HomeMy WebLinkAboutwetlands protection regulations - 1987 .~... . ". TOWN 0' NAHTUCKET BY-LAW FOn WETLANDS REGULATIONS \ 1. 1 ntroduct.1on In accordance Witb Section 5 ot the Town ot Nantucket. By-Law tor -etlands . the Conserrat101l COIlIIIIisa10n, afte!" clue notice and public hear1n<<. shall p~gate rules and regulat.ions t'a ertectuate the JUI"!OS8 or this By-Law. Atter due notice 8 p&lblic hearing W83 held O~ S/iE.h1!Y"IJE~ ~2...tt9'3. After full coneideration or all public COltllleJlt the Conse"at.,ion COI8l1.s81on bereb7 promulgates the following regulations to be etrective OC.TOJU!~ <P, Iq~"J y. 2. Regulat.ions The buic regulations for the Town By-Law tor Wetlands shall be those issued by the ea.omiealth of Massachusetts under Regulation Chapter Number and. Heading 310 CHR 10.00 ....tlands Protection Act., MGL Chapter 13 t, Section 40. These regulations include the following: (a) (b) Part I - Regulations for All Wetlan~ - effective April 1, 196~, Part II - Additional Regulations for Coastal Wetlands - effective -August 10, me, Part. III - ~dditional Regullltions t'<,r Inlend Wetlands - effective ( - April 1, 198;, And all Foms (#1 through #9) - effective April 1, 1983. (c) (d) 3. Amendments to Reg:u1ations 310 CMR 10.00 These regulations and ~lated forms shall apply as regulations for the Town of NantuBket By-Law for Wetlands with the follarlng nendments: \ (a) All places in the regulations where the tems IlWet.lands Protection Act" or "iibe Act" appear they shllll be interpreted to also Mean "Nantucket By-Law tor ~etlands1f or "the By-Law". (b) Section 10.01(2) Purpose After: - protection of fisheries Add: - erosion control - wild11te - recreation - wetland scenic vtews 41 . ....,. I . or -2- (c) Sect.1on 10.02( 1) Areas Subject to l_r~tection under the Act Delert.: all of list (a) and substitute the tollaving list: (a) Any bank, 8D7 "' _adolf, Cl7 treshwater wetland, 8D7 ..t.uary, any coastal wetland, azq creek, 81'17 beach, 8D7 ftftl', erq dune, 8D7 at...., 8n7 fiat, arq pGDd, DJ marsh, 8D7 lake, arq swamp. or \he oce_. ey bog, (d) Section 10.0'(8) COa5tal Add: 5. Flat (e) Section 10.0,(b) Inland Dele~e enti7e list and substitute the to11oving list: 1. wet meadow 2. Marsh ,. bog 4 . swamp 5. creek 6. river 7. stream 8. pond 9. lake (r) Section 10.04 Definitions ~~ - add to definition the to1lowing: In p.uot (c) after ... vegetation - add: 1nclud1ng cutting trees; (e) the removal or dN'dging of 80i1, sand, ,granl OJ" aggregate ot any kind; er) tbe dumping, discharging or tilling with __terial which may degrade water qual1 ty; (g) the driving of piles, erection ot buildings orettuctures of Ir/l"J' kind; (h) the placing of obstructions whether or not they interfere with the flow or water. Aft"r ~ def1niti"n add tl~e following detinition: ~Jion control means the prevention or reduction 01' erosion of, tor examole, coastal banks ~ld dunes, resulting from detachment or movement J.f soil, [land or rock fragments by vater, wind, ice and/or f,ravi ty. ..{~ ... . . . (g) -,- Pond (inland) - On 4th line delete 1(.,000 and substitute 5,000. ~r Publl& ,Water Supr!z _detiliitio~ add the foU(.wing derlnitl~:<t .. After ~W'~ definition- :idd the follovin{: definitlcns: I ., . Vetl8Ddscenic nevs m..s those.Nas t.'hich pronde i1r.por'tan.t;.c:'~""SC ~,_.. . r '.: L,. . '1,Sliall1nkage tor the tJl,lb11c vi th scenic ,!etland! that are vistas t1Pical of the unique Nantucket E'nvironmen't. Wildlife means living things t.!Ul.t are neither hUMEn nor domesticated, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes that are dependent upon wetlands for to'id and/or habitat. Section 10.57(2){b)1. Isola~ed Lanj Subject to Floo~~: Delete second sentence in first paragraph and substitute the \ following: ~ , I , It is an area which ,lt least once a yea.r confines stand1n~.;iE~".;.. vater to an average depth of at least three inches overl;8D''"(fs".r, . - - - .-. "area of at least 5,000 square feet as observed under corid1ti~~ of nomal rainfall aad not under conditions of prolonged drought. This detinltlon appli.es onl~ to land subject to flooding. Isolated wetlands nnd SM&1.l ponds, not wi thin the jurisdiction' of Regulations 310 CJ.;a 10.00 f,ect.ion 10.02( 1). are protectedu under the Town of Nar.tucket By-Lf!W ana ure defined by the wetland vegetation g:nnring 1n them and the water therein. ... . tI.". . . . ~dd t'J ,)rdcr (J " Condit ion:: ---- ---- Page 5-1 ili lower right hand C0rn€'r ado: See Rlso Speci:3.1 Condition No.1. Fage 5-5A Under Spede! Condit.ior~s (Use :A;htional oaper or necessE.ry) arid: 1. j,dditional Prl.>swnpti ms (If Signific3Ilce set forth in To\-m Ey-Law for ~letlands: o Ero3ion ~ontrol, [J hildlife, 0 Recreation, 0 Wetl~d ;,ceri:Lc view:3. 2. iiny change3 made or :.~ltpnded to he made in plan! or methods described 1n the Not:ce of Intent shall require the applicant to inquire of the COl.servation Commission, in writing, whether the cha"1ge h. substantial"enough to require filing B new Notice of Inter:t.. ~ ,. . 4., _ .,. ProposeJ TO:JN OF NANTUCKE'i":3 By-L:..... FOR :,.~ETLIJm~ F'M scm:nULE . t' . Rt LES: Notice of Intent - - tor multiple dwelling units, charge per urd t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. $25.00 NCttice ot Intent 4- - tor cC4mI1ercial and industrial projects: $25.00 plus $~.OO per $10,000 ot established genercl construet.ion cost over ~.100,OOO. 5. Extension pennit - - - - - -- - - - - .. - - -' - - - - - - - - no charge 6. Certificate ot Cmpl1ance .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. _ - $10.00 ADv'ERTIpING PUBUC HEARINGS A.t.JD ~EETINGJ (Required under M.G.L. C~!ap. 131, Sec. Each Request tor a Dete~nation ot ADr11cBbil~~ and each Notice ot Intent shall be accompanied with a check, made out to the Inquirer and Mirror in the amount ot $1~.50 to cover the cost ot the required advertising ot the public hearing or meeting. Hearings or meetinps cC''1tinned t,O a subseouf'nt date shdl require additional payment for readvertising. D. RECORDING IN REGISTRY OF DEEDS OF LAND C(JURT \(Required under M.O. . Chap 131. Sec.40Reg~ The following fonns issued by the Commission are required to be recorded in the Reglstry ot Deeds or the Land Court, whichev9r is appropriate: 1. Final Order of Conditions 2. Notification of Non-Significance ,. Extension Permit 4. Cert1fleate of Compliance It the applicant fails to recorJ 81'1:f of the above and file wi th the COIIIIlission the completed slip provided Witt. each fonn within 10 bllsiness days ot the date of issuance the COIII'Ilission is er.tpovercd to do so. If the Commission does record ant. of the the abO'Ye tonns, due to the tailure ot the applicant to do ISO, the applicant will be charged the costot ~-egistration pli43 a fine ot not more than . $300 per day. The Commission is also empOllered to issue an E."1toreement Order prohibiting further work in SUC;l cases. 1. 2. 3. B. FEE:S: 1. .... 4:::. ,. 4. Pemi t tees are payable It the t:" jne of application and lire non-refundable. Permit fees shall be calculated by the Commission per schedule below. Fees are m4de payable to Town of Nantucket. Failure to cClllPly V1th the law after ofticlal notificat1on st,all result in tees t.wice t.hose normally assf!osCied. Request for. Dete~nation of App11cgbilit~. - -"- - - - - - - - $15.00 Notice ot Intent - - for single lot and house and pro~eetB thereon - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - .- - - $25.00 ~ ,., v. , t 40Rflf"s. ~ r '.~TUCKET COH:.3ERVATION CaV}'ISSION ~J h<'i1 dO, /9ff7 ~J2! d .j. ~~U'tl"d!'.<~