HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-6I Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 o —A 2 f 0y n �G r Nantucket Planning Board Video of meetiA available on'9lLvn website Catherine Ancero (A *The com ext, plans, a . at'on, or other material relative to each agenda items are available for inspection at the Plannin 2 Fairgr s Road between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM* Chairman Re r called the meeting to order at 4:06PNI. II. Approve AgetJa: T Williams made a motion to approve the agenda, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. III. Minutes: ■ Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Ms. Williams made a motion to approve the November 30`h minutes, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. Page 1 of 7 IV. Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Tertiary Dwellings: • Gray Ack LLC, 17 Gray Avenue (Map 67 Parcel 327), discussion Ms. Snell stated that the applicant requested for a tertiary dwelling and a second driveway access. However second driveway access request are not allowed in the tertiary bylaw therefore the applicant must apply for a Special Permit. Ms. Williams made a motion to hold for the January 91h meeting for the second driveway request to allow the applicant to submit a Special Permit application, duly seconded a jjjjj6AjLyor 5 -0. V.Public Hearings: ■ #7716 Valero Road Subdivision, 60, 62, 64, 66 & 68 Old South Road, action 09 -17 #55 -16 Nantucket Yacht Club Employee Housing, 4 South Beach Stre Representing is Attorney Arthur Reade. Attorney Reade gave a brief pres site plan. Ms. Williams questioned if the applicant will provide NRTA asse that Ed Pesce's concerns can be worked out. Chairman Rector oFA the 1 made. ills. Williams made a motion to close the public hearing, duly ondc made a motion to approve, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in fav • #56 -16 William RJ Lothian, Trustee, 22 Trotters Lane, adline 3- -1 Representing is Attorney Bryan Swain. Ms. Williams stated that do Mrs. Snell stated that in staff will put exact language parking public. No comments were made. Ms. Williams m e a in close the in favor. Ms. Williams made a motion to appr with clau ed per stal voted 5 -0 in favor. #57 -16 Sean & Sharon Dyer, 15 Seikinoow Pla ction deadline -17 No representation. Chairman Rector o the to the publi N motion to close the publi c hearing, se d an 5 -0 in o seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. #58 -16 David Barham & Lauri R. its Tr Representing is Surveyor P os. where parking is curren lr. star, at p proposed driveway o Chase ne and t having a site visit and requ th he site of iN to the January 9 du onded and vo d #59 -16 Hat Way, and tikva Way (formerly 82 & 84 Surfside Road), action deadline 3 -06 -17 #8039 Hatt Su vision ation #1, 82 & 84 Surfside Road, action deadline 3 -04 -17 Representing is A teven Cohe Attorney Cohen requested to have both file numbers 59 -16 and 8039 be heard to then and have 8 eard first. ti s. Williams and Mr. Marcklinger recused. Attorney Cohen gave a brief summary oft osal for file 39. Mrs. Snell stated that the regular Board members only to vote for this application and that eviewed an ed off on the drainage and its improvement. Chairman Rector opened the floor to the public. o co were ade. Mr. Lowell made a motion to close the public hearing, duly seconded and voted 3 -0 in favor. �l ow e a motion to approve the subdivision, duly seconded and voted 3 -0 in favor. Chairman opened th ublic he ng for file #59 -16. Attorney Cohen stated that the applicant would like to cluster parking at the road side a to screen the entire parking area and not the interior lot lines. Chairman Rector opened the floor to the public. Jim wski at 75 Hooper Farm Road, had a list of concerns such as screening the need for tall screening, safety of anti ated traffic entering and departing Surfside Road, onsite parking, the three existing structure and owner occupied requirements and the dense use of the land. Attorney Cohen stated that they will provide screening, and management plan. Attorney Cohen stated that the Planning Board can put conditions within the decision. Chairman Rector stated that the he is not keen on gravel prefers it be asphalt which will reduce the noise level due to the traffic flow. Also Chairman Rector would love to see screening on boarders of the subdivision. Mr. Lentowski request that the fence be expanded along the property line and vegetation on their side of the fence. Attorney Cohen has no objection to the request. Mr. Lentowski questioned that if restricted to single family use and no employee housing. Mrs. Snell suggested that they install landscaping by the Right of Way and a more detailed landscape plan. Mr. Callahan would like Trustees, TO 01- fliscussed the rs. Snell stated comments were >r. Ms. Williams showAe number of parking spaces. irman Rector opened the floor to the hearing, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 °garding parking, duly seconded and No comments were made. Ms. Williams made a r. 11s. Williams made a motion to approve, duly 6 Pine Street, action deadline 3 -06 -17 of summary of the proposal. Mr. \iarcklinger questioned arktn s currently on the street. There was a brief discussion having he e was plenty of parking on Judith Chase Lane. Board discussed of osed driveway be staked. Is. Williams made a motion to continue 5 -0 in favor. Page 2 of 7 Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 to see more planting between the houses to make it look more single family. There was a brief discussion that staff will review in a year. Mrs. Snell stated that a year from getting a Certificate of Occupancy of the fourth structure. Cormac Collier stated that the applicant is in the Public Wellhead Recharge District and to have Bob Gardner review. Mr. Trudel and 1\1r. Callahan both activated. Mr. Trudel made a motion to close the public hearing, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. Mr. Lowell made a motion to approve that staff review from one year of the CO of the fourth structure, any ownership be reviewed, parking screening with hedge, fence extended to southern corner with vegetation, screening along site, property management plan, parking to be asphalt with new plan to Ed Pesce, have Bob Gardner review and have Board of Selectmen approval along the Right of Way, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. #8037 Dennis Dias, 2 Tripp Drive, action deadline 04 -20 -17 Representing is Dennis Dias. Ms. Williams recused. Mr. Dias gave a brief proposal. C an Rect ned the floor to the public. No comments were made. Mr. Trudel activated. Mr. Lowell made a to close th lic hearing, duly seconded and voted 4 -0 in favor. Mr. Lowell made a motion to approve, duly econ d voted 4- favor. • #60 -16 Marine Home Center MCD, 128 & 134 Orange Street, action deadline - 17 Representing are Attorney :Marianne Hanley and Paul Santos, the Surveyor. Williarts recus ttorney anley gave a brief summary of the proposal. Mr. Santos gave a brief summary of the sed plan 11r. Borc oned if there should be two doors and if there will be windows. Mr. Santos do s are ho a of ce a have windows. Chairman Rector stated that the site buts up to the asphalt walk an ple parka s It. \1r. Santos stated that it is not shown since it doesn't meet the zoning. There was a 'ef discus egar ike path along Orange Street. Mr. Vorce stated that staff discussed this withjt applicant d that th " n ng to be done at this time with that. The front building touches the edge of the Way. Th e was a brie cussion of public access on Spruce Street. \1r. Borchert activated. Chairman Rector opene or the publi c o comments were made. \fir. Lowell made a motion to close the public hean'n conded a -0 in favor. \lr. Lowell made a motion to approve, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. Note: Chairman Rector called for a recess at Chairman Rector announced that the number 8038 "Clay Street" tbMIENLar ■ #61 -16 Hawthorne Park, 4, 6, & 8 action deadline 3 -06 -17 :onvened at 6:30PM. d tonight for Richmond property is file iers will need to be continued because it was a special meeting for those agenda items. and 39, 49 (portion), & 55 (portion) Hummock Pond Road, Representing for the ap ant ar h AfN&Xerry SannMrd and Tim Bennet. The property is in the Town sewer and in the Town Overlay s th fi percent ° o pen space. Attorney Alger gave a brief summary of the proposed flex development. . Low es ' ned about s dary dwellings and no cars backing on Hummock Pond Road. Mr. Callahan stated es n a fenced po as open space. Applicant is proposing to have solid privet hedge for screening. I nnet s that tilities will be on their side of Hawthorne and will have some clearing. \fr. Trudel stated that e ers a oncern sewer connection regarding sized for future flow. \fr. \larcklinger suggested that the t ask for an Bement at the corner so the ground cover wouldn't be affected. All lots rest 'cted to one dwe er lot and no cars backing onto Hummock Pond Road. -Mr. Welch stated that there should be a on for servi sonnel such as landscaper with provisions for parking by pulling in but not backing out. Chair r opened t or to the public. Cormac Collier stated that this is a cluster development and that Land Counc as b olde f the open space with the developments. He stated that the purpose was that Town Meeting t d in percent (50 %) open space for public benefit. There will be no public access to the proposed developm , entirely vate access, with private pool. Mr. Collier stated that landscape architect detail should be presented t he Board and that fencing should be in place along all the lots. Attorney Alger stated that this is a flex development r1slons which is parallel with a cluster development. Attorney Alger stated that the bonus are different if the space i rivate or public, land bank would be doing 18 lots, for public donation gives another lot, public benefit not having forty-fight (48) homes and only having seventeen (17). Mr. Collier stated that he is an advocate for cluster however scared of an extension for open space for private use, tennis court, club house and the ten percent (10 %) for private space, questioned setting precedence. He stated that there are plenty of examples throughout the state of Massachusetts and to take a hard look at this and to not approve it as written. Mr. Lowell made a motion to continue to the December 1261 meeting, duly seconded and voted 4 -0 in favor. Page 3 of 7 Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 #62 -16 Hans Dalgaard Modification, 65 Surfside Road, action deadline 3 -06 -17 Attorney Arthur Reade is representing for the applicant. Ms. Williams recused. Mr. Callahan activated. Attorney Reade briefly gave a brief summary of the proposal. Chairman Rector opened the floor to the public. No comments were made. \Ir. Lowell made a motion to approve, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. #63 -16 Vineyard Vines Retail, LLC, 2 Straight Wharf, action deadline 3 -06 -17 Representing is Attorney Sarah Alger. Attorney Alger gave a brief summary of the proposal. Chairman Rector opened the floor to the public. No comments. Ms. Williams made a motion to close the public hea onded and voted 5 -0 in favor. _Ms. Williams made a motion to approve, duly seconded and voted 5- favor. #64 -16 Madaket Marine Modification, 16 & 20 North Cambridge Street & 20 eck Way, a eadline 3- 06-17Representing are Surveyor Paul Santos and Attorney Sarah Alger. Mr. Santos ave a summary o e proposal. Chairman Rector opened the floor to the public. No comments were tits. s made a tion to close the public hearing, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. Ms. Williams de a m�rion to ove, d seconder and voted 5 -0 in favor. ■ #7988 Richmond Great Point Development, LLC, Nanc n Lane; reglen A e, vkim Lane, and Old South Road, action deadline 01- 31 -17, was not discussed, xly re -a rtised. ■ #40 -16 "Meadows II" Rental Apartment Development Proje d DavkinfKane, action deadline 01- 31 -17. was not discussed, not properly advertised. • #53 -16 "Sandpiper Place I" (South)Single Fa y Ho velopment ct - Off Daffodil Lane, Mayflower Circle, Evergreen Way, and Old South Roa action deadlin 0 -17, was not discussed, not properly re- advertised. ■ #54 -16 "Sandpiper Place II" (North) Single F ily Home D opment Project, Off Daffodil Lane, Mayflower Circle, Evergreen Way, and Old South Road, on deadline 01- 17, was not discussed, not properly re- advertised. • #8013 "Meadows IP' Rental Apart velo t Project, 2 and 20(R) Davkim Lane, action deadline 01 -31- 17, was not discussed, not prope adver ■ #8024 "Sandpiper Place I" ( ingle mily (Ho ership) Project, Off Old South Road, Daffodil Lane, and Mayflower Circle, an g a , action deadline 2- 25 -17, was not discussed, not properly re- advertised. ■ #8025 "Sandpiper PI I" ( Sin amily Home Development Project, Off Old South Road, Daffodil Lane, Mayflower it verg n Way, dune 2- 25 -17, xas not discussed, notproperly re- advertised. ■ #8038 Richmon t P elopment, (Clay Street Subdivision) 44, 46, and 48 Skyline Drive & 20 and 20(R) D m actin dune 3- 02 -17' Representi avid anettt Patty Roggeveen. Mr. Armanetti stated that he resubmitted this plan and have redesign these fee 0') shift s the airport and created a two acre lot improved only as a driveway. A thirty foot (30') Right o nd the lot ha een shifted to the west, however same number of lots and orientation. Ed Pe as reviewed b need to review one last time. Ms. Williams questioned how Clay Street is blocked off. \Ir. Arm ated that the ewy will be improved with a gravel driveway and feel that there is no need, no need for barrie ms state the neighbors would feel comfortable if something was there such as a split rail fence with an eni rm etti stated that something like that could be accommodating. Chairman Rector opened the floor to t he. Galvin, Skyline Drive Association expressed concern with the access through to Skyline Drive, no ht it's a vate drive. Mt. Galvin questioned frontage andpublic interest for the waivers. There was a brief discussion o Webster Road. Damien Turbini at 10 Skyline Drive expressed concern that the driveway is bigger than the road and not avor of the proposal. Mary Malavase at 6 Skyline Drive questioned staff report. Molly Glazer at 53 Skyline drive xpressed her concern stating that it's very dangerous and that there are pot holes. Gram Kilvert has no objection. Marie Lemberg at 43 Skyline Drive stated that the issue is that the Planning Board is overlooking the rights of the private subdivision and as a private citizen have the rights to own to the middle of the street. tilts. Lemberg stated that this is the means to elevate to help traffic concerns and have not heard any discussion of Lovers Lane how it is a public road. Mr. Lowell stated that Ms. Lemberg has attended to every meeting. Lovers Lane is a 1893 county road. \Ir. Lowell stated that we have to let the next generation make decision and that a connector is not going to happen in any near future. Ms. Williams made a motion to close the public hearing, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. \Is .Williams Page 4 of 7 Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 made a motion to approve with the blocking of Clay Street with a split rail fence with an opening to walk, duly seconded and voted 5 -0 in favor. VI. Public Comments: VII. Other Business: • Discussion about Warrant Articles for 2017 Annual Town Meeting iNlrs. Snell briefly reviewed a list of draft warrant articles. • Reminder next Regular Planning Board meeting Monday, December 12, VIII Page 5 of 7 Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 IV I. Approval of agenda: Agenda for the 120616 II. LIST OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED: Minutes: ■ Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Draft set of Minutes of 113016 Tertiary Dwellings: ■ Gray Ack LLC, 17 Gray Avenue (Map 67 Parcel 327), No application for packet Public Hearings: qq ■ #7716 Valero Road Subdivision, 60, 62, 64, 66 & 68 Old South 09 -17 ■ #55 -16 Nantucket Yacht Club Employee Ho ng, 4 So Aerial photo of locus with application and plans ■ #56 -16 William RJ Lothian, Trustee, 22 Trott ane, action u Aerial photo of locus with letter dated 101716 fro an Swain. ■ #57 -16 Sean & Sharon Dyer, 15 Se 00ftlace, deadline Aerial photo of locus. Application plans. 31 -17, CONTINUE TO 01- submitted with plans. ■ #58 -16 David Barham & Laur erts Trustees, me Street, action deadline 3 -06 -17 Aerial photo of locus. Applic ' with s m H y Backus dated 110816 ■ #59 -16 Hatikva Way, 1, atil ay o 82 & 84 Surfside Road), action deadline 3 -06 -17 Aerial photo of locus. nation plans. ails from Holly Backus dated 110916 ■ #8039 Hatikva Way Sub ion dificatio 82 & 84 Surfside Road, action deadline 3 -04 -17 Aerial photo of ette 102016 fro . larianne Hanley. Application with plans, letter dated 110916 from Robert Gard an et Company) and email dated 112116 from Holly. ■ #8037 De s,2 p Dri ion„ deadline 04 -20 -17 Aerial photo wit lic n with pre s ZBA decisions ■ #60 -16 Marine Ho enter MCD; 128 & 134 Orange Street, action deadline 03 -06 -17 Aer oto, leter fro rianne Hanley dated October 201h with applications and plans. Letter dated November 9Th from nacomet pany. Email from Holly dated November 21,t and a letter from the Lang Family. ■ #61 -1 a Park, , & 8 Hawthorne Lane and 39, 49 (portion), & 55 (portion) Hummock Pond Road, action de 'ne - Aerial ph 'th app tion and letter dated October 17th from Timothy Bennett with plans. ■ #62 -16 Ha Dalgaard Modification, 65 Surfside Road, action deadline 3 -06 -17 Aerial photo application, plans and Planning Board decision. ■ #63 -16 Vine d Vines Retail, LLC, 2 Straight Wharf, action deadline 3 -06 -17 Arial photo with application, previous ZBA decisions and plans ■ #64 -16 Madaket Marine Modification, 16 & 20 North Cambridge Street & 20 Little Neck Way, action deadline 3- 06 -17 Aerial photo with application and plans. RICHMOND GREAT POINT DEVELOPMENT, LLC APPLICATIONS: Page 6 of 7 Planning Board Approved Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2016 ■ #7988 Richmond Great Point Development, LLC, Nancy Ann Lane, Greglen Avenue, Davkim Lane, and Old South Road, action deadline 01 -31 -17 ■ #40 -16 "Meadows II" Rental Apartment Development Project, 20 and 20R Davkim Lane, action deadline 01 -31 -17 ■ #53 -16 "Sandpiper Place I" (South)Single Family Home Development Project - Off Daffodil Lane, Mayflower Circle, Evergreen Way, and Old South Road, action deadline 01 -10 -17 ■ #54 -16 "Sandpiper Place II" (North) Single Family Home Development Project, Off Daffodil Lane, Mayflower Circle, Evergreen Way, and Old South Road, action deadline 01 -10 -17 ' #8013 "Meadows II" Rental Apartment Development Project, 20 and 20(R) Davki deadline 01 -31 -17 ■ #8024 "Sandpiper Place P' (South) Single Family (Homeownership) Project, Of d South Daffodil Lane, and Mayflower Circle, and Evergreen Way, action deadline 2 -25 -17 ■ #8025 "Sandpiper Place II" (North) Single Family Home Development Pt . ct, d South Ro Daffodil Lane, Mayflower Circle, Evergreen Way, action deadline 2 -25 -17 ■ #8038 Richmond Great Point Development, LLC (Clay Street Subdiv' n) 44, 4t6, and line ive&20 and 20(R) Davkim Lane, action deadline 3 -02 -17 :serial photo with applications, letter from David Armanetti dated Oc er 1 n t anagement report and email from Robert Bates dated September 23rd CII VI. VII. Page 7 of 7 2016 at 6:30PM