HomeMy WebLinkAboutConservation Commission regulations - 1977 ..,. - .. '.' , ,.',.. - BYLA WS GOVERNING Operations ud Meetings of THE NANTUCKEl' CONSERVATION OCJ.!MISSION TOWN OF NANTUCKEl', MASS. (Adopted August 4 197.1.> I. ESTABLISHMEm' AND AUTHORITY The Conservation Cammission of the Town of Nantucke.t vas established by vote of the Town in 1963 pursuant to Chapter lJo, Section 80, G_era! Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. II. PURPOSm The purposes and privileges of the Commission sba11 be: 1. To promote and develop the natural resources of the Town. 2. To protect its watershed resources. 3. To conduct research into local land areas purlNaDt to the foregoing. 4. To advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets which, in its judgment, it deems necessary for its work, including those of an educational nature. 5. To prepare, and from time to time Mend, a cOftse1'Tation and passive outdoor recreation plan shoving open areas inclUding marshland, swamp and other wetlands. 6. To receive gifts, bequests, or devises of personal property or interests in real property in the name ot the TOWII, subject to the approval of the selectmen. 7. To -purchase interests in land with swns available to it, and acquire in the name of the Town by option, purchase, lease, or otherwise the fee in such land or water rights, conservation restrictions, easements, or other contractual rights inclUding conveyances on condition or with limitations or reversions as may be necessary to acquire, maintain, improve, protect, limit the future use of, or otherwise conserve and properly utilize open spaces in land and water areas within the Tow, and it 8ha1l manage and control the same. 8. To request the Town to take by eminent domain under Chapter ?9 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth the fee or any lesser interest in any land or water in the Town which it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Commission. , .~.. . . . .. . . - 2 - 9. To adopt rules and regulations governing use of land and water under its control. 10. To cooperate with and to coordinate the activities ot elected and appointed Boards of the Town and with the State and Federal Natural Resources Agencies ud with unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes. 11. To pertorm such other activities and exercise. such other powers as may be from time to time directed or pemitted bY' the General Laws ot the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or by the TOVIl ot Nantucket pursuant to such General taws and in fUrtherance ot Article XLIX of the Constitution ot the CCIlIDonwealth of Massachusetts. 11:1. MEMBERSHIP The Commission shall consist of seven members, each appointed for a three-year tem by the Board ot Selectmen ,on a staggered basis. Vacancies in membership shall be tilled for the unexpired term aa provided in Section 11, Chapter 41, of the General Laws ot the Commonweal th ot Maasachusetts. IV. OFFICERS, THEIR DUTI~ The OfficerS:' shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice-chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected by members at the regular meeting next following annual appointments to membership by the Selectmen. A. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and be generally responsible tor the organization of activities of the Commission, shall prepare an annual report, and shall be responsible for the preparation of articles to be inserted in the Town Warrant for regular or special Town meetings. B. The Vice-Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission in the absence of the Chairman, and shall perform all duties and shall have all powers of the Chairman in case of absence or incapacity of the Chairman. . . . . . . .' - , - c. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of proceed- ings of meetings, shall send copies of Minutes of meetings to each member by mail wi thift one week following nch meeting, be responsible for recording attendance of members and advisors and otherwise as required by Chapter 39, Sec- tion 3 of Massachusetts General laws, and for performing other duties usually performed by the Secretary of a corporation. D. The Treasurer ebal1 recOlllDend action on al~ bills received by the Cemmission, insure that appropriate authorized signatures are secured on these bills, transmit duly authorized bills to the Tow. Treasurer for payment, and shall coordinate wi th the Town Treasurer so that he may render a report on the status of all f\mds under the jurisdiction of the Cemmission at each meeting, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law, aesigned by the Chairman, or Gtherwise herein provided. V. MEErINGS Regular open monthly meetings shall be held at the Town Building on the evening of the first Thur::;day of each month, except when SOlIe alternate date and/or place may be set by the Chairman, with notices thereof to be issued by the Secretary in accordance with the law. A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. VI. ADVISORS The Chairman may, with the ~dvice and consent of the members, appoint Advisors to assist the Ccmmission in accomplishing its purposes. Advisors may serve on committees of' the Commission and otherwise participate in such activities of the Commission as the Chairmau may designate, but may not vote or represent themselves as official members of the Commission. VII. CG1MI'rl'Ern There 5hP.1l be the following Standing Connnittees (appointed by the Chairman), each conSisting of not fewer than three persons, including not fewer than two Commission members,who shall make recommendations for action by the Commission, as follows: -4- 1. Land M~ement Committee This committee will be responsible for the preparation of plans tor the use ot lands under the administrative cofttrol of the Commission. It will prepare regulations governing the use of lands under Commission control for adoption by the Commission. It will assure that allowable uses for all legitimate interests of the citizens are considered in plans and facilities of the community. It shall, with the approval of the Commission, coordinate the construction, installation and maintenance of signs, vehicular access ways anel controls of same, bridges, dams, wildlite habitat and other facilities for improving the availability, accessib::tlity. use and en3OY- ment of conservation areas by the publ::tc. It 8hal1 mark .:_- and maintain trails, boundaries, and access points to such areas and develop and publish maps and guides to all conserva- tion areas as direeted by the Ccnmsission. It shall provide supervision over all conservation areas, either by commission members, consultants, Parks and Recreation Department employees, or paid employees of the Comm::tssion as requ::tred. It shall make recommendations with respect to control of growth ot weeds. includ::tng, but not limited to, catta::l1s. in the Island' s ponds and streams. 2. land ACQuisition Committee This committee shall recommend to the Commission specif::tc land areas to be acquired under the conservation and passive outdoor recreation plan so as to represent a logical t::tme-phased acqui- sition program for the community. It shall present to the Commission recommendations for specific acquisition projects to include: engagement of appraisers, land surveyors and legal counsel as required; sources of financial assistance; and a plan for proceeding with the acquisition. Upon appl'O\'al by the Commission, ::tt shall secure the required services. It shall prepare applications tor financial assistance under the Self-Help Program and appropriate Federal programs, and submit these to the Commission. It shall accomplish other land act::tv::tties as approved by the Commission. 3. PlanninF Committee This committee shall be responsible for the preparation and updating of natural resource inventories, open space inventories', wetlands inventories, and a conservation and passive outdoor recreation plan as specified in G. L., Ch. 40, Sec. 8c, and the coordination of these plans with Community master plans or plans of the Planning Board and any Regional Planning agencies. 4. Education & Information Committee This committee shall be responsible for the conduct of a public infonnation and education program designed to further the Pur- poses of the Commission. It shall seek to coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes as set forth in G. L., Ch. 40, Sec. 8c. Activities of this committee may include: . . . . , , - 5 - 1. Liaison with school, Administration to encourage inclusion of conservation programs within the educational program, provision of educational materials to the schools or libraries, development of selected school sites for con- servation education, and presentations on Commission activities. 2. Contact with the news media to encourage continuing public education in conservation matters and concerns. 3. Assistance to unofficial bOdies, such as land trusts or recycling organizations, in the development ot cooperative programs. 5. Wild Life Protection Committee To encourage the protection and sustenance of the animal and bird life of Nantucket in a manner which will best serve the needs or our citizens. 6. Wetlands Committee This Commi ttee shall make necessary inspections and recommenda- tions to the Commission of lands and waters in the Town with respect to compliance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 131, Section 40. Committees shall be responsible for planning within their sped fie areas of concern and for reporting the results of this planning to the Commission. They shall act in the name of the Commission only when directed to do so by the vote of the Commission. The Chaiman, with the advice and consent of the members, may create certain other Committees for review purposes as may from time to time be deemed necessary, and appoint membership thereof. The Chai man shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. VlIT. HFARINGS ~fuen the Commission is required by law to conduct a public hearing, a quorum of the members must be present. The Commission is required to conduet a public hearing on any properly executed Notice of Intent filed under the provisions of the wetlands Protection Act, G. L., Ch. l31, Sec. 40. The hearing must be held within twenty-one days of re- ceipt of such notice and at least a majority of the Commission must be in attendance. A majority of the Commission must sign. the Orde!"ot' . , . .,' Conditions issued. . . . .~ .. : ... .. .. ,. - 6 - A record of a hearing shall be kept which shall include a record of attendance, speakers, the context of testimony given <testimony may be sworn if desired), and a record of any votes taken. Minutes of the meeting and the Notice of Intent shall become a part of the recort of the hearing. IX. AMmnfENTS These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Commission by a two-thirds vote of the total Ccmmission, provided written notice or intent to amend is sent to each member of the CommissiOll at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed action is to be taken. 7-26-77:jb -.. 00 N ;:; ~ .~ ;':3 f.O :r r;; 0 ::r J:: ~ ~ -. "'" 0 :::: 0 ;, ;.. i'D ;, ::r:; ::r <: 0 ~ t: !!. 0 i\.i i'i :l - .:, 0 ;; ::s 0' r.> (') II> ~ ~3 n r.> < ,:: ~ II> - 3 t1l "'" ~ ~ 0. o' ;i '< ~ 0. r.> =.... 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