HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-4zuc��.r� , Minutes for November 4, 2015, adopted Nov. 18 Town of Nantucket Capital Program Committee www.nantucket- ma.gov �1)lq I �b0a I� Members: Phil Stambaugh (Chair), Christy Kickham (Vice Chair), Richard Hussey (Secretary), Tobias Glidden, Nat Lowell, Peter McEachern, Pete Kaizer MINUTES Wednesday, November 04, 2015 4 Fairgrounds Road, Training Room — 8:00 am Called to order at 8:04 a.m. Staff Libby Gibson, Town Manager; Gregg Tivnan, Assistant Town Manager; Lynell Vollans, Assistant Director Finance; Heidi Bauer, Procurement Officer; Terry Norton, Town Minutes Taker Attending Members: Stambaugh, Kickham, Hussey, Glidden, McEachern, Kaizer Absent Members: Lowell Late arrival: Kaizer 8:06 a.m. Documents used: Copies of the October 21 & 28, 2015 minutes; Capital Improvement Plan projects by department requests with photographs. APPROVE I. 1. October 21, 2015 Motion to Approve. (made by Hussey) (seconded by: Glidden)Carried unanimously 2. October 28, 2015 Motion to Hold. (made by Hussey) (seconded by: Glidden)Carried unanimously OVERVIEW OF • 1. 11' /G1S Presenter Linda Rhodes, Director IT /GIS — Network Infrastructure $100,000: $50,000 for ten switches and $50,000 for replacing Town Building cabling and cabinet. Discussion McEachern — Thinks investing in the infrastructure is the way to go and a room for the cables would be better than just a cabinet. Rhodes — The room would have to be lockable with climate control. McEachern — Suggested holding this off one year to do it right. Rhodes — Explained the switches are very old and why they need to be replaced. Stambaugh — There is the possibility of the cabling cabinet being postponed. Kickham — The cost of replacing the cables, asked if the estimate covers the removal of asbestos. Rhodes — The asbestos is in the ceiling, not the wall. Shouldn't have to go into the ceiling. Explained that the fiber optic cable comes into this room and that it acts as a hub for the Town. SERVERS $75,000 Rhodes — Explained the location of the five servers to be replaced next fiscal year; eventually would like to buy a new server for file sharing /collaboration. The $75,000 is an estimate for the out years, but that can change. Stambaugh — Asked if more departments were consolidated at 2 Fairgrounds Road, would that change the number of servers the Town needs. Rhodes — Yes. E- PERMITTING $150,000 Rhodes — Looking for a new vendor for this software; this amount is for implementation and is based upon estimates from several vendors. Kickham — Asked if anything is Cloud based; thinks that would be a good option. Page 1 of 4 Minutes for November 4, 2015, adopted Nov. 18 Rhodes — The back -up is Cloud based. If the internet goes down, information in the Cloud is not available. Some of the vendors use a cloud -based system and others use a server -based system. The cost of the Cloud -based system is higher yearly; the server -based systems require more money up front to purchase a server but the yearly cost is less. Explained the complexities of e- permits. Explained what happened with the initial effort to convert to e- permitting. Hussey — Asked under whose jurisdiction does the Town Clerk's computers fall. Rhodes — The Town Clerk's computer are under Town IT. Gibson — An IT Operational Assessment is being done. A lot is being addressed in that study, to include better coordination among the departments. Kickham — Asked if e- permitting would require additional staff to input the data. Rhodes — The goal is to implement it in -house first with someone inputting the data but then open up a citizen portal. 2. Our Island Home Enterprise Fund Presenter Rachel Chretien, Director Our Island Home BATHROOM UPGRADES $325,000, Chretien — Explained the need for upgrading resident bathrooms: gut, retile & repair all bathrooms. This is a quality of life issue. Discussion Hussey — Asked if it will be phased. Chretien — Yes, it is easy to use one bathroom at a time while another is being renovated. WINDOW TREATMENT $90,000 Chretien — The current windows are very drafty even with storm windows. AIR CONDITIONING UNITS $100,000 Chretien — There are 6 individual units throughout the facility; they are nearing the end of their life expectancy. RESIDENT ROOM UPGRADES $200,000 Chretien — This has to do with the closets and condition of the furniture. Stambaugh — Asked if she could look at furniture donated to a yard sale and would cost less money. Chretien — She would look at it; detailed the specific furniture that needs to be replaced. They already fixed up all the window treatments and chairs. McEachern — Asked if the furniture could be reused in a new facility. Chretien — The furniture will be transferable. Stambaugh — Asked if there is a way to reduce the number of residents in anticipation of relocating the facility. Chretien — If that is the directive she is given; that will significantly impact the facility financially and result in layoffs. Explained how the reduction would be done. Stated she won't engage the process without a very clear directive. Gibson — Said there should be a place holder for a new facility in the out years. Chretien — Briefly reviewed the out -year items. Gibson — There are community opinions about where the facility will be located. There will be a forum at 11:30 this morning at the Dreamland to talk about the project. There is a petition asking to keep OIH where it is; met with the sponsor of the petition to explain why the proposal to move it to Sherburne Commons. The Town will need to engage professionals to conduct long- term projections, financial reviews, and analyses. No for -profit company will run the facility unless it is profitable, which it is not. Explained how the Union contract could make it difficult to sell or transfer ownership of the facility. The November 9, 2015 Special Town Meeting (STM) warrant article for $1M for design will also include review of a new facility going forward and is not directly related to where the facility will go. Stambaugh — We would love for OIH to remain where it is but the current site is prohibitive in terms of building a structure and maintaining the existing at the same time. Page 2 of 4 Minutes for November 4, 2015, adopted Nov. 18 Gibson — Explained why the OIH article is on the STM warrant: the funds were already voted at the 2015 ATM but that vote was flawed and has to be re- voted. 3. Town Administration Presenter Libby Gibson, Town Administrator 2 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD $10M Gibson — This is not going to happen in 2017; but should be moved out to possibly FY2018 or FY2019. In June the Board of Selectmen directed Town Administration to work toward moving municipal offices to 2 Fairgrounds Road and put on hold the renovation of 16 Broad Street and 20 South Water Street. A programming needs study is now under way. The Town is also in some discussion with Wannacomet Water Company about attaching their new administration building to a new municipal building at the Wannacomet site.. Reviewed some of the ideas for elements to be included in a new building at 2 Fairgrounds Road. Discussion 20 SOUTH WATER STREET $7M Gibson — Talked about the possibility of putting out a Request for a Proposal for a private group to renovate it into a community building with public bathrooms, Visitor Center, and Nantucket Regional Transit Authority (NRTA) office. It would require a Town Meeting vote for a long -term lease and the Town is not yet ready. The East Chestnut Street building and Visitor Center building could be combined into one building and /or with the 20 South Water Street building. East Chestnut is in poor condition and the Visitor Center is too small. TOWN FUELING STATION $100,000 Gibson — Now that a new fire station is moving forward, this has to move and it can't be at 4 Fairgrounds Road; there is discussion about locating it at the Airport. McEachern — Asked why the fueling station couldn't be located at 4 Fairgrounds Road and asked about tracking and tax payments for the use of fuel. Gibson — Access would be an issue for 4 Fairgrounds Road. There is a report put together annually for the tax situation. Noted that the Department of Public Works has a small tank they use for their off -road equipment. CHILDREN'S BEACH CONCESSION $500,000 Gibson — Based on bids that have come in, the current appropriations can only address bathrooms. This amount would be for renovation of the concession building. McEachern — Asked what the net profit the Town gets from the Concession stand lease. Bauer — The lease is for about $50,000 a year. OTHER THINGS TO MENTION: Didn't put in a number for repurposing 37 Washington Street or the Marine Department, an outbuilding garage for the Public Safety building, and seasonal housing. There will be a forum this Saturday on seasonal housing; she will be part of that. Discussion about the Town's need for seasonal housing. Discussion about the Waste Options contract, which is up in 2023. Stambaugh — There are two out -year items: replace Town computers and GIS Digital Image updates. Gibson — The GIS aerials are updated every three or four years; these are IT items. Page 3 of 4 Minutes for November 4, 2015, adopted Nov. 18 CAPCOM BUSINESS 1. Stambaugh — When Mr. Turbitt gets back, the committee will start discussing which projects the Town can afford. Gibson — She and Mr. Turbitt will get together after STM. 2. No meeting November 11. 3. November 18 topics: Airport and Wannacomet Water. Nantucket Public Schools is scheduled for both November 18 and December 2. DATE OF Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 8:00 a.m. at 4 Fairgrounds Road, Training Room Adjourned: 9:36 a.m. Submitted by: Terry L. Norton Page 4 of 4