HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-02 BOARD OF S~ Minutes of July 2, 1985 Meeting The Board of S~l~:tmen's Meeting cc~menced at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Bud Clute 'was absent, 21.1 other members were in attendance. Minutes of the June '26, 1985 meeting were accepted as typed and ;:eading of the same was waived on a motion from Bernie Grossman, s,~.-onded by Skip Cabot, so voted. PUBLIC HEARINGS Historic Districts Commission Appeal: A. L. Kuehn,4 Fayette street: Appeal from decision by the HDC to disapprove Certificate #14,653 for an addition of an 8 X 20 second floor wooden dec~. Mr. David Moretti, attorney representin~ Mr. Kuehn, stated that there were numerous second floor decks in the area and therefore the HDC decision to disapprove this deck due'. to high visibility should not apply. Mr. Dirck Van Lie~.,. Chairman of the Historic Districts Conx0ission, stated that. second floor decks should not be perpetuated as the HDC voted they were not appropriate to .Nantucket building. Mr. Van Lieu also stated that the HDC Guildelines book reads that second floor decks are unfavorable. Nancy Sevrens made the motion due to not perpetuating, seconded by Bernie Grossman. Mr. Moretti spoke saying that the HDC was an Agency and' should be covered by General Laws Chapter 30A. Nancy Sevrens withdrew her motion; Mr.' Gtossman.moved to table the decision until Town Counsel interpreted the applicability of Chapter 30A, Section 2. DEPARIMENT REPORTS Roadway. Improvement Project: Phase II: Contract B: Resident Engineer George Woodcock of Vanasse/Hangen was present .stating all major work was completed, centerlines were being drawn, and signs were on order. The paving.of Easton and Chester Streets was delayed because Hickey's people were still working. Don Oliver requested the Board not give go ahead on any major work until all the light work was completed. Mr. Woodcock stated this should be done by next Wednesday. Mr ~ Woodcock's Presence is requested at next week' s meeting. Easton Street Storm Sewer Project: Fred Neal from Sheaffer and Roland reported that W. Hickey Company was given his punch list on Friday and this week is taking care of the punch list items. The rain hook-up was finished last week. Now all that re~ains is 'the final pavement to be done by Lawrence Lynch and some curbing. Department of Public Works: Town Lot on West Dover Street: Illegal use of boats and automobiles on this lot prompted DOn. Oliver to request a split ~ail fence be placed around the lot. The '%ot can then be safe for' children to use. Bernie Gross~an moved to accept Mr. Oliver's reconx~ndation, seconded by Nancy Sevrens, so voted. Nantucket Fire Department: Liquid Propane Truck Leak: Bruce Watts attended the meeting and requested the Board implement his suggested rules and regulations to make the transporting of propane gas safer for the ~ity. Bernie Grossmart moved to add a $50 fine for trucks delivering in the core .area between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and make these rules and regulat/.'ons in effect subject to Town Counsel's approval, seconded by Nancy Sevrens, so voted. OFFICIAL Police Appointment: Police Chief, Randolph Norris, recom~ea~ded the appointment of Martin Michaelman as a Sunw0er Special pOlice Officer. Bernie Grossman moved to accept Police Chief Norris' rec~dation, by Nancy Sevrens. seconded Resignation: Police Office LaPenta: Bernie Grossman moved to accept George LaPenta's resignation with regret, seconded by Nancy Sevrens, so voted. Bernie Grossman moved to send Police Chief Randolph Norris a letter regarding interference to meeting his responsibilities, seconded by Skip Cabot, so voted. BOARD.OF' S~.~4EN Minutes of july~ 2, -1985 Page 2 CITIZEN Livery .License:~Re~. uest.~ paut'poor: Mr. Poor attended ~e meeting as requested and stated his~concern for the good care' of the horse. ' Skip Cabot moved to.grant the license, seconded by Bernie Grossman,' so voted~ with requirements of $100 fee for operation Of business, operating only between in hoUrs of 10'a.m. and 5 p.m., parking at first space on North side of Broad Street on the corner of North Water. OTHER BUSINESS Skip Cabot moved to approve the payroll for week ending June 29, 1985, seconded by Bernie C~rossman, so voted. Skip Cabot moved to approve, the .treasury warrant for week ending July 3, 1985, seconded by Bernie Gros~uan, so voted. Waiter/WaitreSs Race Request: Mr. Jeff .F4Dore,of the Rose & Crown wrote requesting approval of the Rose & Crown Wai~er/Waitree Race to be'~held Monday,. July 29, 1985 at 11:0'0 a.m. ~ Bernie Grossman voted for.approval, seconded by Skip Cabot; so voted. Executive session: Bernie Grossman moved to- convene to Executive 'Session to discuss employment contract for Chief of Police, Randolph Norris, seconded by Skip Cabot, Nancy Sevrens in favor, Jack Gardner in favor, so voted. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The Board said they would not return into open session. BOARD OF SELECIb~SN Barbara M. Dale Acting Executive Secretary