinbergs - 62 North Liberty Street - RFD e. Karl Ottison - Creeks proper~y - filing needed? d. Phil Bartlett - Hw~~ock Pond Road - road along pond e. Rudolph Weisskopf - l13 Baxter Road - Nor f. Michael G'Mara - SE~8-337 - 2l.t0 Polpis Road - Cert/Cornp ) g. 1-1onornoy Harbor Realty Trust - 60 Monornoy Road - Nor '-'\ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 1. MI~JTES OF JM~JARY 21, 1988 The public hearings of January 21. 1988 were called to order at '7: 31 PIIIl. I~embers present ,"'ere: Peter ttJ. Dunwiddie - Chairm.=m, Lee Dunn. Bill Willet, Don'::ild \Ti5'~O. (:.arl Borchert. Members absent \.;ere: Granvi2.1e Cx'anst.on, Henry h!csierski. Administrator present: Ben McKelway. A. PUBLIC HEAHE~(~S 1. Nanttccket r"Jetlands Regulat.ions. Peter Dunwiddie reported ttat Assistant t.o Town Counsel Elisabeth Goodman had fil'!.ished revising the draft regulations and now Town Counsel Paul [JeRensis was v.lor}::illg ,:)n them. Peter saicl the C~on1IT\is:::.ion \~;ill notify the p'l:blic when the revised draft is l'eady fer dis::U5Sio:-; and public review. A motion was made to continue the hearing for receip~ of the revised draft. The motion was carried. ') JoseljD :3.n~.:l wlJarl C,')chra11 E11 A_L - :3E/*8--4~:2 - 54. &. 56 l'Jo. P,e:3.Cri Stree~. Attorney Ted Tillotson represented the applicant and sutmitted a copy of a letter to agent John J. Shugrue from rEF, Inc. d~ted Jan. 8 stating that their senic,r hy~rologi5t was unat.le ~to comput'.e t1-1e flc1c,d stc)r,=..ge \7c;ll."L.rne 0: "t.r~e basin gi\re:1 the CUrre!1.t t,opography as shown on the pla~s. The letter state;~ the current plans show no basin on the property and ~herefore the ir~cr~rnent.al flc;()d s'tcJl....age \.ToJ_L:ITleS a:r-e _~_;n::'c)ssil)le to calc~~atef I~ s~~ggested that an additional survey t1e cond~cted TaJJhicjl 31-:(:"\-'15 the e).:te;~t <~}ld the f.::eptr--. c~f the t.a.s.in. rvr.,..... T i ~ l ~:., -:'5 ':;n 5al~j 1:UJ':-T..:..t1er brllsr.:.cutt.il-:.g: . - - :..~ n,)'V; lleeaec: t.el ]:,el--: .:::":: this :3.::-=_i tl:.)r~al 3~r"",~e"'~,; l!C~J,: a:-id I\~r. S}-n..lg::'ue t=;oir~teci Cf:.lt. c;r~ '=:. rnar~ jus~ wt~re ~hat ,~o~ld OCCU2-. Lee D~nn~ Car: E0rcher~ and ~0r~ald ""Ji:=>:"c ag.reed th2:~:- -:.1~is \..;:~S tJ:e be3~ tirte of :~le2~:r- tJ) al:' it 211t.J the -Jsgetation wc.ul.d g~c;w ~Jaci: ~n o~e seasc,~. T~ere wil: ~e a~ g :''t.. 'v..',i~::e 7".J>3.Cl: made \\Ti -:.~l: a 5 J: ...._ ...;.- \..- . C~l-c. -c..e}~ l"r~ e i =-_f C;r83. t:. 'Jr: will t:e ~v2ilabJ.e at tte ne):t mee~ing. A n.o~~_iCl:r~ '"v7as 7na:,Je tJ) CC)D"t.l.r1t:e tIle ":-.~ea:ri:1g "t.Cl alJ~c:v.." a 2_:'T:i-:.ecl amGtl~t of bru~hcutting ts obtain additional top2graphic data be p1~es0n~ed at the nex~ meeting. The motio~ was carried. -r,. .......~ -... Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes ot January 21, 1988 ?age 2 3. Nantucket Ccrrunons Trust - SE48 - 4L19 - Pleasar.t. Dave. Ora:1ge and Bea:!:' 2:::.reets. Applicar~t Ro::,ert Sarvis '..ras present with his attorney Ted Tillotso~ and Garry Hollands, Principal Geo10giz.~ and Vice President of IEP, Inc. Mr. Hollands gave a lengthy presentation discussing the h~ldl"'(ilc~gical da.t.a submitted ):;y :3cl1c,f :..e1 d Brc)thers, Ine., ::'l1e relat,i-,re value of -,.,hat t.he applicant is addressi:1g as b..:o wetla.r:-:l areas c:n tlle site, t.he \'V""ildl ire il-i'f\,ren't.()ry arlc 1=!os~.i1:ile re2ci~\I:atic!n cf a wetland. IvIr. Holl.3.nds ha(j t\een as:k:ed to gi 'Je E detailed surmna.ry (of his credentials t.o t,he Corn!nission Whlctl incl ;Jd(~~:! :,eX'''Jirlg on a. (:oflsel...\ration Cc!rnrnissic1n j_D a Cape C'J-j T.~t~,-T:: as \"ell as wit.}) the Ma.5S. AS5ocia~ion c1f Cor;servatiorl CCJn1Ir~issi:,):lS . He s.po}-::e abc'!1..1t. t.ne state :::--esula"t.J..cl~s and e:{plained '-vJl-!y 15c11j3.~.:-~d. Vegetated Wetlands we=e separated out. The state tries t~) tis Bordering Vegetated Wetlands to the functions and values tc hurr:a:1s and how they may be geared toward surface water DodieE'. Isolated Vegetated Wetlands have fewer pres~~ptioDS and a~e the least in value of all classified wetland resource areas. He said cnly s~rface ~!ater. ~ot ccmpe~satory flood storage. is of val~8. Mr. HollaD~s sta~.e~ this is not part of a ripari5:~ sys'::.err; ~ ha.\'-ir.:g lie. :.::le'"C.. fl.:>r .::utlet. ()i'1l ~l ce~..i..:.ai:rj perfor'r::a~ce starldards apply: 1) there shall be no lateral ~isplace!~E~~ f-' suj~Jtance5 i~ ~he ~!a~8r a~fec~ the r:~ote::t~.o~ 0= p~tlic ard 5U:;::>;: lies: 3) 2) protec~ion of public and p=ivate wate= ~he deg~Ee ~c which orga~ic and inc='g2~ic flc.(".ld. '.J.3tel"s; private wa~er' sUD~,lies. Lee. r:.U.:.:.r~ -3.::..j,:::::,: \/,.'1-1:'/ t.he .="_l"'ea 1 c: r~e.l:lg defi:-.i.ed bj; "tt.:.+? \CC~-:.}=. flo1':")c eJ.~~'I'.i'~t~c'r; 2rlG 11CJt. -t.~e :~.>?g"'J.la.tior:..~.. IVlr. Hc~11c.~~;6s ~:2,i6 t,~~~ 5"ta-t..-:.e r(;g1J_l.=~t:.::.l=-~s sa.')' tc~ -;':Se t..~e lOO-'.{l-. floc;cl ele"'vatio:-; -r"...,.:-..~_:-~ He ~,:3.itj -:-.he (:cr~-:c~:-.iS engineer 3UZ-5.rlc:"~'l5}:i \-,.23 tbe~e is 3 iis~ut.e. l~) o~': i:-lg f Cl!.--- tr~ e ~~!et:-l ,:3.:-.::: s DC~.~":2-.1d_t3.r ie;::,!, riel t. "':.1:e t~~rE:~ :=,}--.l.Ci l.j c;:- f 1. CI~-:i C. f31e\.a:ti ::,:-:s. L~e ,=.~}:e~i M~ I E:a~"'~.;i~. t.e y-ea.j c~l(:ij\= a :pe.rag-=a;:::-l fr('~-~ a. l\!c\~]E'!:,':::.:~:'-' 18 ~ 2-9:36 le-::-:.e-:-- in whic~h ~e a.rg"L1ed that -t1:e ~~~-:..ject wCJ1..1l:. ::c,t brir:g abc!1..1t t:r~e lcrlg-"":el-m degradatiol1 of "'the yle;~.:.l.3.::!:'2. ) Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Hinutes elf January ')1 '-'...i.., 1988 Page 3 Mr. Hollands revieHed the ictent. of app::'icat.ioI1 and discu2.sed the makeup of the soils and how the current vegetative cover types had been inver:toried. The soils aTe pocrl y drai:'led and the plant cOITlrTIuni -r:ies are classif ied as wet meado\>! and shrl1b S1",ramp. support.ed by letters and a map submitted by IE? The vegetation is made up of both obligative and facultative species. Using the 50% cr~teria this is a wetland, but he arg~]ed that none of these species is u:1ique to this wetland .31:d some also grow in upland habitats on ~he Island. He saia, if this 50% ~riteria were used strictly, then one could nlap rnos~ of Nantuc}~et as a wetland. IVlr. Eolla!ld.5 said he was pre}:larecl tc; argue succesSf~1111-Y lJ.]'i~l-.l DECE on several points in order to overcome the presuJ1.pticns ct signi f icance ar;d. tr18 perfOl.-:Tlarlc~E:: staD.d.3rdz. He said tJ-.:.8 ;.:"ec11arge -\T~l:..Ie of tl-.ii~~ ,..;retland i:.:. ::Sl:estionaole since it i:3 rl':.~ bE~_ng tapped by a public or priva~e water supply and this ~ake3 t.1-1e a:nc1ur:t. c~f o:!....ga!1ic rn.:::.terial in "the. '.J'at"~e:r' i1.'reJ.e'\"l'ant. Ar-lY flooding can be overCOnl€ by engineering design. Ee argued that fc;r' a v.Tetland t.e) 11a't..te a!1Y :prcJtec't.ic;~ u11:je~'" -::te 1'o'\.;rl 1:}yl,=.w, tl-le we~land must be classified as a resource area under ~he state lat.-v. Regarding wildlife, he argued ffi:JSt elf the wildlife l5 associated with the larger c.f the two wetland areas~ ~'~e T~"f:::tJ.al1d is rr~arJ.;~Lade ar.(j TI'.')"t a r~at.~G.l""a.l 'J.1E:~12J:d.. ~c1r. He! 2. ~ a:-~cs ~;I'opose~ renovating the '~etlaDd i~ c.r~er ~0 enha~c8 the wildlife ~\/l:::lue a.r1(:i Si:..e:t.ed -:he ap;:'licc.ll.t \Ar.s,s <r;;till':"11g tl:' a.c~ ::"C: if -:J-i'3 (:,~rn!Tlj_s 5 .:i.c~r1 v..'; i s:he,j. r~e C~c<!7u:~e:'1.t.e(j "::':::'Z:i"1: -::--.1:5 C"2 T~~.a:-l '.~c;rT:...:r~ 2. -t."/ ....:.~ ::..~..:" Lc;-t 2:'!J.rT'..7i'\l~'7 irl the ~;mallel- ~lrr:t.~c.Dd. a.s it t;€=C.3..711e l.-:::r_i'-~,'r.. He s,3:.d tta~ whi2.s replication i.s 110 lo~ger accepted as an al~e~-!~3t.~..~~. . .., . . .. . rGnOvat~0n lS c!ec0mlDg a ?~C'~len managernen~ ~ectlDlque. ~~te~ I;.....~riv~~.:c:d.ie .:::\rr~Tlj.?:-.t.ed tl~~a1: it \'~":-:~--..1ld" !:.:,e =a~' be-::~.er to :-.ot. }:;1..:t ~t.:ne ~~:ree jwe:~ings i;: a wetla~d a~ all ~~~n to ~i3CUZS ~e~c.~.a~i:)D. Mr. Tillctso~ a~ded he did not thi~k the~e was D1U:h wil:~~~fE ~otential In ~~is busy business area. ,..--...... " Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January ~~ .' . <-~, 1988 Page 4 Mr. Sa~vis felt p~ior actions and rulings of the Con~ission i~ the paSL had set precedents for development in this area, and that, tc him, meant development could go forward. He expressed interest in renovating the larger wetland for wildlife and fel~ it vJ'(~1.11d be ari im~'l""o~Jerne11t l)Ver what is t~~ere now. There -.."as much arg::'..;'1'.ent. and counte::::-- argu,'1l.ent over the definitions and classification of the wetland(sl and whetheI ~r not t:16 Town bylaw had ,3-ny jurisdiction here. The discrepency in the flood elevation of 8.5 ft. - 9.0 ft. - 9.2 ft. was disc'ls:::,ed. Lee Delr..:;:l ,.;ranted t.ne applicant to show how the };!rc'pcJs5C: activities will l~OT t:a1..1Se longt.errr, degrad.atic:n c.f t1-~e \"J'etla!~d. In tlif:, p~:-ofessit:)nal ca!=l5ci ty as a wetlarlljs bota:1.:'3L ~ Pete::- [llJrl\j7ict-5.ie trlCi.lght tl-~e- ide..:i t:;f usirl~~ tl.:e 50<:i.{., "rVetlar~d l~l.S.l-i~ .species criteria t.o detel--mine that. the entire Is12nd i'.7aS a '~etlc.nd v.!2S r)ater"1tl~t at;s~ll-'::J. lUll"'. H'ollands said he die. nc.t. r:-:eC:rl to :.rT;_pl ~~., that tDe w~.ic~le Island coulii be c lassif ied ctS a ~~1etlcr:,j . Carl BCl~chert said the intel;.t or the Tmm byla<,..r was to affcrc protect.-=-on t.o t.he m3.ny Isolated Vegetated Het12nd~ on the IE:.la~l~.d. I...ee Dunn f::>und t.ne D()tion that trlose wet.lande: co~:_ld r~~;~ be I=ll~.ot.ected. ar>sllTd ~nd trlC:1.jg~}t mt1c.1-1 (if -th8 testiITIorry' pre=.er:te-= durir.:.g t~his he.arir~g vJas makirig a m::)cl:er')t e.f the (~c;rn.miss:..c:n. (~a~~l tr;.o.tlg11t trlEJse l-~earings ,,-7,:=re stuc): o=--~ first p:r'incir:..le~~ ,3.~~{j added t~at a new Notice of Int.ent should ~e filed fer the side">]2lJ: .2nd .: ... . . "" all Ei8..::::. "T.:.lCirlaJ.. catcr-~bas ir-l .. Di,~-t!-~e ~~Gc'nl~bs, 5:;,ea.].....i:lg c:~ L~ ;=-i~;""ate i:J;.:i_"{l.i.{j~J.131. ~;rezer:_t..ef.5. - l='et.it-i'=-;~ signed 1:.~"] 4:3.2 t)ecq,::lt3- "U2:'gir:g~ ~.l-le C>'):11!:1iss:..::'r;. t.':.. j.e:-..j- .-- C:-~':;:T'J:'~':':~~ 2})1=: 1 i C~'3t ic:: tc; }:;1..:i l C :. s t.l-:':C~t ....1l-e:3 ;:-:-.:. tr-.:e \;.~etl a.~ d:~. bou~6e~ t~y Orangs st~eet. ~he petitio~ c12ime~ ~~is is ~ valuable and impc,~tant sa~c~uary for ~a~y Na~~uc1:e~ birds ~~d tha~ ~:ee?ing ~his area open ~el~'s maintain an ever-dec~ea~i~f rlal:;i t:.c~t f(/~..'" t.he :D.a"ti '-.iF }:)i.r:::s> a~: well as :-na.i.r:~::2irliDg a:: irrjpc)}~t"c\.:-~t };lcrt of t.l-le lc.c.s.l =-:;.3t.lll"'cl wat~eI. Gl.....a.ir.i.f3ge ane: ~-i(:l .:.ir..E; s\'"ste:;": i:1 the area.. Ms. ,:;c()rr~t)s stI"ess8(1 the \/ie\~: t1-.i.-3.t rr.a.:r/ c:f the ~~gners did net wish ~c see the wetla~d dest::::-oyed by - ..---'\ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 5 development which was not critical in their opinion. She c~ted other business buildings in the out-of--t.own area which si7, vacant at this time. She said many of the signers do not wish to ~ee Nantucket: become II ci tif ied!!, they value the Island' 5 wetlands and many visitors come to the Island because of its rural qualities. She li~.ted species of birds sighted cn -:.he property and agreed to ~"C.br:1i t the list to t.he Commission. iJls. Coombs felt the Cc;;;mission had been more than patient enough ;~i tl1 t.his a;:Jr,licant arld t.1~a;: it snciul;j Y10W afford the citizens c:f "l-Jant.ucket ~r;e saIne c.ourtes'}7 in prcttectirlg this ,,,et.land area... VJilliam Hance. cia.ted LTan. 21, the absence of heci.rii1g. s-peal:ing 2.5 a pri'vate citizen, subrr1itted a l6tter :988 urgi~g denial of t~e application a:ld c~~i~g logic in ~he discussions presented at this Linda Holland, Executive Di~ectc~ of Nantucket Land Counci.l, lac.. s1.~br.1itted 3. .Jan. 2:, 1988 le-:.ter addressing four S;J1:~stant.:ive iSS1JeS ari~j other prcJce(11..1~al problems relati":J'e t.e') t]-:e application. She spoke of several requests by the Commission tG which the applicant had :-Let responded. Town Co:.:nsel DeRen~ig had ass"!,J.red. I"le:r she was :1ot ir-l c.cil-:flic.t elf int.erest r~y s~ea1~.:.r~g a~ this hearing, referring to her prior seat on the Nantucket Plar.:.l-lin.g Bl=,a~d. ;:'~he sc.id. tl1e C!)lTLrnj..5si!.-;!1 has ne~..7er berc)re approved the construction of buildings on pilings in wetlan~3 and felt that 2lo~e Sh011ld set a precedent. She urged the Cc,:nrnissiC!D tel derfY the ap:=:.li2atic':l. Mcr~on and Re\75 Schlesing~r sub~itted a letter dated ~an. ~~. 1988 highlighti~g the 12.ck of considera~ion f=om the applic~~~ ~owards the in~erEsts and vaJ.ues of others Cl~ Nant'~c]:e~. ~~~y l~lrge::1 the C017i:r:i:=, 3 iC~l t.e' cl (:;se t.l-'lE~ t";.ear i~g ~,O::l.lgr-.;.t ar:fj ds:-.:....; ~:~':~ a;--,pl iC.=.T.ic':~ . IvIr. :rillc"t.2.(;;1 S1:.c7_eC~ t.ria"!:. he al-~d IVI!..... Sar~;i3 v.7e::.-e l"2.rltucke~: resident~. ~OO~ aDd merely wc~~~d to GO what was permit~e6 U~Ger the law. He c12rified the sequence of €ve~~s surr0u~ding t~e E:-lf'::<rcemE:nt (iT'<J.er 2r~d 5.1=,o2.ogizeo. f':Jr nc)~ !1a'l.:...rlg subrrlittej ~.:.r.:t3 cClln})il18() ()rcJ.ers c.f Condi ticins frOIrL the Cc~rnmissi,.:n aIle. ])EGLE. ::e -..., -, \ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 6 offered to su:bmit his. ,..;rork en ii: to date. He claimed fVIs. C'oc:~1bs had a financial interest in the outcoDe of these events and that her own p.=.rking lot drained int.o the wetland. Dia:;.e Ccombs said in defe:1se that s~'1e rents the st.c::.-e iI'on; Hatch's and that i:he parking lot does not belong to her. Mr. ScTvis SE.id it is net the COlTh'ilission1s responsibiJity to s":op deve.lopment and advised t1:em not to abuse their priviledge tc protect wetlands. Dia.r~e I'-1cCall, 5peaK.l.r~g as a !)l-'.i.vat,e ci tizel1. thctugl1t if 't.DE:' ap~licant was proposing to fill the wetland. the!l he needed tc. file a ~ew Notice of I~tent. Pe~te:: I}~JI1Wia.C1ie aske.c !~r. Sarvis ,\,,;rlY r-~e I-lad c.')me l)efi:J~-'e ~::'E: C~clrrun.:_ssion at all if r~e did flot thirl.k the 1~)c..~.3.1 b-y<l..3.'" ha{i an":.r j'Ll:l"isdi'2tion c)VE:.r ~11is ap~.licat.io~~. Y:x. Sar~.;i5 said he ;: ile.:} wi t!-l the CO!Thrni.s3i-~)n tc~ a~Jc:id arl~{ tlD!16Cessa:::-y negati'Je cc~frontations and so everyone would agree on the wetland defin~.tions. Lee Dunn asked him what incentive he had to impr:::>"t,/c 01.... upgx'cce tt.:.e larger -;~etland. rv::=. Sa::-'r1is ~,a.id ;-~e wanted to improve the aesthetic. wildlife a~d ~qetlaTId val~e5 .~~ tl-.e J_c)~~. Carl Borchert f(Jund a problem o~ logic here lD tha~ in the 1=~re\Ti,::.~:=. aF'}:Jlicati,:)r..; c.r1 t118 s.=.rr;e lot DEC1E !-~ad !":"";2..J.e dE~(~isi0j-.i2. ;:"cse-(} ':.:r~ .vlh.a"t. i t c.~C':-l3 i.d,E'red (:IDe \\1e-cl '.=~:l.,.-:. :He t_l-1C;~~g~:t t.J-l~3 ('8~~~i3 21 iC::1 5}-l(~ul fJ :::eT-~)' t:.he al:~;: 2.i cat.i.c;:-l ar.:c: ]:3-c}-: it 1:}:::=. 7.2.l~--S ,-,:~ IJEC)E. Lel~ ~~_\:_1.~ir~ said 1:e a.p~'~'e'.: i.3.te:J. ~~"1e a,F'I)j. lca:l"L. 1:,:r" in;sing 11.12..-.. ~2c =.1 :::.:-; :=1~. to ~lie hearing ~.o clarify cer~6in ma~~e~'s, to help fC~~5 ~~e i~.~.:_:e;:: ~ ar.:.c he fe2. t. he ~na~:: J.ea~.:-r~ed (j 1l)t. ~:~c\r:~ t.he dis<:t:.s'=::'C:".:3. Lee. w2nt~d to pass t~e J:~1;:'''~I~e~;':6eable at:. DEOE. - .. .. cec~s:cl~ a~ong ~(J -::1cse ::lo;:-e The=e was some ~jisc-Jssion about hc,w a denial wo~ld be appeale2 to =~EC:E in tt16 C()Ul..tS. Donalc1 Vise:) ~ai(1, t1ased ('fl l-lis e:;r~;::'er'ier;.ce ~ tr,;,e c()urt lc\c~ks for prc)c;edural errC1r5 c.n~-j r~e.,er sut:st.itutes its ju~gment for that of the various Boards and Con1r:~tiS5ic1n5 . Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 7 Peter Dunwiddie, Lee Dunn and Carl Borchert propcsea asking the applicant for more information: 1) spot elevations are needed every 2 ft. 2) plans are needed ",hieh accurately l~epresent "rha~ is being proposed using a coherent set of plans 3) the applican-:. mc::st show that what is being proposed will :-".ct :Dring abol.lt c.ne long-term degradation of the '<Jetlands. l.t) 5ubmi \:. a 'IoJTi t.ten comment sho'\-7ing the TOW~1 bylaiol Gees no'S have ju:::isdic:ticn over this '..,retla.nd. Ben McKehl.:1Y Has asked to led: into hiring a co:1s-;..:1 c:ant. to review ~he hydrolc1gical data submitted by the applicant an~ ~(~ subrrit a list ~::f :prcls1-)ecti.v~e c.?c'~:=.ul t.ants at the neX1: meet ir~g. A mc:t.ior1 was m.~c1e t~c; c:ontirlue the 1-.eari:1g re,):"" the a.:)~:;'\7e information. The motion was carried. *** Short Break - 10:05 - :0:10 PM *** The Corrtilission ;'iec:..(:et:1 to Postl:lc~n-e tl15 Upt::.ctrnir::.g Fe.b. '*, 1. S 83 mee.t.iI"~g beca"..lse it \A].~S reali.::ed tl1el....e \~!~1J.ld r:.ot r;;e 2. crU.c~r~L~::. The next ~eeting was scheduled for Feb. 1 ~ ...:.....L..,. 1928. 4 . Jarne~. I)~~i~i,:oll - (i:-~e (Jsp:r.e.y t~5":I. l..1eff~~e~l BlaC].::vJel1 . .s.ge:1t ~c:r' the appli~ant. req~ested a cont~nuance of the hea~ing. A ~c~icn ~las made to ccnti~~e ~he hearir.g at t}1e req~es~ of the 5;:;~lC3jl~ .e.t':;.C f c:.:!.... a ~iEC1E f i l e l~l1-l:1~~\:~E:;:-, Tt.e rnc>t,i <)r~ \.-,;r.3.= c: al...."1: 2. e~.: .. 5. VJa.'y"~e E. :D~-':t)C~D"t. - E~EL1:8-(t;C - (;;")(~:ti2,11 I;,:irj.: F(()2~d. _: c:-~ ~-.: t. rl":": g.~-"...: e was present as age~~ fer t~e , . . a~I:;;J.. .:...can.::.. A t.:.e 11.::=l~;~:~":i:-...e ;:rarl~',c:r-i;lt.i~Jrl yJE.S !:'E'ad ~.;~-~E:Yeir~ L.ilida Vc~lu"tj:e~'.lic}-j ::.t. I~EG~E C()11f iri7t8!j "t:t~e i 3 ~~ 1j a:~c e 0 f tr:!~~ f i 1 e nu..~}:\":?I' ar~d. i-lat,5 c~ ~jj".i. ti:;ll3. -- : ~~ ~elayed so~e of ~e~ co~cer~s a~2ut t~is application for ~te (:.'Jr:1.rniSS':"Cl'"l t..() ccr15 ide:-~ r'~,;2..~ci~:lg 1) t.:1OS lccati:::....:1 r"',.... + ~-,,:=. ,..:j. ~~.:=. .-.............. -'- .....--- and ~he b~~],:, 2) if any cc:~structic~~ is ts occur OD the d~~e, th~J1 the dwelling Dust be C~ ~,ilings. 3) is t.~i2 i~ a fl~;0~ zor~e?, and Lz) '~:ere t:1e pla:1s a,jequat:e fo:r' ~i~le :;7 ((;.~'/:"e Garmon) . ,-, -" I Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of Jar.uary 21, 1988 Page 8 Mr. Shugrue said ~he lot is in Zone C, but close to the velocity zone. The house will be on piers in the front and on pilir.gs in the rec.r. Mr. Shugrue produoed a val id Disposal hlorks Construction Permit. dated Dec. 18, 1987 signed by Health Agent F~icl}ard Ray. A I1ioti':}j1 'toTas !Ttacle tC) c 10=;e t11e !,-learirlg. The motion was carried. 6. Elizabeth McIlvain - Millbrook Road. A motion was made to continue the bearing for further discussion and a DEOE ~~le number. The mot.io:1 \..;'as ca::'~l-ied. 7. Ellen Flar.1m - SEl.i8-'~:ll - !,r3 s.(~uam Road. Jchn Shugrue vIas r=<['es!~nt as agerlt for the 3I;'f,lica:-lt. T"u--. Sl-lugrue ".Tas .3.s)..::e,:1 to note on the plans exactly how far from the lot line the proposed addition would be and that the foundation would be a crawlspace only. The ercsi~~ control ,~o~ld be a 3 ft. high sl1e:wfen.ce. A mot.io:1 was made to c10se the ~learing. carried. The motien was a . Richard and Nic}::i Garnble - SE4 8 -:;. 64 - POCCInO Road. Travis :'r:..ce of P1....ice .3.r.1.d ['al.....Cflers ~v!as l=>l.-'eserl-:' as age~t witl-1 aJ;)plice.rlt R.:'~chard G:=.Inble. They presented aadi ticnal views of the prcposed cl\~:elli:1g rela"t:'\l~~ t.o tJ-.te rleigh:ts c;lf adjacent hCjuse~:. 1II1:r-. Price ~ad calculated an e~OSlon ra~e at t~1e site ranglng from 1.~2 in. - 2.85 in. per year. A t.t3lepD:::ne t.rc~ls:2r3-;;>\:.icn ',~a5 :r'ea..::' DE()E cor:firme::. tr-;.e iS5uar..ce ~)= t.l1e wherein Leal~o~ ~a~gley at. file r.1'tlrr..t:e:r". "fl. mc~-t.i(;r~ -,J.ra~, ~ade to close the hearing.. ~;,.;t1e :Tlot':.cr-.:. ~t.,1as ,-" ::.: ..._...._ ... Q. I"""f ',- '-""..... ..... _~ '_, --4 . c Peter ~ash/Giffc~d - One Easton St~eet. A m:)t~o~ was mac~ to C~Cl11--:'l:-1\.le t.l1e r.;.ee.rij.-.::7;: Eo::' a I)E:J3 f:..le r'~l.::~:.l:lel-'. :1!-le :~ct.i\~r~ '....,..33 c:c.rrlec. .---- Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21. 1988 Page 9 10. J. Pepper Frazier - SE~8-455 - 37 Gardner Road. A motion was made to continue tl"le hearing for a DEOE file number. The applicant's agent had requested a continuance in order to have more time to gather the new information requested by ;:l-"e C~c~ITL'T'.ission at t.he last heari~g. T~~e !Hc>tion wa:=:. ca:rriel~.. 11. LavJrence Pfaff - Alabcuna Ave., Ma<Jaket.. A motion i,~a~. made tc continue the hearing for a DEQE file number. The motio:1 '.fic~'5 carr ietJ. .. 12. Crow's Nest AS20ciates (renovations) - 10 CrmJ'5 N~2t Way. Wauwinet. A motion was made to continue the hearing for a LEGE fi~e number.. T~e motio~ was carried. 13. Craw's Nest Associates (septic) A motion was made to con~inue the num;:,er. The :notion "1.35 carried. 10 Crow!s Nest t-Jay, t'liam.Jinet.. hearing for a DEQE fi~e 1/,t. John t.]. Bartlett - 283 Hummock Pond Road. A motio:1 was r:'.ace cont.ir..ue the hearing for a DEQE file number. The moticn was 'ca::-rl~=d .. 1::-. Riel-la.:rd E. IO::ot..al.::ic, \_1:['. - SE!.z8-l:57 - 129 Mea:::1I:,<r.l.r\Tie\;J ['I.iv"'e. Donald Visco abstained from discussion on this application. A motion was made to close the hea~ing. The rrlo~ion was ca~ried. 1. 6.. Ted GC1cfl-e-:l - 325 :Pcip:. s F~O.3d. Ivx.. ~.?c;6~rey vIe..::: preser~t a.rld. ~l~-l=:.rni t.-::-ed. .3 r:C:-l'- sigr.:2_= ic,a~-i"t c1-~ar:g-= tc; the S-JI>rr:.i tt.ec. ga~-C:.ge f'l ar:5 .. A ~oticn was ~1a:3e to c c':-~ -,:: l :-; \_:"-2 7.11E- - . }le; a:.-- :.::g for a =\L:(i;: file :l~rr.t;e::-.. Trre rnot.i(.":::1 \\Tas ca,r::--le,j.. . ~ 1.. ! .. Hele~ Whi~ehea~ - Baxter Road.. !3:.erl. vrills -v.te.s r.'re:::~8:-l--::' C.S .:ige.:.~\: for the ap;.licant and s~~d the ~0~;5e i3 ~o~~ 15 ft. tac~ ~rc;~ ~ ~aj:)r f2Ult iine in the bluff. ;ie~er D~nwi66ie e}:p~ess€.i .~t~ Co~~iss~on!s concern f~)r facilitating tte ?reven~icn o~ 1~2:~~;~ t~ the houses 2nd the bluff. ---, Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes <:;f January 21, 1988 Page 10 A motion was made to have Ben McKelway send a letter to Ms. v.Jhitehead, incoming applicant Rudolph v.Jeisskopf .~r~d Michael Bloomberg granting pel-mission to move their houses as 5':;cn 2:::. p05si~le, even if their future locations are not ce~tain. Copies al-e to go to the Nantuckel: Building Department and t!'iE' l~arlt"~:cJ::et Z011ing Bc:ard of Appec~ls. T}-je moti.t~n ~Al2S c.5.rried. A motion '.,;as madE' to conti:1~-,e this hearing :Eor a DEOE file n~~ber. The motion was carried. B. REGULAR MEETING 1. Other Business a. F:r.'ank and Karen Powers - 115 Hu...'11.;lOCk Pond Road. A letter dat.ee ..Tan. 21, 1988 from the Fowers v;as read ",hieh respCl-~'':'ed to a rf~(:J~Uj=st frc':rr~ t".tle CcrnmissioIl that. they ex?lain 50~le recent ~~ork done without filing adjacent to a wetland. They said the vehicle access to the scallolJ shanty \.jould be loarrv~d and seeded irl tl-~e spl....ing. 1'he as - biJ.il t. l)lan \'-1as at Ha1:'t - Blac:J:well a.r.:c t,he Certificate of Complia~ce for- the septic had not y~t been issued from ~he Health Dept. They apologized if any violations had o,::cu_rl"'el~ and offered t.O :::to \...Th,3.~e"{ler \..ras r:ecess.-:iI';.r t_:~ be i;1 cC)!'nplla::ce. A r;-:~:.'t_i'..".!1 \~,72_S rr.2de t.::' St?I\d a 1 ettET 2~ski:-lg t::e :F'CJ"\'-lel"S to ::;'::~ll tjacJ: ~}1e dirt piled up along ~he di~ch a~~ agai~st the ~:h~';b5 tha"t tlorder i"t in order to mini8ize 5iltatioI1, r~f~rring ..: the nC!l""t-f; s':"~':E: c'~ t1-ie 51-:a_rlt~)'. TrH:? m~::t-ic:-l \,.7as ;~arl."'lec.. o3,r-:-j E~~r.;. J'1,:::I<el "!.~la)l 1988 ag::ef=,d "1 'J ...J..';'" nC;.:i:-~ . .?eT.e~ t'J.. )'3.t.~~ [}EGrr: j)ur:'\.l.:...:,.=-:..e, Le.E- slte VlSlt - wan. 22, I)"L:~rl t,e c..t..t.~rld the si t,e 't./i~.it .. 2. Orders of Conditions a. John Mark - SE~8-454 -"28 & 30 G05nold Road. made t~ deny the application as st~l:ed below: A !T'.otion was Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 11 ORDER OF CONDITIONS (PRO...TECT DENIAL) JOHN MAP,-,'<, et al DEQE FILE I~~~BER SE~8-4l.t3 UNDET-( THE trJETLANDS PROTECTION ACT (M.G.L. CHAPTER 131. SECTION ~O) AND THE WETLANDS BYLAW OF TEE TOw1~ OF NANTUCY~T (CHAPTER 136) FINDI.':-JGS Public hearings en the above Notice of Intent under the Massachus9tt5 We~lands Protection Act (M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40) and the 'irJetla:1ds Lyla,.: of the Town of Nan:t.'Jcket (Chaptel~ 136) lasted fr,)r.\ Octebe.T 1, 1987, to January 7, 19t:8. Based on testimony presented at those hearings by the property owner and his representatives and severa~ \l:Lsi t.s t:) t.he si t.e b~l (~c!rruni~:5ic;rl C~1-l:3i::.rnarl Peter DUl"l"v!iddie (a t:t'eir;ec. botanist), and other C0~~is8i0n ~en~jer5, ~he CO~~is5ion ffiakes t~e followirlg findings: 1) A2- t.hou6h the applican-c prese:-;ted inrormat.icD tha~.: this dVlelling site ,,!es r~c;..t :;':";Jl::j ec.t t.f) the ~Jetla]1de. Prot.ecti~:}n Ac.t, trle Cornrniss i011 disag::eed ~ ba2,ed upc,rl ot::.r own ;~1::.ser\T.3.tic'!-15, and fl')und t~at.. tr:e f~esrn.iEtt.e:-:-- 1.;et meacl~)w :~:1 'lil-ii.,:1-1 2. 1~0rt.io:-;. e}f tIle l=)r(j1=-~ce'e(:i ,:-.'~ellirlg ~s sited is subjec~ to prctectioD under the Wetlands Prc:tection Act because i~ is a Bc;rde~"'ing Vegetated. vJetl2.:-1d (31G CI~ 10:0y: an(l :0:55). ~.=: ~'.-uch~ it is significant to the follow~ng interests cf the Act: Gro~ndwa~er S~~;.~ly, Flc'od Control, Preventio~ of ?~lluticn~ and F~Eheries. 2 ) "Llie n'e3dow serves as 3 };' c' lr.;."C. f-" -F -' ~ gY'C;~J r;.c~v!.3. t-e~' ~i3charge whe:~ the ~,..:ater tabJ.e is high. I~s vege~a~ic)~ {over" SO per'ce~t Sensitive Fern} 2~d its low. flat topography SJ.CIW down and redu2e t~e ~;assage o~ flclod wa~e~"s dU~"~rlg ~er~od5 of ~leak flow by provi6i~g temporary flood water s~c~age, and ~~r f2':i~itating water remcva: ~hrough evap:)ratior~ a~~ ~ra~~pi~~~~on [ ~: :. c c~vs: J. G . 5~} ( 1. j J . I t.s 1=' 12..;-1"7:.S ,~rld 2; (:. i 1 s c .?..r~ f ~:lJ.c:tic'n ill -:l-~ e Ye:-l~:]~..T a:' c'::.... <jet.':~r~t.iorl of 5edin1erlt~:=,? IJ.~t.~~....er:t3 ,="rl,j ~o;-.:'ic =,i.:b~,~ar.i.C~3 :=.......-:.~:rl c;;:. l'""le'-;'fl:-'" rn~~"~:"3~S . A ditch connec~s the meadcJ'~ to a nearbv pene. , --... Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 2:, 1988 Page 12 3) The wetland described above is also subject to protection under the Nant.ucJ:et Wetlands Byla,>.J (Chapter 136), passed at Town Meeting 1:-j lJIarC:i of 1923, and is thereby significant to the interests of Erosion Contrc~. Wildlife and Wetland Scenic Views. ~) In addition to possible erOSlon from the construction site, the tjest~~,-lctil~n of a po::-tic:n (jf t}-~e wet nleao.clw rnay il:crease trle arnOUI1l:. c.f sedi~en~ flowing into the nearby ditch. Such destruction would red~ce the sl1e 1 ter, 1:)ree(1irlg C.rl'~ fee~jirlg area ai~7ailable to lc~c2:.1 w:.ldl ife. A ~ew house ~10Uld impair views of the open area fro~ the road a~d from existing homes. C')!'JC~L1J~.~1. ('i1'J A ('~lO~::8 E~}:.3.rniI1o:t..i:)!: of tJ-le t:lrc~jE~c~ as prol::>(~se<i t;y tr~e a}:l};:li:.;arlt ind~c~tes ~hat a !Ul~V vegetated bordering fresh'~ater wetland wo~ld be .:j.estrc:~:;~.?d ~"i t11 11. ttle e,l'" lIe; mi tigatior: or re1=-~lication.. Sut,s-tantia.l publ, i: 11c.l-r:1 is :prc}})2J:>le i:::: trle prc~j ect. "Vlel...e allo'~le(l. and. the C:c:rnrnissi(:Jl1 f ili,jS r~.':) feasible C',.:l:-ldi tiorlS t11at w0iJ.ld p~"'e't,lerJt~ s:..:.cl: harrn. The al=jJ:;l:~c:::3.rJ.t '.r1a:s not o'/er'c-c1rne the 1='JI'esum}:~t.i!~rl [310 C~lR 10.55(3)J tl::s:t the work prc:posed is sig~ifican~ to the interests cited abo~~e. 3eC2~5e ~~~s ?=eEum~tio~ has not been c:verccme, the proposed work m~y D(Jt ctestrc.y 0r ..:;t}-~~~:~\~ii.se irrrr.::.ai:r- an~l r:'o:::-"t:~C'.:l of the mead~'J\"" ~ 10.. :,5:::':) J . Fo~ ~je reasons set for~h above, the Notice of InTent for ~4 new - - - . ewe Ii ~Ll1.g a:t 2 ~3 ::: 30 Go:=.nc\ld. R.ead (I)EC;'E F'ile 1\!0. SE~8-~~3) is denie1i under t~e state Wetlands Pro~ec~ion Act and u~der the local ~antucke~ We7la~js ECl\~le~...."E:r'. t.f_e CC'r:11.1'1~:"3~.ic=-... ll..3.S r:c"'t cC:-~f';.:..der~='~ ,3.::~.~ I.J.C!e2, r1c.t. a,jd~e2s E~ }," ~ :=:. ~.:' . aot: :,,}':i..:: h:.iDe otI-1Er 3cti'.li tie~: a.:-l'::' y.::I'I:~r:o~.al.:: ::~ t~-~e ,::i:ppliC:.:-.,:1"t in ::-'::':?'l:"=C~ to the ~~b~ect parceL which involve different designs. s.t.ruct,~~e3~ loca~ic~s. cr ~ype5, and which a=e ~C!~ i~clu~e~ i~ the ~Jotice cJ~ =~:~~~ dt l:.:~-:'~e:. T~"'1is (ie:-.:i2~2 5~.l:pe~-sede3 al~L c:f the \,\':)~cli!1g irl F::)~-m "j (at."t..=~~~YH:'f.:J:\ "v:r;ic}-.l i::lr:'lies t}lat s(~rne \<"CI';: ,^7.i~1 be }:H-3:=:-~~\it"t.€c11.l:-~dE~l'" -l~-:l~. 8r:je=. ~.'~lS denia2 3~:all ~pp~y t:. aD)~ 5ucseS3C.=' i~ i~1t~rest C~ sue c~e. t:, 'E, (:1;"- 1.11 l':'~("r~::.rc~ 2. . ~ ,-\ -' -' lJar"1t.:lcJ:et. file "y~~it.r"1 P...e g .i 5 tI":~~ t}-~e If ~te applicant fails to record this Dee6s ~r. the MaS3act~usetts Land Court C)r.",jer i:i and rails "t:.h.~ }. I') Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 13 Commission the co~pleted slip provided with Form .5 within 10 busine~5 days of the date e,f issuance of this Order, the Commiss ion is empc\.,rered to record this c.c".::ument. I f the Comrnis=-.ion does record .this docurf;e:-:t. due to the fail"....:::e of i:De appl:..cant 1:-.0 do so, the applican"t will be charged the recording fee plus a fine of not more than $300 per Q5Y. Donald Visco opposed. The motion was carried. b. Wayne H. Dupont - SE48-460 - Codfish Park Road. A ~C~lC~ was made to ~ssue a standard Order of Conditions referen8i~g a plot plan received Jan. I, 1988 and dated Dec. 30, 1987. :~~e ~otion was carried. c. EllETi FJ~"Tiffi - SE~8-L;,.51 to iSSt18 a stal'ldard CJ:~~"der (if Special Conditions: 43 Squa~ Road. A motion was ~ade Conditions to include the follcwing 1 ) The addition mus~ be DO Cl')Sar than line. .., ~ .l..l. ~- .l..__ to the :t=;~c~~ert-:/ .) \ ,~ I T]1e a.:3.d i tiC;11 wetl.=-r~c s . m,,;<:,+ .. ~ I ,_,," a.J ..... .be rJo Cl.(;se~" than 30 ft. to the 3) The additi~n must De b~il~ over a crawlspace, not a ru~~ base::,e:y;: . The mO~lC~ was cayried. was ma~8 ~o issue a stand~r~ OI'der of Cc~ditions ~.~ ~nc:l~;i~ ~te d. F_icl~a::cl a;~1(11\Jic}:i :3.?.i'T':1::.1.: - SEli8-'~64.- I)c~CQrrJ': RO.::~.t:i" ".. ::~; .~:-::-.:.;')r~ :: 0 11 (;'V:' i:-_ g S pe c i .3.2. C>:.!r'~ c:.:.. ~. i c~=-~ : Sect.~on 30 (3) ~f the ~8~~ands hegula~ions, Py~~u:~.~~~~ un:~er G~L. - 1~1, E. ~c. ~equiI'es tha~ ~o c0a3~31 -. . - e:-lg:'lleerl:lg S-:-.l"'1.1C~~:..:l-e" ~:t:,.:rl 2. r>1_:1J:tecd, r~:.~7e~rrit.:-r..":. ~.E'a:.;:s.j~":'. 5h-3...:..1 ~")e :pe:....:T~_i~-:e,j C!:-l a:l ~~1.""O;j~!1g ;:'ar.J: c_ ,-':"-..,1 7_l~.~e ) ~ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes or Januarv 21, 1988 Page 1!,r ~n the future to protect the project allowed by this Order c,r Conci tions . The motion was carried. e. Richard E. Kot.alac. Jr. - SE48-/,}57 - 129 r\~eadOi,,'Vie\., Drive. A motion was made to issue a standard Order of Conditions. T~~ motion was carried. 3 . Cert.if icat.e ,-.... ., . elr l."c;rnp.L.l.2J1c.e a. Michael O'Mara - SE~8-337 - 2tO Polpis Road. A mO~lon was mace to delay issuance or a Certificate of Compliance for a field inspection. The motion was carried. ~. Extension Pellliit a. Robert and Sha!.'cn Ha\-niltcn - SElj,8.-3l14: - 3 Ea.gles I:-Ji:-lg Way. P.fter some disc'.lss.ion a.bo...lt t.he issue of l--yr. vs. 3 -yr. expiration dates of Orders of Conditj_ons, a motioI1 was made to issue an Extension Peymit bringing the expira~ion date up ~o the t.hre.e years allowed ur:cer t'ne" :=,"tate regulations on thi.s applica~ion a~d tel cc,ntinue to follow suit until the ~ew Narltucket Wetlands Regu12tio~s ta):e ef~e~~t and are In li~e w~~n t~e state ~egulations. The ~ction was ca~yied. AdditioD31 Business 1. j v!i t.ri tIle re.3.1iz.3.t.i<Jf;. i:rlt~"t. t.t1e '.:1ea.c11,i:-le fCir 5u1:;rr~i:3si~)rl ~::f th~~ =c.;V~ri r'~E:et.ing \PJar:.....,=:.r:t. P~~tic~le::; "\.las lAjel=rlE:sd.:;;~{, ~;a:!.-l. 27. :..988 C'o.t l:: PM, t.l-1ere vJas exte:-::='.i~~;"e di3.C-;J.ssic:: 2..PC;-<..:t r.;.':1~..J to S-:...:l:,T;1i t ce::.tai:-~ ;'I'.:::}l='C'S[~a. L.J.3.:-~-:.uc'J::et Wetlands Regulatii)DS as such a~d tc~w t.o 5ub~it tte o~h~r four ar~icle~. Peter D11~wi~die ~greed ~c' call T!JW~ Co~~seJ_ P,3ul DeRens~s to =~ques~ he send tr:e dl-aft. of I'c;'lJ:-~ Er~/l2.~A] t.~1-~.~~:.gE~S ~1:at rec,ri.li-::-e 2 ~.='v.J~~ r~eetirlg ~..~c;.t.e: .:.\.: the CorrJnis~;ion c>~:lld re'.liei~ tr--lem i:1 1:~rne to r:leet. the de~3~31ir:E:.. (~a~2 3orchel~t aLe: Lee Dunn ag~eed tc. ~evieH the cna:;ges and the articles. A motion W2S made fer a vote in prinici?le to: . . ~ O"Cfler r C.-0.:t' '-- Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 21, 1988 Page 15 1) change the expiration period for Orders of Conditi8ns frem l-yr. to 3-y~s. under ~he Nantucket Town Bylaw so as to be in line with the state regulations. 2) allow posi.tive Determinations of Applicabilt.y where the 'o10::-K within the 3uffer Zone but will not alter a resource area. , <:: ~....; 3) allow plan modifications under existing applications or Orders or Condi tieDs '<7hic:b are insignificant as deemed by t.he Corn.'T\issicl1 and therefore will not require the new filing of a Notice of Intent. . The motlon was carried. 2) A voucher submitted for reimbursement to Ben McKelway for purchase of a Notary license and seal had been returned by Town Accountant Shirley Cabral with a note saying it was a personal expense and not reimbursible. Petel.- Dum..iddie advised Ben t.o appeal the decision by s,ending a let:t.er 't.o the Nantucket Board of Selectmen explaiDing the COm:T:issicn had specifically asked him to obtain the license to expedite rlo~arizi11g t.lle \7ar.:..r:)1.lS (~orrJni5Si()n dOClLllent.s. rr:~.:.:..~""'.o 1-.&:..;~r" -......i. __- 4.0. __. J_'___ -,".J, J,.6 ne further business, the meeting adjourned. at 11:20 PM.