HomeMy WebLinkAboutHSAB Minutes - December 07, 2010_2014020513473893171 Nantucket Harbor and Shellfish Advisory Board Minutes of Meeting held December 7, 2010 Approved: January 4, 2011 Conference Room, Town Annex, 37 Washington St. Call to Order at 4:36PM: Members present Dr. Boyce (in the chair), : Mr. Blount, , Ms. McCrae (arrived 4:40pm), Mr. Smith Members Absent: Mr. Glowacki, Mr. Holdgate, Mr. Rank From Marine Dept: Ms. Riley From the BOS: Mr. Willauer Others: Mr. Herr, Approval of Agenda: There being no additions or changes, the Agenda was assumed to be approved. Approval of Minutes: (4:37pm) There being no quorum, approval of the minutes was postponed. Chairman’s Report: Dr. Boyce noted he, Ms.Riley, Val Hall and Dr. Stephen Estabrooks attended the Northeast Aquaculture Conference and Exposition (NACE) held Dec 1-3 in Plymouth. 1. There was a session on ocean acidification. Sediments tend to be acidic. We should measure ours. We should consider dumping shells back into the Harbor instead of in the landfill. 2. Partnerships between wineries/breweries seem to be beneficial. Cisco is interested. 3. We should be sure to include aquaculture in the Shellfish Management Plan. The Northeast Shellfish Growers Association has a good Best Management Practices document which should be distributed. Marine Department Report: (4:48pm) Commercial scalloping: The bushel count is up to 3,600 bushels as of today, but only six boats are still fishing. There are not many scallops left. The price is $15-$16 per pound. New algae stocks for next year are coming soon Conferences: In addition to going to NACE, Mr. Riley also went to the International Conference on Shellfish Restoration last month in Charleston, SC. 1. Oysters were the main target but there were some presentations on scallop restoration. Emphasis was on larval transport – goal is to have larval retention in best areas. 2. Impacts of Gulf Oil Spill was discussed. There are no public health standards for hydrocarbons in shellfish. 3. Acidification; Mark Green (http://tinyurl.com/2e69yte) is studying effects of acidification on shellfish. We could ask him to visit and measure our sediments. Brittle stars increase their shells in response to acidification. 3. Volunteer organizations can work, and serve to get community involved. There is a large volunteer organization in New Jersey which is doing a good job. 4. Nantucket is not on the map. We need to let people know what is going on here, and that we are doing good work. 5. Aquaculture – ways to help neighbors and other resource users understand what aquaculture is all about. Partnering with specific dealers can be beneficial. Dr. Boyce added that the Southold Project for Aquaculture Training (S.P.A.T.) was also a successful volunteer organization with many members from the community, centered on Peconic Bay on Long Island, which is helping greatly with the bay scallop restoration project there. 2 Ms. Riley added that one of the Nantucket oyster growers attended the oyster sessions at NACE. Dr. Boyce noted that the scallop landings from Peconic Bay in the first month is more than the whole harvest last year. Their scallop population seems to be recovering. Seed Moving: Ms. Riley passed around a signup sheet at the last SMP public meeting asking for volunteers to move shallow water seed into deeper areas. She will develop a plan shortly. Old Business: (4:59pm) Progress on Shellfish Management Plan: The next meeting of the SMP Committee, which is open to the public, will be on December 15 at 2:00pm in this room (37 Washington St.). Report on Article 68 Work Group: The final draft of the Home Rule Petition and the Board of Health regulations have been approved by the Work Group. The Best Management Practices document (BMP) needs further editing. There will be a report to the BOS tomorrow night. New Business: (5:03) Review of Scallop Apprentice Program: Dr. Boyce reported that, according to Mr. Fronzuto, there are two apprentices this year and that seems to be working out satisfactorily. December meeting dates: Dr. Boyce asked if we need to meet twice in December, since the second meeting would be very close to Christmas. Ms. McCrae moved (Mr. Smith second) that we not meet again in December. The motion passed unanimously. Report from Nantucket Shellfish Association: Dr. Willauer reported that the NSA is working on a developing a Web Site. Four people are working on it. They are having discussions about how the site might be used to market Nantucket scallops. There will be sections on Family Scalloping, Outreach and Education, Calendar, and the NSA Organization. Questions and Comments: Mr. Smith asked about when water quality testing results will be available. Ms. Riley noted that they will not be available until next February, and that this is unacceptable. Next year she will be getting results in real time. The Town has a water quality task force working on getting the past results up on the Web and accessible. This will be on the Marine Department section of the Town Web Site. Mr. Smith asked if the Madaket Estuaries Report is ready yet. Ms. Riley said it had been sent for comment and is back to the authors for final editing. Dr. Boyce asked the group, which now composed a quorum, to approve the minutes of the last two meetings. Mr. Smith moved (Ms. McCrae second) to approve the minutes. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:13pm Next Meetings: January 4 and 18, 2011. Respectfully submitted, Peter Boyce, Chair