HomeMy WebLinkAboutAffordable Housing Trust Fund Minutes - September 20, 2010_201402060923417047Minutes Affordable Housing Trust Fund – AHTF ___________________________________ Regular Meeting Monday September 20, 2010 3:00 P.M. Conference Room 2 Fairgrounds Road Trustees Present: Charles Hughes, Whitey Willauer (departed @ 4:50) , Rick Atherton, Fernando Esteban, Patty Roggeveen (departed at 4:05) , Michael Kopko, Matt MacEachern (arrived @ 3:20) Trustees Absent: Linda Williams and Brian Chadwick Staff present: Andrew Vorce, Susan B. Witte, Thea Gudonis I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm by Vice Chairman Mr. Esteban II. Establish Quorum Mr. Esteban declared a quorum of six trustees present III. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve the agenda by Mr. Atherton and duly seconded by Mr. Willauer 6-0 in favor IV. Approval of Minutes Motion made by Mr. Willauer and duly seconded by Mr. Atherton to approve the August 25, 2010 minutes with correction of two typos duly noted, the vote was 6-0 in favor V. Public Comment No public comment VI. Action/Discussion 1. New Business: a. 7 Surfside Rd – discuss immediate future plans- motion made by Mr. Atherton and duly seconded by Ms. Roggeveen to authorize staff to enter into lease agreement with a qualified tenant for a term of one year beginning as soon as tenant selection can be processed. The discussion included direction to staff to write a general letter of introduction to the surrounding neighbors. The motion carried unanimously 6-0. b. House move from 30 Easton- plus cash donation (Chairman. MacEachern arrived at 3:20) Following up on last months unanimous decision to proceed with the house move to a site at 2 Fairgrounds Road only if a cost compensating donation from the owner could be obtained, Ms. Witte informed the trustees of her success in obtaining from the property owner a cash donation to the AHTF of $120,000. plus the free house containing five bedrooms and four bathrooms. A motion was made by Mr. Kopko and seconded by Mr. Willauer to proceed with the house move to a portion of the 2 Fairgrounds Road housing lease lot site. Discussion ensued- Mr. Atherton thought that a broader plan needs to be developed for the entire site and Ms.Roggeven remarked there is a lot of density here now and suggests taking a look at a zoning change to 10,000 sq ft lot development criteria in the immediate future. Ms. Roggeveen exited the meeting prior to the vote. The motion was then voted on with 5 in favor and Mr. Hughes against. The motion carried. c. Potential house move from 12 Greenleaf- donation in discussion- postponed to next meeting d. Wellness Fair 10/2/10 AHTF – information booth and Q&A Ms. Witte informed trustees that the AHTF would be represented at the annual wellness event and that she would be soliciting names for t he “A” for affordable List of interested and qualified LMI potential tenants and or future homeowners e. RFQ/RFP for Housing Needs Assessment- Mr. Kopko suggested that the AHTF need not initiate their own housing needs assessment at this time, but rather staff should contact the CFNAN, Community Foundation for Nantucket, and make sure the needs assessment CFNAN is about to undertake for the Human Services community include questions on housing information that the AHTF is seeking, e.g., how many year round vs. seasonal rentals exist, while we may have updated population statistics, staff feels it will be valuable data to know of the year round households- how many own, how many also own a cottage offered for rent, how many households rent, and what is their rental experience consist of, i.e. house sharing, cost burden, “shuffle” experience. After some further discussion general agreement was reached to piggy back on the CFNAN study and not conduct a parallel needs assessment. f. Calendar for 2011 meetings – the attached calendar was presented to the trustees for review and final vote to adopt said calendar at the 11/15/10 scheduled meeting. 2. Old Business: a. CPC FY 2012 application submitted – Ms. Witte reported that the AFHT response to the CPC RFP for FY 2012 funds was submitted in a timely manner before 9/17/10 in the amount of $600,000. b. CPC –AHTF Grant Agreement- progress report by Chairman – Mr. MacEachern reported that he sent a letter to Chairman Beaugrand in advance of the CPC required date of 9/15/10 requesting a meeting ”Chair to Chair” for the pre-agreed upon purpose of ironing out terms and language of the AHTF proposed grant agreement. Mr. MacEachern reported he has not yet heard a reply. Mr. Kopko made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Atherton that the Chair compose a letter of conciliation and renewed joint commitment to mutual goals for Nantucket’s community housing objectives, and send to Mr. Beaugrand and fellow CPC members. The vote to do so was unanimous 6-0. c. ATM 2011 potential warrant article-Purpose/perpetuity adjustment- discussion included the benefits of programs and management flexibility should the in perpetuity requirement be modified in the AHTF By-Laws. A motion was made by Mr. Kopko and seconded by Mr. Willauer to direct staff to draft language for such s warrant article for 2011 ATM and present same at the November meeting for further discussion and action. The vote was 5-1 in favor and Mr. Atherton opposed. VII. Other Business 1. Mr. MacEachern asked whether or not there is direct access and or sharing of information from the Historic District Commission- HDC to the AHTF concerning information on proposed house moves. Staff indicated there is currently no direct line of communication or required reporting of such applications. A motion was made by Mr. Hughes and seconded by Mr. Esteban to request of the HDC that a voluntary “hot-line” be established between the HDC and the AHTF . The purpose of such a hot line will be to alert and inform the AHTF whenever the HDC receives an application for demolition and or a move off request. The AHTF would like to be informed of every and any possible opportunity to acquire structures for re-use and re-cycle as affordable housing. The vote was unanimous in favor. 6-0. 2. A motion was made by Mr. Atherton and seconded by Mr. Esteban to pursue an immediate merger of AHTF and NHA Properties, Inc. d/b/a Housing Nantucket, pursuit of said merger to be conducted by Mr. MacEachern and result in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Mr. Kopko suggests the timing is ideal and should negotiations conclude in a timely manner a warrant article amending the By-Laws of the AHTF to expand the number of trustees, to incorporate interested board members from Housing Nantucket can be drafted this Fall for inclusion in the 2011 ATM. The motion passed unanimously 5-0. VIII. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Mr. Kopko and duly seconded by Mr. Hughes, unanimously agreed 5-0 the meeting concluded at 5 pm __________________________________________________________________________________ __________ The Mission of the Trust is to provide for the creation and presentation of affordable housing in the Town of Nantucket for the benefit of year-round low and moderate income households who would otherwise have difficulty, financial or otherwise, locating housing on Nantucket. These are posted as Open Meetings held at 3 o’clock pm in the 2 Fairgrounds Road Conference Room on the following dates: February 8, 2010; March 25, 2010; June 14, 2010; September 20, 2010; November 15, 2010; December 13, 2010