HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-25 'CJ II n Community Preservation Committee 14 Easy Street Nantucket, MA 02554 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MINUTES - Tuesday- November 25, 2003 A meeting of the Commur.ity Preservation Committee, CPC, was held on Tuesday, November 25,2003, at 3: 15 pm at the Nantucket Town Office Annex Building at 3 7 Washington Street. Present were: Pat Butler, Chair, Ken Beaugrand, Vice Chair, Rich Brannigan, Polly Miller, Neville Richen, Barry Rector, Virginia Andrews and Stephanie Henke, Administrative Assistant. Frank Spriggs and Linda Williams were absent. Pat Butler, Chair, established a quorum and called the meeting to order at 3 :25 PM. FY '05 Proposal Discussion The committee commenced discussing the proposals that they had agreed would need substantial dialogue. It was made clear at the beginning of the meeting that this was just a first-round discussion and that any votes taken today were not in stone, but were open to further discussion at later meetings to finalize amounts and other details before submitting the warrant. ( Interfaith Council, Housing Advocate and Rental Assistance Program, $100,000 There was lengthy discussion concerning this proposal. On the one hand, the proposal itself is disjointed, is presented in concept form, and is not well organized. There was also some concern as to the administration of the program and how organized the administrator would be. Furthermore, the program itself is perhaps a duplication of services and would better serve the community if it somehow collaborated with existing services, namely the Nantucket Housing Office. On the other hand, this program fills a very real need for Nantucket residents and represents the last line of defense for residents in need of housing. Upon a motion made by Rich and 2nd by Barry, it was unanimously VOTED "to fund the program to a maximum of 50%" with an amendment made by Ken which states, "on the condition that the Interfaith Council work together with the Housing Office to come forward with a plan for FY '06 that integrates the two needs addressed in the two requests." Nantucket Behavioral Health Services, Nantucket Housing for Recovering People, $135,000 After a brief discussion that included issues of the real need for such a resource on Nantucket, and Ken's concern that it might represent discrimination, and upon a motion made by Barry and 2nd by Polly, it was unanimously VOTED "to fund the proposal to full capacity for this first round of discussion." Board of Selectmen, Affordable Housing Infrastructure Fund, $200,000 There was a brief discussion concerning the "middle-man" approach to this proposal, and the clarification that CPC can fund infrastructure for specific projects on a case by case basis. Upon a motion made by Polly and 2nd by Ginger, it was unanimously VOTED "not to fund this proposal." Ken mentioned that it be made clear that individual applicants would be eligible to apply for the same funding and therefore we don't need this intermediary structure. 1 Nantucket Boys and Girls Club, Employee Housing Renovation and Addition, $168,000 The committee had questions about other funding sources for the Boys and Girls Club and whether their ability to get such funding should impact the committee's approval of their request for funds. Barry would like to study their 990, which is kept with their master proposal at the CPC office. He also had questions about the housing and whether it would count towards the 40B housing for Nantucket. Stephanie will look for a letter regarding the 40B housing issue and let Pat know whether she needs to pursue this issue with the Boys and Girls Club. Upon a motion made by Polly and 2nd by Ginger, it was unanimously VOTED '~to table this discussion with a favorable recommendation of $ 100,000, depending on the answer to the affordable housing issue." Nantucket Housing Office, Housing Office ($253,000), Gap Financing ($240,000), House Relocation ($260,000) Rich asked for clarification of the priorities for these projects: 1) Housing Office 2) Relocation Program 3) Gap Financing There was lengthy discussion regarding the relationship between NHA Properties, Inc. and Nantucket Housing Office, which Ken tried to clarify: NHA Properties, Inc. is the parent company to NHO. NHO is an activity performed by the staff ofNHA Properties. The Gap Financing Program and the House Relocation Program are two activities of the NHO. He also stated that the funds for the two programs (Gap Financing and House Relocation) are kept in separate accounts in order to track their separate incomes and expenses. He clarified that the NHO cannot use the funds coming in from the earlier House Relocation program houses to fund the Housing Office, since those monies are obligated towards mortgage payments (which were taken on when they moved and refurbished the properties), and those houses were bought prior to the. creation of the Housing Office. As the program gets going, the more recently relocated houses should start to create a revenue stream that will help pay for the Housing Office, since those houses do not have the debt obligation with them that the earlier relocated houses do. Barry would like to look at the revised 990 before he makes any decisions about these programs. Ken will talk to Bob Nussbaum about getting a separate breakdown of accounts. Upon a motion made by Rich, seconded by Polly, it was VOTED 5-2 (Barry and Neville opposed) "to fully fund the Housing Office, keeping in mind Ken's earlier amendment to the Interfaith Council proposal." Upon a motion made by Rich, seconded by Neville, it was unanimously VOTED "to partially fund the Housing Office's Gap Financing program to an indeterminate amount, keeping in mind Ken's earlier amendment to the Interfaith Council proposal." Upon a motion made by Rich and 2nd by Ginger, it was VOTED 6-1 (with Barry opposed) "to partially fund the Housing Office's House Relocation program, keeping in mind Ken's earlier amendment to the Interfaith Council proposal." . 2 (- ( A discussion about the need for further meetings ensued. It was agreed that December 3 would be set aside as another possible meeting time, should the committee need it. Stephanie will determine the location of the December 3 meeting and email committee members. She will also post that meeting and change the meeting time of the Dec. 2nd meeting to 2 pm. Having no further business, upon a motion made by Neville, seconded by Ginger, it was unanimously VOTED: "To continue the meeting until Tuesday, December 2nd at 22 Broad Street at 2:00 PM." The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm. Respectfully submitted by, Stephanie Henke Administrative Assistant 3