HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-16 EXECUTIVE sESsioN: The Minutes 'cf the.'Meeting'ofWednesday,.N0vember"16, 1988 :at 7~'30PM,,.The meeting t'ook'place in:the Selectmen's"Hearing'Room,'Town and- 'County Building, Na~tUcket,'MA'02554'.'~AiI'*members/0f,,the~'B~ard,Were present~ except Mr'. Ciute and Mrs. -Sevkens. Chairman Cabot called the meeting to order at 8':50 PM. . ,Mr. Viera mOved approval of.'~he Minutes of O~t~0ber'26,.l:98'8,~at 7:30'PM;~S'econded by Mr. McLaughlin. So voted. Readingof the minutes'was waived. ToWn~ Counse! DeRensis said that-the.notiCeable dropi~ te'gal'c61t'Si'in6u~red by the Town~'c0uld be:attribUted.to Executive Secretary Bou~goin,'smanagement]~style He said .the,legal staff's time.,was previously.wasted:on fac.tual~i~vestiga~on~ and that Mr. Bourgoin was savSng the Town money.~Mr.~Viera said the'Land Bank was also saving legal fees,by'pKeParing factual'dara. Mr. DeRensis spoke Of the B0~'chert lawsuit Which iscoming.up.~ He'asked'what,. role the Town should play. Mr~~ Viera moved to spend 'the'required lega!'~xpenses in order to take a prominent ~ole in the lawsuit; seconded by Mr. McLaughlin. So voted unanimouSly. Mr .DeRensis reported that the Tax Title legislation had received a~fav0rable recommendation.from the HoUse Taxation Committee, Which. was a good sig~. Mr. B°urgoin said that their review.is continuing and .that Syd Co'nway'ha'd said'he would keep working on it, along with Representative Eric Turkington~ Mr. DeRensis'said that Town would save an, estimated $1.5 million in legal defense costs if this legislation t~ .protect the Town succeeded. 'A discrepancy may exiSt between'the practice for calculating, overtime for.non- union emp!0yees.,and :the By~la~on the Subject.~ The B0~rd directed T0wn:"'CoUnsel t0.1ook into-any-arbitrary treatment on' the'm~ter,:inciuding 'the trea~ment~,of.i holidays and t0~al hours actually workedper, day. Business Administrator Donahue ~epor. ted.on his preliminary 'negotiations with the Coast Guard. The Town leases a'marine facility at Brant:Point. There being no'f~rther business before the'Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.' Submitted for approval, the ay of December'1988. Lee Bourgoinf/, . , ,:, ~Executive secretary - ~the/~a' ' // ... . . .. .... ' Approved y of December 1988; ': ;' '. · ~ ' BOARD, OF SELECTMEN- .~,~ .,' ,~- ,~ '. ExECUTivE s'ESSION:"'Tha Minu~es')°f"the Meeting: °f'wednes~ay'~Oct6be~ 19,,19~8 ';.at 7i30 PM;,The 'Meeting took p'~ace in the Selec~men's HearingRoom,~Town and County:Bui!ding;; NantUcket' .MA'O2554"All members'of the'Board,'~erei~present except Mr. Clute. Chairman Cabot called,the meeting t0. order There is a threat'0f litigaii0n con'¢erning the ciiff R0ad~Bike'Pa'~; Mr. DeRensis Said that,the'original contract could be awarded'to, Lawrence:LYnch,,b~t"no:t the change order.,Mr. McL~aughlin'.s~ggeSted rebidding the~hole.thing. Mr. Weise Pointed oUt the time constrainto~. Options'Were requesting'the, . ~ .~ Divi~io~· :,~°f'Lab°r and Industries waive the, contract,: to rescind the-Board of.selectmen vote,for- the change orrder,' to go, forward with the'contrac~,,,tolchange the',contract'as~ previouSly suggested'or to rebid. Chairman cabot sugge~sted 'ge~tihg 0Ut!:0f ~he contract ~as oOon as.possible. 'There.~was general'agreement that th,e entirel Lawrence Lynch contract should be awarded to'them and that a smaller amount for basic engineering work should be awarded to'Vanasse'Hangen Brustlin'out of the balanqe of the.fund~,' if VHB is willing to'do that. Mrs. Sevrens moved approval-of :the Minutes of October 12,' 1988; seconded by Mr. Viera. So voted.-Reading.of the Minutes was waived.' ,On the acquisition of t~e A~co~ property.on Cliff Road in .the WashingPondZ:- area, Attorney Ted Tillotson asked to postpone the closing until after,JanuarY 1, 1989 for better tax advankage.for the sellers. Chairman Cabot asked if the Town had any:good reasons for doifig this. Mr. DeRensis said they 'h'ad been 'cooperative and the Town, could help them n~w. There was general consensus for helping them and Town CounSel was'directed to take the required steps to do so. A~other mai'or question is the legislation to quiet tax 'titles that had ~been passed at Tows'Meeting and sent to the Legislature/. The Department of Revenue is supporting:the'proposed bill with some langu.age~changes.:It, may.' benecessary to file a new Ho~eRule PetitiOn in order to'accpmP!ish this. Chairman' Cabot suggeste~/.'this ~.ssue'Should wait until theother maj0c issues of concern were ready for sp~ial Town Meeting,' n0t necessarily on November/29, 1988. Mrs. Sevrens said~tna~-~ne'taxtit-le~business, is, im~ort'~nt~f°r~'the Town due to its great monetary value.' Mr.,Viera and'Chairman c~b~'~-'~ag~d'~"~:The~ was general agreement:that ~11 of the ma]or issues should be combined t6 reduce the frequency of SPecial Town Meetings. There beingno further busihesq before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned' at 10:28 PM. Submitted for approval the day of October 1988. Lee Bourgoin~ : " -,'E~ecutive Se'~re~ary ' ~l.~.~a APproved 'the Y of Octob-a~ 'i'988. . ,' '., !! RELEASED ! · i