HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 17 2022+ CapProCom Minutes for November 17,2022,adopted Dec. 1 _ , .Nry S i tV R.,R f i 2� ",tapNTU��Fr Town. of Nantucket ° ��t L' ,, r. !. ., ...: . Capital Program Committe e UUoy•32 At to: 4 ?QerW www.nantucket-ma.gov Members: Stephen Welch (Chair),Richard Hussey (Vice Chair),Jill Vieth (Secretary),Jason Bridges,Pete Kai7er, Christy Kickham,Barry Rector MINUTES Thursday,November 17,2022 131 Pleasant Street & Zoom Called to order at 10:04 a.m. and announcements made Mr. Hussey. Staff: Brian Turbitt, Financial Director; Susan Carmel, Assistant Financial Director; Terry Norton,Town Minutes Taker Attending Members: Hussey,Vieth,Bridges,Kaizer,Kickham, Rector : Remote Participant: . Vieth,Bridges Absent Members: Welch Department Heads: Libby Gibson,Town Manager;Rick Sears,Assistant Town Manager Documents used: Copy of draft minutes as listed; Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Requests Adoption of Agenda Motion Motion to Approve. (made by: Rector) (seconded) Roll-call Vote..Carried 6-0//Rector,Kaizer;.Kickham,Vieth,Bridges, and Hussey-aye I. PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. None II. APPROVE MINUTES 1. November 3,2022 2. November 10, 2022 Motion . Motion to Approve. (made by: Kickham) (seconded) Roll-call Vote Carried 6-0//Kickham,Kaizer,Bridges,Vieth,Rector, and Hussey-aye III. OVERVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF FY2024 CAPITAL REQUESTS 1. Town Administration . Discussion a.Presentation of FY2024 and Out-Year Requests. Town-wide Document Management System, ADMIN-20-003, $500,000; Coastal Resiliency Planning, ADMIN-23-005, $1m; Island-wide Underground Wiring Feasibility Study, ADMIN-24-001, $500,000; EV Charging Stations, ADMIN-24-003, $100,000; Purchase of Replacement Staff Vehicle,ADMIN-24-005, $50,000. Out-year: Central Municipal Building, ADMIN-17-004, ' $6m; New Senior Center- Feasibility/Design/Construction,ADMIN-20-005, $3.5m; Intermodel Transportation.Center, TRAN-19-001, $23m Gibson Health and Sewer documents are under way and starting with PLUS next year;the PLUS documents are complicated and most of the work will have to be done on site. The vendor needs certain safety equipment that must be set up. Kaizer—Asked what the previous requests were. Turbitt—$250,000. Gibson—In light of the Coastal Resiliency Plan (CRP), this will help to administrate the plan such as secure a grant and hire professional services. . Kickham=Asked how this number was arrived at and if this will be a line item in perpetuity. Page 1 of 4 CapProCom Minutes for November 17,2022,adopted Dec. 1 Gibson — The number is a placeholder with little documentation of the costs; we feel the number will help bridge gaps for planning, seeking grants, design, etc. Going out we put in $500,000 for the next years and working on integrating the projects from the CRP into the Strategic Plan. Kickham—He thinks this is a great management tool for planning ahead. Kaizer—Asked about the process for approving those funds. Turbitt—This year,we will probably use free cash. Town Administration will be involved in approving any projects; then we look at allocating resources. Gibson — We would rely on the Coastal Resiliency Advisory Committee (CRAC) for• recommendations. Rector—He's looking for a short list of projects. Kickham — He's on CRAC and can forward the list to Ms. Carmel for distribution to members. Gibson—The Underground Feasibility Study will be about identifying an area of the Island where wires should go underground;we don't know where the underground hubs for electric, telephone, and cable are. To ascertain that,we need access to plans and information from the utilities. Kickham—He thinks the approach should be to let the infrastructure tell us where to start;if there are hubs, start there and work out. Asked if there's a way to assess betterments to properties. Gibson — Since this isn't Town infrastructure, that would be tricky. Private owners can pay the utility company to put the wires underground. Every time we have an infrastructure project, we start with the question if wires could go underground; however, the lead time to do that is long, and utilities require someone else to pay for the engineering to put wires underground;we would need an underground wiring engineering director. Vieth— It is complicated but wonders if a feasibility study would address the cost of repairs. Asked if it's easier to repair above ground. Gibson—Yes. In a wind/weather event, wires go down; if they are underground, they don't go down but there is the cost of getting to them to make repairs. Bridge —He remembers, several years ago, being walked through what would be involved to put wires underground along Orange Street; the "juice wasn't worth the squeeze". It would also be very difficult to explain what it would take to do that. Kickham—At some point we need to go one way or the other;if we want to do it,we should start soon. Rector — Suggested looking at a reverse engineering process by running conduit whenever there is new construction or a refurbishment of an existing house. Gibson — She likes the priority zone concept. Wherever possible, connections could go underground. Discussion about ways to make putting wires underground happen and the costs involved. Kaizer—Asked CRAC's take on putting wires underground. Kickham — CRAC did discuss it; there was an eagerness to have it be a recommendation. The idea is desirable but there are numerous components to doing that. Rector—When the Sea Street vault flooded, there was a huge amount of effort to bring it all back online.We have to look at the possible level of sea-water intrusion. Hussey—It's listed as low priority, asked if they want to change that. Gibson— She thinks it is a low priority and would leave it. Doesn't know if the Select Board would want it more. Bridges—It really is low priority. Gibson —The charging station request would be for 8 additional charging stations; 4 would be public and 4 would be for Town-owned vehicles. There is an increasing demand for these. We've been discussing charging people for use of the stations because people are parking Page 2 of 4 CapProCom Minutes for November 17,2022,adopted Dec. 1 there after the car is charged. We might want to increase it to high priority; doesn't know if there are any grant off sets. Rector—He agrees with charging for that service. Vieth — She thinks the Level 1 stations are slow and we should upgrade to Level 2, which charge very quickly. Gibson-We can ask Lauren Sinatra; she doesn't know how speed of a charge relates to the type of charging station. Kickham — Looking at the proposed locations, asked about the planning for downtown as things move in this direction. Thinks there should be a block downtown where these would be in place with a quicker charger and fee for use. He supports adding a few if there were a space downtown. Gibson—That sounds like an excellent task for the soon to be Traffic and Parking Advisory Group. Kaizer—The stations are currently free; that seems unsustainable. Gibson—We need to look at what other towns are doing. Rector-A Website Greencars.com talks about charging stations; certain manufacturers have an assistance program to help pay for that. It could be an incentive point. Gibson — The current staff vehicle is 2012 Escape Hybrid; we're hoping to purchase an electric SUV. It's used a lot and old. The price range is $30,000 to $47,000. Rector—Asked if the conversion to electric is mandated. Gibson — Our Green Community designation commits us to replace gas-powered vehicles with electric vehicles. Vieth—Asked if there's a way to charge bikes on these stations as well. Gibson—Doesn't know the answer to that but will find out. Out-year Projects: Gibson — The Central Municipal Building didn't pass because we didn't do sufficient outreach; we need to get this moving in the next 5 years because Town staff are currently scattered. We're evaluating reusing the current Our Island Home (OIH) for a Senior Center versus demolishing and rebuilding in that location. We had a meeting with the director of the Plymouth Senior Center. There is a movement away from calling these Senior Centers; there are mixed feelings about having a Community Center with a senior center component. Rector — Asked if there is talk about selling that property and using that money to fund a new senior center.That land is valuable. Gibson — There has been in the past; however, it has been wholly rejected by the Select Board because people want to retain the property for the view and pleasantness of the property. Retaining that property was one of the selling points for the new center. For Coastal Resiliency Planning purposes, the encouragement is not to have a building there to allow for coastal retreat. Bridges — Going back to the municipal building, we could sell 20 South Water Street and build at 2 Fairgrounds Road, but our strategic plan is looking through the customer service lens. The Select Board said they aren't going to sell that land and that's what sold the project at Town Meeting. Vieth—Asked if there has been any polling or survey about that. A survey could capture a lot mote people. Gibson —We haven't because we didn't have the tools; however, come November 30th, we will have a contractor who can do those surveys. The warrant article for OIH was specific about moving it to the Sherburne Commons site. Not much progress has been made on the Intermodal Transportation Hub; the land is held by numerous owners. The Town has engaged with the owners; explained some of those conversations. That project could possibly be moved to FY2026. The Town now owns the Page3of4 CapProCom Minutes for November 17,2022,adopted Dec.1 Greenhound property and is looking to move the Nantucket Regional Transit Authority offices there. b.RORI Completion/Discussion IV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Report-writing Workgroup Updates 2. Green Sheet/Committee Reports a. None 3. Good of the Order a. Kickham—On Stormwater,2 of the 3 requests have the same item number: Silver Street Parking and Island-wide Drainage. b. Rector—Happy Thanksgiving everyone 4. Date of the next meeting a. December 1,2022, @ 10:00 am 4. Adjournment Motion Motion to Adjourn at 11:07 am. (made by: Rector) (seconded) Roll-call Vote Carried 6-0//Rector,Kickham, Kaizer,Bridges,Vieth, and Hussey-aye Submitted by: Terry L. Norton Page 4 of 4