HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-09-28f CO~ONW~ALTH OF NASSACHUSETTS~ Nantucket,~ss.. To.either or,the Constables of the Town of Nantucket~ greeting: ...... In the name of the Co~m~onwealth of Massachusetts you are direbted to notify~the inhabitants of the Town of Nantucket, qualified~to vote in Town'Affairs, to meet.at the Legion Hall in said Nantucket, on WEDNESDAY~ SEPTEMBER ~Sth, at 7:~0 o'clock in the afternoon, then and there to act on the follow- ing articles:~ ~ · Article 1--To receive reports from'committees which shall come before this meeting. Article S--To see'if the Town'will transfer a sUfficient sum of money to carry on the W. P. A. projects to the en~ of the calendar year. Article Z--To see~if the Tov~ will vote to lay a twelve- inch sewer with manholes from West Chester Street throu~ New Lane and Nadaket Road ~s far as the Sanguinetti house, this project having already been approved by the W. P. A. Article ~--To see if the Town will accept a P. W. A. grant for the erection of an addition to the Academy Hill School building. And to act on and transact all'business that may arise in relation tocthe foregoing articles. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting a copy of the same at the corner of Hain and Federal Streets, in the Post Office at Siasconset, and by publishing the same in The Inquirer mmd ~irror, at least seven days before the date of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this war~ant, with your doings thereon, to the T~wn Clerk, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 8th day of September, in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight. A true Copy: Attest: Irving A. Soverino, Henry B. Coleman, Herbert P. Smith, Charles H. Blount~ Nelson O. Dunham, . Selectment of Nantucket. Lawrence F. Nooney, Jr., Constable Of Nantucket REPORT OF. FINANCE CO~,~ITTEE We, the Finance Committee of the Town of Nantucket, met in Legion Hall, Tuesday, September l~, 19~8, at lO:O0 A. N., for a hearing on the ~rticles coming before the Special Tov~ Meeting September 28, 19~8, and our recommendations are as follows: Article l'-To receive reports from Committees which shall come before this meeting. We recommend~that all reports coming before this meeting ~ereceived.' '~ Article ~--To see.if the Town will transfer a sufficient sum of money to carry on the W. P. A. proje6ts to the end of the calendar year. We recommend~that the sum of $1, BO0.O0 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Fund to carry~on W. P. A. projects to the end of the calendar year.-~ "~ Article $-~to see if the Town will vote to lay a twelve- inch sewer with manholes from West Chester Street through New Lane and Nadaket Road as far as the S~guinetti house, this project having already been approved by the W. p.~A. We recor,~mend that a twelve-inc~ sewer with manholes, as approved by the engineers, be laid from West~Chester Street through New Lane and Madaket Road as far as the Sanguinetti house with the aid of a ~. P. A. project already approved by the govennment, and that ~the sum of ~G,~O0.O0 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Fund for this project. The government allotment is $18,~00.00 IOfA '.'~ ~'~ We. also ' recommend that: all" materials ject '.~hall~ be submitted ..to local'-bids. . Article'4--To see if the ?Town will ~a~'~ept fo~ the erection of an addition to the AcademY Hill School building. ~ % - , , , We do not recoEend that the ToWn acce~t a P.' for ~the erection of a~ addition~,to the Academy. Hill School building at this time. submitted, ' ~ Charles E. ',Congdon, ~ 'Earl'S. Ray~Secretary,' · George W. Jones, ~ ~.-~, Matthew L. -Jaeckle,, ¥~alter ~D. Glidden, . .~ Charles. E. Burgess, William ~aine, . ~.--~ Allen Bac~s, ~- Harry Gordon, ~.-~-~ Finance Co~ittee of N~tucket. ..... · .... ~ ~ ~:~ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING · ,~, ~ ~ -~ ....~ ..... September 28,1~38 ~,~'~ ~ ~ constable Lawrence'F.M0oney presents Warrant. ":~ ~"- Moderator-Mr. Roy Sanguinettt; At.V:30 P.M~ the Moderator addressed the meeting as follows: ~-,~:~ .... · .... "Befor~ I call~ the Special Town Meeting to order,':~I would like to'state,that,there is some~question as to ~whether we can open'it until'8:30,P.M, our time.~The · ' 'original meeting was called for, V:30 P.M. The regular and legal time for this State is Standard Time.,The time-now is not legal·time. I think this'meeting should not be ,opened until 8:30 P,M. our time. I~notice there have.been ~ .... two other Town Meetings where the same procedure was follo They had reports from the Attorney General's Department ~sa~ing that Standard time.was~legal. Mr.~Aif~ed Smith: Asks for recess until 8:30 P.M. Recessed ~ Moderator: Called the meeting to roder at 8:30 PM. standard Time in Legion Hall. The first article in Warrant is to receive r&ports from committees which shall come before this,meeting. ~'~ Mr. 0.V.Hull: Moves we hear report of the~ Fimance Committ, Vote : Aye~ ~ ~ Moderator:' Report of Finance Committee is now in order. ~, Town Clerk: Is Secretary or,Finance. Committee present? Moderator:~Is any member of Finance Committee present to give its report~~' · ...... , ........ -~ ~ Dr. Charles Congdon: ~eads report of Finance Committee. ~Patrick McGrath: Moves~Finance Committee's rep0rt~'be accepted and adopted .... ' ~ ,, Mr. William Morris: Seconds motion. ~ _,~ ~'~,' , ~ Mr. Charles Kimball: Would like to bring before meeting certain amount of~infoEnation under Article 4, I understand that if~this motion~is made-and'carried 0ut'~at this time it~ ends the meeting.~Is it im"order'tb bri~guP A~ti01e 4 at this time. I~amend motion to lay Article 4 on the.table.'~. ~'~ ........ Moderator:-'There'is an'amendment to Mr~McGrath's motion that Article 4 be placed on the table. ~:~ '~Mr. HUll~'I hope~that'amehdment'will not prevail~and~th~ origional'motinnmade'by Mr. McGrath~be accepted'by the voters. I doubt the legality of Article.b~ing in Warrant.'-~.~ .' : Vote: On amendment of Mr. Kimgall's that Article 4 be placed on the table.~ ,. .~ ~ ...... ~ : ~Amendment~is defeated. .... ~L ~ ...... ~-~ ~ Vote: On motion'of Mr. ~cGrath that the ~recommendation of the Finance,Committee be~accepted and adopted. Question- Vote- Aye.~ -~Dr. Charles Congdon:~Recommendation 8f Finance Committe~ that r~ports be broughtJbefore~this meeting.~.~Everett U. Crosby is'here with a report on Proprietor's Records. , ~Mo~erator: Mr.~Crosby: E.U. Crosby,"~ The letter of April 8th f~om you~ Secretary stated that~at ~ meeting of'the Board of Selectmen held April ~th the~following- George W. Jones, -Dr. Charles E.Congdon, Charles P,Kimball and Everett U.Crosby - were~appointed a committee to handle Article 116 of the Town Warrant." ~ed. .017: This Article Was adopted at'the Annual~Town Meeting of-February 24,1938~and read as follows: I~ "To'see if the Town will raise and'appropriate $500.00 ~or the purpose of making a copy of the Proprietors' Records ~f the Common and Undivided Lands of Nantucket for the past1 Softy years,the same bo be then published, and instruct the Selectmen to appoint a committee to carry out the pro'isions ~f this Article".~,~ I ml~ ~ ~jL$~ ..... | ~ The committee has ached accordingly and Wishe~ to ! '~ It waa understood that.there were~two objects to ~ e accomplished: First,the making of aris exact legal~copy~. ~f said records which would siffice in the event of the loss or destruction of.the records,as by fire· We believe this has ~een accomplished by the making of a photographic copy of~ ~aid records,which origional.copy we have delivered to'the ~egister of Deeds as received from Spaulding-Moss Company,~ 42 Franklin ~treet,Boston, specialists in graphic reproduction ~ho made all the copies ordered.~ . It is our suggestion that you at once have this record ut in a judged safe place,different and apart from the vaults ~here the origional'Proprietors'~Records are kept,as,for., ~nstance,in a safe deposit bo~ at the bank, so that if one~s~0uld be destroyed by fire the other might be~expected to eEcap~.  In the second place,we understood that you wished to ake the records in question reasonably available to th~se who ~ight wish to perame them~ this being difficult to do'from the  rigional records at the office or'the Tegister of Deeds,'~.0b-~ ~iously,but a l~mited number of people would be~so interested · and we judged one hundred (100) copies would amply suffice,~ ~ ~nd would hold'the expense down within the appropriation· ~here is a so-called planograph process which prints facsimile reproductions of the photographed facsimile copy~ although we ~nderstand that these planograph ~eproductions do not have the ~egal accuracy of the photostat copy f~rst above mentioned· Therefore,w~ ha~e had 100 copies of said record made 0y the planograph process· This entire lot of 100 copies we are turning over to the Register of Deeds,to be kept or.disposed of as ysu elect, and in accordance with the vote of the~Town~ ~eeting. ~-~ ~°~ ~e do not kn~w what your pleasure may be in this ~espect,but suEgest~so far as making these copies available to the relative few who might be interested in them, this result ~ould be obtained b~ keeping a half dozen~copies at the office of the Register where they could be loaned out,with a deposit of $5·00 subject to safe return; a copy. to be kept~on~file ~t the office of the Selectmen,and four copies lodged at the office of the assessors; a half-dozen to be given to the Atheneum Library.and'one.copy~to the Historical Association for each of their two libraries;~two copies to be given to~. the Town'council; sixty copies to be put on sale at approximate cost,viz ,$5. per book, and the balance kept in reserve" ~oderator~ Any discussion on report of committee on Proprietors' Alfred Smith:.I would like t~ move that the report of the Committee on Proprietors'Records,as presented to this'meeting be accepted and approved and placed on file .... Also that the committee be asked t° r~rt, not later than'the next annual,Town Meeting,whatever they may find feasable,from a perusal'of the Proprietors! Records. and ~ny data in relation thereto,that might be of value to the Town. .... This may include a consideration of the increase or'decrease in value of~the'sheep commons owned by the Town and t~e valuation and taxation 8f the lands set off by and those retained by the proprietors. The various Town officers and Town dep~rtment employees,particUlarly the Register an~ Assessors, are instructed to assist the Committee and its employees in this work." I think this is a a~b~ect that a graat many people do not understand~ Since I have been connected with the real estate business,in a small way, it has been almost impossible to find records,plans and data relative to propertY. I think this is a start in the r~ght direction· There is not any 103 money involved in this'particular thing. There are so many unavailable pieces of property that we have.on the Island of N Nantucket,that we have ~o little we can find out about,and possibl~ a lot of it might be taxed, and it is hard work ot find who the owners are. I think through the continuation of this committee we will be able to find a lot of information which will be available to usj'The records as they are, and as they are going to be,put around in different places where it is going to be possible to look over some of these facts. I see no reason why~this committee,if it.wants to continue,and they receive no compensation,I think we should continue this committee. ~Mr. Smith's motion seconded.' ~.' Vote: Aye Alfred Smith:'I would like'the ~attention Of the meeting for a few minutes. We all know that we have been through a terribl~ , hurricane and flood, and I was away and witnessed parts of the distruction caused at this terrible time,and it seems fitting to me,where every-body has been called on to help out in this time of need, that possibl~ a r6solution passed at ouh Special Town Meeting might be in order. Individually we hage donated through organization and fraternal orders,and I donot see any reason why it would not be proper for the T~wn of Nantucket to donate if it is possible. ~esoluti~n- "Resolved~ that it' is bbe sense'°f this '~ meeting that the Tov~ of Nantucket through the Board of .Selectmen and approved by the fimance Committee,donate -~to the Red Cross of Massachusetts..the sum of.S800, for the aid to the needy,through cause ef the recent hurricaae and f&ood." Moderator: Have the Selectmen any'funds the~can'distri~ute? MrA Smith: They always find funds to ~do an~hi~g~h~y~ant to do. This is nne of the things we ought to do. I think it is quite fitting that the Town of Nantucket can find something.~'~ Realizing what we escaped, seems to ~e we should he~ the Red~ Cross of Massachusetts at this time. Dr.~C~ngd6n: No funds a~ailable but Emergency Fund."Could'n$~ take $800. at this time. ~If it'is-permi~sible Sy law and if th voters so agree,and if Statutes-allow to appropriate this way, if Finance Committee is so instructed to call this an emergency and'transfer $200.~from Emergency Fund,I think the Emergency_ Fund might stand it. ~e have had several things thrust upon us for many reasons~ The State says ~e have to pay by the 20th ~of November $1~,000~ increase in tax. Do not know how we Will l find it. If we do not~find~it by the 20th, a draft?is made on the Treasurer or-the Tov~.But there.is that question of- raising $17,000. b&tween now and the 20th of. November..I~thin~ we~could give $200.~if the Town instructed'the Finance Committee this was an emergency and'to t~ansfer $200. fro the ~ergenci Fund and the Statutes ~llgw it.~ ~ . ~ Moderator: We will have to change the resolution. Alfred Smith: I would like'to change the"~e~0~tio~ t0 read "$200." ,~ ~":. , Harry Smith: I have been.i~formed in a roundabout way the .Red Cross has raised $2000.'here. It is~not as i2 nothing was being, done on Nantucket. : ., ~., Alfred Smith: Moves to instruct Finance Committee'~that this is an Emergency and they shall transfer $200. to the Selectmen Account to go to Massachusetts Branch'of Red Cross. ,' Seconded · ~.' Vote: Aye ..... ~otion made,seconded,carried to ~dJou~n. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 Standard Time,9:86 P.~!. Daylight Saving ~ime. Attest: Town~