HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-09 ,MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 9, 1973 ' , ~ ,',~ T~e're~lar'~eeting'~Of th~~ 'BOard of Seleot~e~ '%;,as~ h&ld in th~ ~o~ ~d Cowry Bldg. at 7:30 P.M.'~' May 9~ ~973-" All members were present.' "-"'~: ' The minutes of the meeting of May 2, 1973 wege read ~d aPP~o~d~"'~', Wa~rht ~19, in the'~0~t 0f $64'749'.12,' {~as' approved by the Board. Bo~d si~ed lease for rental'of Jetties %e~is courts to A~ Charles Walters~ Jr. ~d Archibald Gavat~ey for one year. .~ ~ ~''' ' ; ~ Tires: One tire bid ~rom Ken 'Jones~ Inc.' 'was referred to Mr. Jones to compare the individual items with cost of purchasing from the StateJ ~'~ Jet Sewer Cleaner: awarded bid to J. F. 'McDe~ot% Co.~ inc.'' Vehicle for Dog Officer: Isled MotOrs for 1971 .~ station wagon," ~ ~ A1 Silva for 1970 ~ ~tation wagon '~ ~ $~750.00 · ~ ~ ' '~'~ Don Allen for 1969 Chevrolet v~ ~ ~ ~$~,775.00 It was voted to check mileage' of the vehicles before awarding the bid. Gr~ite Curb Items: H. E. netcher'Co.~ W. ~e~ford, Mass. for $~,779.OO. Mr. Jones to review. ,, ~.~, ~ ~:?,~ ~ ~, ,~ , ~diator Covers: Arthur'A. Tanger~ ~st Boston~ for 42 radiator covers for '~IH. Board awarded bid for $~569.90. -. ~ .... ~ ~ ,~ ~ Bricks: B6~rd awarded of 23 t~ Chiles W. Fisher .... , .-'- FireworkS: B0~d 'a~arded bid to Rockingh~ Fireworks Co.' for $2~O~.00. Jetties Reconstruction: C~pent~ bid awarded to ~rl~'~ Davis for $30,400.00. ~bing bids to be received ne~ ~.week". . .. ' . ~ -: ~ .~ ,, _ ,-~..?, ~oar~ ~o~e~ n~e o~ ~e ~e=~ Zor r.~u~t ~o~er~-h0,m a~ So~en~. s~ Fo~s to be sent to ABC. Board also approved request for d~cing six eveningS'~er week, excluding S~daYs. ~ '%~_.' ~"~ ~-'~L-' "~J'~.L- '~'' Board approved additional year's rental of the old, fire ba~ at siasoonset Request of Mrs. Tutein, dba The ~%~o~db~' %6' ~ve a seasona~ be~ ~.d wine.license Board voted to t~e the course prescribed by ~aw.~ f, ,~ ~, ~ ~, ~, , ~/~-/ Board approved request ~of Neil Mc~e Hec~ to conduct to~s t6~ historical l~arks along ~rescribed routes this ~mer for 5 to 6 passengers. ~o~r~ s~ne~ new tra~o v~o~at~o~~ ~h~e~~ ~.re~t~o~ ~or"w~OdS ~tems fees desi~ated for. each. ~ ~ '' -'~--'~'"' ~o~ ~e~ ~ Zor A~C ~or t~er g~ ~ugr ~e~ ~g~ ~.~'~.'~ett ~a Pines to Roy K.' ~rrett upon proof 0f tr~sfer of o~ership. ~ ~ ~ Board approved rec of ~erican Legion Auxiliary for a poPpy sale M~ 25, Board denied 'r~q~eSt Of Al~n~"s.' Warden, Denville~ NLJ.' to:r~nt several ~three-: ~el vehicles this Summer.' ~Mr~ Warden had forwarded a brochure describing the with the ide~ of renting about ten of them.~ ~ ~..~J~ ~) Copy of ~d court~ case ~37749~ ~etition of J~es K. and Mary A. Glidden concerni ~sy Street property. This was referred to Mr.~ Jones.' ~/" .~.. ~.~ ~ter from ~Attorney Holmes to D. A.~ Rollins regarding Jo~ Doe l~dj~ ~d Court case ~7. This case was withdrawn on February 17~' 1972 ~d should not be ~eported as pending. ~ ~ ~ "~ '~ ~ ~ro~ed request o~ Richard L.~ starr that various Vete2ans groups be to parade Memorial Day, with ceremonies at the wharf, mon~ent ~d the cemetery. .~ ~ ~ ~ $ $ I ~ ~ ~ from Mr. Jones suggesting the h~ging of b~ers on'either Federal or Main ~treets be eliminated entirely. Board tabled the matter, awaiting report of~a from Jo~ Craig protesting b~ers~ as it' Spoils the picturesque of letter ~rom 8.' J. Dickinson, M.D.' "~oMr;~A.'R.: ~drews, Bureau o~ ~g Delta's pl~ to curtail se~ice. '. It was ~elt t~at,~ i~ allowed, would pe~it Delta to show a loss ~d open the way for ~ture cu~ailments. voted to send a copy o~ letter to ~he ~irport Commission ~d C~B. from United Construction salvage yard to Low Beach Road, Siaseonset. Board CR~ BOATYA~. ~C.' :: from Atty.~ Mooney st'ating ~e ~d filed with ~state ~d federal authorities [cation for a permit ~d license to construct ~d install pilings ~d ~oating piers at Hither Creek, Madaket.. -. ~ .- ~,/,. :_. . ShelZfisa Warden ~oZagate rem~ked' that he felt use of the pipe at M/ac0~et was :1, waste 0f money to drain the pond." Mr.' Jones said he Would probably need 2~' 1 f pipe~ 30" drain ~d oost for labor ~d ~ipe would possibly be $2~000 - $2~500. said pip~ ~d been successful ~t H~mock Pond ~d felt $~is Would b'e'~itable. Selectm~ Chadwiok co~ented that,' when the engineer was h~re on water su~ey, asked the 'engineer about this. The ponds of Nantuoket"~ffect our,water. ~es help keep w~t water out'of our water s~pply. 'Mr.'Bartlett ~d others have ;crest in this ~d the To~ of N~tucket is responsible' for water, rights."' -, Eelectm~ Lowell'~dded that ~re~idents in Mia&omet Pond ar~ have a fear t~t salt will com~ in. 'With pipes ~d proper cOntrol~ _,the s~stem should work~ ~d is better t~ a~ ditch.' If pipes do fill up~' they can be clewed out.' , ,, ~isa Waraen ~oZa~ate toga the ~oara ae haa be~n Contactea about aisposlti0n had s~gges~ed the use.',of the boat y~d~ .w~th piling aro~d the barge to retaLn Waterways' in'regard to a barge~a~.i~.~c.o~d b'~nd,".believed to have b~en originallY" oYmed by Mike Todd,' and n6w a/~'~o navigation../. Harbor MAster Holdgate said that,'~at the present time, the ,barge appeared to be no Lthreat~ but he suggest, ed· piling to encompass and'retain, it longer'-j~ ~'It .was'curr.~ntly thought to be owned by Sherburne Yacht Club~ Messrs. Lindley,-Grossman, et al. a~.--' There being no further business,· the meeting was adjourned to Executive se~io~. EXECUTIVE SESSION ..... , ~ .,:, ,,q .(.- , APPOINTMENTS.. - ......... ...., .,, .,· -: /' ,,· '. ·.:.::....~:.·: ...: '~ ,':( )'..":..?.' .'~:i: /...,~',',:'-(.,//:::.:'...::. Board met with members of the Housing Authomity to appoint a member, to 'f~ll the vacancy on the Authority. Frederick Smith was the appointeeJ .'Mr. Seay asked the Board abo~t the possibility.of utilizing some office space for files and a desk thsy had, so the Authority would have a place in which to work and keep records. Board said ,this would be follmved up. ' " .... " ' : Board appointed' JoSePh Rez'end~s,' III to fill'a vacancy as driver for the Fire Department. ' - . .~ ..... .: :'; ,. ..... '. , ... . foll$~ing ~ere ~p~oi=ted to Se~e ~on the '~elo~ation 'of~ ~ D.P.W.~; as c~ned for in Article 3T: Albert Glowacki, Colonel A. M. Murray~~ Bertram Johnston, Driscoll, William Rezendes .... m~rd VoW W ~-g~tact Bradford's H~d~re; Inc; '~e'~rai~' th;i~ 'e;~imate o~ ,223.50 for locks and keys for the Town Bldg. 'and arrange for the work to be " CARS ':' - /%" )''' "' ': Building Inspector. Eppl~ ~poke' riO' t~e Board ~b~at .the problem ~f' junk cars and' he felt th~ follow-up and enforcement of this was properly a police function. - - ','~ ' , . -'*; '. ;-~' "- '".' '- ' '.; , · _ · ~ .,~ .,1~-~,,: ' ~:, - ~ %-'- " '~· ;~' ~', .... "'"''t '~ "'" '~"' " being no ~rther business, the meeting' ~as a'd'~ourn';~'at ~ :00 ~.~.t. · - _ :. ,.~ . ,·, . .-..,, .:..',' '.%). · '" ! .... " '" "'-:, -'' ' "/,~-'(' " i,,"' '" ~"'~/"' .... '- ' ..... .";':": :.' '"i" ~ :;: ;'"'"' ' -- ,,~'.;,,., ', ~_,. ....., ,.'-.,"-:' . ,~ , , ,,'?,;,"..; ,,--.:--' ;-,_k..L ':::- : , ,- .:,. ..-: ,: . ,, ;.-"-, .,,~ .., ... - ,, -.:-" ,', . . Robe~ Go Haley -.. :':~":'"'~" .... ":'::' :-'- i~i i '~ !: ._. :.. -".: , ' ,.. ::.,. :.-, .... ~ ': ' -' · ** ' ' .... ': ' -"/,"': :,:-! .-'-).':'·, ' Board si~ned new traffic Inlles alld re~lations with' fees set for violation of the various items.' ...... '"-:-:'" ":'-' '.'- -"'" '''~ '"'" -- ': ;"" .... ":"" '" : .... - ' ........ - ..- - -'. , '":- ':' :":" · ..... ' .... : '"":"".' .':"":'- .... ~'."--":'":':i', '", ~ , ' ' ".-. i.. ~ .. .~ . ."' .: ' -' '-': ..... ~ .....,_/.'.::"-: ..'.,.:',:-" '- i: i i ' t" 'i ~'.-' '._ ~.. ':' :. .. . ...... .':.-- .. ....... .? .: .., -, ,.- , ',' :~ -:' i-.' ~' .'"";;: ' '(.-'..?L ' '" ' ~'::·'' ' "'"" ' ' ~: -