HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-12ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 12,. 1946 The Meeting was called tb order at 7:30 p.m. by ~oy E. Sang- ~ uinetti, Moderator pro tem. Moderator:' "Everybody will pleas~ be Seated.~ .. ~ ~The hou~ has arrived for' the'Annual Meeting ~nd we will h&ar the ~eport~ from the Town Clerk, Mr. Coffin." The record of the election was read by the ToW~ Clerk. Moderator: "Anybody notice any omissions or errors in the Town ' .: Clerk's report? If not, I will declare it approved as read." · "Article 2 reads 'T0 receive reports of the various de- partments and committees which shall come' before this meeting. The recommeddation is 'lTe recommedd that the reports of the various departments and committees be received'. Are there' an reports?" Harold Killen: "Mr. Moderator, v~ would like to present the official recommendations of the Finance Committee." Moderator:' "To acquaint you with the way we shall proceed,'I sugges that it would be in order.that a motion be made to acc~t the recommendations of the Finance Committee and then if any~on~ wants to take up any individual article from it,'if they will just rise and say number forty-one, fifty-five or whatever it is, then ~B will take them up in turh as the articles are num- bered." Mr. Soverino: "I move the vote of the Finance Committee be received .... ' and their recommendations be accepted." ,~r. Soverino's motion was seconded by Mr. Simmons. Moderator: 5~. Hammond: Moderator: Dr. Menges: Mr. Hill: "Are there any articles in this report that anyone wishe Moderator: Mr. Mr. to have taken u~ on the floor separately?" .Article ~ 48. .- ~: ,,Are t~ere any o~her'articles~" "Article 9~". "~ticle 94". have taken up?" "Are there any other articles that you would like to Voo~ne~eld: '"Article 77". Viera:~ ~" ~'~ "A~ticle' 67." Voorneveld: "Article 81." Mr. Martin: Moderator: Mr. Hammond: "Art ~mcle 107." '~!f there are no further articles, then Article 48 is be. fore the assembly. Article 48 reads 'To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventeen Hundred Dollars ($1700.00) for a 6-inch sewer from Madaket Road to , · Upper Vestal Street to the residence of ~. Kenneth R. Ha~nond 680 feet' and the recommendation is 'We do not recommend this article '" . "Mr. Noderator, I am responsible for this article being 359' in the warrant. In 1942 we had an article in and it was d~ned by the Finance Committee. Since that time, v~ have tried all ways to remedy the situation. There are four families living there and if something isn't done ~e will have diphtheria or some other diease there.: When it rains the wate9 settles there and my well, our only water supply, is only thirty feet from it. Tf that goes bad, I dontt know what we will do. T would like to see if I can get the " Town to' db something. The Finance Committee knows what the condi- tion is and I think some of the Selectmen know because I haw had' them up there to see it. I would like to have the Tow~~ vote on it." Mr. Jaeckle: . "Mr..Moderator, in regard to Article 48, the reason the ' Finance Committee did not recomme~d it, in the first place, $1,700 is not enough mohey to db the job and in the second place, if the .. money was appropriated, the Sewer Co~mtissioners probably could not do it this year so they thought it foolish and ridiculous to ap- . propriate money and let it lay over". Mr.' Ha~a0nd: "It has been the same story every time.~ The Sewer Commis- sions are the ones who recommended it and they can do the work this year.u ~ o Viera: Moderator: Mr. Viera: "I make a motion bhat Article 48 'should go to vote." u%lhat is your motion?" "The vote Of the people here Moderator: ':Nobody has made any motion. It is before the assembly." 5~ H~m~ond: ~I make a motion~that the Town vote on Article 485 whether I get it or not." Se~0nded. Moderator: Mr. Hammond, you desire to make a motioh? Mr. Hammond: "I' move that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the' Sum of seventeen hundred dollars for a six-inch s~'~r from Madaket -Road to Upper Vestal Street to the residence of Mr. Kenneth R. Hammond, 680 feet." Moderator: Eoderator: Moderator: Mr. Viera: Moderator: 5~. Jaeckle: Moderator: The motion was seconded by Mr. Viera. ~It has been moved and seconded that the sum of Seventeen huudred dollars be raised and appropriated to install a six-ihch sever from Madaket Road to Upper Vestal Street to the residence of Mr. Kenneth R. Hammond, 680 feet. Are you ready for the question?" "The ayes have it. ~ "Article 67 reads 'To see if the Tov~ will vote bo rai~'m~nd appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Back Street' and the recommendation is 'Vie recommend the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be raised'and appropriated to be added to unexpended balance for concrete surfacing on Back Street--this work to be done after gas and water main~ haw been laid.'" the "].~. Moderator, would the sum of five hundred dollars cgmplete jo'o?" "You may inquire of the Finance 'Committee. ! do not'kn~.." "In regard to Article 67, ?~. ~oderator,~there is an unexpend- ed balance left over from last year. This five hundred dollars added to that unexpended balance will complete the job." "Anybody else want to speak on thief" ~. Viera, is that all you want to inquire? So that as far as you are concerned, yo~ are not withdrawing that article from the warrant." Mr. · Viera: Mo de rat or: -361 'tThat ' s right." ttArticle 77 reads 'To see if the To~m will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars for planting and care of shade trees in the Tovd~ as recommended in the report published by the Civic League' and the recommendation is 'We recommend that the Board of Selectmen be instructed to appoint a. Tree Commission consist- ing of three members to work in conjunction with the Tree Warden. '~ Voorneveld: UMr. Moderator, if it is in order, I would like to spea! on Article 77 and Article 81 in conjunction or if not in ordm would like to speak on Article 81 first." Moderator: "! don't see how you can take up Articles 77 and 81 to- gether. ~ You want to speak on Article 81 at the same time. I don't believe that you can discuss Articles 77 and 81 in con- junction.'~ Mr..Voorneveld: "~. Moderator, I should like to move that Article 77~ as originally written, be brought to a vote and accepted as originally written. What I had in mind in reference to Article 81 was the fact that I don't think there are any of the returned veterans that are particularly in favor 'of a .party and if this money %~re appropriated under Article 77 it would certainly be a more lasting and beneficial memorial than any party and I believe no G.I.s in the hall would say they wanted that party either and I have asked a good many of them. Under this tree program there would be a lasting memorial, one that would benefit the tovm and one that I think would really be worthwhile.~' "Well, Article 81 is 'To see if the Townwill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars for the purpose of an official welcome home celebration of the re- turned veterans, World War II. An enabling act of the Legis- lature permits the above appropriation' and the recommendation is 'We recommend the sma of Tlxcee Thousand Dollars be raised · and appropriated for the purpose of an official welcome home celebration of the returned veterans, World War II. An enabling act of the Legislature permits the above appropriation. You, . 5~. Voorneveld, make a motion that we do not recommend on Article 81 -- you move to amend the recommendation of the Finance Committee so that it reads 'Vie do not recommend." Moderator: ~'. Klingelfuss: M~. ~egg: "I second the motion.'t "In connection with Article 81, ! believe I understand ~. Voorneveld intends to take the money of Article 81 and put it in Article 77." ~oderator: ~ '~No. that is not correct, Mr.· Legg. Anybody else want to be heard on this Article 817 ~..fotion made and seconded that the report of the Finance Committee be amended so that it now reads ,. 'We do not recommend. '" ~All those in favor -- The ayes have it." "The next article is Article Mr. Voorneveld: "How about Article 77? On Article 77 I probably did not make myself clear. V~at I intended was that the article as originally written be accepted and the money appropriated." .~oderator: ' "The recommendation under Article 77 is 'We recommend that the Board of Selectmen be instructed to appoint a Tree Commissi, consisting of three members to work in conjunction v.~th the Tree Warden. t, Mr. Voorneveld: "~ypoint is that I would like to see the money appropriat, for the.tree program. I make a motion that the Townwill vote to raise and appropriate the sen of six thousand six hundred and fifty dollars for planting and care of shade trees in the )n 362' Town as recommended in the report published by the Civic League." Moderator: ~,~. Legg: , Motion seconded by ~.kr. Hill. "Anybody else want to be heard on Article 777~' "I would like to have Mr. voorneveld be a little more explicit~ here. He seems to want the three thousand dollars from Article 81 to increase the six thousand six hundred and fifty dollars for planting and care of the trees." 5~. Simmons Moderator: "At the present ~ime, Article 81 is dead." UWe have already taken care of Article 81, 2;~. Simmons. The motion before the assembly is that the sum of six thousand six hundred and fifty dollars be raised and appropriated for planting and care of shade trees in the Town as recommended in the report published by the Civic League." Mr. Glidden: "I would like to see the people responsible for that article get up and explain that article. Let us -know h~v much is for sal- ary and how much for planting trees. I think the people should know about it." ~ ~. Voorneveld: '~r.~ Moderator, I was not officially on that Board, however, I was privileged to make the survey with Mr. Bassett Jones and Dr. of the New York Park Commission. I don't know exactlywhat the plan is, but I believe.~. Mather can explain it." Mather: "This matter has been discussed before the Finance Committee and I think Mr. Jaeckle can answer it best." Jaeckle: "They have asked for it and they will get it. l~e took this up very carefully ~th representatives of the Civic League; in fact, we spent almost an entire evening v~th ~. Mather and we could not find out anything either, but I thtuk the Selectmen are capable of taking care of this matter when it comes up. Isn't that correct, Mr. Glidden?" Mr. Voorneveld: .'~. Moderator,...It seems important to me to see that the program gets under way." ~r. Jaeckle: "There is money appropriated to purchase trees. We thought that the schedule or program that the Civic League made up was a little vague in some ways. ~Te thought for the first year at least we would kind of feel our way and let them get together with the Selectmen and continue this program of planting trees. We don't want to lose our trees. There is money here to plant trees. We thought it best to let the Commissiom and the Selectmen and the Tree Warden work out some kind of a scale this year." ~oderator: 'LThat is the answer that I hoped to get from ;~. Jaeckle the first time, that there was money appropriated in Article 8.u ~ "Under Article 8; Tree Department, $1,500 was appropriated for new trees and for removal and trimming of trees, $1,9OO, making a total of $3,400 in all. Anybody else want to have any- thing to say on Article 77? Then you are about to vote on a motion that the sum of $6,650 be raised and appropriated for planting and care of shade trees in the Town as recommended in the report published by the Civic League. Those in favor --? Those opposed --?. The nays have it. ~ ~' ~' "Article 93 is next before the assembly and Article 93 reads 'To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars for concreting Broadway, Mitchell and Center Streets in Siasconset.'t' Dr. Menges: ~'I believe this article was put in t~ the 'Sconset Civic League, or whatever the organization out there is, and I knew nothing about it until I saw it in the warrant. I own a cottage in 'Sconset that abutts on all these streets. Mitchell is on one. side, Broadway and Center are on the other two sides and I think a good deal of the charm and unusualness of 'Sconset is due ~' to the fact that it is unspoiled and not paved except on main streets.~ and I have since found that others agree. There have been two or three letters in the InQuirer and Mirror, th~ one last v~ek by Mr. Appleton...and Miss Valerie Cushman, who owns a house on Center Street. I believe Mr. Mather, who ovms a house on Broadway does not approve. It seems to me that it is unnecessary expenditure that is not going to improve the attractiveness and charm of 'Sconset at all and I think it is .... Mr. Tice said that he thought it is going to help the driving public. There has been enough speeding there now. It is true, the dust in the summer has been bad at times but ~you ~can get oil and calcium chloride to put on to settle the dust: Another thing, I think it is going to be a detriment to my particular piece of property because it is lower than the str~ level and if it rains it is going to swamp the place more or less and I don't approve of it." .~ Mr. Ernest Coffin: "Have the Finance Committee or the Board of Selectmen' received any further correspondence?t, Ms. Soverino: . ~ uI would like to state that the Selectmen have received two letters from objectors." M~. Coffin: W~Vould the Board tell the Meeting the names~" Mr. Soverino: "Both are taxpayers. Dr. Nenges is one and I haven't the other telegram v~th me." Mr. Coffin: Coffin: · 363 ;. et "Miss Valerie Cushman comes to 'Sconset two or three dayp once every two years .... I am a taxpayer on B~oadway and I usel that street twelve months of the year. Z~. Tice can explain'l that the street is in terrible condition. I don't think that the people realize what the situation is...I move that we raise and appropriate the money to accept the recommendation of the -Finance Committee."~ "I would like very much to disagree with Mr. Ernest Coffin. , I would like to explain how this article came to be in the. warrant. It was brought up and discussed at the meeting and I raised the question as to whether or not it was advisable. I find that it is not so.. My own personal feelings at the tim8 were strongly against it, although I do not live on the streetI As to it's being a needed place to pass through, I think many people forget that Main and North Streets have been paved. It is not a needed thoroughfare; it is a side street and I would like to see the old charm'kept. ! hope that this money ~rlll not be appropriated. I called for Article 94 because I would like to see that sum taken and put on Atlantic. Avenue, where there is one objector, but he is not in a condition to be here." "! agree v~thMr. Hill to a certain extent. I would li~ to see shell streets, too, but if the To~m cannot get shells and cannot afford it because shells cost too much, something has got to be done." Moderator: : "Anybody else have anything to say on this article?" Mr. Jaeckle:.. ."Just in defense of the Finance Committee, the 'Sconset Finance Committee came in to the Finance Committee's meeting , and v~ assumed that all the people of 'Sconset v~re in favor .- of Article 93. 'We thought that this article v~s favorable to everybody. But since the hearing, except for Dr. Menges, we have also had letter from several others; from Mr. Appleton an~ ~v. Dustman..." Ms. Coffin: "I was present at that Civic meeting. I think I recall hearing only one person object. That was the proper time to take it up and object to it. It seems to me that most everyon~ in the roomwas for it at the time. Mr. Dustman lives a stone's throw from the lighthouse. Some of these prople who object don't even live in 'Sconset; they come down here and don't even change their shirt for two weeks ~.." Moderator: ~ "You are about ready to vote on Article 93' ~The article is before the assembly.. The motion is that we accept the recommefid- ation of the Finance Committee. All those in favor say 'Aye '-- ~ ~' Thos~ opposed-- The nays have Moderator: ~' "Article 94 reads 'To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars to be spent for con- creting part of Atlantic Avenue, Siasconset' and the recommendation is 'We do not recommend this article'. Anybody want to be heard on Article 94?" Mr. Hill: · "... and I make a motion that the sum of two thbusand dollars on Article 94 that the article be recommended instead of not re- ~ commended." . Moderator: "You want to make a motion that the sum of two thousand dollars be appropriated for concreting part of Atlantic Avenue?'~ ~. Coffin: '~IF that cannot be used for concrete, why can't it be used for making the road useable..." Moderator: UWe are all through with Article 93' pertaining to Broadway. The assembly has already, moved that they would not appropriate any money for Broadway." Mr. Coffin: "Did ~. Hill make a motion that this article be recommended?" Moderator: "It is moved and seconded that the sum of two thousand dollars be raised and appropriated for concreting part of Atlantic Avenue, Siasconset. Those in favor--? Those opposed--? The ayes have it.~ Moderator: "Article 107 reads 'To see what action the T~vn will take in connection.v~th the leasing of the Cliff Bathing Beadh, so-called, known as the Jetties' and the recommendation is 'We recommend that this Article be referred to the Board of Selectmen, and they be authorized to lease property at Cliff Bathing Beach, so-called, for a period of three years. TM I~r. Martin: I would like to make a motion that the recommendation be changed to read as follows: 'We recommend that this Article be referred to the Board of Selectmen~ and they be authorized to lease property at Cliff Bathing Beach, so-called, for a period of not less than three years.' Just put in the words 'not less than' '~ . . , ~ ~ 'Motion seconded. I'~m. Glidden: "I would like to ask what. the Finance Committee intended on tkis~ Didn't they intend that the Selectmen lease it for three · ·. years?" · '~I take it~ under the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee, you would have it for three years." Moderator: "Any further discussion? There is a motion that has been seconded that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be amended so as to read 'we recommend that this artidle be referred to the Board of Selectmen, and they be authorized to lease property at Cliff Bathing Beach, so-called, for a period of not less than three years.' If there is no further discussion, : you are about ready to vote on that amendment. All those in favor v~ll say 'Aye'. Those opposed will say 'Nay' · The Ayes have it. Moderator: - "It is now in order that a motion be made to accept the re- port of the Finance Committee and the recommendations as adopte~. All those in favor say 'Aye' -- Those opposed--?' It is a un- animous%, vote. Is there any further business to come before the assembly? If not, a motion to adjourn is in order." },ir. Soverino: "I move we. adjourn." Moderator: Motion seconded. "Those in favor--?" The Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Nantucket, In the name of the Commonwealth of Nassachusetts you ~re direct~ ed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of N~ntucket, qualified to vote i~ Town Affairs to meet-at the Legion Hall, in said Nantucket, on MONDAY, MARCH llth, at ?:30 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on foll¢~w- ing articles: Article 1. And on Monday, Narch ll, to bring in their votes, all on one ballot, for the following: One Moderator for one year; Five Selectmen, each for one year; One Town Treasurer for one year; One Co~lector of Taxes for one year; One Assessor for three years; One ¥~ater Commissioner for three years; One Se~r Commissioner for three years; One Tree ~arden for one year; Two School Co~uittee Members for three years; Six Constables,~ each for one year. The polls v~ll be open at ?:30 o'clock in the morning and may close a% 5:00 O'clock in the afternoon. CO~ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ' ' /rch12,' 1946 . SS, 1 To either of the Constables of the Town of Nantucket, greeting: · DEPORT AND .~ECO~$,~NDATIONS OF THE FINANCE CO},2,~ITTEE To the Citizens and Taxpayers: ~ The Finance Committee held public hearings in the Legion Hall o~ t~e evenings of Monday, February ll, through F~iday, February 15, inclusive and on Monday evening, February 18. ,,' . Our. recommendations~ on the articles in the Annual Town Meeting Wa~ran~ for 1946 are as follows: .. Article 2. TM T~'~g~ive reports of the various departments and committees whi.'ch shalll come before this meeting .... 'lYe ~e~nd t~i ~h~e~o~t~i Of the various' departments and co~ mi~tee~ be.r~ceived ' V~' ~ ~' M~k~' ~ ~e~0~nded b~ the' C~it~ee'. - Article 3. To see if the Town,ill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of. Sixteen Hundred, Dollars. [$1600.00) to maintain, a. fish warden under the amendments, of 1937. to the Acts of 1870, Chapter. 284. 'And tb~t the salary of said warden shall, be. Twelve. Hundred Dollars'($12OO. O0) and that the bal- ance of the. amount,,Four Hundred Dollars ($400.OO).shall be used for ex- pe2se of patrol; the,warden to supply suitable boat and equipment to serve un,er.this, act or.its amendments. , ....... ' .......... We recommend that the sum ~f siXteen'Hundred Dollars ~$1600.~0) be raised and appropriated to maintai~ a Fisher,arden, salary Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00), Patrol Expense Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00). i. '~' ~'~o~ 9~.'~'~e~e~ing' as ~ecommended by the Committee. Article 4..To see~if.the,T~vn will,vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of.the~revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1946 an~ to issue a note or notes therefor,~payable within one year, and to re- new any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance v~th Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. · . · i. 'We~ec$~m~d't~'~ T~a~'~ith~th~'~proval of the Select men, to borrow money from time.to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1946, .in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000), and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a perio( Of less th~n qne year, in accordance ?~th Sec. 17, .Chapter 44, Gen. Lava. ~$~d'by i~he M~etin~'as 'reco~ended by the committee. 366 Article 5. To see what action the Tov~will take in regard to the~po~ice force; the town clock and the ringing of the bell, the hig~vays, and lighting the streets· We recbmmend that the police Force, the tmm clock, ringing of the bell, highv~ys, and street lighting be under the Supervision of the Board of Selectmen. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 6. To act on the acceptance of the jury list as presented in the Tmm-Report by the Selectmen. We recommend that the jury list, as presented in the Town Report, be accepted.~ ~ Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 7. To se~e what disposition the Town v~ll make of the Sanford Fund the ensuing year. ~ We recommend that income from the Sanford Fund be used on mainte- nance of Chapter 90 roads. ,~ Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. ' . Article 8. To see What sums the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of the following: General Governmemb Moderator ...................... .FinanCeselectmen~sCommitteeDepartment .... ~~(Salary 'ii ~iiiiiiiiii ~iiiii'' ~i~'. '~ "i Rationing Board .............................................. Town Accountant (Salary $1380.00) ........................... Compiling Town Report ..................... ' ................ ~... Town Treasurer (Salary $1,380.00) ....... Tax Collector (Salary $2,300.00).~.~'~.~.~'~.~.~.~. Assessors (Salaries $3,450.00) .... ~ ........ ' ............... -... Law Department ..... Election and 'Registration .......................... T~m Buildings ............................................... Legion Building-~e refer you to Article 59 ~1 $25.® 1300eO0 1,400.00 200.00 1,480.00 *100.00 1,900.00 3}100~00 4,100~00 500.00 1,680.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 Protection of Persons and .Property '~ ~:'_Af .... Police Department ............................................ $13,500.00 Court Fees and Expenses · · ' '" -' ' '~ 50 O0 Fire Department '~ Moth Department l ~Sealer of Weights and Measures (Salary $345.00)~.~.~.~. Fire Protection Inspector of Petroleum (Salary $50.00) ....................... Tree Department ~Salary of Warden $100.00 Removal and Trimming ..... 1,900.OO New Trees to conform as near as possible to Civic League ~Recommendations 1,500.00 .................. (S $5O OO) ~'~ Forest Fires and Warden' s Salary alary ................. Bounty on Crows (209 per Head) .................................. Shellfish Department (Salary $1,380 00) Marine Fish ~rden-P~fer to Article 3 Life Guards (Salary $575 00) · Dog Officer (Salary $115 00) Health and Sanitation Health Department ............................................. Public Health Nurse (Salary $2070.00) ......................... Vital Statistics ................................. ~. ......... ~ ~ ~ Low Level sev,Br Operation ............................ ~ ....... House Connections - Refer to Article 12 Surface Drains ............ ' ..................... ~ ........... ~ .'. Care of Town Dump (Salary $1,150.00) ......................... Rent and Care of ~Sconset Dump ' 15,500. OO · l; 000. O0 375.00 10, 066 ~ 42 50.00 3,500.00 150.00 50.00 : 4, 000.00 ~ 575.oo llS.00 2,500. O0 2,600.00 ~ 150.00 8, 500. O0 300.00 1OO.00 l, 150. O0 280.00 Sweeping Streets ..... 2~500 O0 · eeeeeee,le,eeeeeeeleeleeeeleleleeeeeeee,.-. · Comfort Stations ....................... '. .... ~1,100.00 Nmdaket Ditch (Unexpended Balance to be ~;;~; ~i~:;;~ , , :, ':'" Mosquito Control'Work ....... ~ .... ' ....... ; ........ ' ........ . Mosq.uito Control, Maintenance, Refer to-Article 104 · G al Rep irs Highways (Salary $1 725 00) ' " 63300'00 ener a , , · Repairs.and Re-surfacing streets.. ........................ 10,000;00 Calcium Chloride - Town and 'Sconset .;. ................... ~200.00 Seal Coating .............................................. .2,000.00 Work under Chapter 90 - Refer to A~ticle 69 Sidewalk Repairs .......................................... 500.00 New Sidewalks and Curbs .................................. ~500.00 Snow and Sand ...................... · ....................... 1~500.00 Street Lights ............................................ 10,653.00 Traffic Markings, Tov~ and Suburban ............... ~ ...... 400.00 Replacing Buoys, Unexpended Balance to be used, $384.16 .-Harbor Master ............................................ 10.00~ Field Drivers ............................................ 700.00 Charities and Soldiers' Benefits Public Welfare Department ................................ Aid to Dependent Children ................................ Aid to .Dependent Children, Admr .......................... Hospital Care ......................... ~ .................. .Old Age Assistance ............................. ; ..... ;... Old Age Assistance, A&ministration ....................... Soldiers' Relief ......................................... Soldiers' ~elief, Administration ......................... 21~ 000 ~ O0 16, 000; O0 , 1~ 000;00 1, 000. O0 2,7, 000. O0 - 900· 00 10,000;00 250.00 Schools and Library ~ School Department ........................................ Vocational Tuition ...................................... ; -Library .................... ~ ............................. ~ecreation ,~ " Sia~conset Playground .............. ; ................... ;. Children's Beach, Tovm ........................... ; ....... 95,000.00 4, 000.00 !00 ~ 00 100. O0 Unclassified Advertising .......... Lt. Max Wagner Encampment, Rent ........................... Gray Memorial ............................................ Care of ToE Clock ~inging To~ Bell Memoria~ Day and other Patriotic Hol. ('$50.00,School Band) Printing 1945 Town -~eport ' ' Blanket Insurance - Municipal Property ................... Enterprises and Cemeteries Water Plant Operation Water Rentals Kil!en Property ..... Town Cemeteries Interest a~d Maturing Debt Interest ................................................. . Maturing Debt ............................................ .2~500;00 1,000;00 50.00 50;O0 115.00 4~4.00 350.00 '755~25 .1,800.00 300.00 .2, 500; O0 9, 000.00 Agency County Expenses .......................................... 21,500.00 Total Article 8 ......... $337,943'.67 plus all others ............... 429,069.67 Article 9. 'To see if 'th~ Town~lll Vote to raiss and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.O0) as a reserve in accordance v~th Sectioh 6~ Chapter 40, General Laws. We recommend that the sum of Se~enty-five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) be transferred 'from overlay surplus to Reserve Fund, in accord- ance with Section 6, Chapter 40, General Laws. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the c~mmittee. 367' 368 Article 10. To 'see 'what 'sums 'the Town v~ll 'vote .to~.raise and appropriate for unpaid bills of previous years, including any bills now on overdraft. We recommend that the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ~$500~00) be rai~ed and appropriated for unpaid bills of previous years, including any bills now on overdraft. Voted by the .Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article ll. To see what disposition the Tmwn "~ill make of the Dog Tax the ensuing year. We recommend the ~dog tax for the ensuing year be given to the School DePartment Budget. ~ ........................... Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 12. To see if the Town ~lll authorize the Town .Accountant to transfer the Sewer Entrance ~Fees 'to House .Connections. . ¥~ recommend that the Tovm Accountant be authorized to transfer the Sewer Entrance Fees to-House 'Connections. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 13.... To decide on the mode of collecting the taxes during the ensuing year$ to see if the To%~ v~ll .authorize the Collector of Taxes to use all means for collecting the taxes which a Town Treasurer may use when .appointed Collector. ' We recommend that the same mode of collecting taxes be adopted this ~year as heretofore, namely, that the Collector be paid a palary of Two Thousand Three Hundred 'Dollars ~2,300.00), and allowed cost and~charges, other than interest collected from delinquents; that the-ColleCtor be author- ized to use all means for collecting taxes that a Town Treasurer may use when appointed Collector, and that interest at a rate of 6% per annum,' dating from October 1st, be 'charged after .November .Ist .on all unpaid taxes; Voted by the Meeting as recon~mended by the Committee. Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and .appropri~ate the sum of lhventy-Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2650.00) for bituminous concrete sur- facing on West .York ¥~ay.. .............. We do not recommend this article. · Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article- 15. To .see i~f the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the~ sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($~,000.00) for the bituminous concrete surfacing of Mount Vernon Street. We do not recommend this article. · Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 16. To see if the Town wi'Il vote to raise and appropriate, the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($~,'500.00) for bituminous concrete sur- facing on Cliff Road. · - We recommend the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundredand Fifty Dollars ($S~50.00) be raised and appropriated for bituminous concrete sur- facing on Cliff Road. ' Voted by ~he Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 1V. To see what action the Town ~dll take in conveying the property kn~vn as the UT~vn Jail and House of Correction," on Vestal Street," to the Nantucket Historical Association, with a right of way thereto from Vestal Street. ' ~ We recommend conveying the property known as the "Town Jail and House of Correctionu on Vestal Street, to the Nantucket Historical Ass'n, Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Co~Gittee. 'Article 18. ~ To see if the Town ~lll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($1,600.00) for bituminous concrete s~rfacing on Lincoln Avenue, southeast of Cliff Park. We recommend the sum Of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars (1,600 .- O0) be raised and appropriated for bituminous concrete surfacing on Linco~ Avenue, southeast of Cliff Park. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 19.· To see if the Tmm will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Indian and Kimball avenues. We do not recommend this article. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 20. To see if ~he Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ~$600.OO) for bituminous concrete surfacing on New Nill ~'ay, south of Prospect street. We do not recommend this article. Voted by the Meeting as recommended .by the Committee. Article 21.. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of lhvo Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Sout! ~11 Street in front of the Old ~,~I1. ~ We recommend the sum of lhvo Hundred Dollars (,~200;~00) raise and appropriated to surface~ bituminous concrete~ South Mill Street in front of the Old Millo ..... ~ Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. 369 Article 22. To see if the To~m will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.OO) for reflector rotary signs at the David Gray Memorial in Siasconset. ¥~e recommend the sum of Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) be raised and appropriated for reflector rotary signs at David Gray ~emorial. ~oted by the Meeting as recommended ~y the Committee. Article 2~. To see if the T~m v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ~$575.00) for a V-Type Snow Plough ~. ....~ ~"te recommend the sum o~ Five Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($575.00) be rai~ed and appropriated for purchase of a V-type snow plough.' Voted by the ~leeting as recommended by the Committee. . Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~m~ of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ~$750.00) towards the cost of the annual outing of the Massachusetts Selectmen's Association to be held in Nantucket duriug the month of June. We recommend the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars (~$7~0~00 be raised and appropriated towards the cost of the outing of ~ssachusetts Selectmen's .Association, to be held at Nantucket. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee.. A~rt~cle 2~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum ol Five Hundred Dollars ~$500.00) for opening Sesachacha Pond. ~'~e recommend the sum of ~o Hundred Dollars ($200.00) ~e raised and appropriated for opening Sesachacha Pond. Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. .370 :' Article 26. To see if the Town v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ('$100.00) for repairs to the roof of the Hosier House. We recommend that the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($1OO.00) be raised and appropriated for repairs on the roof of the Hosier House.~ ~ Voted by the ~Seeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 27. To see if the Town ~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ~$175.00) to build'a float for the Child- ren's Beach. Me do not recommend this article. Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. ~ Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ¢$15,750) for dredging in the harbor, an equal amount to ~be contributed by the Commonwealth and Thirty- One Thousand Five Hundred by the Federal Government. ~Ve recommend the sum of Fifteen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($15,750) be raised and appropriated, provided that dredging be done in areas acceptable to the Board of Selectmen. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 29. To see if the Tova~ will vote to transfer a sum from any available funds to the Town Hall Fund. We recommend the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (.~2,O00.00) be raised and appropriated, and made available to the To~ Hall Fund. '~ ~ ~ ~' Voted by the ~.eeting as recommended by the Committee. .Article ~0.~. To see if the Tova~ will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the Treasury, a sum of money for the purchase of war bonds or other bonds that are legal investments for savings banks, in order to establish a post-v~r rehabilitation fund, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5, Acts of 19~. We recommend that the sum ~of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ('$25,000.00) be transferred from Excess and Deficiency Fund oto be added to the existing ~ost War Rehabilitation _Whud, in accordance v~th the provisions of Chapter 5, Acts of 19~3. ~ Voted by the Meeting as recon~mended by the Committee. Article ~l. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum to cover the overdrafts as allowed by the Board of Selectmen. V~e~ecommend that the surplus $4,1~3.'65 be transferred from Excess and Deficiency Fund to cover the overdrafts of Snow and Sand. $674.89; Old Age Assistance,,$2,000.36, and Chapter 90 5{aintenance, Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article ~.2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2, 500. 00) for rat extermination. We recommend the sum of $500.00 be added to unexpended balance of $500.00, making a total of $1, O00 for rate extermination, under the super- vision of the Board of Selectmen. Voted by the }~eeting as recommended by the Committee. : ~ Article 33. · To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to dis- pose of the old highway department truck now stored at "Our Island Home." We recommend that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to dispose of the highway truck, now stored at "Our Island Home", to the highest bidder. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article ~.. To see what action the Town will take regarding the articl~ pur- chased by the Public safety committee. We recommend that this Article be referred to the Board of Selectmen. ~ Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the committee. Article,S. To see if the ~T°v~ will vote to i~struct the Selectmen to appoint a c~m~ttee to make a study of the requirements of a new town and county office building, the same to be a memorial to the veterans of all wars, said committee to report at some subsequent town meeting. We recommend that a committee be appointed to act in conjunction with the full Board of Selectmen, to make a study of the requirements of a new Town and County Building, as a memorial to Veterans of aliwars: and report at some future town meeting. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 36° .To see if the Town v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (~$10,000.00) for the Nadaket Bridge, this appropri- ation to take the place of the $10,000 note authorized at the last annual to,m meeting. : ~¥e reco~nend that the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) be raised and appropriated for the Nadaket Bridge~ this appropriation to take the place of the ten thousand-dollar note authorized at the last annual town meeting. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for plowing around the town dump for fire prevention. . ~ We recommend the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) be raised and appropriated for plowing around the tova~ dump. Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 38. To see if the T~vn will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ($ 75.00) to purchase a new slide for the children's beach. Vie recommend the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($175.O0) be raised and appropriated for purchase of a new slide for the Children' s Beach. Voted by the Eeeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to be used with funds previously appropr~ ated for the construction of a building on the children's beach. ~ ~ ~i We reco~mmend that the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ~$500.00) be raised and appropriated and a~ded to u_nexpended balance of Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,950.00) for construction of a building · on the Children's Beach. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 40.. To see if the T~vn will vote to pay the Inspector of Petroleum the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as salary due for 1945, and have future salary of the Inspector of Petroleum inserted in the warrant under Article Eight. Refer to Article 8. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. 372 Article 41. To see if the Town 'v~ll .authorize the Town Accountant to transfer the Sewer Entrance Fees to House Connections. ¥¢e recommend that' ~he Town authorize the Town Accountant to transfer Sewer Entrance Fees to House Connections. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. ~rticle .Z~.... To see if the Tov~will vote to raise and appropriate the Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) to add to the appropriated·sum of Twelve Hundn. ed and Fifty Dollars ($1250.00) for North Water Street se~'~r~ making a total of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to be used in laying a newS-inch low level sewer ~rom Beach Street through ¥~alers Lane through North Water Street. We recommend that the sum of .Seven Hundred and Pifty Dollars ($750.00) be raised and appropriated to add to the appropriated sum of One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars.($1,250.O0) for North Yfater Street se~r, making a total of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to be used in laying a new eight-inch low-leal sewer from Beach Street through ¥~alers' Lane through North ¥~ater Street. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Co~nittee. .b~ticle 4~. To see if the ToYm v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for a catch basin~ corner of ~. Pleasant Street and Silver Street, to keep surface water from r~ning on .' the property of ~. Adelbert K. ~onroe. ,¥~ do not recommend this article. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article ~ To see if the Tovm v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fottr Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) to lay a new S-inch low level sewer from the fountain on Main Street down Lo~r Main Street~ through Whale Street~ with extensions down.Commercial V~arf and Straight~arf. · ~e recommend that the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) be rai~ed and appropriated to lay a new eight-inch low-level sewer from the fountain on ~ain Street dorm Lover Main Street, through~hale Street, with extensions down Commercial Wharf and Straight tVharf. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by'~he Committee. Article 45.. To see if the Tov~will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($350.00) to run an overflow pipe'from the present leeching basin on Atlantic Avenue, corner of Vesper Lane, to a catch basin at the corner of Ernest Lema's property. We do not recommend this article.' ~Voted by. the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee~ Article %6. To see if the Townv~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for a Sewer from the State 'Poad, 'Sconset, through Burnell Street~ to Miss Wilmerding's property~ 320 feet. ~e do not recommend this article. ~oted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. ~rticle 47.' To see if the Town ~vill'~vote to raise and appropriate th~ s~m of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to e~end the sewer at Burnell Street from the iDr. Harris property to the north, 200 feet. ~e recommend that the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ('$600.00) be raised and appropriated to extend the sewer at Burnell Street from the Dr. Harris property to the north~ 200 feet. Voted by the Meetiug as recemmended by the Committee. Article 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventeen Hundred Dollars ($1700.00) for a 6-inch sewer from ~.adaket Road to Upper Vestal Street to the residence of Nro Kenneth R. Hammond~ 680 feet. ~'~e do not recommend this article. ~he meeting voted that $1~00.00 be qppropriated under Article 45. Article 49. To see if the Town v~ll Vote to raise 'and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ~$2, 000. 00) to lay a 12-inch surface drain v~th · two. catch basins from Beach Street in front of Tennis courts, Yacht Club, down Broad Street into the harbor. We do not recommend ~kis' article. ~oted by the k~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 50. To see if the Town will vote to ~raise and appropriate the sum of, Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for a new 6-inch sewer in Beach Avenue from Jefferson Avenue, a distance of 200 feet. ¥~e do not recommend this arbicle. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropria~te the sum of Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars (~250.00) to repair the Surfside Sewer Reds We recommend the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) be raised and appropriated to repair the Surfside Sewer Beds, this work to be put out on bids. ,.Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 3~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to repair the Siasconset Sewer Beds. We recomnend that the sum Of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be raised and appropriated to repair the ~iasqonset Sewer Beds, this work to be put out on bids. 'Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 5~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to repair and paiut the sewer pumping station on Sea Street. Yfe recommend the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be raised and appropriated to repair and paint the sewer pumping station on Sea Stree yoted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Art±c~e 5~. ~To see if the Tov~ will vote to raise and appropriate the sum · of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) to extend the sewer in South P~ospect street to a house being built by Nr. Eugene Souza, 250 feet. : ~ ~e. recommend that the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($~00.00) be .~aised and appropriated to extend the sewer in South Prospect street to a house being built by ~r. Eugene Souza, 250 feet. ~ted by the Meeting as reco~aended by the Committee. Article 55. To sge if the Tov~ will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fiv~ Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for resurfac~ng the Parking Space at the Jetties .Bathing Beach. ~e recommend t~e sum of Five Hundred Dollars ~$500.00) be raised and appropqiated for resurfacing the parking space at the Jetties Bathing B V6ted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 56. To see if the Tov~ v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ~$2500.00) for equipment (Truck~ Power-saw, 373 ,~ach. 374 tree saws, ~Hose,~ Rope and miscellaneous items) for use by the Tree ~'arden;'. .~ "¥~e' recommend the sum of One Thousand Dollars (.~l, O00.OO) be 'raised ~nd appropriated for equipment (Power Saw, Tree saws, Hose, Rope and miscel- laneous items) for use by the Tree V~arden. Voted by the Neeting as reco~nended by the Co~nittee. krticle 5.~.. ~To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (~3,500.OO) to construct a ¥~ar Nemorial ~nd ice Skating Fink on the Park Land owned by the' Town located at the junction )f Easton Street and Beachside, same to conform to the area of the land.~· ~Te do not recommend this article. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. %rticle 5.8.. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ~$&,O00.O0) to construct a Uar Nemorial and ice skating ~ink on the northeast corner of the Cyrus Peirce School Grounds. Same to be ~wo hundre~ feet long and one-hundred fifty feet~wide. V~ do not recommend this article. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. i Article 59. To see if the Tovmwill authorize and instruct the Selectmen to iexecu~e a lease for the term of one year of a building, or any portion thereof, knovm as the American Legion Building, for the use of the T~vn as a polling place~ for the holding of elections and to~rameetings$ and for such other Tovm purposes as may be necessary~ and to raise and appropriate therefor the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ~$750.00). ~' ~ We recommend the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) be raised and appropriated in order for the Selectmen to execute a lease for the term of one year of a building, or any portion thereof~ known as.the American Legion Building, for the use of the T~ma as a polling place; for the holding of elections and town meetings; and for such other Town purposes as may be necessary~ and to raise and appropriate therefor the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ~$950.00). Voted by the Meeting as recommended bY the Co~,ittee. Article 60. To see if the Town ~rlll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ~$900.OO) for reflashing chimney and ventilators at ~ Academy Hill School. V~e recommend that the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ~$700.00) be raised and appropriated for reflashing chimney and ventilators ~t Academy Fill School. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 61. To see if the Tovm will vote to raise and appropria%e the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for painting the outside trim of Cyrus Peirce School. We recommend the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ~$560.00) be raised and appropriated for painting the outside trim of the Cyrus Peirce School. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Oommittee. Article. 62. To see if the To?m ~ill vote to raise and approoriate~ ~ the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) for Adult Education work~ ~ We recommend that the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ~$600.00) be raised and appropriated for Adult Education work. Voted by the Neeting as ~ecommended by the Committee. ~' Article 63~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~Eight Hundred Dollars' ~$800.00) to maintain a Health Clinic for'the Soho ¥~e recommend-that the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800;00) be rai.sed and appropriated to maintaSn a Health Clinic for the schools. 375 .' ' Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 64~. To see if the Town v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Ninety Dollars ($,390.00) to paint the interior of the Siasconset School. We recommend the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($390.- 00) be raised and appropriated to paint the interior of th9 Siasconset School. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars (~2400.00) for a new.truck for the Highway Department. We recommend that the sum of %,~enty-four Hundred Dollars (2400.- 00) be raised and appropriated for a new truck for the'Highway Department; that specifications be given to all dealers, Nantucket, and said truck be purchased from lowest bidder meeting required specifications. Selectmen be authorized that truck to be disposed of be sold to highest bidder. Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 66~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars ('$260.00) to under drain the surface wate~ at Nain and Viashington Streets. ~,Te recommend that the s~m of Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($260.00) be raised and appropriated to under drain the surface water at }.{ain and ¥~ashington Streets. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 67. To see if the Town v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Bac] Street. 'We recommend the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be raised and appropriated to be added to unexpended balance for concrete surfacing on Back, Street-this work to be done after gas and water mains have been laid. ~ Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 68. To see if the Tov~will vote to raise and appropriate the sum ~of Eleven Hundred Dollars ('SI100.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Spring Street. We recommend that the sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars ($1100.O0) be raised and appropriated for bituminous concrete surfacing on Spring Street. ~ Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 69. To see if the Tov~will vote to raise and appropriate the 'sum of ~vo Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to match Two Thousand Dollars ~$2,000.- 00) pledged by the 2~assachusetts Dept. of Public Works for maiutenance of Chapter 90 roads on Nantucket. 'fie recommend the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) be raised and appropriated, balance One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) refer to Article 7,~ Sanford Fund, total $2,000.00 to match~ for maintenance of Chapter 90 roads on Nantucket. Voted by the ~eeting as reco~nended by the Committee. 376 Article 7Q. To see if the Townwiil vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~iTen Thousand Dollars ('$10,000.00) which with Five Thousand Dollars ~5,000.O0) !now available will match Fifteen Thousand (~15,000.00) pledged by the Nass- !achusetts Dept. of Public t?orks for new construction on the Polpis Road~ .¥~e recommend that the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars' ($10,000.00) be raised and appropriated, which v~th Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) now available will match Fifteen Thousand (i~lS,000.O0) pledged by the Mass. Dept. of Public V~rks for new construction.on the Polpis Road. Voted b~ the ~eeting as recommended by the C~mittee. Article ?l. To see if the'Townwill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) to help defray the expense of constructing a new well at the Siasconset ~ater Plant. '?fe recommend the su~ of Two Thousand Dollars (~2,00.00) be raised and appropriated to help defray expense on construction of a new v~ll at the Siasconset ~ter Plant. Voted by the ~eeting as reco~m~ended by the Co~uittee. ~ticle 72. ~To see if the Tov~ will vote to raise and appropriate the sm~ of Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars.($950.OO) for a new set of over-head doors for the fire station. We recommend the sum of'Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars '(~9~0.60) be raised and appropriated for a new set of overhead doors for the fire station. Voted by the }~eeting as recommended by the Committee, Article 73. To see if the Town wil~ vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars (~l, O00.O0) to purchase a new service truck for the fire department. 'ffe recom~,end that the sum of One Thousand Dollars (~l, OOO.O0) be raised and appropriated to purchase a new service truck, that specifications be given to all dealers, Nantucket, and said truck be purchased from lowest bidder meeting required specifications; that Selectmen be authorized to dispose of used truck.to highest bidder. Voted by the Neeting as recom~endgd~by the Committee. Article 74. .To see what action the Town will take v~th respect to the Airport, upon the termination of the present lease v~th the United States Government. ~e recom~rtend that this article be ~referred to the Board of'.select- men. 'Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 75. To see if the Town vgll instruct .the Selectmen to maintai~ and operate the Airport through the appointment of a manager, upQn the termination of the present lease with the United Sta~ es Government, and if so under what terms and conditions. ?ge recommend that a committee of five be appointed by the. Select- men to work in conjunction v~th them, as to maintenance and operation of airport thorough the appointment of a manager, upon termination of the present lease ~rith the U.S. Government. ~ Voted by the ~:{eeting as recommen, ded .bY the Cozmittee. '~ Article 76. To see if the Tovm ~lll vote to .raise ~an~d'appropria{e "the s~um of Eleven Hundred Dollars ($1100. OO) for a new car for the use of the Public Health Nurse. ¥~ recommend the sum of Eleven Hundred ~ollars ($1100..OO) be., raised and appropriated to purchase a new car. for use of the Public Health Nurse~ that specifications be given all dealers, Nantucket, and said car be purchased from lowest bidder meeting required specifications. That Select- men be authorized to dispose of used car to the highest bidder. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 77. sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($6,650.00) for planting and care of shade trees in the Town as recommended in the report published by the Civic League. We recommend that the _Woard of Selectmen be instructed to a~-- point a Tree Commission consisting of three members to work in conjunction with the Tree Warden~. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 78. To see if the Term will vote to instruct the Selectmen to appoint a Wire Inspector yearly, said Inspector not to be an employee of the Utilities nor employed in another department of the Town, and to vote to raise and appropriate~ the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ~$2500.00) Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) salary, _Wive Hundred Dollars C$500.00) fo~ expenses. · We do not recommend this article. · -- Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 7,9. To see if the Term will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars (.$3,000.00) to lay a pipe to take care of the surface water on India street from where it enters India street from the Liberty street drain, to the present drain near the Atheneum. V~% do not recommend this article. Voted by the I~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 80. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate'the sum. of Three H~ndred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($325.00) for a concrete retaining v~ll of One Hundred and Fifty Feet (150 ft.) on south side of West Dover street. We do not recommend this article. Voted by the }~eeting as recommended by the Committee. -.Article 81. To see if the To~m Will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the purpose of an official wel- come home celebration of the returned veterans, ~'~orld War II. An enabling act of the Legislature permits the above appropriation. '' ~ We recommend the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ~$3,000. O0).be raised and appropriated for the purpose of an official welcome home celebra tion,of the returned veterans, 5~orld War II. An enabling act of the Legis- lature permits the above appropriation. ~' The meeting voted that no money be appropriated under Article 81. Article 82. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eleven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1150.00) for the purchase of a new Police ~mbulance Vehicle and necessary equipment. ~.~ We recommend that the sum of Eleven Hundred and Fift~ Dollar~~' ($1150.00) be raised and appropriated for the purchase of a new Police Am- bulance Vehicle and necessary equipment. That said specifications be given all dealers, Nantucket, and said vehicle be purchased from lowest bidder meeting required specifications; that Selectmen be authorized t6 dispose of used Vehicle to the highest bidder. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 8~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand, Two H~mdred Dollars ~$1,200.00) for the Nantucket Veterans Committee. 'Rsfer to Article 86. go'~d by the Neeting as recorm, ended by the Cormittee. '377/ 378,'. Article 84..'- To see if 'the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~telve Thousand, ,Five Hundred Dollars ~$/2, 500. 00) for Soldiers ' 'Relief and Three Hundred Dollars ~$300.00) for Salary and .Expenses. ',?efer to Article 8. Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. '. :. Article 85. To see if the Tovm will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (0500.00) for State Aide ¥~e recommend the s~un of Five Hundred Dollars ~500.00)~ be raised and appropriated for State Aid. Voted by the :~.~eeting as reconnnended by the Committee. Article 86. To see if the Tovm v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars C$1,200.00) for Salary and Expenses of the Nantucket Veterans' Sergice Committee. Yfe recommend the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200.- oo) be raised and appropriated for Salary and Expenses of the Nantucket Veterans' Service Committee. .~ ,~ Voted by the l~eeting as recommended by the Committee. .krticle 87. To see what action the Town will take regarding the sylvia property on Lower Pleasant street. t~fe recommend that the Selectmen be authorized to sell the Sylvia property on Lower Pleasant Street at Public Auctionl Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the committee. ~:, Article 88. To see if the Town~Sll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~vo Thousand Dollars (~2, O00.00) for the payment of all expenses in con- nection %~th the investigation, and foreclosure of tax titles held by the Town. ¥{e recommend the s~m of ~vo Thousand Dollars C~2,O00.00) be raised and appropriated for the payment of all expenses in connection ~_th the in- vestigation and foreclosure of tax titles held by the Town. V~ted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee.' ~' ~: ~, Article 89..To see if the Town v~ll vote-to raise and appropriate the Sum of Five Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($5,200.O0) for concreting }lcKinley avenue~ Siasconset, beginning at Eain street and ending at Norey lan~..~ ; ¥{e recommend the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ~$2~000.00) be raised and appropriated for concreting ~cKinley Avenue, Siasconset~ beginning at ~ain Street and ending at NoreyLane. , Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. , .... Article 90. To see if the Town V~ll vote to raise and appropriate the s~m of Six Hundred and Sixty-six dollars ~$666.00) for a day Police to serv~, from June 15th to October 15th in the village of Siasconset. .~ '~. ~, ~-- , i\~ recommend the sum of Six Hundred and Sixty-six Dollars'($666.00) be raised and appropriated for a day police to serve from June 15th to Octo- ber 15th in the village of Siasconset. '~ Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 91. 'To see if the Tovmwill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) for a bicycle rack at Post Office Square, ISconset~ ';;e recommend that Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) be raised and appropri- ated for a bicycle rack at Post Office Square, 'Sconset. Voted by the Neeting as recommended by the Committee. '~Article 92. ~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ~$500.00) for concreting the west end of King stre~ t iu Siasconset, to the Field property. '~ ~. '~ -~/~ ~e recommend the sum of Five Hundred DollJ~ C$500.00) be raised and appropriated for concreting the west end of King Street in Siasconset, to the Field property. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 95. To see if the Towa v,ill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2~000.00) for concreting Broadway, Mitchell and Center streets in Siasconset. ~ recommend that the s~a of Two Thousand Dollars ~$2~000.00) be raised and appropriated for concreting Broadway, Mitchell and Center streets in Siasconseto The meeting voted that no money be appropriated under Article 9~ Article 9~ To see if the Town will vote, to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ('$2,000.00) to be spent for concreting part of ~tlantic avenue, Siasconset. ~Ve do not recommend this article. he meetzng voted that $2000.00 be appropriated under Article 9~. Article 95. To see if the ToYauv~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sumI of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ~$150.00) to paint and make general repaizs to the Comfort Station at Siasconset. .~ ~?e recommend that the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($~00.00) be b~eraised and appropriated to paint and make general repairs to the Comfort Station at Siasconset. ~oted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 96..To see if the Town will vote to install a Street L%ght on pole near the Barnum property~ Baxter Road, in Siasconset. ~ .~ ,.' -1--~¥~ recommend that a street light be installed on pole near the Barn~mpr0perty~ Baxter Road~ in Siasconset. L~ Voted by the ~eeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 97. ~ To see if the Tovm ~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($~00.00) to grade and improve the Holt's Hollow road beginning at Polpis Road and ending at Sankaty Head ~each .Club. C$15~,00), ~?~'e recommend that the sum of One' Hundred and Fifty Dollars raised an~ appropriated to grade and improve the Holt's Hollow Road, beginning at Polpis Road and ending at Sankaty Head Beach Club. Voted by the ~eetin~ as recommended~by the committee. '~ Article 98. To see if the Town~ll vote to raise and aopropriate the sum of Nine HundFed Dollars ($900.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Hum- mock Pond Road. ~ ~Ve recommend that the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($~00.00) be r~ised and appropriated for bituminous concrete surfading on Humm'ock Pond Road. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 99. To see if the~ Town Vrlll vote to raise~and appropriate a sum of money to install a street light pn the corner of Saratoga and~Vest Silver streets. V/e recommend that'the sum of money be raised and appropriated fo~ a street light to be installed on the corner of Saratoga and West Silver streets.. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the ConEittee. 380" Article 100: ~To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum · of. Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on the Old South Road. We recommend tIhat the sum of Four Thousand Dollars C$4,000.00) be raised and appropriated for bituminous concrete surfacin.'g on the Old South Road, beginning at Lower Orange street. .~ ~- Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article lO1. To see if the Town v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars (~12,000.00) for bituminous concrete surfacing on Sparks avenue. ; .~ We do not recommend tkis article. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Commuittee. Article 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) for a cement retaining wall on Back street at the propert~ of Philip Murray, Jr. V~e recommend that the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ~$400.00) be raised and appropriated for a cement retaining wall on Back Street at the property of Philip I~urray, Jr. Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 103. To see if the Tovm v~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) fo~ a cement retaining wall on Back street at the property of John R. Reis. ~ ~' ~e recommend that the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be raised and appropriated for a cement retaining wall on Back street at the property of John R..Reis. ~: Voted by the Meeting as recomaended by the Committee. Article lO4. To see if the Town ~rill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to maintain the present system of salt marsh and fresh water ditches for Mosquito Control, and for oiling the Town and Siasconset areas only, to prevent fresh water mosquito breeding in such areas. ''~ We do not recommend; Surplus Funds being available for this work. ~" Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. ~, .i Article' 105. To see if the To~qwill vote to lease the Cliff Bathing Beach, so-called, known as the Jetties, and all buildings thereon for the term of five years,~ commencing l{ay l, 1946, and expiring April 30, 1951, to Leslie P. Martin for the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00) a year, ~l-1 as in accordance with an offer made to the Inhabitants of the Tova~ of Nantucket, to the Selectmen, on or about February 2, 1946. Vie do not recommend this article. ~Voted by the Meeting as recommended by the Committee. Article 106. To see if the Town will vote to lease the 6q_iff Bathing Beach, so-called, known as the Jetties, and all buildings thereon for the term of five years commencing Nay l, 1946, and expiring April 30, 1951, to Leslie P. ~artin for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ~$800.00) a year, the said Leslie P. Martin, during said term putting and keeping the buildings in proper repair all as in accordance v~th an offer made to the Inhabitants of the Town of Nantucket, to the Selectmen, on or about February 2, 1946. · We do not recommend this article. Voted by the i{eeting as recommended by the Comaittee. Article lO?. To see what action the Townv~ll take in connection with the leasing of the Cliff Bathing Beach~ so-called, kno,a as the Jetties. '~ We recommend~that~this Article be referred to the ~ard of Selectmen, and they be authorized to lease property at Cliff Bathing Beach so-called, for a period of three y~ars. The meeting voted that the recommendation be changed to read "for a period of not less than 3 years". Article 10S. To see what sums the Town v~ll vote to raise and appropriate for the repair and upkeep of the buildings on the Cliff Bathing Beach, so-called~ ~ ¥~e recommend that the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ('$900.00) be raised and appropriated for the repair and upkeep of the buildings on the property at Cliff Bathing Beach, so-called. Voted by the .Meeting as recommended by the Committee. To Citizens and Home (hvners of Nantucket: We wish to express our appreciation of the invaluable assistance of Elective and Appointive Town Official in their co-operative efforts wit! this Committee - sincere consideration having been given each Article in the ~'~arrant. ~?e present the foregoing report for your approval. Respectfully submitted, MATTHEW L. JAECKIE, _W~0LD W. KILL~WN, RALPH I. BA_RTIETT, CLINTON H. KENNETH C. COFFIN, HARRY A. · E~ARD O. GArDNEr, ALBERT L. SILVA, CYPRUS BA'BNES, Finance Committee. S~RY Article 8 ' leleeeeeeeleeeel~ ele~ee~eeee®eeeeeeeeeee~e~eee~e Ail Other Articles ........................................ Article 48 'eee eeee®emeleeeeeee eeeeeee aa.ce cee.eec ee® ~e ee.e ApPropriated , 'eeeee~e~eeeee~e~eeeeeeeeeeaeeeeee~ Transferred from Available Funds ............... $337,943.67 87, 426.00 1, 700. O0 2,000.00 $~29, 069. 67 38, 617.77 $467, 687.44 And to act on and transact all business that may arise in re- lation to the foregoing articles. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting a copy of the same at the corner of Main and Federal streets, in the Post Offices in To~rn and Siasconset, and by publishing the same in The Inquirer and Mirror, at least seven days before the date of said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant, v~th your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our hands this sixteenth day of January in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. 82- A true copy: Attest: Attest,~ IRVING A. SOVEHINO, HER_~RT P.' S~.~ITH, V~ALTER D.~ GL1U)DEN, THOMAS F. SHEEHAN, HER~N G. JOHNSON, Selectmen of Nantucket~ Lawrence F. ~ooney, Co~stable: ~ ~,~ ~,~/ Charles Clark Coffin.' Tovm Clerk.