HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-15 Minutes of April 15, 1986 Meeting The meeting was called to order at 3:07 p.m. by'Moderator Holmes for the purpos~ iof ~viewigg'~rocedure. for ~b~ I~RK ~nn~l~ TOwn M~ng~ All members of the Board were present with the exception of Mr. Gardner who attended at 3:35 p.m. Mr. Klein stated that A~ti~le. 13 is not a zoning article, but is an amendment to !a by-law and r'equires ~ 2/3 vOte. The Planning Board requested that Article 19 be taken,before Article 18 b~cause it is more restrictive than Article 18. If Article~19 passes Article 18 will be passed over. Moderator Holmes is concerned that ' ° not in proper form for ToWn Meeting.' Mr. Klein stated that the Article as recommended by the planning Board was edited and more limited than that published in the original warrant. Because of the public concern on Article 3~.. (new school improvements) Moderator Holmes suggested that this be~the firs~ Article for business at Town Meeting. Mr. Holmes also stated that he would ~not disqualify himself as a member of the School Building Committee, but would not participate in the discussion. Mr. Philip Bartlett, Chairman of the Finance Committee'requested that Section of the 1986 Town Meetinq be ~laved to May 1~ Mr. Cabot and Mr. Clute were g~en the oath of Office by Made!yne Perry, Town Clerk. By unanimous vote Mr. Cabot was elected Chairman, Mr. Clute as Vice Chairman, and Mrs. Sevrens as Secretary of the Board. On a recommendation from Donald Oliver, Superintendent, Department of Public Works the Board voted to_aDDrove the one bid for $7,620.00 received for the ~Dra¥ing of trees for insect prevention, moved by Mr. Grossman; seconded by M~. Cabot; so voted. Mr. Grossman moved to r~uest, a four week extention for the cable license from the Massachusetts Cable Commission seconded by Mr. Cabot. Mr. Grossman also requested that the contract be reviewed by special counsel. There being no further business bef0re the Board, Mr. Grossman moved ~o adjourn~ seconded by Mr. Cabot; so voted. BO~SELECTMEN ~ BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes of April 16, 1986 Meeting The meeting was called to orderat 4:03 p.m., as rescheduled due to the continu- ation of the Annual Town Meeting; all members W~r.e present. Mrs. Sevrens moved 'for %~e 9pproval of the April .9 an~ 15, 1986 meetina minutes; seconded by Mr. Clute; so voted. New England Telephone Petition 86-540 for~installation of proposed open cut road and buried cable on Old SOuth Road was presented~to the Board for approval. Mr. Clute moved approval, with the request that.all phone petitions which deal with opening the road be sent to Donald Oliver, Superintendent, Department of Public Works, for recommendation or approval, then to be sent back to the Board of Selectmen for final approval; seconded by Mr. Gardner; so voted. The hearing date of May 7, 1986 was set for the Lee-Ny West Creek Inc.'s applic- ation for transfer of liquor license. As neither Town Counsel nor the Building/Zoning Inspector find any~zoning prob- lems with the third taxi of Lynn Perr¥,...Mr. Grossman moved approval of the lic- ense; seconded by Mr. Gardner; so voted. In letters from Police Chief Randolph P. Norris, AT&T Communications and Outdoor Power Equipment were recommended for the.telePhone system and generator, respect ively, as their bids were the lowest for the equipemtn needed at the Police · Department. Mr. Grossman moved approval of the bids; seconded by Mr. Clute; so voted. In a letter to the Board, Fred Chase, Race Directorof the Off-Balance Track C16b;, respectfully requests the Board's permission to conduct the Cranberry Classic Race on June 7, 1986. It was noted that the route has been changed ~rom last year. Mr.. Clute moved approval of the race as changed; seconded by Mr. Gardner; so voted. As recommended by Superintendent of Public Works, Donald Oliver, Mr. Clute moved to accept the proposgl concerning collection of Hazardous.Waste,. received from Clean Harbors of Natick; seconded by Mr. Grossman; so voted. Mr. Oliver further advised the Board that the ~etition submitted by residents Il a~d a~tters of Wonoma Way, for repairs to said way reflects repairs which ar--e Ibeyond the scope of minor repairs. According to Mr. Oliver, these repairs would Icost anywhere from 50 to 75 Thousand Dollars, and that the Town should not take Ithis responsibility. The Board voted to return said petition. ~ Mr. Malsolm Barreiros requested permission to sell shellfish at the Daffodill ~nd tailqate piqni~ in Siasconset. ~R. Barreiros noted~that he would sell from the back of his pick-up truck, which would be decorated, ~and would provide his own trash cans and ice. Mr. Martin Ce~lye requested too, to sell shellfish from an antique cart. Chairman ~abot noted that this seemed to be a good service to add to the picnic, but Mrs. Sevrens noted her concern about the continual increase in people who have such requests. Mr. Grossman stated his feeling that the people of Siasconset should have a say in these decisions and that a public hearing on requests should be held. Mr. Clute moved to approve these requests for selling shellfish on the condition that all requests for next year's event be received by the Board of Selectmen no later than APril 1, 1987; seconded by Mr. Gardner; so voted. Mr. Gardner further moved that an amendment be recorded to apply April 1, 1987 as a deadline for such requests; seconded by Mr. Clute; so voted. On behalf of the Nantucket High School Sophomore Class, Mr. Phillip Locario requests permission for the class to sell food at the Daffodill Weekend tail- qate Dicnic from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mrs. Sevrens again noted the increase in food sales, and voiced her concern over the setting up of a grill. Mrs. Sevrens moved approval of the sale, based on the fact that this is a non-profit organization; seconded by Mrs. Grossman; so voted. Mr. C~ute moved a~proval of the Payroll Warrant for workweek of April.12~ ....1986 and the Treasury~Warran't ~or' week o~ ~pri~ 16,. 1986; seconded by Mr. Gardner; SO voted. David Moretti, Esq., Chairman of the~afoodill Weekend reauested the Board's. ~ermission to hold the parade on April 26, 1986, establishing April 27, 1986 as a rain date. A seventy-five car limit was established for cars which are at least 20 years old to participate as antique cars. Mr. Grossman requested that no "For Sale" signs be permitted to be displayed. The Board was also advised Ilthat the Boy Scouts will help clean up, and, as thanks for their efforts, will Ie allowed to keep all bottles and cans for their own recycling. 3:30 p.m. was BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes 4-16-86 established~as a time for the conclusion of the parade andpicnic. Mr. Albert "Bud"~.Lockley, Town Assessor, spoke'with the Board concerning the proposed Local Room OccuoaRQ¥ E~ise Tax article to 'be discussed at the Annual Town Meeting, as well as tax bill information. There being no further business before the B0ard, Mr. Gardner moved to adjourn ~t 5:00 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Clute; so voted.  Bergendahl, II ExecutiVe Secr6tary 235'. Moderator Wayne F21H~lmesl~ll the Annual To~n Meeting of the Town of Nantucket to order at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 15, 1986 at the Nantucket High School. The invocation was given by the Reverend John Wing, of St. Paul's 'Episcopal Church. Moderator Holmes then'thanked Seddon Legg, who had recently retired, for his 40.years service to the TOwn, as a Teller. Moderator Holmes then brought to the attention of the Meet- ing that Madelyne Perry had received 95.3 percent of the vote the previous day in her bid for re-election as Town Clerk. This received a round of applause. He then stated he could not admit non-voters at that time, but would do so if space became available at the Meeting. He went on to explain the Articles the Meeting w0uldba~aCting on and that 'the Meeting would b~en adjourn to complete the'Warrant at an an- ticipated May 12 Meeting.,(This~ year's Town Meeting· _ was to be split into two sessions. The fi~St~'~0uld.~convene on April 15 to take care of non-money and ~ articles. This would also ~'include ~e new school exPansio~ proposal which calls for an expenditure of Town'money which'~ill'be raised from an over- ride of Proposition Two and a Hold ~nd not come directly from '~-'~he regula~ ~;~n bud et The second aessi°n Will,'convene on- ' May 1211986 to take &~re~of'~°~y related~a~ticles from the regular yearly Town budget.) Moderator Holmes went on.to say 'he would be 'taking 0ut~ofo~der two article~.' They were Article 32, having to do with the ~chool~proje~t and Article 115, the Airport Parking Project. Thereafter, he would'follow the 'articles -~n numvericl sequence, beginning with Article 9 and going on into the Zoning Articles. Moderator Holmes then asked the Meeting tO call out the articles they wished to discuss. The following articles were pulled: "':"Articles:' 3, 14, 15, 16,'17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, , 28, ~4~ 1, 53, ??, 82, 88, 93, 100, 101,.lll a d 115. ~ ' :~?'~M°d~~' Holmes :;~said ............. they~;'~would '~'~ .... ~t'art"" ~':~'with'~'""~ v:,.~",Article~-:~':~.~,~732 bu~ be- ' '~i C~Us~'he'w~'Chai~mah of th~ 'School.Building Committee, he would not. Participate in-the discussion and woUld confine him- '"~ self'to conducting a fair and impartz 1 Meetzng. He would also ~i: ~nt&~t~in a'M~ti~f&r DisqualificatiOn'if anyone felt they .... had good reason'for a Statement of Bias, He also stated he would entertain the Moti0'~",' bu~'thlt did n0~"mean he '~ould put it to the group as a whole. He then proceeded to read Article 32. ' 'ARTICLE 32 Article 32 - School ~Improvement Pr0je~t · D0r~hy Bartlett,' Chairman ~ ~he-School Committee, moved the adoption ~f the article as~to~.inted. ,' Th~ motion was seconded. ~orothy BArtlett spoke in favor of ~he" ': ~': ~:~" ~ .... ~ article, explaining the ....r~Li~Asons for the a~t~X~k~~ ~=- ~ ~ "~ ~ '~ " curtis Barnes questioned the wording of the article concerning the~'raising of the money involved. '3oan coffin, Town Treasurer, .replied it would be through a ' Bond Issue2 '. Bud~LOckley, Town ~ssessor, expiaJ.ned the tax~ra~e and.just "how it would affect the people of the Town. MOT I ON Discussion followed. '"D~'2~joh~n o'Neil,~'' 'school Superintendent, responded to questions Concerhing 'new'tea6hin~ 'po~iti'6n'~ ~nd ~r6j~cte~d "c'ost~' ~f up2 keep ~nd maintenance '0'h ~ 'yearly basis. Nancy sevrens ~questioned if ,the present lane were he final ones and engraved ih ~stone. She felt it needed a lot of. helP. ~'Super~intendent O'Neil said no that they were preliminary plans the% ~e~tabiished a ceiling on the money beyond which the BUild- '~in~ Committee cannot go. The working plans would now be done y '~o~ld take several months. VOTE ARTICLE. 115 Marie Schnetzler spoke in opposition citing the 'lack of wln- d0ws in a number of rooms and the overall size of ~he project. Wil,!iam ....... Burdi~k. .... spoke in favor, of, ~ ,the~ project.-., .... Ronald DaSilva, local contractOr; questioned the materials to b'e ,use. d,,T,He cited .... problems, . with the new elementary_, school which was built a few years ago. .Charles Flana~an stating he had come here 34 years ago to teach, asked the Meeting to vote for'this proposal. Claudette Pearl, speaking in favor of the article, said please give the Nantucket sChool children a break, In return, ~they will give you-love and respe~t.~ : ~ Tinka Knopf questioned the lack of wi~ndows,' citing ,.~ need for an intern&l air system and asked what it would do to th~ budget. ..; . :~., , :, .~ . Mr. cramer.,' architect,, explained,,', , , their'.., concern about windows but, citing lack of building space ~ and Massachusetts regula- tions cone_=rning internal air systems, it~w0uld be~a necessary part of the building. '. ., ,,,,: ..... ,: ..... Moderator Holmes then stated you' have' in your' possession small ballot, one side says yesI one side says no. He then re-read Article 32 and the vote was taken a ballot vote ~as taken with~ 790~voting. it W'as ,a Bond Issue therefore'it required a't~o-thirds vote., There were 706 yes votes and 84 no votes. The Chair declared Article 32 was Article '~l5 - Airport Parkin~ Lot · ' - , -,-- Article 115 ,.," To see fi' the T~Wn'~f Nantuaket will vote to raise and ap- ~rop~a~, bo~ow or tr~sfer ~om ava~able f~, not to exceed' seven: h~ed -fifty tholed ' dollars ($750,~.~) ~ order ~at ~e To~ of N~mcket, ~ough the ~o~ Co~ssion, may complete construction of the pr~ p~ed par~g lot at ~e ai~o~. (Board of Selec~en, ~~ion) We recommend that ~e To~ vote to rais~ '~d aPp~oO~a~, bo~ow or ~fer ~om ava~ble f~ ~ ~o~t not ~ ex- c~d $750,~ for ~e p~se out.ed a~ve' ~th ~e ~de~g ~at it is ~e ~tenfion of the ~ Commis- sion to repay mi~ ~o~g and debt se~ce ~om ~nce Commi~e 2 Ap~, 1986 238, MOT I ON VOTE Philip Bartlett, Chairman of the Finance COmmittee, moved the adoption of the article' as recommended.'. .... ~ '"~ "" ' ......... "': '' ; urged pass- Rogers' Cabot,': Chairman of the Board o~ Selectmen age of this article~. ~ , I. :,. ,~ ~' '3 C~~' ~ C ~ ,' '- , ~ -~'J~ '~- ;~' ~' ' ',~' · ~''%: ~ ' vaU~h~n Machado "spoke' in fa~o~' of the '~rticlej' ' Tom G~ffih, Airpo'rt Commissioner, spoke in favor of the ~' ar~c~2'.~ ~ ~:,' .... ,-:,.~ .... : : ........ ~'.~.-,., Betty ~t'calf asked if there 'was any way the-Board' of select- "men'~'~%ld 'ha~ ~a':' ~-y' in the' r'~nting pf this~"'~rking lot. ~. Cabot said we ·just hppoint'"th~-Air~0rt "c0m~ission. They do not have to answer to the Board as to what they do out there. 'Bartlett urged passage of this article but, saying the PhiliD money from the parking lot will not come back t0' the Town, felt" the 'T0'Wh ~e~tihg', ~in the future,' should consider legisla- 'ti0n~ ~0 change' thi~"P~lic'Y.: 'H~ fe~t' the~ ~" ~6i~ :~o make a 'go'od 'deal' of m0n~y~ fr0m''this p:a~ki~g' l~'a~d :'~0m&~'of this money should come 'into the Gen~l~'~d' 6f the Town' and not -. all go into a revolving f~nd of the AirPort- ~ Co~i~s~iOn- '': '~' ~ari'B~h~rt' ~sk~'d about'the money in the article, $750,0'00.00 being ~retur~'ed to: the' To~. :"'~:" ': ~oan -Coffi~ sta%&'d:t~'e" m6~ does n0t'com~'''fr~m n ~6wn tax' :" doll~s'; b~t i~" borrowed under Chapter 90, the section cover- Town~ ing Airport R~i~t~.: '~he would have'to, foot~ ... ..~e.... bill she said, only if the airport folds. These re~eiPts~must' g0 in- to a 'special fund to return this money to' Town. the It cannot be spent for anything elszl A vote was taken by a show of hands; Yes, ~10; No, 5. Articie 115 Was carried. ~derator Holme~ next stated that Article 12 would be the next in order for Consideration,' but a determination has been made that it is not re erly before the Town Meeting. The reason being that' the Comm0nwealth_ ,~of ~ssachusetts. has a.!aw stating that a Zonin~ Article brought before the Town Meeting and not enacted may not be brought again before the ~eting for a period of two years unless the Planning Boar~ approves. The ~anning Board does not. approve this hrticle c Therefore it was pa~sed'over. 'M~derat0r HOlmes moved onto0 Article 13 sta{ing, before he' read'the a"rticle ~o the Meeting, %hat it is not "a zoning Article bUt, an amendme~ to the ToWn Parking By-Law. Article'13 - zoning: Parking Amendments VOTE VOTE David Morretti moved to amend Paragraph C by-insertinq the' wood "consecutive" as follow~: "paragraph C. Island ~ide: No vehiCleS ''~hilip Bartlett moved the adoption of,th~ ~r~i~le ad recommended by the Finance Committee. The motion was ~econded. William Hunter explained the purpose~of the'article and urged may be left parked or unattended for~ any time in excess of seven 9"~"'~ i" consecutive days on any public street or byway, excepting 'state highways". The 'motion was seconded. 'David ~rretti asked what the penalty was now in the existing y-Law and was %old fifteen ($15.00) dollars a day. I Voice vote was taken and the Chair declared the amendment was Much discussion followed. A voice vote was-taken on the article as amended and the Chai~ declared Article 13 was not carried. ARTICLE 14 :' ::':~"'~ :'~:~ticle 14: zoning: Amendment to Permit ~lt~-Fam~ly Year' Round Housing-. MOTION Walter Barrett, Chairman of the Planning Board, moved the adoption of the article as recommended. The motion was seconded. PhiliD Avery, representing the Chamber of Commerce, explained '~'. article and asked for ~he Meeting's support. Sanf0rd Kendall'asked who would enforce Paragraph' 7, Year- would have to appropriate more money to hir'~"m~"~e~e to enforce this. curtis Barnes,'c~t~ng icle 9, which calls for exPansion of the Building Department;'"felt this would take care of. the en- forcement p~oblem i Much discussion followed~ with many people opposed. A vote by a show of hands was held~With~:32'Pe~Ple voting Yes "~:' : :'~hd~"~e:~':''''~' voting No.,The Chai~,'noting a vast preponderance of negative votes, declared Article 14-did not carry. A motion was then made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting for that night. VOTE Moderator Holmes declared ~he Meeting adjourned until the f°ll~wing evening, A 16;'1986 ~t"~:30 p.m.