HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-07 1 Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 AGENDA FOR JANUARY 7, 1988 A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Nantucket Wetlands Regulations 2. Barth/Taddonio - SE~8-~5~ - 79 Eel Point Road 3. John Mark - SE~8-~~3 - 28 & 30 Gosnold Road ~. Joseph & Joan Cochran ET AL - SE~8-~~2 - 5~ & 56 No. Beach Street 5. Nantucket Commons Trust - SE~8-~~9 - Pleas, Dave, Or & Bear Streets 6. James Driscoll - One Osprey Way 7. Wayne H. Dupont - Codfish Park Road 8. Elizabeth McIlvain - Millbrook Road 9. Michael Bloomberg - SE~8-~53 - 115 Baxter Road 10. Hudson & Sandra Holland - SE~8-~52 - 117 Madaket Road 11. Ellen Flamm - SE~8-~51 - ~3 Squam Road 12. Richard and Nicki Gamble - Pocomo Road 13. Peter Nash/Gifford - One Easton Street 1~. J. Pepper Frazier - SE~8-~55 - 37 Gardner Road 15. Lawrence Pfaff - Alabama Ave., Madaket 16. Crow's Nest Associates (renovations) - 10 Crow's Nest Way, Wauwinet 17. Crow's Nest Associates (septic) - 10 Crow's Nest Way, Wauwinet 18. Jeffrey Moore - SE~8-~56 - 33 Baxter Road 19. John W. Bartlett - 283 Hummock Pond Road 20. Richard E. Kotalac, Jr. - 129 Meadow View Drive B. REGULAR MEETING 1. Minutes of December 10. 1987 Minutes of December 17, 1987 2. Other Business a. Warren's Landing Bid b. Wetland Boundary Delineation - videotape available c. Quaise Road riprap - possible violation d. Bruce Killen - discuss compliance e. Proposed Fiscal 1989 Budget Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554 f. Norwood Farms Trust SE~8-52 - Miacomet Pond maintenance work g. DEQE site visit for Yates appeal set for 1/22/88 h. Yates appeal to Superior Court - 20 days to answer l. Tina Coughanour - possible manmade pond on Monornoy lot -,. 1987 Annual Report k. Contribution to Dionis Dunes project Requests for Determination a. Granger Frost - 68 Millbrook Rd. 4. Certificates of Compliance a. Walter J. Cairnes - SE~8-~01 - 82 Baxter Read b. Lynn Zimmerman (K. Hubbard) - SE~8-181 - 8 Monornoy Creek Rd. Orders or Conditions Bills to be paid - three signatures needed Correspondence Field Inspections a. Ted Godfrey - 325 Polpis Road - Nor b. Helen ~mitehead - 97 B~:ter Road - Nor ~ ..... . 5. 6. 7. 8 . 1'") Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Page 1 J'1INUTES OF ']AI\fUARY 7, 1988 The public hearings of January 7. 1988 were ~alled to order at 7:90 PH. Mernbers present. Kere: Peter W. Dunwiddie -' Chairman, Lee Dunn, BiL. Willet, Hen~y Wasierski. Donald Visco. Granville Cranston and Carl Borchert. Mernbers absent were: ~one. Administrator present: Ben McKelway. A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. NantuckeT. vJetlands Regulations. Peter Dunv.dddie mentione:3. "'that the regulations were continuing to be reviewed by Town Counsel and cj.ted certain budgetary F-roblems. A motion was made tc cont.ir:ue t:-:e he2~1~ing fC!1~ a,:i"/".lce B:1d t~l-le re":Jised draft. fr0!11 ~;c!"'rrl Counsel. The ~otion was carried. 2. Barth/TaddoniG - SE~B-454 - 79 Eel Point Road. A motlon was made to close the hearing and issue a Notice of Non-sig~ificance. The moticln was carried. :3 . ,John IvIar}: - SEi!8 - ~l; 3 - 28 & 30 803no1d Road. .John Shugrue was present as agent for the applicant. A letter from John Mark waE read and there was more discussion about the we"tlands -. . . ceslgna."Llc..:..n. Carl 3arc~ert thought some of the upland area on the lot was t'1.1iJ.c15.tJl e. A mc)tiorJ \ioTaS ma.,iE t.o clclse tl'le. hE~aJ:--irjg. :I'l-le :Tic:"":.iC) r.:. \,: c~ s C' ,:=3..r1.... i E: (1 .. 4. JG3e~'}1 ~ Joal1 Cochran ET AL - SE48-442 - 5~ & 56 No. 3e~r~ S.tree-:--::. . 'l::-le:r'~3 \,,-a? S()ITi6 disc'.:':SE:.I:);-l at.c;ut de:1yirLg t.Y~e .some of -::r.e Con'11issi,:,ners fel t l-Le ~.Jetland a::; - . ar't::-l :...ca l :-():-~ ,t')eca'J.,Se 6E7ined by the Cc.rr~1ission sl~ould ~ot be fille.5. l~ W'2S noted t,ne~ al~ho1Jgh the Nctice of In~eL~ was filed co:: Se~t.. .~l~ 19B7! t.te applicant. hEd req~esteci a conti!1UanCe a~ the Dec. 17 lS27 meeting becauEe they were wai~ing to subm~t hydT'C.l':lgical d.2t.a f~r-om I.EP. J-L~.'_~. Lee D"Ui...n \vantecl t'.o serlt:t =.. letter re'T:.les-cing the appl ican~ "Lt.' submit any an':; aLl. fur:.r.er Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Fage ~ data or arguments on or before the Jan. 21, 1988 meeting pending closing the pub2.ic hearing at that meeting. Ii rnotion v;as .rna(le tCi ha"p.,re BE~r: rvlfcKelwaj7 send trle lette~ a.r.;.d conti:;ue. t~ne hearing ror arg11.'T'ents until J'an. 21, Wasierski were opposed. the hydrological data and any further 1988. Carl Borchert and Henry The motion was carried. 5. !'Jarl"tuc}:eT. Co~:nons Trust - SE48-4.4.9 - Pleasar1t~ Da\.;"e. C!1.-'a~ge & Bear Str6ets. Applicant Robert Sarvis was present with a~tornev ~r{~d 'I;ill::)t.sCt].-l c)f Sherbllrrl.e. Po'wers c{ r\~e(:~,ihaTn. i'i::'. Sal'V':_S made t:\..;-o points: 1) Mr. Viera 1-~as f ill Ed an area through which water used to flow and a new sidewalk is to t-e cor1structed along Pleasant Street between the ])~nk and Beax' Stree~. Together, these activities will cause the wetland to c.r'y 1..1l:).. He said. t.r18 lCO-:lea.r f lOCrQ eleo:......at.iorl ~~,.j_l.l }::e8ome 8.5 :t..t.. 2) IEP, I11C., t'hererc!re. r~() lCI~lgel.'" def ines t:~i5 area a:s a wetland, bu~ as isolated land subject to flooding. Mr. Sarvis fel t.. 13.Ctequate e'fv"i(lel1~~e ha~3. beerl preser;.ted ir; t-I1eil- ~estiInCjn}T t.(} Stlr>l~ol-t t.hi s det in'::' ti,on .. I-:e adde-d t.hat }-:le was aware ~J-!at disruption to wildlife will cccur. but felt the wildlife i~ rn:lt-jil'8 2.rjd rnade up m":>stl~:, elf I'e.ts, !-I':Juse SI:)arrc'~,,"7s al-:a ;~t-1'1.tr ins~gnificant 5?eC18S. He k:1e;~ of ~c endangereti wildlif~ (ir 1=:12..;:':;.: sl:Jer.:ies (JI) t.r-le l:;rc)1='!e::.t~.:-~. }'!e sai.d -:.l-lat if r1;= gc,t ar-_ 3civerse decisicn he wculd appea~ it. "T~ -, 'l'!"leJ:e -:..:as E ;.-::: t. 7::~ 11 ~; :w. .......:-- (3 -,. . "': . (1:" f:~ c'C:. S Z'.'::" ():J a;:) 01':' 1: t.ne \...ret12r.:.c -. . deslgnatlc:r: ,~nG , . ~. . - :,J.e r :_:'1l 1:l Ci:r.:.S .. C~anny CranstO:l thought ~he .iesignatio:l ,jepe~d~d :;ri t.l-;e qua_l if icat.icns \~f t:-;e ;:la=.tic1..~.lal'" e:lgil1eer. t~21.-.1 3''-':''l-cj-:-::.rt '~RI1t.ed to den). ~.he applicatic~~~ as it will not be allowed ~~~:jer tJ-le lcl\::a.l b~] 1 a.," arld. "t>:, Dasr-i i 1: C"Llt :":1 the c:)tlrt2":. Iv11.-. S a.l-'''J i =-. accuse,j Carl of tieing bi2se~ E~nd re~ues~ed that ~e witl_,j~aw ti!TIsel.f d~I'iDg ~11e5e !1eari!~g3 because !~,f conflict of i~t~res~ '~~Je ~o his ac~ivities a3 Na:lt~c}:et Euil!ji~g Inspecto~ in 198~~ C:ar: said the ol'Ily bias he tia1j was ~n favclr elf r'rotecti~g ,;..re"L1.ar:C1S. F)e"t.e~ [}unv.lidclie ;:'c,ir~i:.e[J. (lut trlat how C:.~.rl st,~::,'".i5 i~ l-..is cJ\'\'''r.:. f'e1.-Sclr~a.l ~:ie.:'i5iCirl 2,-.:'.cl.:.r'd.::..:~g t:'CJ TC'\~11 CC1tl:iiSE:l. AtT.:r~;F?V he c:.ul d T.illcts<)D aggre=:.sivei.y asserted to Mr. Borchert that ::tay out cr jail by not ;,:'ar-::icipating in t.he Co:-nrnons review and decision. a;::pJ .:i.cc:.tic.n -.,," Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Page 3 Discussion continued about exactly where the water flowed and why t.hGre ~~'as no sidevraJ.k :sho-v.7D ont.he plans. Lee Dunn said the Com~ission did not endorse yThatever activity Mr. Viere had under-r.aken that. ffia'l h3ve caused the wetland t.O beC::lrr.e drier and 1-_ =>,.....:J oj- +-,'r. ::. -'<:'''~~''-'C- t . t ~ t", T/t;~-.- c:: -,,~h lle '''',~.j l.81"; ....0 ~c.J...e ..le,::\~, ,"'-'.. '- '"' 0 ffialn a~n t"e v. e ,.1. o,..lQ a~ ::> ........." . Peter D~"mwjddie added t.hac;: t.he origin or age of a ....,etJand d';)es not, bear UI=C1I, it.s level cf I)Totection. C2..rl Borchert ::::aid th(;,: C:c1wmissic)11 ha~:l iI1spect"-ed~ the Vie1.~a filling and Lt)U:-ld Del ~~let"-~a:!d or water course due to pc!reus soils there~ Peter Dunwiddie ask'3d the applicant -:'0 preseEt evidence eX ....}-,c. next mee~ing of ~an. 21. 1988, that ~his is not. a wetland unde-~ the local byla',,; and t.hat wildlife and wetland '7egetat.ion are nc,t afforded pro't.ectie,,"l by the are.a. IVIT'. Sar\Tis and rYII'. Til~ots(n ag:r'eed to do so. I.1~.lr~r: Zirnme1.~rnarl, AS5oci.3te E:...:ecuti'o:","e Direct.c;r of t:b.e l-.JanT.ucJ:et Larld C~clurlcil, 5ut.mi t.tec a letter meant t(.) draw the Ce,rn.rnissicJ11' S a't.te:1tion to pot.ential problems with the storm retention D3Sii: to be b~ilt behind Hatch's, the effect of shading on wetlaDG ,...regetaticlD and subsequE~nt re(:rG.ction in wat:.er a"bsc)rE>t.it-Jrl ~ and t.hirdly. the need fur more s'cudy of the permeability of ,,::he 5c"ils in the area and thei= capacity to absoy"b flood waters. 1'1~"'. Sar'\lis rhetc:l'i.::all y asked to WhOITl he -:~:as res1=lc!r.l~ible r "C1"~e CC~llser'\~at.ion C'Cr~"T:.i2:~ icri I~r tr.le l_l3.na Cctlncil. T~e~'e was d~sc~ssion a~out ~he ,-" .- , -. ~v ,.-~ se-C!::-2CJ: .==.3 def irJec. in t"l~le pric!r filillg. i~eter D~~wid,jie felt tha"c all of 12st year's corr;l:'.rc)r7'ti~E:S tJE'~.'t~.een -r_l-~i.s apI= I 2.C.3.D-:' 2.:1(1 t}"lE"C(~rn:nis3ic:r~ l-1a~j 1::-'8el-J re'I" ~~1'3ught, 2;.:1(J. ;:1:<3t. l.i.C'\J.? tne CC/m..rnissicill W,3.S t~E.~i.:-~:s d.ec'2i~.."E:3.. A J~0tio~ was ~&de to ~ontinue the hear~ng ~Gr nCire s;:ec~fi:: plans ~or acce5S, ~a~king, assessment of the i~pactc-n drai~ag€ 3:1s~em3 2nd Evidence th2t t~is is not ~ we~la~d ~nder ~he lc;c,~: bylaw and that ~iJ.dlife a~d wet-land vegetatio~ are Dot aff~:r6e~ prl)tect~on. 'i~e DotlOJ1 was carrisd# 6. JEHT;es r::x-i::.coll - U:::e Osr:,rey 'irJay. !I"lr. Driscoll was ];T8sent with Ti~a Coughanour of IEP. Inc. who presented a ske~ch pla~ from a certified coas~al engineer. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7. 1988 Page ~ Discussion :=.urrounded use of al t.ernatives like moving tne fl0"...:se back. the size of the stones, the width a~d slope of the bulknead and possible scouring action. Donald Visco thought ~he Con~ission should respect the fact that the properry ow~er seemed t.o v.rant to do the job right ar:d keep the property In as close to original condition as possible because of its ]1istGrj~cal val~e. Ms. Co~ghanour added that the applicant plans to use a seasonal st.air,^<'ay as access. ;:;he said tr-2e final plan will have specs on the width of the bulkhead and stone dimensions, ,-rying '-0 keep it as low and as narrow as possible, Donald Visco suggested lovering it '-0 match an existing bulkhead next door. A ITic.t.l.oL 'vlas made t.o continue the hearing for more engineerir-;g data c,n .'3 final plan. The "lotion \-vas carried. 7. Wayne H. Dupont - Codfish Park Road. John Shugl~e was present as agen"!:. fc;J.."' -the appl.icant anlJ. subnli tted a ~~Ctpy" elf inr o rrn.3 t. iCJT"l DEOE "had requested aboD t dune and bank l;:.cations. FtC. IvIr. ShlJgrue mentioned there had been a subtraction error made in ~~e original filing. A ml)~ion was mace ~o con~inue the hearing fo= a DEGE file l'~umt'e:r' . :ne mOLion was carried. o '_J . Eli=bbe~l: McIlvain - Millbrook Road. Mayk A~Jery of De5ig~ Associates was ;Iresent as agent f(:ir the applicant and explai~ed tlie t~;Y"..?3er;~:. ijela.y Twr3=~ Ctle tc.) [.EC_i~ ha'v'"j_jjg ne'tJer ~:-ecei\..~=:j tr-~e apF 1 iCc'T..1.':'::-, . 1-3.e p l.:.~r:ned t.o send a.n<yt:.her C(-,py imrnediat.':?-l. y. A motio~ W23 made to co~~i~ue ~he hearing for fur-ther disc~2S~~O~ an~ 2 ~E~E file ;1umber. The motion was carried. 9. Mi~hce~ 3loomberg - SE48-~53 - 115 Baxter Read. G~en Wills v~ Nan~u~Ket Surveyors was present as agent for the appl~cant and said the dwelling would be located 67 ft. from the top of the bad.:. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Page ~ A motion was made to close the hearing and cite the Dec. revised plan in the Order of Conditions. The motion was carrled. 7 , . 1987 10. Hudson ar.d Sandra .Holland - SE~8-y:52 - 117 Madaket Road. John Shugrue was present as agent for the applicant and presen~ed f ini~;hed plans of l:he driveway US.1.ng 6 - inch chinJ:stcne. A motion was made to cIese the hearing. carried. The motior. \0."3.2, 11. Ellen Flarnm - SE!*8-~51 - 43 for the applicant requested Squam Road. a continuance ,] ohn .Shugrue as of the r.tearing. ager~t A motion was made to continue applicant. So voted. the - . hearlng at the reqllE-st of t}-le 12. Richard and Nicki Gamble - po(~o~o Road. Travis Price was presenl: as age:l.t with a?plica:"t Richard Garnble. They presen-::'ed ~ew plans shewing locations of the pocl~ now back 50 ft. frcm the bluff edge, and cross-sections of the stairway and the ho~se ~tself. The house itself is now bac~ 30 ft. from the bl~ff edge. Lee Dun:>. thought they had supplied tne inro:rmation requested. !~dmil1istrato1.'" Bfsn ]vTc:}{el wa't:l 1=lC' irltec ou~ that t:ie l.Ja~~lt\.1c:j,~e--::. S~oreli~e Survey did DlJt gi~!e the erosion rate fer PC=C~CJ Bluff and ~}la~ tne only ~hing he coulj fi~d was 2 1951 land c':!~r~ p 1 a:-l . Dia.I1E' ~:I)OTnl')s, ()f t.1-~e Har1:1cr ~.:;}-!ellfi511 A:j"'vi5()r~l Bt,,:,ar() Cl,3.lrnE.;.:i "'t!"~a;.~- 2cccrj,irlg --:.() i.Jirrt Cl-=-E~cca t.rle~E l-.:a.j been 1(.")t.5 c'f erC;52-cr: tJ-i2..:-:. yea::-- ",hi::h 2!i.A3 is st'_'id'yTirig :-l':l\.~r. :E>E:ter. i)::lnwid.cie suggested tel Ml..... Price and Ivir. (;2fcble "t.r.i'3.-:' i"t would be pr~denl: for them to calculate the erosion rate de~~ to lu..-J wa-::.el~ sirice 1951. One c,f their boundary lines also still nee~:1e;j tc; t"2 deterrnined. CaI"l BCirchert t1-.:.ougl-1t i t vJ01.:.:.~_,j ~e Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7. 1988 Page 6 their best interest. Dunwiddie also voiced concern about the heigh~ of the house in regard to the wetland scenic views interest of the Town \.Jet.lands Bvlaw. li rr~o"t.ic:n was made .to ccnt.inue the hearing ror a DEQE file number and further discussion. The motion was carried. 13. Peter ::.-.Jash/Giffcrd - One Easton Stree.t. Admini.s~L:rator Ben McKelway had been in touch with Mak Wolven who wa3 going to cc,ntact [IEQE at-)0ut a f _ile l1umber. A motion was made to continue the hearing ~or a DEQE file Jll.ID11:lc,:':" . The motion was carrled. 14. J. Pepper Frazier - SE~8-~55 - 37 Gardner Road. Tina Coughanour of IEF was present with applicant J. Pepper Frazier. Attorney Kevin Dale '\-Jas also present. with l'flr. Frazier. Ms. CoughanC1...:r gave a b:rief descrip1:ion of the application and presented plaDs containing all the wetlands boundaries. She planned 1:0 presen~ infonnatio~ about a wetland species grou~dsel, hc~ever was no~ done consulting with others about it. With regards to the question of whe1:her thls was a barrier beach I.:;r not:, ~ 1\15. Cougha~c)\lr said t1.1ere is r.lone wi th~n -:.he 1 i~.li t.5 of this application, but is off to one side nearby! and she will submi t evidcmce to t.he Cont.'11ission in WTi t.ing. Sbe prE:sented "t.e::::i:. r"=- t :i.rlfc1rmaotic1rJ.. RE.~gar'ding \~~ildl j_fe, Tir:2 said t}-lere is l~at~i "ta.-:-. irr~;:l!:)rt21.Dt t.':' cC:;3st-al \;J'adeT's and fficny rn:..g~-c.t.':.lJ:"Y 2.:;.ec .~e:=: ~ nowever, ~o wo~J: ~s planned within the 25 ~t. b~ffer zc~e. Bill Wille~ removed himself h.:.=..,....;;, ':;! ~...._-~ -4..~"c.. rr!:;m t:r-~e C:()rrrr:issic::~ ~.~"L:~ing l)et .;;r 2);:r:v1.l.C ~3:. e as}::ed \..711')7 't.he ,3pp~. lC~:3.nt C 01_11 :in ! t r..u:.l<:} "):1 -:--1-~s mos~. J_c'g~cal 5~tes on ~h6 p~o?erty -- the higher areas near tree~. ~he 2,O~ler si~,es cauJ.a then be mo'unded and used tc~ t!18 sept:": :,:,ystems. l';E3dded . It '''25 mentioned there Here sep"t.i c res~rictions. Mr. Dale added ~he setback restric~ions also limi~ed the siting. There was discUS5io~ about wetland scenic Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7. 1988 Page 7 vlew~. Mr. Frazier did not tnl:"1Y: there would be much Vls'-.:a.L impact compared with other house::: nearby. Henry Wasierski asked wny the plan did not show this was a coastal bank. Ms. Coughanour defined it as a geomorphic breaking slope. Peter Dunwiddie thought this was similar to the Wille~ case and could impact on the septic syste~ plans. A le;::ter from Ken Kelley \'ias read 'Yrhich stated his oppcsiticn. A letter f:r-om David Mcretti ioJas read which r'epresented that abutter Mr. Crosby is concerned but not necessarily opposed. A letter from Mr. f~ern was :read. Diane Coombs of the Harbor Shellfish Advisory Board was present. to again state her concel-n fo:::: another dTl'lelling in this sensitive area important to seed scallops. She reported that SHAB is looking into leaching properties, pollution potential and related problems in that part of the Harbor. Kenn..:-ch Gullicksen of Reade and Alger represe7ited the Tuckers who were opposed to further development in this area. He pointed out that the access would be within a resource area. Robert Daylor of Daylor Consulting Group representing abuttors made two points: 1) there clearly is a fresh wetland shrub edge to the existing narsh. He cited the high new moon ~ides. Lee Dllr:.11 tr-J.o:J.gr.:.t this si.te \.~:juld. be 3:l. isla~d during s1J.c-h t.:des.. 2 j 7i~tually all of the ~it5 i.3 Lelow t~e lOC1-yr. f}.clod pla:'~5 le~'el a~_l(~ t,~n"'() septic "t.a::t:2- s!.'e ~.:') ~b-= lCicaterj wi t.ri.in trlis :::-."::ne. IvTI'. l)G.~"lc,'I~ did rlc:t. i~eel tiliz cc:rlfc'l-:Tled ~7ith t118 state coae2. C~. ?E'l\'lA g~1'~e~lne5. He agreed ~o sub~it additional criTi'~ues in ~~y-i~ing as ~he projec~ prcg~esse5. DC'~31d Visco said the :OO-yr. flood , . . - zone res~rl!:~l:~~ ~3 :-1 ::)"t r:'crt c.:t r-r";~1.:~ ::-, ..... - ..-...... '-' ..'. r.:e.~:i:--l [}ale spea~l':ir1g a~~, ':=. !7";err:.1:le:r' c:= tje Shi:mnc A:3sc~ciaticJ:-l =::-:':,:;'"(,1:::.: he lS not oPPo5ed to this a;:plication. --., Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes or January 7, 1988 Page 8 A motion "ms made to continue the :hearing for the follm-7.:.r-g information: * .carrier beach argument - Tina definition of upland and fresh water boundaries we~land species gro~ndsel phot,o::. shewing wetland scenic views at eye-level determination of coastal bank question rli -:rate loa1jirlg ~andscaping plans limits of constructioll :::'''-'.-. ;....;............ .the ;l~ * * ~- * :>I'. * plan of access and ~arking * plan for flood-proofing utilities under code * an extension of the wetland boundaries to the road The applicant agreed to sup];;ly the info1.l11aticm both to the (:;C!Th'TIi5,sic~n and I{evi:1. Dale. IvII'. I}ale agreed tC) senl~ copies c'r -:he info~atic:n t.o oppcsir:g parties. The motion vias carLied. 15. Lav,;,rence Pfaff - Alaba:-na Ii.VB., Madaket. Aileen Barth or Ai::'een Barth Associates was present as agent for the appllcan~ ana stated she had sent -::11e req:.:ested info:rrnation t.o DEOE. 5:11e submitted revised arawlngs. A moti\~r1 ~,va3 rnac= to cc)nt.ir~ue tne hearing fo:!:" a [:EQE file !"lur:Lt',er and further di.scussion. The motion was carried. l6. Crc~'tl.rt:.. 1\~e3t As:::-:cc:_ates (reno-o:/a"til:,ns) -~ :.0 Crc~~-1! 5 1'~e5~- \r}2,~";. \\"a~~wiDet. ~ ApI:-} ic:ant :=;'t.e'Je I,;:';~ljS.3"/ via=:. r:'re~.ent ~.Ji't.rl P~ilf~er: =2~rt:t"1 \,\yr.i.':; rl(:3.(J :-lClt t,eer: a!:lle- tc- re.ac.r~ DEGJE. !vIr. Li.nd.5c3:Y .::1.3ri~i.e,=- tZ1e placemen~ of t~e snowfencing a~d he fel~ the clearing ~~0~l.1 be a big inrpI~cl"t.;re:nerlt.. f.-)r ~~c1trl -:.~e cC1ttage2. C:1.:.-1d tI-!8 .stlr:,"cJ:.:rl,ji:-lS T,.-:e-:lanf:. Lee =~i.lr~:.~ 52-ie":. no addi tic-:1al infclI"';Yiaticlr~ was Dt-3ec.ed. A m:-:.~t:.o:-... \-7a5 mc'.::e t.o ccr:tir-;.-oe thehe2.rir-g for a l)EOE file number. Tn'? motion was carried. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 I"linutes of January 7, 1988 Page 9 17. Craw's Nest Associates (septic) - 10 Crow's Nest Way, Wauwi~et. Tina Coug~anour of IEP was present with applicant Steve Lind32Y and !)::..'iE;f:' y ;:ie-scribed the proj ect in which t.he septic SYSTems were 72 f~. from the we~land at their closest point. Lee Dunn ~hought it would be difficult ~o put in a well downslope, ie. a messy jeb to discharge away from a wetland. aLd suggested putting something in the Order of Conditions abo~t that. Discussion followed about how best to drill the well and cor:t.ain the runoff. CaTl Bo:.:'chert suggested asking FIr. Ra;nc'5 just what he needed to do the wo~: and come back with a pIa!1 Sfl!)wirlg tl-~e r.;.eC:E't-:~::2r:l w()rl: 2.~:...r:li ts .. Peter Dunwiddie wanted to knew about the effects on wildlife and the ~evegetation, adding he wculd prefer to see indigenous plant Sj:'B':les. I\~s. Ccughanour said they plan to plant privet and bayberry. Peter said he had discovered during the field inspection what is to his knowledge the largest popula~ion or St.. Andrew's Cross in Ne"i England right next to one of the cottages and he had con~3c~ed the Mass. Natural Heritage a~d Endar;g€..~red :::~)ecies Prog.ra"11 abcfut it. He asked if the af;}:) 1 iccn-c. \\l()u.lc1 a.'\,70id. ~3.isturl:Jirlg th.~ pI a~l.t.s, e"'="Ten t.hc!ugh tl-.;.ey arE~ nClt a v.w"etl,~:1c l)larlt." I~r. Lirld=ay~ s.s.id he ~I.i()uld be gla\:l. t<,) pI~:.)te(:.t trJer--i :.J.urirlg CCi!1st:ructiori" I~1:'. ~2..:-~(}2.~~" pCJint~ea, clut that aJ.l " 1-. .. brUS.11c:lt't.J.~ng wO"t..:ld be Gene 'V7}-lile t'~e gl-'c~'l:r.:.,-1 ....-.Ta.s rr:>zen, ;,J'ihich Wf.)U} (1 ser'""re t(\ ;.:.....C'"C;:::C7:. t~.:.e la~d a~d vegetatio~. All were in favor :.f t~at. A mo~i~~ w~s rnaoE: ~c cCJ::-:irlue 1:]:-18 1-.:.ea::-ing fer a ~.:EQE f~le' n1..~-n.be:!:-. Ihe ~::!--:.:.c;;: wa.=. c.aI'r.:..~,J.. 18. Jeffrey Moo~'e - SE~8-~56 -- 33 Eaxter Road. Glen Wills ~~as f'rE'~'~r1t 55 agent for the a;iplic3r~t and described t~e site a~: Eibu-:t ":":-1.,2.. a r:~)rl-e'):-o'::il.lg l:-~a::J.: 'ol.,ri -::.11 ~l":e ;:;rc':;'o~,ed cTr'Tellir:g =.:. :"':-.:.:':' .:;C ft. 2~Ja~r a~ itE clC5es~ point. The Siasccnset Foo~path W8~~G rern;;;.il-l in:::.sc'"C.. ''"., Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Page 10 Lee Dunn read a letter from David Bentley and Elizabeth Churchill requesting the heuse be moved closer to the road. Engineer Richard Earle stated he was not sure if the applicant would consent to moving back to 30-35 ft. A motion was made to close the hearing. The motion was carried. 19. ...lohn W. Bartlett - 283 Hummock Pond Road. Glen Wills of Nantucket Surveyors was present as agent for the applicant and described the lirnits or construction for building the second st.OIY. The applicant wishes to do the work before the pond water rises in the spring. Snowfencing will be located 10 f~. a~vay from t.he house. A motion was made to continue the hearing for a DEQE file nw~ber. The motion was carried. 20. Richard E. Kotalac, Jr. - 129 Meadow View Drive. Glen Wills Nantucket Surveyors was present as agent for the applicant. dy,TelJ.ing will be located 60 ft. away from a drainage pond. Com:ldssion round no problems with the application. of The The A mOTion was made to continue the hearing for a DEGE file n~~ber. The motion was carried. B. REG'lTLAR jv:EEtIIl'JG 1. Minuts=. of December 10, 198:3. A notion. ~..J"as made to accept:. the minutes at the next meeting. r-JIinc.:.tOt3S of December 17, 1988. A mot.ion was made to accept -~,:. mlnu~es _~ the next meeting. ) Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 II/finutes of January 7. 1988 Page 11 2. Other Business a. Warren's Landing Bid. The SlX sealed bids were opened ana read. A mo"t.ion was made to &ccept the lowest bidder, Kennet!~ Coffin, Inc. ~ at $7,000.00. The motion was carried. The secretary was asked to send a letter ef acceptance to Coffin requesting delivery t'::l the Corrmission office of Certificate:::. of Insurance as per the li~its outlined in the Specifications 1. a, band c before the beginning of any work. After the Certiricates are presented. an appointment is to be ma.ae to wa.lk tl-18 si-te ''-lith a (~GrrUni=.5icln nemt\er or its agerit };)ric,r to "":_he start of work. The Coriinission is to be given five (5) days notice before tne z.tart of ,;"ork. b. Wetland Boundary Delineation. The film may be circulated a~ongs~ the Co~mi5sioners for viewing. c. Guaise Road riprap - possible violation. Peter Dunwicdie read the results of a recent field inspection. Donald Visco briefly described the activity and a~;s'l1IT1ed it was ju~,.t maintenance on the existing bulkhead. It '\....a5 decided afield inspection was needed. 0.. Bruce Killen - discuss compliance. Mr. Killer:. had bee:: urged to attend the ~eeting, but was not present. Donald Visco remoTJed 11irnself f:r"C)ffi t.he Cf)IThTlissic,rl duri:-~g tile .::iiSCl.,;ssir]ii. Ad8i~istrator Ben McKel~lay described the present co~aitic~5 ~-~ the~ ;:,i 1:8 2-r~;.j ':rue.=,tic~n5d v.:r~lether -the ::::nfc~rc.SIT~erlt~ (:l"'de~~ h.ad beerl (;C1mplled ,,\JTJ..."t~n. E:ill v.Jillet offe~ed t:~ sJ:'e,~~~ vli-:-r.:. I'!Il-, l\:i.ller: abo~t hlS plans for restcri~g the buffer. Gle~ Wills of N~ntuc]:et SUrVe)70rS said it '~as his understandi~g that Mr. Killen was in the process ot revising his plans and wa~ts to "vlait '-.lnt.il 3prirJg to re",leget.a.te. I'1r. \rJiJ.ls a,;reed to -:'2.1.1: to J\1r. I<ill e:1 abo'-J.t "'-he plans. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes or January 7, 1988 ~)age 1 -, ~ '- e. Proposed Fiscal 1989 Budget. Ac~inistrator Ben McKelway explaine~ the deadline ror submission of the Budget figures had been extended from Jan. 1, 1988, to an undetermined date. Phj.l Ba:::-tlett was present and e!1cc:uraged the Cornrnission to hole. a special "-lo:d-:shop to discuss and confil-m this year's figures. f. Nor'YJood Farms Trust - SE48- 52 - Niacomet Pond maintenance wc.rk. A letter from V. L. and Karen C. Scnv.renk was read ....ih.:.cn proposed Iaintenance work at the upper end of Miacomet Pond. After some discussion, a motion was made to send a letter allowing the work with the exception of the construction o~ the retaining wall. This structure would require the filing of a Notice of Intent. The mot.:on ,,,as carr led. g. DEQE site visit for Yates all CC)!1lj"nissic;l"lerS ailC] public.. appeal set for 1/22/88. Nctice .....- i...-l-, h. Yates appeal to Superior Court - 20 davs to answer. tc; all C~orr~rnissi()ner5. Uotice l. l~i:la (:ougJ-lanour - possible nariJ.~12.de pon<..i c.n Mor..J)moy lot. M.= . Ccughanour described a project which would involve filliLg an existing wetland and creati~g a pond for wildlife on a lClt ~n Monomoy. Carl Bo~chert sa~d he had the septic system pla~s. Peter ~unwlddie and Lee Dunn were not thrilled about fill.:~g a~y wetland and wanted to see the site. After more discU55ic~. M~. C0ug}-Ja!1c,u~'" decided. -::.0 f il e .3. ?equest fo~~ :;et~rrr[i:")_ati~:)rl" _, . 2. '=' S" Annual Report. Admini2:t~~,5tcr 3er.. i.!JcI-':el "Tal' had a Cl-'.3f-~ fCiT re.'r..7:.eT~"'. Peter L'unv.rid.3i'8 ai?;J:-eed. t-IJ tcJ~E: t~:-ie hc;rne .3nd 1..... E::"t;..1'r:-i i;: 'T~li t_ll CC~:TL.rnel-j,.ts. ;)~'e:;--'cI'ed f- .,~.::. - "'i '-,,- "-'" - "- k. Con~ribu~ic~~ ~o Dionis Dunes ?roject. ':::c\a~.(j of 8electr:-e!"~ E;":e'::-~L.i'\le Sec~e-:.,~r)1' f1aul Bergen,jahl had made a \Terbal ref~"I.:~st fo~ a. cCIf"1tritJu"C.ic):-1 irl the a.r'!'lOtJnt or $3287.50 tc.: the TOW:-l cf r;.,lar~t.i.:c,j-:e.t fl"C!~; trle (=:ornrnissic:n tel help rest.Ol...e the Dic;r~is It~rlt-:;3. A ~o~.:o~ was mace to have ~he money taken out of the acco~n~ for Recreational Area Maintenance. The motion was carried. Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Page ~ j .L...J 3. Requests for Determination a. Granger H. Frost - 68 Millbrook Road. Mr. Frost was presenT. to elaborate on his plans fer the property. He also gave a brief history of the land which he had owned since 19~O. A mo.tic,n Has made to iss1..:e a negative Determination ::::tcting the Vlork described in the request is within the Buffer Zone, as defined in the regulations, but will not alter an Area Subject. . to Prot.ection Under the Act. Therefore, said work does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent. The motion was cal~ri{=d . 4. Certificates of Compliance a. Walter ,:Y. Cairnes - SEl,;.8-401 - 82 Baxter Road. A motion t.,ras to iss~e a Certificate of Compliance certirying that the regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions has satisfactorily completed. The motion was carried. rr~f3 (1 e work been b. Lynn Zimmerman \K. Hubbard) SE~8-181 - I"Is. Zirnmerman requested the issuance of a Certificate be continued until she coul.:. get aJ.1 the papell.T:irk: and permits iT"; order. Bill \~illet removed himself from the room d~ring this discussion. Attorney David Moretti representing Bill Wil:et -:-.ll.~gec. "t-.}-le C.c,:-r.rnissicJn riot t.o iss"L:e ttcE: C~el-.t_~~fic2.te and to 'l-e.:rui~e !V1s. Zi.rnrnellnan to file a l~otice c~f Inr:.ent. IVIr. I~Cll~ett.i sai(j 1::-;e septic was i)nly 28 ft. away from the wetland. If this iE truly a c.(:a:::~::.al bar~k~ as the C:Cr:11~iS5it:)n I-lad .3rgued. ill tl1e '..rJillet !.:ase, the!) ~his would be less tha~ the SO ft. required. He also a.iCed "tha"C ~.here y,,"as no C-.lrrerl~ E;(te~15~Lc'n F'ermit~ 198~i !.:!eir:g t118 121:~.~t one =_ssued. No DEOE fi2..e D":..lInber was displcyed (J;l the :::oi 7.-e. fie u:::-g3d the (::'c.mmissio:"1 to deny the request becau3e the sept~c does not meet Title 5 a~d because this is a coas~al b al1k . -... \ J Town of Nantucket Conservation Commission Town and County Building Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 Minutes of January 7, 1988 Page 1~ Donald Visco said an as-built plan would be required by the Commission, signed by a registered P. E. and not a land surveyor. He also thought this was a matter for the Nantucket BoaJ:-d of Health. Robert Sarvis suggested the Cc~mission treat this case as it would ell others in the interes~ of fairness. He thought if there ,,,as evidence this septic system was polluting the ma~~sh, ~hen a stop-work order should be issued and the inhabitants of t.he d,,,elling should be kept from occupying the house until tne problem is corrected. A motic~n was rna!je tC) iJ.elay request or the applicant. issuing the Certificate The motion was carried. at the A motion was made to call an extra meeting on Thursday, January l~. 1988 to take care of the following items: Minutes of December 10, Minutes of December Fiscal 1989 Budget Policy Resolutions Orders or Conditio~s :E;ills "to be J:2.id C:n.'re s ponc.ence ... '7 .l../ , 1987 1987 There D8l:1g DC' o-cner b1..1SlDess. t:he ;r:eet.i::1g adjour:led at 11:'*6 PM.