HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-14 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 AGENDA FOR JANUARY 14, 1988 *** ADDITIONAL REGULAR MEETING *** A. PUBLIC HEARINGS All active applications are continued until January 21. 1988 B. REGULAR MEETING 1. Minutes of Dece~ber 10, 1987 Minutes of December 17, 1987 2. Other Business a. P~oda Weinman - Pol pis Road property - new plans b. Karl Ottison - Creeks property - filing needed? c. Proposed Fiscal 1989 Budget d. Warren's Landing project - insurance, walk site e. Discussion or enforcement policy and policy resolutions 1. One-year expiration 2. Plan modification 3. Mandatory Nor within 100 feet 4. Mandatory recording at Registry or Deeds 5. Fir:es 6. Pond-opener prosecution / pond ownership f. Flooded lot on St. E:mo's Lane - possible violation g. DPW - mosquito ditches 3. Ord8rs of Conditions a. John Mark - SE48-454 - 28 & 30 Gosnold Road b. Michael Bloomberg - SE48-453 - 115 Baxter Road c. Hudson & Sandra Holland - SE'=t-8-452 - 117 Madaket Road d. Jeffrey IVIcor-e -- .SE~8-456 - 33 Baxter Road ~. Notice or Non-3ignificance a. Barth/Taddonio - SE~8-454 - 79 Eel Point Road 5. Certificate or CompJ ia:r~ce a. Lynn Zimmerman ,K. Hubbard) - SE~8-181 - 8 I\1onomoy Creek Rd. ,"-.... , , Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 6. Extension Permit a. Robert & Sharon Hamilton - SE48-344 - 3 Eagles Wing Way 7. Bills to be paid - three signatures needed 8. Correspondence 9. Field Inspections - set date and t.irne a. Ted Godfrey - 325 Polpis Road - Nor b. Helen Whitehead - 97 Baxter Road - NOr c. Qualse Road riprap - possible violation d. Arvids Reinbergs - 62 North Liberty Street - P~D e. Karl Ottison - Creeks property - filing needed? " , - ---.. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January l~, 1988 ~age 1 MI~uTES OF JANlJARY 1~. 1988 *~* ADDI~IONAL REGULAR MEET:NG **~ The public meeting of January l~, 19\38 Has ca11ed to Members presen~ were: Pete~ W. Dunwiddie - Chai~~ian, Borchert, Bill Willet. Henr-y Wasierski and Granville absent ",ere: Donald Visco. l'!'c.ministrator present: order at 7:22 PM. l)ee D"L:r:n, Ce.r-l C~ran5ti.:'n . IwI errJ:: e 1.'" 5 Ben 11cKelway. A. PUBLIC HEARINGS All active applicat.ions ",Tere continued "L:ntil January 21, 1988. B. REGULAR MEETING .. .1. . Minutes of December '1 ,-t ...;...U, 1988. Lee Dunn wanted tbe minutes to for contining a heari!lg as well 2S a~y t~h(:: CorrrT~ission is requesti:1g ~ A m::.;tic;n minutes witb the following changes: alw2)7s note the re&son additional inr,:;rmation was made to accept the page 1: "for m~'J::'e inf(.':::,n1atic,rl fY'.:-'ITi t.tle 2..ppJ. ican-t t s wetl-3.r:c.E~ e::-:l:1er-::." p.:;;.ragrapn :ll~ ~, :J after "continue tr:e hea,rirlg.'! add page 1: parag~:-aF',h #6 - aftel~ Hco:1tinl..:e trle hearir1g. ff ad.a 1~f8I." more irlfor~Lat~ij:;n frc):T'i "::1-..e ap1;,l ii~2..rlt'~! 5 wetlands. exI=.e:.....1:. f! page~: paragraph #6 LiE;:)E f.:Lle r.tUntH3r. H - 2r'"ter !'cont.ir-lue the heaY'i:-...g,,;r adr:1 " ~. ~.-..~ a }.-j'3.ge t~: ;'2l"'o.grap~~ ~2 - d.r'.:e~' nja~:~l.)zzj_!f O':':lC1 '!.~r.Ld, c~ :a~cic:e.j ::>.)\"~.f ,=.:ree..ft ar:c3.dd (3fte:~:- ~'".. apI='.!~Ci\le\:1 }:~la:-~.'~ t.l-)e serltence !'J:.~ f.:()~~~.::t::r~: .was ,:3.1sc~ e:-.::p::-,essed ar~:c;~_~.t_ fut:t.lre imp1.~()\:E::n!ents t.() -:.r~.:ef5e a.:r.8aS !)e~y(;r.t~j v:!-~ct C~:):-lsti. t~_:::t.t.~5 a ::1e c}:. 11 ]i.dd after !f .se!;;ti c 1=.;:.l~':J;'," .._<~E' 5erltence ':li=-lo.t.>le~ c.c::rlc-er:-~ T~.,Ta~> ~;':J)re2.2:e(J. tI-li3t- ~~J:E: 1 if-:,-;:-'":..:r~.p irL3 t~..?L 1 1 e::.ie, I""l rnay g c ~j:-Jt3e:r "\~E. t.f-::'Y- a.r! ,-:1 J:)() 11 tlts t:-l e l=~:.:.'-: :~~ c:~ . H The n1c.t~LGn ~-as ca~ried~ '. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 11inute5 of .January 14. 1988 Page 2 Minutes of December 17, 1988. A motion was made minutes with the following changes: .....- \....-\"} accept the I=,age 5 - paragI"cl">h #".3: a..ft.er "t.1-1e he.3r"ing. f! E~dlj If for a DEGE f il e nUInt,er. 11 p,3.ge 5 - paragraph #7: after- rtthe hear-ing." add !!for a I'EC'E ~:Lle m.:unbe r. !l page l! rvIr . 6 - paragraph # 1: after l!the wetland was. l! 3.dd the ~.er~te:-.::e Shugrue requested a cont.inuance Gf the hearing." page 6 - paragrapn. #2: arteT !'the hearing. II add Hat the request of t.he applicar:.t.. H The motion was carried. 2. Other Business a. Rhoda ~veinr,a:-l - Polpie. Road p:r-operty - ne';"r plar:.s. 1'15. \:Jeinr:~an present-ed re\Ti=-,ed pl.:3.rls tr:l ren10ve arl e;.:is1:ir.i.g st.l.-tlct~ure and construct a new one Ivhi,:h "..ould be no closer to '::he He1:1a:-..d thar1 oJ..'igina,ll~r :.3hc;"y.7rl in tt.le l)lans s~-11)~1i tted wi t:.l-:, a Determination of Applicabj.l~ty issued Aug. ~b, 1987 for Let #8, 280 Polpis Read. A m<)tion was :nade ~o accept the Changes as pro~osed as a ~inor modification to those pla~s a_~d the~efo~e ~tl0 fili~~ of a No'cice of Intent wc~lj ~ot be requ~~ed. The ~otion was ca~ried. t;.. I"':2~r l Citt.i s.:':-~ - Cree}:s };:r.:::F'erty~ - f il i:-lg :r-.:.Eeoe.d? I\r:r.. ~';-:.~.~S("}:-i ~~3S present to o~tline his p~ans to ~~ild a uti~ity t:ul_di~g. (~.orr~i"Lis5iorleI~~~ C:::-aD2:;tc'f... .:lnd 'V:' 3 ',:'0 1-.:.ac i:.-~fc;lTlall-:l 't) ie\~"'e;.:1 the 2 i-:.e an1i I1a.d dete:r~r.i:-~ed t~~a-:-. a j~ea!:.tl:/ , -, - ....- \,,'e1:..L3.rl~j v.7a~~ =--~c-::.. :'.r.i"..Tc~l. VE::C.. Cra~~y Cranst:;~ said ~he p~oject was about 150 ft. bact frcl~ t~e r.lars.'J . ----. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Mi~ute5 or January 1~. 1988 Page 3 C.c.rl :EQl."Crlert did lICit t.hin}~ -:.his WC5 eno1..1gh informatiori t-c; tell whether (~r not M~.. Ott..i5 Or-l ~,hould file.. Peter D"Lln,...,iddie Sr:':':'ij that rega:rdless ()f ho,,] m11ch infol....rnation is Pl""'c:vided in an infcrm':::.l request such as "this. the CommissicD s~ould fD";: be making unofficial Determinations. Jl.fter a re;::ruest frcm =-;eL McKelwav for clarificaticn, a policy change was anno~nced by ~~e (:;C)~Tt'11i~ s ':"C;!1: - - FrcJ~l t1-1is da~! ()!:, t:iJere sh!;311 be l"1;J mo:=e i rl:=-("~-:T;::i~ [}etermina.ticID.:=, CiT irifor":T';.3.1 :: ie:l(: inspect.ions t:;i ir1di....'id1..1a: Co:nrr,issioners or by the ]~d.ministratcr }:.efor-e a filing on tl-;e property in question. Lee Dunn i;:s~ructed Be~ McKelway ~c ~ell };lec'ple~ ~!If Yf.;)1..1:T"e sure yc'u're ('!utsii:le 100 fee.t... go al-,j.ead,J! ;:'":Jt. ~o Ile\?e:::."" acl\i"is8 sc~mec;ne f',;.C1T, -to file ail F~FD c:r !'.JCtl fcrrn. ..i..~ ~,ta3 Pc)illte;J. CILl"t to M~"". (}t.t.isorl trlat it vJc11.:1d be ill l-~is best to file a Re~lest for [ieterminaticn. ~ "'-''''9~'''''''Q.C::~ ........ _'0- .... ~_..' -_. c. F!r"c;~::c.l~,ed F:..s cal 1989 Budget. CClrru'1iis~,ic.ll~ ~rreaS-Llrel'" 1:::'2. =- Wil1e'7: :;-.:."'esented propc)sed budget t J.,gul....es ttlat h.3.d been cravT:1 1..:}:: by himsel.f, Carl Borcher~ and the offi=e staff. HeLry k'asiers1:i 'loiced his support for i~creased funding for pond wa~er ~es~j_~g and ci~ei recent changes he had ~ee:1 in fish popu~aticLS, wat.e~ colc:r a~d lack of vegetation in Gibb's Pend. He added the Con~is3i~~ had ~ot yet recej_ved the results of ~~5sell L~W.~O~!5 pc;r:,tJ. ;'lc~--":,=r test.s ~ as ::'e..;-uested.. (~arl BCJrc'hert .3.gre-ed '\>!i:~!.-l :-re:-..::---jr" i:l }:;E~2-=-~g conceI'~ed \';i"t.}~l v;~a.ter '=Itl.:3.1it.j- irl '3.1l .:.:r:e ~jC;:-.i.ds. ---... ~:Ji 11. S 0 f r~anL.1JC}:12t- ~:1..:T';:..r,2'S;<c.lr~""; SU,?, ges7.ed 11J1Trr.i ~1g ::.r.:e C~:15 ts c,:- c (r~s -_~ ~~ -= .:..r~,g se~.." io. ce s ",,7 i_ tl-l ~_!"}C; oS e c' f I:)C,rl d ~,7c. t.e~~ . .. ~e3-r:-l::g : r: ,:-.~.Gel-- C::) i/ t? J,~ ~ - - ,....,1.'--' _. . Cc.'St~3 ct ..~d~.7.::.::g tje data al:aly=e~. Thel....e .\..723 also disc~ssici~ abo~t fig~res 1)8l:1g :pri:.;;',;:":sec - .-..".. .L.. '..0-__ 2C,::....: :3 re13~0d tc t~e new hI.0c~~res. the new reg~113ti')rls 2ni iL~.=~2S~ i~ h'~~~3 ~c f\l~l t~m6 felT th2 CCI~~i.ssic~ sec~e~.e~y. !Vi 7 :-i ~..o i :: :-l v.: ':: = ~c. de [~: f t.r-.:.e i:.i ~::-:?ti3 e1j "v,;rc:~::, J:: 1 C~a(1 tIe irlo; :'.!TtP:.; sed. C: n T~:le f'::C.:TJ~~; :"~o;::-.:.. :.~.:-: a5 2. ~,':!.j(::e, tr.:e i~::r.ea2'.ed. r:;C'i;1..pl.e:.:.:.. t'),1 elf sc,n-.e :.,f T,-,:-;e 2:~~}:~l ic:=-:.~~c:-~.~ and ;:~~-le:~CI:nrr:is;:. icrl !;:, a.e =: irE": tel j_r;-t}:,:r'Cl"""e J. t.s l-)~1r.>1 ic re .:.a~ l':':-15 .. l-:C-::-l:-~. :1"\6.;:18 a I:'iclti:)il -t.c' 2.';:cer:'t the t'l..ldget. as J:'~""()P{~SE~C. l".!""_7 m07i~~ was carried. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 . Mi~utes of January 14, 1988 Page ~ Ther-8 Has addi "'.:.ionc.l di~,cussion about. "the Town v]arrant Article accou::t.s. Car 1 Borchert. :nade a mo.tion to 1) T:rarlsfer morley o,lt of the ac~ount for Weed Control (cattail removal) t.o CO'Jer an outstanding Inquirer and Mirr-or bill dating back to 1982 and put the a~cunt remail1ing into the Warren's Landing Restoration Article~ and 2) put $20~OOO.OO into the Conservation ~and ACt:Jl:i2", i ti<)n F1J.:1fJ.. T'l-..e 1710t iC:11 \~7as C2.l'"~l:'.ied. d. ~arrenrs Landing p~oject - iI1sura~ce. walk site. Ad;-ninis.t.rato~- Ber: McKelv-'ay out.lined 2 f.roblems \..;i t.n the il1s:"lr3rlce poli~~l st.l~cmi tte:j t~! Cof~ in. Ca:r'~~ Borc11e:.:~t. ma<3e ,3- motio~ to waive the requirements for the lO-day cancellation rlc~ice and receipt of the actual policy. The motion was car~ied. The date to wall,: the site ~ith Coffin W,3~ se~ fer Monday. Jan. 18. 1988 at ~ PM. Lee Dunn. Bill Willet and Henry Wa3iersJ:i agreed to be present. 8. Discus~ion of enforce~en~ policy a~d policy resolutions. 1. '-, I>etf.:-=:r D.J:-fvliddie rerjcrted t-tlat To'\'-'r.:. COU:1sel ?=~.J.l DeF\.e::sis and El i:= 2.t~E:th GC)CL:LT~a!1 rlad =,~lg'ges tea the Com.,...~issic;:l h,3.d 1:~ee:1 violati~g the current regu:atic:ns and local bylaw by 1) n0t iSSi..:i:-l~: C:1e--)teal" expiration !ia'tes ()!1 E.}:ter:.sic!1 Permits .3.I}C Orde~s of Conditions. ?\ allowing applicaLts ~o modify p:a~s wi~ho~t fi:ing rlew Notj_ces cf Intent. and 3) not always I'ec~;..::"'Ii:-lb filirlg a :\f(;tice c.::E Irl-cer~t -Y.r}-~eri .31-ll-. acti~.ri.t.:J f2.2.=.3 wi-t~in ~he lUO-foot Buffer Zone (~~. iSs11ing a ~~te~~i:1a~~0n that t~le pr~jec~ fa:ls wit~in the Buffer Z!~ne. b~~ ~il: rc.t 2":' ::.E:r I\15 . Gc!':.:dr7';.3.ri ;5 .:.lgge~: t,efj ~'lC' 2. di:-~g . . . c~i :; c.:.::-c mee-::':":-.Lg i>2'.t\.J'-:::~ er~ ".2>:.:v}T: ~~\)1.11-': 3E: 1 2..fl1:' t.:-: e C>,)~1r:1i s s i (::1. She tho~g~t ~l:e new regula~ions w!=~uld =lear ~p 5~:11e of t~ese i.=cc'~si.s~enc~es. S~r_ B0~chs~t p~i:1ted :~t tl1a~ ~he mal~ ~esc:utiG~ ;~f the ~e'~ reg~~.~t~on~ was ~o bri~g t~e Tow~ bylaw and reg~lati0ns i~~o li~e ~~i'~h ~he State o~ce and for all. He .~hought Tow~ CO~l.~sel =r::)~.i.c. }-~el;, t1-~e Co~nrr~issicr: .:ind st.~nd tH~hind it .wne::. J:.11t~.ir:g t:ie new regu:ations t~efor'e Town meeting. He suggested sending a let~tE::r t:c\ t.he- l'J2~rlt""uc}:et 3oar~.i clf SelecTJl1e~1 }-~ighligr.tti11g ~~!e amc'u~t:. Qf time Town Co~nsel has had to J~eview and revise tt~ Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes ot January 14, 1988 Page 5 draft Wetlands Regulctio~5 and re~~est they be retu~ned as soon as possible to meet the deadline for 5ubmission for town meeting. Ad.rninistrat,cr Ben IvicKelway agreed t.o send the letter. Henry Wasierski felt all the people who had 3ub~itted writte~ and verbal input on the draft regulations had beeD treated unfairly because of the time delay by Town Counsel. Ben cited a l."eq.uest~ frorn F~ot-\ert- liarn.il ~_'.)n felT an E;~ter15icn ?errni t urli.:.er tl1tS state regulatlons and the ccnfuE;ion on hew to respcnd to ~~e request. 4. Mandatory record~ng at Registry of Deeds and 5. Fines. C-:e.rl th~').ug~t tr:e- (:;)rTh'Tlissic:!1 could ser:d a fC;l-ri: lE~-t1:.e!." 10 CejTS after an Order of Condi~ions is issued reminding the ap?~~cant that if the Order is not ~ecorded at the Regis~ry of Deeds and the form at the end of the Order is not submitted t~ the CC\;T1rnissic)n p:r.ior to tl.le CO!rL~e:l(~elnent. elf \-'l 0 Tl: tr~en, he \'7cul d tie subject to a fine. He said at present, the Euilding (~(JInrrlissiorler l"'ec!uir'es a~;)plicarlts to s"t..lbrr~i t a l-ec.()rded ~~:rigi~al ::>J. the Order befere a Buildi:1g Permit is issued. 6. Pc~rld-'orlerler fJTCsee-ut.i()11 \ I)Orl(l clYT:;.e]~sj:i~:>. A~~~~inistrat()r Ben l\1cKelwayT ~47.~n"'Ced t.o l)l-,:,ach t~~t3 su1::ject anticipation of th~s seaso~!s prc~lems. Eenry Wasieyski ."3,1:.1stai11ed frc1rn 1 at:.e:r tiTI1e. -:1-~e c1iscl.:ssi::ln. Di5C1..12.s'::.cn W2~S 1=~ (~ s .~: };:o () !1. e !.: ~;:-: a. .<7 '- . Flooded ~07 on ~t. ~~Ke~way c83cribec a t: l r:.i c: ! :: La:.18 .- 'pos~;ibl{~ .. . .. "'r,i'" ~.o 1. .3, t 1.::) rl . ~ad noticed on ~ J'a~. " ... . ~l(; S S it:2- 8 \7 ic 2- C t.i()l"".i ~.h4"1-~ere trle 1.:c}IT':--;: ~',::,~ i(:r~ 19b8 field i~specti0n T,ha~ ve~e~~~io~ ;:;en had been cut or ~1owed i~ a ~let~a11.j arEa Cln ~ot 4. ~ c~~ ::..:.;:-;c ...... ~C.iJ.'= . L;er~ ~.4a5 asJ~e~j ",,::: .:eterinil-;e. -::n '? ,::'j--:...~r~er ,s.r.:.'-:~ ~c:.--. ~ 7:::. . ,,;:;.-~c:."Y"" _"'_#4.'.4 '_ ~'..-'._.....'_,J.. l.....-=C;1j.'=st.i.r~g "t.r~e = il ir~f: :::f a :'Jcl1:.i.~e c:f ~-r:~er}t -F .-- "Y' =-,-.' '! ~....;/ :~":Jl-t~'-.e~ '\,:c:::-Y: . J?vJ - mosqtlitc: tjit:cl-les. ::~)\\! S~.lper' i~1 t-enG.er~:: Ij :-li J. ::~t,;.ea !-~ac called 'l~la!1ti:lg t.o J~!1C;\',! \"7r~3.t t.f1e '::;o~mi~ 5 iorl ::'equired of ';-lirr: i:"1 circler' t,o begir~ cleaning CJ.Jt" ffi!)sq"ui to di t.ches a.rC\llr~d t~le I 3:'a:'~:j while the ground is still hard. After 30me discussion, Ca~~ Borchert suggest~d sendi~g a letter, with a CO~IY to tte Na~tucJ~et Board of Selec~~en. stating the follo~l~ng: Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 14, 1988 Pbge 6 1) Tl:e work may begin onl y ir done In accordance vli th the laws cited in a letter rrom Elizabeth A. Kouloheras, Acting Chief of the Wetlands Section or the DEOE, to be enclosed: 2) The Comrni.ss ion requires copies or e'Ie:::.-y ::otice and relat:ed lett.ers to owners or pl~ivate lend on vlhich '\;.Jork is to be done. to all 0\,,1 the C~c'rrnTti5Sio~1 tc; }::no\;j the rr:e"tt.i.Cn:1 ar1fj loce.t:.ic'rl ()f eacr:. ditch-clearing project. 3) Tl-1E:: i~orr~rnissiorl \-.ra11ts -to Jcnciw \.v~at. vIill be dO:-le ~~ll"'t.n t:r~t~ r:~~~l~Y: removea from those ditches. 4..) Tile Cc)IrU1"LissioI1 ~.:ill Ul.....gE~ ;:.ne Lll;>vJ t.e) bt~;~i:l \,.ri:-":-l ditche~, through saltmarsnes. Ben McKehlay agreed to send the letter \-1i tll enclosures. 3. Orders of Conditions a. John Marl: - SE48-~54, - 28 & 30 Gosncld Road. A motion ,^-'as made to wai~ until ~he Jan. 21, 1988 meeting to iS5~e the Greer. ~he motion was carried. & b. Iv]i~:;l-~at3:' Blc1(.lnlbel--g -- SE48-f:t.53 - 1.15 Baxt~er RCiad. A ITiot':"O:-l ~~;"as n-i.~~:1e to is-sue .3, stai-l,"5.arc C1rder cif (~c,rl<3.i ti.c~rls ci tirlg .t.1-~e revised si~-e plan d,ated Dec. 7. 1987. T~e mot~0n was car~ieti. c. H~ason a~d Sand~a liolland - SE~8-452 - l17 Madaket Rsad. ~ :11::::tic,:-.:. ':\'l'2S :T".ade to issue a 5ta~~:dar("5. ()rde-l~' c!f C\.~'r:<3itic>r.:~ ,=i-:i:~:g the ~~iveway p:an,s sig~ed 1:y IJ':~hn C. Sh~g~~e, .- ~ 11'~C. (;:1 -.....: ==:':-i . ,i. '1 QC- 0 -...... ...,- v. Tte ~c~io~ was ca~ried. -.....~Er~rey Mscr"e - SE48-456 - 33 Baxter Road. Ii rr:c;"t.:. C~}1 ~vi c~ ~ :-c~.?;.de tc i~.s~Je -3. ;..-t..::tf.:.c13J",:--,a C~:>:le:.:" cr C>::r16.i.~j_'.::ns. ---. . '..:..' h E: :T"~C' T. _:. (":':1 w'" ,~. ~ ca:....Y...:. e ;':.1 . ~. Notice of Non-sjgnificance ~. Barth/Taddonio - SE48-~5~ 79 Eel Point Road. A mcticn was made to issue a Notification of Non-significance on this application fer the reason that the si1:e is not within ~he 100 ft. B~ffer Zo~e a~d ~herefore ~lill not alter a resource area. The mo~ion was c~rried. .-- Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 14, 1988 Page 7 5. Certificate of Compliance a. Lynn Z~~erman (K. Hubbard) - SE48-181 - 8 Monomoy Creek Road. Bill Willet abstair.ed from discussion. Ms. Z~1~erman submitted a letter withdrawing her request for a Certificate of Ccmpliance and citing information that had been brought to ~er attention about parts of the septic system not being in compliance with Title 5. She i>laS working with Nantucket Heal:.h Agent Richard Ray to address the problem and would submit another request at a later date. Henry l'Jasierski <,..;anted to know "\.,hy tbe Commission was allowing the house to be lived in if there was some question that the E.ept.ic system i.;ras not up to code. Peter Dunwiddie said i,- was a mat~er for ~he Nantucket Board of Health. Henry accused ,-he Com~i55ion of favoritism and of not treating applicants fairly, citing tl-~e a:i:mtting Willet app.lication ",hich was denied becau5e the septic system would have been too close to the marsh and locat.ed on a coastal bank. Peter explair..ed t.hat neither f\'is. Zi:l1rne:r.'ITlan ner the COITh.'Tlission had any kno"Vlledge th.3.t her sept.:..c SY::'it.8!11 Wo.S not irl c<)rripliance UT"ltil }-lOW. Herlry becarr~e \le1"'~' irr~tated and left ~he meeting. 6. Exten::.,icn. Perrr,i t a. R,cl:"::<r.t & Sharon Earr~il t.Cl:1 - .5E43 - .~': 44 - 3 Eagles Wir.tg t!V::i):r. A motion was made to wait until the Jan. 21, 1988 meeting to i~sue tl1E F'er~~t. The motion was carried. 1'1-1 ere !)E'irJ.g 'r: (-, o~ner business, the ~eeti~g adjourned 10:10 PI.}.